IPAG F. THE MICHIGAN DAILYr THiURI' i-Y, =EB'T~BlA 14, 132A _ _ r - - - _ - - - - - - - - - . . ._ _ _ -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - r... r. y . ,... _. _ - , Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the, use for republication of all newsj dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan,.s second class matter. Special rate of postagegranted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $480. Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May bard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor.....................Nelson 1. Smith City 1,ditor............... J. Stewart Hooker News Editor.............ichard C. Kurvink Sports Editorw............. W. Morris Quinn Women's Editor............. Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor... ...George Stauter Music and Drama............... R. L,. Askren Assistant City Editor..........Robert Silbar ight Editors osepb E. Howell Charles S. Monroe Donald J., Kline Pierce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George F. Simons George C. Tilley I Paul L. Adams Morris Alexand' C. A. Askren Bertram Askwi"i Louise Behyme^ Arthur Bernste"± Seton C. Bovee Isabel Charles L. R. Chubb Vrank E. Cooper Helen Domine Margaret Eckels Douglas Edwards Valborg Egeland Robert J. Feldman Marjorie Follmer William Gentry Ruth Geddes David JB. HmpsteadJ Richard Jung Charles R. Kaufman Ruth Kelsey eporters Donald E. Layman Charles A. Lewis Marian McDonald I enry MIerry 'lizabeth Quaife Victor Rabinowitz Joseph A.eRussell Anne Schell Rachel Shearer Toward Simon Robert L. Sloss Ruth Steadman A. Stewart yadwell Swanson J1ane TIhayer Edith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney \Williams Jr. Walter Wilds George E Wohlgemtth Edward L. Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTERI . Department Managers Advertisig..................Alex K. Scherer Advertising................A. James Jodan Advertising..........Carl W. Hammer Service..... .....Herbert E. Varnum Circulation .............George S. Bradley Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications.............. Ray A. Hofelich Mary Chase Jeanette Dale Vernor Davis Bessie Egeland Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Assistants Marion Kerr illian Kovinsky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley 1. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Schemm George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead -Lawrence. R. Klein Y, FEBRUARY 14, 1929 ing to the above regulation affiliate themselves with some organized extra-curricular activity on the campus. Th ere is in finite benefit to be derived during the remaining time in college-and the contacts make for a broad outlook which no lecture or quiz can ever quite comprehend. Make some organized activity a regular; and contributing part of your education! --- o "PRESIDENT McNUTT" EXIT! Whether Governor Green was serious in booming Legion Com- mander McNutt for president of Michigan, or whether he was merely handing out a bouquet in accordance with the etiquette of the occasion, his remark was as bald a revelation as one could ask of the governor's attitude toward the University. There seems to be little doubt that he would like to reduce this institution to a source of poli- tical patronage. He has already done fairly well at Michigan State where moving vans have worn deep ruts in front of the presidential residence, and those of the faculty who have stuck it out have worn their dress suits threadbare going to hello and goodbye receptions. Dean Paul V. McNutt of the In- diana Law school, it should here be mentioned, is national commander of the American Legion. The legion is a vital cog in the Republican machine of Michigan, and Gover- nor Green is sensible of his debt to the machine. Ergo, he goes to a legion meeting, pats the national commander on the back, and says he would tender him a nice job "if he had the power to appoint." For- tunately the power of appointment that politicianGreen would like to have is being jealously guarded by the Regents, who are hardly in a mood to turn it over to the gov- ernor. Another political scheme that is germinating u n d e r Governor Green's hat it at least partially responsible for the Regents' un- willingness to cooperate with him. He would like to vest control of all state-supported educational in- stitutions in a single board of Re- gents, preferably appointed py him- self and at least subject to his ap' proval. Then he could pass out Isalaried sinecures to the Salvation Army, the Knights of Columbus' and the Anti-Saloon League as well as the American Legion. Haply