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March 15, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-15

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SAGE i ®Ull




Fresh Air camp on Lake Patterson.."....t*f**a..fe******** ** .. * ** * ****....*. I .
- Each summer under the auspices
Published every morning except Moday e assocti hn
during the Ulniversity year by the Board in o h soito udeso
Control of Student Publications, needy boys, most of them from De-
Member of , western Conference- Editorial troit, are given an opportunity toc
Asso atio leave the city and to spend a pe- """"""""""""".""""" -
The Associated Press is exclusively en rinod of virtually two weeks at the TONIGHT: Play Production presents a bi'l of four original one-act
titled to-teis republication of all news .
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise S. C. A. camp. plays by student authors, beginning at 8:15 o'clock in the Uni-S
credited in this paper and the local news pub- Plans are already under way for versify Hall Theatre.
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, the organization and operation of TONIGHT: The Alumnae Council Present Thomas Wilfred's Produc-I
Michigan,: ssecond class matter. Special rate the Fresh Air camp for this com- tion of "The Vikings", by Hennik Ibsen, with set in living light
of, postag" granted& by Third Assistant Post-tiingf"Tsummer.s, Accordingse, wih to theivngar-h
master aeneral. ing summer. According to the ar- from the Clavilux; beginning at 8:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium.
Subscription by carrier, 14.00; by mail, rangements being made by Homer

We are now
prepared to take
orders at our
New Location
305 Maynard



P8-fces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- H. Grafton, secretary of the Stu-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. dent Christian association and
camp director, accomodations will
EDITORIAL STAFF be prepared to care for more than
Telephone 4925 400 boys during the coming camp-f
ing season.]

Editor..................Nelson J. Smith
City Editor............. Stewart Hooker
News Editor.... R........Ricard C. Kurvink
Sports- Editor.............. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor.........Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor...........George Stauter
Music and Drama...........R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor.......... Robert Silbar

Joseph E. Howell
Donald J. Kline
Lawrence R. Klein

Charles S. Monroe
Pierce Rosenberg
George ;. Simons
C. Tilley

Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman
Morris Alexandnl Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwi+ i Henry Merry
Louise Behyme- Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Bernste'va Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles A Schel
A L Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank g."Cooper . Howard Simon
Helen Domine Robert L. Sos
Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg Egelarid Cadwell Swanson
Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer
Mariorie Follmer Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams
David B. Hempstead Jr. Welter Wilds
Richard Jung George E. Wohlgemuth
Charles- R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Wli
Ruth Kelsey Cleand Wyllie .
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
.dvertssing...............Alex K. Scherer
Advertising...... .....A. James Jordan
Advertising.............Carl W. Hammer
Service.................Herbert E. Varnumi
Circulation..............George S. Bradley
Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications.........-- ..-..Ray M. Hofelich
Mary Chase marion Kerr
Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky
Vernor Davis Bernard Larson
Bessie Egeland Hollister Mabley
Sally Faster . I. A. Newman
Anna Goldberg Jack Rose
Kasper Halversol Carl F. Schemm
George Hamilton George Spater
laick Horwich Sherwood. Upton
x Humphrey Marie Wellstead
FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1929

In addition to securing the maj-
ority of the camp budget each year
through the donations of students,
faculty, and alumni, the Michigan
campus supplies associate directors,
counsellors, and men to fill other
essential positions in the camp per-
sonnel. These men, many of them
students, receive some financial
remuneration but are paid largely
in the opportunity which is theirs
to be of genuine service in a most
worthwhile cause.
It is usually impossible for all of
the students interested to be placed
as counsellors at the Lake Patter-
son encampment. The work of
those who are selected, however, is
to be commended. As it is impos-
sible for the entire campus to take
an active part in the camp pro-
gram, the balance of the student
body may find its part in the work
by contributing to the financial
campaign which the S. C. A. will
launch later in the spring.


