TH E MICHIGAN m sip ON 1[TY [lST AgIOFigures Released By Extension Department MANAGEMENT TO 1 H L i I [I I0 U U Indicate Increase Of Five Hundred Students BE SPEECH TOPIC Extension students of the Uni- hael, at the Receiving hospital, De- Problems of industrial manage- Sversity will exceed in number the troit; Geog'raphy of South Amer- ment will be the topic of an ad- total for last year by at least 500, ica, by Prof. P. E. James at Grand dress to be given at 7:45 o'clock it is indicated by figures from the Rapids Junior college; and Educa- tonight in the Engineering society extension department. The num- tion, taught by Prof. C. G. Kyte at room, by Ray H. Sullivan, works ber enrolled for second semester Monroe High school. manager of the Ternstedt manu- - work will reach 500 or more, it is Vocational education classes are facturing company of Detroit, it MADDY, SLOCUM, SCIILOSBERG predicted, while the total for the being taught at Detroit, in Cass was announced late yesterday by AND BARTLETT WILL fall semester, three or four times Technical high school by Prof. W. R. Wright, president of the In- TALK TONIGHT the number for the spring semes- Cleo Murtland and Prof. E. L. dustrial Engineering society, whichI ter, was 1,750, equalling the total Hayes, the former having three is sponsoring the program. of those enrolled last year, show- classes and the latter two. ABBOT WILL NNOUNE ing a steady, and recently rapid, Vocational classes and any com- S growth. bined with the Smith-Hughes pro- Pharmacy Students String Ensemble, Composed Of Largest of the Detroit exten- Iects do not offer college credit. To Met In Detroit School Of Music Students, Will sion classes is one of 60 members, Of the regular extension classes Play Several Numbers in Governments of Continental which do offer credit, however, it is Fifteen students and five faculty Europe, taught by Dr. Paul M.I reported that a large number are members of the College of Phar- Four talks by members of the Cuncannon. Free Lance Writing, studying only for inherent interest mac will attend the March meet- University faculty and a series of taught by Prof. J. L. Brumm has rather than for credit. ing of the Detroit branch of the musical numbers by a string en- 49; Prof. G. E. Densmore has 41 American Pharmaceutical associa- semble composed of students in the Istudents in each of two speech Pofessor InspeCts tion in Detroit tonight. The meet- University School of Music, are in- classes; Prof. J. H. Muyskens hss . ing is to be held in the .Y. M. C. A. eluded in the Michigan Night radio 40 in a class of Speech Improve- Cal'pL a orstorles building, and the program will be program which will be broadcast I ment; and Prof. S. F. Gingerich K-preceded by a dinner. between 7 and 8 o'clock tonight. }has 39 in a class, Prose Fiction of To obtain ideas on laboratories Talks will be made by Harry D. The program will be put on the air ! the 19th Century. Prof. L. M. Monell of the pharmacy Benson, '29P., Mary E. Bowen, '29P., through WJR, Detroit. Other classes taught in Detroit college of the University of Buf- 'William E. Clark, '30P., and 'John Barbara H. Bartlett, professor of are "Teaching of r Science in the falo, was in Ann Arbor on Tuesday H. Webster, '30P. Following their: public health nursing, who is in- Junior and Senior High school, to inspect the model prescription speeches, there will be a discussion.- terested in the problems of com- Prof. F. D. Curtis; Psychology of l.boratory of the College of Phar- Richard C. Byce, '28P., who was munity and rural' health nursing, Industrial Management, Prof. macy here. He also visited the president of the Prescott club last has chosen as the topic of her talk Adelbert Ford; Theory of Aviation, pharmacies in the University hos- year, is president of the Detroit l "Public Health Nursing." ' Prof. Stalker, and Criminology, pital and Health service. association. ' George Slocum, professor of Prof. A. E. Wood.- ophthmology, is. one of the special- Other classes are Social Psychi- ists in the treatment of eyes at the atry, taught by Dr. Theophile Rap- Strings . . Supplies Daw n D on uts University hospital, and will speakD on "Some Popular Misconceptions TICKETS & RESERVATIONS . . Repairs . . Concerning the Eyes." Among the For All Important The Partner for statements he has made on this Lake and Ocean Lime. or .. MusicaI Instruments subject is that "glasses are not your CoffeeI primarily to make the wearer see . E. G. Kuebler a Brkns better but to protect the eyes. Gen.Steamshi encat The third talk of the program 601 E. Huron Ph. 412 ill e gie bRicar c AMUSIC HOUSE Our Bismarcuks and Raised berg, professor of military science ,~ 110 S. Main St. Donuts at alltheMStores and tactics, who is stationed at the University to instruct studients in We are now the R. 0. T. C. He has built and 1%to .- . operates a short wave radio station prepared to take Et for the University with which he l is in constant touch with the Uni- PITURE TICKE T SA versity's Expeditions in Greenland, and with Commander Byrd in thel FMINGTHURSDAY and FRIDAY 1:30 to -5:00 Wh Antaractic. His talk will deal with SATURDAY 10:00 to 5:00 HI "Short Wave Stations." D:orders at our Ine the concluding talk of thera evening, Joseph E. Maddy, head of I New Location the public school music depart- 305 Maynard nent of the University School of L A Music, will tell of. the national high school orchestra camp held atib --' Lake Interlocken, Michigan. The string ensemble, which is to present the musical numbers, is FRAMING also under the direction of Mr. Maddy. TONIGHT In Hill Auditoriui KATHERINE WICK KELLY in "THE VIKINGS" k 1w Just a Step From Campus Drop in for a bite at any time. You're sure to get something good. Dine at Harrison's LIUNC' 301 State St. LE s [ITNEY THEATRE LL AUDITORIUM ''I' . I - I l a 'I' ., : ; - . ;, i , ::_ ..:. . ,I , :1' a ° { ! E i 3' EI I I E 3t G :;; TODAY AND FRIDAY ONLY Another Powerful Characterization By the He-Man Lover of the Screen. Jealously-the devil that turns love to hate A vivid, pulsing story of mad Vienna! tHIUR5DAY, MARCH 14, 1929 L'/I.IX.T«Ie1.% " 1.II",d ° r Y"Ier./"rA"/" ".I.+i. . "r/""', , e . HEINE'S BLEND This old Dutchman needs but one intro- duction, for he is a life-long friend to all who know him. Distributed by HUSTON BROS. 307-309 S. State St. A with MAR IACORDA 1 "Forward March" A Travesty on War and Women Si* Evening Performances 'Main Floor .. ... . $2.50 March 18 to 23 Balc'y First Four Rows 2.00 Balc'y Second Four Rows 1.50 Matinee Saturday _ -Remainder '.. ..... 1.00 March 23 Boxes ...............3.00 MICHI'IAN. _h I! 9?Y Ir I~r x '", - :- ® f R _V__. - - :.-,, .. , _ ._,.. s Dont' Fail to See This Unusual- Broadway Comedian HERMAN TIMBERG Stcppin :Out? "PAMP A.S Art and BeC M AJESTIC. -Appointments auty M I IMlsically PARAMOUNT ,NEWS L ATETB )N ENSEMBLE AND HIS VARIETIES "Something New Under the Sun" With a.Large Cast of Singers, Dancers and Comedians , Including COSMOPOLITAN OPENING SATURDAY 'd Arthur -.lamby Oliver. Harris Ouy Martin AND *1A~t MEN~ E I