our present Regents have no forks in Michigan's political stew and they are armed with a toxin l anti-toxin against political threats i the popular confidence their sober and dignified conduct has engendered. The University stands in no immediate danger of becom- ing a political football to be booted hither and yon in the name of patronage. Exit McNutt: Boy, bring on the next victim! ATHLETICS TODAY (The Christian Science Monitor) When Prof. Fielding H. Yost states that "nations have succeeded in democratic government in al- most the exact proportion to their participation in competitive games and athletics," he is undoubtedly making broad claims for athletics. It is well to remember, however, that for the last twenty-eight years he has been in a position not only to help bring such a condition about, but also to pass expert judg- ment on the situation. For more than a quarter of a century Pro- fessor Yost has played a highly im- portant part in the field of intercol- legiate athletics, first as coach of the University of Michigan foot- ball squads and later as the univer- sity's director of athletics. In' that time he has been a big factor in el- evating the character of college sports, and that his work has been appreciated is shown by the lunch- eon recently tendered him by the Sportsmanship Brotherhood at which he made the above quoted statement. Twenty-eight years ago college athletics were conducted in such a way as to merit criticism. "Build a team to win," was too apt to be the slogan of the coaches and the players and, while there may still be some isolated cases where this same condition prevails today, the vast majority are making clean, honest playing, win or lose, their ideal. The building of character, the development of imagination and quick thinking along with en- tertainment and exercise are the cardinal virtues of college athletic competition as practiced today in the higher institutions of learning, and these are all fundamental to the existence of a successful democracy. The United States colleges are OAMTED LI NOW IT CAN BE TOLD For more than a month, now, Rolls has remained discreetly silent on the subject of the next president for the University, but when the esteemed governor of this great commonwealth begins to make sug- gestions for his political pals, it is time to break silence and for Rolls to forward its own choice. We sug- gest General Bramwell Booth of the Salvation Army. ,He's out of a job now too. * * * Mr. Rachmaninoff last night cynically endured the playfulness of Mozart, tolerated the technical extroversions of Scarlatti, supercil- iously witnessed the carnival pranks of Schumann, tried to com- miserate with Chopin in the Pole's heartfelt sympathy for himself, until, breathless with anticipation of what the virtuoso would say for himself, after all his comment, the reviewer pitched himself for the culminating experiences of the pro- gram. The "Moment Musical," Kitchen Furnishings of All Kinds Such as Gas Ranges, Enameled and Aluminum Ware, Dinner and Glassware, Electric Goods of All Kinds, Paints Varnishes, and Polishes. P Of course, we fully appreciate the advantages of a man such as the one our Governor Green has I Johnson's Electric Waxer $29.75 (or for rent by the day) Old English or Johnson's Wax 65c per lb. suggested, and we are familiar with by the pianist, turned out to be the long record of educational work the weather-beaten Prelude in C in which he has been interested, sharp Minor, the LiebesfreuC but just the same General Bram- (a transcription from his pen) a well Booth of the Salvation Army saccharine. display of pianistic is our choice. For one thing, there weeping and roaring; which proves are a lot of souls that need saving once more that cynics should never * * * rwax confidential. All of which And as Oscar, Rolls' wonder horse, does not mean that the man is not was heard to whisper at a late hour a great pianist but rather that he last night, "Booth looks a deuce of is a poor philosopher. He might, a lot better in print and suggests ((however, be a greater pianist if he an awful lot more intelligence than were less philosophic or, since McNutt. The double T at the end pianists, following the Lisztian emphasizes the significance too tradition, must be philosophers, if much." he were a better one. For if he forgot his philosophy he might par- Green paired; with McNutt would ticipate more completely in the make a great team to run this naive experiences of the composers University. iswhose works he had chosen to play, Unvesi..Iand if he were a better philosopher Now that Lindbergh has taken such restraint as he