. ......_... . 1. 'IURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1929. T H'E MI'CHI -CAN DATLY z =^r^ - x PROPOSED REDUCTION &f TARIlFF ON BELLS' fETCRLO CONGRESS MAY REDUCE ON BELLS IMPORTED FROM EUROPE TAX NEW EXHIBITION OF INVERTEBRATE I Mathematical Club PALEONTOLOGY NEARS COMPLETION' HaTwP Preparations are already under terial designed to iJve a graphic - "j way for placing into the main ex-' explanation of what a fossil is. Papers relating to research work hibition room of the University Other cases will show the relation ; in mathematics were read at the of fossils and living verteb~rates.j regular meeting of the Mathe-~ Museum the exhibits of inverte- There will also be exhibits to dem- matical club, Tuesday evening. brate paleontology, which, with the onstrate the nature of sedimentary , Prof. Vincent C. Poor delivered a exhibition of vertbrate paleontol- rocks, their formation, and the oc-|paper on "Note on Polygenic Func - ogy, will comprise the entire dis- curance of fossils in them. tions," and Prof. E. W. Miller, on plays in the main exhibition room. The invertebrate exhibit will also "A Problem in Analysis Situs." The The invertebrate displays which contain material which illustrates latter dealt with work being done are being prepared by Prof. G. M. variations of species. The plans of under the general direction of Ehlers of the geology department the exhibits are expected to explain Prof. George Y. Rainich, of the with the aid of Mr. John Galley, to the visitors facts of ontogony Mathematics department. museum assistant, are being placed (development of individual forms in such a way as to show the rela- I from! the simplest forms to matur- Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,, tionship of fossils to living inverte- ity), and facts of phylogohy, (the $2.50 the half year-It's 'worth it. brates. The entire left side of the general development of an entire __-----__ exhibition room will be taken up race). The invertebrate exhibit by these displays. will also show the development of The first case will contain ma- faunas through geological time. Donuts Th irtcaewilcotinm- ana hruh*golgca im. I aw non t l For Your LUNCHEONS and DINNERS When your appetite dulls and you rebel against the sameness and limited menu of the home, break away from it and bring the wife to the ALLENEL, the ANN ARBOR RESTAURANT or -the MICHIGAMME where you will find those delicious dishes you so much crave. A few meals in our attractive dining room will ,bringyourappetite back to normat'y. When you want variety you will get it here. VANDNBURG SUPPORTS Lower Tariff Will Mean Increase' In:Number Of Bells Or 'Decrease In Cost Because of recent developments in the discussion of tariff questions by the Ways and Means committee of the House of Representatives at Washington, it is quite possible that the tariff on bells imported into this country will, either be re- mrioved entirely or lowered con- sid'erably: This question is of special significance to the Univer- sity andto the alumni classes of~ '21 to '28 who are Aponsoring the campaign for the purchase and in- stallation of a carillon in the pro- posed Burton Memorial Campanile. Michigan's senator, Arthur Van- denberg, in collaboration with Ly- man Flook, '12E, superintendent of Buildings and Grounds at the Uni- versity of Chicago, is organizing a movement to try to secure the ap- proval of the new tariff sugges- tions, especially concerning the duty on bells, and his first move will be made at a hearing on the question during the meetings of the Ways and Means committee on Feb. 15, 18, and 19. He will appear before the committee when the question 'of bells is discussed on Monday, Feb. 18. If the tariff on bells is either lowered or removed entirely, it will affect the campaign for the caril- lon of bells to be placed in the Bur- ton Campanile. "It will provide one of two possibilities," said T. Hawley Tapping, field secretary of the Alumni association yesterday. "Either the committee may buy more bells on the same amount of money. and secure the finest caril- lon in the country or they may buy the originally conceived carillon of forty-eight bells at a much lower cost." IOWA.