Whenever a radical reform is in-
jected into the system of a great
institution, . some unforeseen and
disastrous by-product usually re-
sults. As an example, one can
quote the gang war as a product
of prohibition, but to become more
local:--^The placing -of- students at
the mercy of monopolizing taxi
companies is an atrocity.
When the University instituted
the -auto ban, it was intended to.
be for the good of the student
body at large. Why should not the
University continue that policy in
respect to transportation in Ann
Arbor and give the students some
protection from the exploitations
of robbing taxicabs?
At the present time in Ann
Arbor there are approximately ten
cab companies giving the other-
wise-pedestrain students "service."
Competition among them has suc-
ceeded in lowering the cab rates
within a, region which might ap-
proach reason. But the very fact
that there is so much business that
high rates can be successfully
maintained indicates that not yet
is there sufficient competition. In
Detroit where patronage is also
very steady, rates are five cents per
quarter mile and in much smaller
Michigan towns are twenty cents
anywhere in the city, both rates
not dictating passenger limitations.
If rates can be that reasonable
in others towns, why not in Ann
Arbor where taxi cabs provide one
of two possible means of transpor-
tation? Very few rates in Ann Arbor
are as low as thirty-five cents, and
only one allows extra passengers
without further levying. Two stu-
dents, each escorting a feminine
companion, were charged a dollar
and forty cents to ride two blocks.
Not being in a situation to com-
fortably dispute the rate, the stu-
dents paid.
But the University administra-
tion is in a position to demand
justice, and furthermore by virtue
of having imposed the auto ban, is
in a position where it has a moral
obligation to demand justice for
the students. If the University;
does not provide some means of,
maintaining reasonable rates, and
to eliminate hi-jacking on rush
occasions, it is not performing a;

At present, an attack upon the
pocket veto power of the president
of the nation is under way before
the Supreme Court. The matter
has been brought up by six tribes
of Indians suing for rights they
claim have been withheld, the bill
authorising the suit having been
defeated by a pocket veto of Presi-
dent Coolidge last year at the close
of the 70th Congress.
In the attack upon this time-
worn power of the President, sev-
eral interesting and amusing
things in the light of the present
day have come forth. Should the
Supreme Court decide in favor of
the Indians, and should the power
of pocket veto go, important things
might result. For instance, the
useless slaughter of buffalo would
be stopped and the time for carry-
ing mail between Missouri and
California would be speeded from
38 to 30 days. If the Indians are
sustained, the government would
find it necessary to take over Mus-
cle Shoals. Pensions for persons
long dead would be granted and a
Lincoln'land district in New Mexico
would be created.
"The pocket veto violates the ex'
pressed pupose of the constitu-
tion," Representative Sumners of
Texas who is handling the case of
the Indians told the Supreme Court
the other day, adding that the
constitution requires the presi-
dent's objections to bills be made
public, and that the pocket veto
"violates this mandate."
This method of painlessly setting
aside bills on the part of the na-I
tion's chief executive officer has
long been regarded as one to be
preferred over the ruthless mark-
ing of veto across the face of the
measure. The idea has before been
questioned, but this is one of the
few times it had faced such an ac-
tive opposition. It is doubtful that
the Supreme Court will see fit to
set aside the presidential power,
and that other means will be
sought to settle the case with the
Indians. Too many important
things, especially the Muscles
Shoals measure, will hinge upon;
the adverse decision and the high-
est court could hardly see fit to
revive such pertinent questions as
the Shoals and the preservation of,
Alma college has withdrawn its
spring sport team from M. I . A. Ai
competition, the student body of
the school has announced, due toJ
lack of financial support. In addi-I
tion, it has decided to banish even
the profit-paying football and,
basketball teams.
Such things have been done in
the past, and yet the teams have
shown up again the next fall.
Sports are too integral a part of1
college life 'to lxa abolished en-
tirely. Even while it is hard forz
a large University to realise theI
expediency of such a move, it takes
the attitude that Alma will return
to M. I. A. A. competition at alumni I
and outside pressure.I