felt for their 4 UAUTaY. F . Ag0. & eqlI Jno. C. Fischer Co. 46 Music And 0rama X44 QU9ALTiTY RACHMANINOFF v - By Herbert Schwartz 3'" " GARGOYLE- A QUESTION OF TASTE In the matter of mud-slinging itI might be called to the attention ofI the campus after the publication of this that The Daily has as little right to do it as any other organ, but'it at least has as much right. The present issue of the Gargoyle, self-styled humor magazine is one in point. Why the Gargoyle should, undertake to "razz" the annual J-Hop in an article written many days before that relic of former days has been held, why the Garg- oyle should undertake to razz stu- dent-acted and student-written plays in a column that might bet- ter be devoted to promoting any' campus attempts at bettering the study and practice of drama at Michigan-in what it calls a "Whimsically serious' mood, and finally, why the Gargoyle should take it upon itself to cast great scoops of dark matter at the In- lander and 'The Daily as de- teriorating publications is a little too much for this press to under- stand. One of the cases in point mentioned in the article was that The Daily was scooped by the Washtenaw Tribune in the matter of Dr. Little's resignation. If onlyr the slightly adolescent writer had taken the pains to uncover his facts, he might have discovered that the facts related in the Trib- une were known to all legitimate newspaper men in the, vicinity of Ann Arbor-and much better known-many days before the so-. called "extra" was issued, and that the Tribune was making _a long guess at the actuality in following out its adopted policy of harrying the University at every turn for the benefit of the native sons. Finally, The Daily takes the lib- erty of suggesting to the editor of the Gargoyle, that even if the afore-mentioned assaults were justified, it is not the best taste' to have them written up by one who has been disqualified in the race for awards and takes this means of venting a little petty spite. If-the galosh fits, try it on.1 A CORRECTION In these columns recently it wast stated that any freshman who had t his-latest flier, the season is open for quips.. In the Chicago Tribune this morning is the eight column headline announcing that "Lind- bergh Will Marry Anne Morrow- Girl In Ten Million Is Home Loving." What a whale of a difference a hyphen will make. ** * The Gargoyle appears this morn- ing with what they term "some sensational disclosures." With the type of humor they have been in- festing the campus with this year, they almost have to turn it into a scandal sheet in order to sell any of the things. The. Gargoyle is the type of periodical you could expect to come out backing Governor Green's favoring of McNutt for the presi- dency. The Building and Grounds de- partment has offered a cork-lined ice box of some ponderous dimen- Ssions for sale. Now if they had of- fered an ice box of that size during the J-Hop week-end, they might have had a chance for a sale. Maybe if the songs would im- prove, the whispering baritones wouldn't have to whisper them. The inventor of well-known typewriter has just died. All the chewing gum concerns should combine in raising a monument to his memory. *1** They have discovered the largest piece of ivory in the world in Alaska, and they are shipping it to America without even nominat- ing it for President. * * * At this point we have decided that enough has not been said concern- ing Bramwell Booth for President. A strong point in his favor is the fact that he'd be able to bring a lot of his iron pots and mangy Santa Clauses into town, where they are sorely needed. *s What we mean is that every-. thing is going to pot here and there aren't enough to gof - around. ** And the Santa Clauses? * * ,* , Well, if you're an average student, in the average stu- dent's financial condition, a few Santa Clauses would-that's it; you get the idea. Lindbergh again. The Daily's description tells us that Anne Mor- row is "the quite type of girl." That's the way we feel about it, too.. She should be a quite type. Wouldn't it be fierce ifI Lindy married a girl that was not quite? A ten-year-old Mississippi boy 11avv0" O n naivete would be compensated by a finer sympathy for what could not evoke whole-hearted response- and he might also have chosen I music which could; or was the pianist "presenting a program with a particular appeal for the audience in the city in which he was play- ing"? not that the program was a bad onei n itself; rather that it was bad in the pianist's reaction to it. Would it not have been wiser for him to have played one of the Bee- , thoven "Hammerklavier" Sonatas, for