-Six freshmen and and three sophomore students made all-Arecords in scholarship last semester, it is announced 'by thel registrar. Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, $2.50 the half year-.Jt's worth it. PORTABLE TYPEWIRITERS Corona, nderwood Remington, Royals. We have all makes.j Colred dco finishes. Price $60. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Maickels Arcade Phone 6615 Co to Soviet ussia TUDENTS are wel- comed m o s t cor- dially in Soviet Russia. *. .. where the world's most gigantic social ex- periment is being made- amidst a galaxy of pic- turesque n a ti o n alities, wondrous scenery, splen- did architecture, and ex- otic civilizations. Send for Booklet C which ex- plains how it can be done with little money 4,F- A] I The Partner for your -Coffee at Break fast Al all the stores and i-estaurants. s THE ANN ARBOR RESTAURANT 215 S. Main ALLENEL HOTEL 126 E. Huron THE MICHIGAMME Michigan Theater Bldg. p P l PRINNIN Wks" SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MEDI- CAL SUPPLIES AT MONEY SAVING OFFERS FOR ALL STUDENTS CON- CER NED, CARRYING THE SCIENTIFIC CURRICULUM. IN MEDICINE, SURGERY, AND NURSING. Our motto is at all times to work in harmony with the growing needs and ethics of the Medical Pro- fession. Here is your chance to buy your needs for the starting semester. Will he glad to be of any service toyou. Call Evenings for R. M. Elbanowski Classified Ads Pay 11 1 1U ,. IT Calk ins-Fletcher Drug Co. A NNO UNCES Mid-Winter Festival Feb. 14-15-46 Poione 3080 1677 Broadway THREE BIG BARGAIN DA YS Represenitative of the J. F. I-lartz Co. 'Physicians', Nurses',-Hospital and Sick Room Supplies SUNDAES-SODAS-OUR FAMOUS MALTED MILKS (from our iodern mechMc n R" Read the Classif i ed A ds Two tor the Price of One "Come in Bring a Friend" 4 ' ,[ H9 }tE Vjr i k t '7 r + r. r r 4 q;, 01' i htalCv r , 'fir . ':F , 1 ,.^.' t";: - - - - New PLAYING TODAY AND FRIDAY ONLY OWING TO LATE ARRIVAL OF J4IOP PICTURES, WILL RtEMA1'N TROUGH -F RDAY. 3 Days X.25 Photo Albums 3 doz. only 79c I he Roman of On Not W Often! L' Policy: 2:00 3:35 10c 8:40 50c 10c 1~a orous, itic Adventures e Who Lved Tisely But Too y'r\y Featuring Europe's Distinguished Artiste- IVAN MOSJOUKINE Supported by All-Star European Cast 1 lb. box of Glbert'S Chocolates and a ouart of Brick Ice Cream $1.45 Value, both $1 New Powder Puffs Values up to 35c each, during sale 3 for 25c "Always have a new pule" rI 3 cakes of our own Mati Watc Scap and a 50c Towel- both 50c Thurs. Fri. Sat. a Zy-pyral Mouth Wash and Gargle- $1 size-69c Todth Brush, 35c Tooth Paste, 50c Both for 5e I i t Teinoti lland L~iot 50c, iand 'Coty's'c f irne, 500 - bot.i lfor c aot W aier 9f01ftk I SPECIAL Valentine Candy SPECIAL Valentine Candy Majestic Appointments "HUSBw DS MUST PLAY -Ath Wallace Lu p iero "ust for Art" Paramomnt News ticview Topics: i I! Calkins-Fletcher Dru Co. Three Dependable Stores Amalgamated Bank TRAVEL DEPARTMENT 11-15 Union Square, New York City 1101 , University 324 S. State 818 S. State SAT.-LILLIAN GISH -"THE WIND" - -, __. I lllll 111111!ii III i TMMIII II-q 1, , jj! ,]j l , I ,.... .,. 6 WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND SECOND HAND COLLEGE TEXT OOMAWKs IN THE CITY EVERYTHING IN BOOK STATIONERY AND SUPPLI ES