A Review By Paul L. Adams
As an indication of the interest
being shown in Play Production's
experiment with student written
plays, the four one act dramas were
given for the third time last eve-
ning before another well filled
Taking the plays by themselves,
none of them has been improved
notably since the elimination con-
test, and, in the case of "My Man",
by Jerome McCarthy, the play has
even deteriorated by rewriting.
But the acting and production, in
all the plays, was greatly improved.
In "My Man", this is especially
true. With the exception of Rose
Varkle who jerked around the
stage like a marionette and jawed
her lines terribly, the actors did
excellently. Helen W o r k m a n,
Charles Holden, and Richard Cole
all deserve commendation. The
play itself falls rather flat in the
middle with the conversation be-
tween the two small-town girls,
and shows no improvement from
that point. The rather laughable,
melodramatic end might have been
somewhat improved by a more
thorough explanation of the rea-
sons for the shooting, and more
capable acting by Miss Varkle. But
the exposition of the shooting
seems to have been cut out in the
present version. The opening of
the play, however, contains prob-
ably the best dramatic character-
ization done in any of the dramas,
and is rivaled only by that in
"Passion's Progress.by
"The Joiners" by Arthur M.
Hinkley is good, broad comedy
well done; but it is not exceptional.
None of the cast was more than
mediocre, but they conveyed the
comedy of the situation.
The work of the cast in "Out-
side This Room", was a big im-
provement over that done in the
first presentations of the play, but
here too none was exceptional. The
play itself it built too much on the
idea of people being trapped by
life fo- the characters to be clear
and finely drawn. The use of mu-
sic, however, il aiding the emotion-
al rise to the climax is an excellent
piece of craftsmanship, and a real
coup de thatre.
"Passion's Progress", by R. Les-
lie Askren, is probably the best
written of the plays, and is most
fortunate in having the finest cast
of any of them. Shirley King in-
terpreted the character of Myrna
Streeter with excellent perception
of its nuances; and her perception
justified a rather cynical attitude
toward women in spite of the
character's charm. Robert Adams
did not do so well in the extremely
difficult part of Vernon Douglas.
His grasp of the character is fine,
but he has a tendency to allow his
voice to wander out of its register
too frequently. Charles Peake, as
the honest John, does very well,
especially in'the closing action of
the play. "Passion's Progress" is
notable for the wit of the lines
which at no time carry the char-
acters out of themselves, and for
the mastery of stage technic it
All in all, Play Production's ex-
periment is certainly justified by
the results. None of the plays are
perfect, but they all have moments
in them of exceeding promise, and
freshness of vision. Because they
are not mature writers, the au-
thors deserve to be highly com-
mended regardless of flaws or lack
of technic which will come with

continued effort.
ieviewed by R. Leslie Askren
The epitome of criticism of this
new dramatic departure is that
the most sophisticated 'taste in
matters theatrical is safe with
Wilfred. Not at all paradoxically,J
"Hello Yourself", George Choos'
musical comedy hit of the current
season, opens a limited engage-
ment at the Cass Theatre next
Sunday night. This is the collegi-
ate show featuring the interna-
tionally famous orchestra, Waring's
Pennsylvanians. The production
comes directly from the Grand

the immaturely developed taste-
locally turned into fields of realism
in comedy and drama-can find all j
manner of fault, but such criticism
throws its delightful ironic reflec-
tions on the critic himself. The
Spirit of the Ironies will undoubt-
edly enjoy the run "The Vikings"
has in this city.
The use of the color organ until
the final act of the play is a dis-
appointment chargeable to over-
publicizing, but the repression
with which the final wild ride of
the Valkyrian horsemen into the
yawning mysteries of Valhalla was
treated ; stamps Wilfred at once as
an artist with dazzling effects
which he subdues, almost viciously,
to the bare necessities of the
drama. The result is that "The
Vikings" is Ibsen, not Wilfred. It
would seem difficult to find higher
The play itself is a warning of
what Ibsen was later to do with
"Hedda Gabler" and "Ghosts." The
plot basis is the Icelandic Volsung
sagas, heroic tales of warriors who
lived for battle. The writing of
the play, and Wilfred's brilliant
setting design, struggle powerfully
to carry the drama out to the vital,
brutal Scandinavian cliffs and
scrubby forests, but the involutions
of the plots as they are created by
the fiery Hjordis in her perverse
lust for 'trouble carries -the whole
play, in spite of itself, into the
tiny twisted sort of drama that
Hedda and Mrs. Alving embody.
Katherine Wick Kelly has such an
immensity of power and such bril-
liance in her interpretation that
I Hjordis becomes a mighty char-
acter in spite of the plot ten-
dencies, but the direction stands in
defiance -of her ability. In Miss
Kelly's hands, however, the twisted
Hjordis, thwarted in her girlhood
love and so turned, sublimating her
sex, into a passion for embroiling
men in war, becomes a glorious
pagan who is defeated in her
struggle against life only by the
sweep northward of "the great
white God" of Christainity.
And there Wilfred has missed, as
a postlude, a brilliant opportunity
to emphasize with his light paint-
ing the utter irony of the parting
of the ways for Sigurd and Hjordis,
I he to a Christian heaven with the
symbolism of the white cross
leading the way, and she, with the
wild ride of "the horsemen," to
a pagan Valhalla, red with the lust
for war.
In opposition to Miss Kelly out-
standing characters are Ornulf,
played by Reynolds Evans, and
Sigurd, by Robert Henderson. None
of the players has brought to
Ibsen's lines the immensity of
rhythm that they demand, with
the result that they tend some-
what to degenerate to bombast, but
Evans and Henderson bring strik-
ig nterpretations. In each there
is thie repression, the sense of
power more than ample, that out-
lines the warrior vitality vividly,
and this gives Evans' interpreta-
lion of the burial scene of his
youngest and last remaining son
an- extraordinary dramatic value,
particularly when he breaks into
chant to ease the burden of grief.
The entire cast, however, is well
fitted. The tendency is tonde-.
inand in a Saga drama entirely
warrior characters. Ibsen's crea-
tion of his characters denies this
possibility. Consequently a num-
ber of pygmies run through a
background of heroic proportions,
incongruously in contrast with the'