example, forgetting the city in which he was playing and becom- ing more mindful of himself? Mr. Rachmaninoff has great technica facility. He is able to take I complicated passages with aston- ishing lack of effort. This results I in extremely lucid presentation of musical outline: there is no need- less exaggeration of casual parts; the feeling for proportion is always dominant. This sense of propor- tion at times led to rather unjus- tifiable contrasts, as in the succes-! sive moods of movement and re- pose in the Chopin G minor Ballade where the slow parts were almost all too slow and the fast ones al- together too fast. In that particular performance too much of the detail was sacrificed t. speed. In his sensitiveness to musical outline this pianist often tended to satisfy him- self with mere indication of his in- tention, calling attention to pas- sages with ferocious accents and - then letting them take care of themselves. 'This is partly due to a not altogether flexible control oft the instrument. In this respect the pianist seems to have improved recently: there was much greater fluency, or what pianists are wont to call "legato," in the performance last night than one associates with I the name of Rachmaninoff, less in- sistence on the chiseled articula- teness of individual notes. The extreme delicacy of the pianist's performance is strangely paradoxical to the harshness of his tone. It may be explained in part by his careful avoidance of great intensities of sound. Thus the Mo- zart and Scarlatti were thoroughly enjoyable but one felt that certain parts of the Carnival, notably the March of the Davidsbundler, should have been.a little more grandiose. But all these remarks are only intended as comments on a great performance. Mr. Rachmaninoff j all in all displayed once more the consummate mastery that belongs I to the favored few of the world's greatest; that there is a greater is doubtful. TIE PUPPETEERS The program which The Pup- peteers have arranged for presen- tation the one day of their ap- pearance next week, Tuesday, in- cludes, for the matinee: "Weather," an original puppet' play by Forman Brown. "The Truth about Jack Spratt." "The Three Wishes," by Ernestine Songer of Yale university, For the evening bill will be pre- sented: s , " - 1 '---: AM iam ma On M ENERGY and vitality are all-important in college life. But careless meals often bring about constipation-that thief of health and strength. You can prevent constipation or secure prompt relief from. it by eating Kellogg's ALL-BRAN. This delightful cereal pro- 4py 'i" d y 1 f v . :, A RI vides all-important 100% bran. bulk because it is Eat Kellogg's A L L-BR A N by itself with fruit and honey or sprinkle it over other cereals. Order it at your campus cafe- teria or in the fraternity restaurant. ALL.-BRAN QUALITY'. The most popular cereals served in the dining-rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and fra- ternities are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They include Pep Bran Flakes, ALL-BRAN, Rice Krispies, Krumbles, Corn Flakes and Kellogg's Shredded Whole WheatBiscuit. Also Kaffee Hag Coffee --the coffee that lets you sleep. USCONSIPAN ALL-BRAN READY To EAT 's w Oc OM1M \ -> . . o ,® .- , . , Now try Writing in taking notes and writing themes v This is the student's pen par excellence. The Parker Duofold's pol- ished iridium-tipped point glides gently over paper. Ink flow starts immediately and continues evenly at any speedwith merelythe feath- er-light weight of the pen itself to bring it into action. Finger-pressure is re- lieved. No effort. No strain. No interruptions, no intru- sicins by the pen. The track is cleared for THINKING, so you do better work. Action so responsive that pencanbe made 28% lighter than rubber (though non- breakable) and still require no weight from your hand. To please you tven more, we offer in the Duofold five Bashing colors and a new Modern Black and Pearl - the latest mode-from which to select. Then we add a*guarantee forever against all defects, to make these better fea- tures everlasting. Don't take a lesser pen. See the Duofold at your nearest pen counter today. See "Geo. S. Parker - DUOFOLD" imprinted on the barrel to be sure you have the genuine. T m PARKER PEN CO.. JANESVILLE,WILS. OFICES AND SUBSIDIARIES t NEW YORK - CHiCAGO - ATLANTA BUFFALO*A DALLAS . SAN FRANCISCO TORONTO. CANADA + LONDON. ENGLAND 24% greater ink capacity, sizsefor lize, than aver age pens *To prove Parker Duofold is a pen of lifelong per- fection, we ofer to make good any defect, pro- vided complete pen is sent bythe owner direct to the factory with Age -