inverted, subjective plot which is
only heroic because such small
statured men can fell so strongly.
Only this remains to be said;
that Wilfred's skeleton set design
is a brilliant rationalization of
technical and dramatic necessities,
and the nonchalance with which
-it is changed, entre-actes, gives
i a charming touch of freedom that
does not puncture the tissue of
ence of Waring's orchestra in the
cast is an assurance of novelty.
The story of "Hello Yourself" was
written by Walter DeLeon, famous
Saturday Evening Post scribe, the
music by Richard Myers and the
lyriics by Leo Robin, composer of
"Hit the Deck." Clarke Silvernail
staged the dialogue and Dave
Gould the dances. Other featuredj

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May 22 23 24, 25, 1929
For the closing event in the Semi- Centenary Concert Series
of ,the University Musical Society, the following distin-
guished artists and organizations have been engaged
EDITH MASON, Prima Donna Soprano, Chicago Civic Opera Company
JEANNLTTE VREELAND, Distinguished American Soprano
SOPHIE BRASLAU, Renowned American Contralto
MARION TELVA, Contralto, Metropolitan Opera Company
RICHARD CROOKS, Tenor, Premier American Concert Artist
PAUL ALTHOUSE, Tenor, Metropolitan Opera Company
LAWRENCE TIBBET, Baritone, Metropolitan Opera Company
RICHARD BONELLI, Baritone, Chicago Civic Opera Company
BARRE HILL, Baritone, Chicago Civic Opera Company
WILLIAM GUSTAFSON, Bass, Metropolitan Opera Company
JOSEF HOFMANN, Polish Pianist
EFREM ZIMBALIST, Hungarian Violinist
CHORAL WORKS: Samson and Delilah, by Saint Saens; The New Life, by
Wolf Ferrari; The Requiem, by Br ahms; The Hunting of the Snark (Chil-
dren), by Boyd.
Block "A"-Patrons Tickets, (all remaining seats in sections 2, 3 and 4 on the
Main Floor and sections 7, 8 and 9 in the First Balcony,) $5.00 each if Choral
l Union Festival Coupon is returned, otherwise $8.00 each.
Block "B"-Sections 1 and 5 on the Main Floor and Sections 6 and 10 in the First
Balcony, $4.00 each if Festival Coupon is returned, otherwise $7.00 each.
Block "C"-All Seats in the Second Balcony (Top Balcony) $3.00 each if Festival
Coupon is returned, otherwise $6.00.
All mail orders will be filed in sequence 'and filled in the same order except
that orders received prior to February 28 are considered as of that date. Tickets
will be selected as near as possible to locations requested and will be mailed out
early in April at purchasers' risks unless registration fee of 17 cents additional is

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