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March 13, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-13

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Published every morning axcept Monday
duan the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.

Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
F-the, Herein.
Entered. at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, ; s second class matter. Special rate
of postag granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
4O~ffices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
niard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor.. ..............Nelson J. Smith
City Editor ............3J. Stewart Hooker
News E'iitor...........Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor...............W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor...........Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor....... ... George Stauter
Musie and Drama............. . Askren
Assistant City Editor..........Robert Silbar
Night Editors
Joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons
George C. Tilley

into the governmental system,
President Hoover has announced
his hope for the re-organization of
the administrative departments of
the government to include a de-
partment of education, health, and
public welfare, headed by a mem-
ber of the cabinet. Moreover, ay
rumor that Secretary of the Inte-
rior Ray Lyman Wilbur, who is well I
known as an educator and a medi-
cal authority, will head the new
department has gained weight in
Washington circles.
The idea is, of course, an old'
one. For more than 40 years, the
National Education association has
fostered the plan. Persons promi-
nent in public affairs have lauded'
the idea and commended the sup-
porters of the proposition time and
time again. The last Congress was
faced by a bill providing for the
re-organization. However, it has
remained for President Hoover .to
definitely assert his earnest con-
tention in favor of the new de-
There can be little question of
the necessity for the move. Thel
administrative branch as it is or-
ganized under the existing regu-'
lations, presents nothing more than
a hopeless hodgepodge of offices,
commissions, committees, bureaus
with overlapping and conflicting
duties and responsibilities and with
antiquated machinery for opera-
tion. The treasury department will'

e Music arm
TONIGHT: Play Production presents a bill of fcur student
written plays, in University Hall Theater, beginning at 8J15
o'clock sharp.

I H 1111111 It I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11'r,11, III ] I

Annual May Festival

Once more, as the gentle odors
of Spring come wafting over the
campus, we are about to be treat-
ed to a sight extraordinaire. Some-
thing which has never before been
witnessed, a great masterpiece, a
satire on women and war, is about,
to burst from its chrysalis. Under
the influence of the balmy weather
and soft thoughts, it will burst into
a dazzling creation that will stun
all beholders with its magnificence
and delicate rarity.
Now that men's thoughts turn,
they will behold with awe-struck
eyes a stupenduous creation which
even its maker declares in a hush-
ed voice is so marvelous that none
have seen the like before. Across

Paul L. Adams
Morris AlexandcT
C. A. Askren
Bertram ANskwi'i
Louise Behyme-
Arthur Bernstew
Setoi C. Bovee
Isabel Charles
L. R. Chubb
Prank E. Cooper
flelen Domnine
Margaret Ekels
Douglas Edwards
Valborg Egeland
RobertJ. Feldman
Marjorie Follmer
William Gentry
Ruth Geddes
David B. Hempstea
Richard Jung
Charles R .IKaufmns
Ruth Kelsey

Donald E. Layman
Charles A. Lewis
Marian McDonald
Henry Merry
Elizabeth Quaife
Victor Rabinowitz
Joseph A. Russell
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearer
Howard Simon
Robert L. Sloss
Ruth Steadman
A. Stewart
Cadwell Swanson
L Jane Thayer
Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Williams
ad Jr. Walter Wilds
George E. Wohlgemut.
an Edward L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie

An Appreciation, By Robert
Reynolds Evans has a voice that
is among one of six on the Ameri-
can stage. It is more beautiful
than Walter Hampden's-for it has
no nasal twang.
That is what Brooks Atkinson or
Wollcott or Vivian said-not I.
In a career that started back in
the days of "The 13th Chair" and
Margaret Wycherly, R e y n o 1 d s
Evans has played with the Barry-
mores, Jane Cowl, Cyril Maude,
John Drew, the Rockford Players.
For the last five seasons he has
been with Walter Hampden, and
just recently closed in "The Grey
Fox", the play of Machiavelli which
starred Chrystal Herne and Henry
Reynolds Evans is not good look-
ing as Dobbs hats go, but he has!
that charm and polish of manner
that give him an appeal so fara
above a handsome profile. He is
like George Arliss in his peculiar
magnetism. It is in Arliss parts,
that he is especially brilliant-the
Rajah of Rhook in "The Green.
Goddess", Shylock in "The Mer-
chant." In comedy of manners,
too, he is instinct with the wit that
carries such farce. His Grenham
in "Aren't We All?" is better than
Charles Warbuton's - which is
much of a compliment.
Ladies love to have Reynolds
Evans in their drawing room. Wo-
men like him better than men. In
a stock company, with his deep}
soothing voice, stroking like velvet,
he is a matinee idol. In New York
he is always in engagements. Rey-
nolds Evans is the biggest name in
"The Vikings."
In "The Vikings" he plays Old
Ornulf. Hidden behind the slate
grey beard of the part, he is the
tragic, the heroic superman-in an;
age of heroes and supermen. As
Ornulf, rising to his great climax in
the thrilling chant of the last act,
he makes his role rise equal to Miss
Kelly's part of Hjordis. Among
the men, he will take the show.
As the audience files into Hill
auditorium tomorrow niih t they



23, 24,



Telephone 21214
Assstant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising.. ............Alex K. Scherer
Advertising.... ... .....A.rJames Jordan
Advertising .......Carl W. Hammer
Service.............Herbert E. Varnumi
Circulation..............George S. Bradley
Accounts...............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications..............Ray M. Hofelich


ccl .o
N 7


Mary -!Chase
J ' enette Idale
Veruor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper alverson
George Hamilton
ix Humphrey

Marion 'Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
1. A. Newman
Jack Rose
S Carl F. Schemmf
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead


Several members of the board of
directors of the University of Mich-
igan club of Detroit acted as hosts
on Monday night of this week to a
small group of students and facul-
ty men at a dinner in the Univer-
sity club. But the occasion was
more than that of a dinner. It
marked the end of the first organ-
ized attempt on the part of the
Detroit alumni group to cooperate
in solving campus problems. The
phrase "campus problems" is one
that has grown hoary and tenuous'
with long usage, but its applica-
tion here is in the strictest sense.
As a result of the Detroit dinner,
another contact committee will
find its way to Ann Arbor next
year, and for as many years as it
remains practicable. It is seldom
that any such body can point to any
solid achievements in the first
year of its existence. In fact if it
can point to anything lasting in
any of the years it is doing more
than well. But this one can.
The campus as it is made up at
present will never appreciate the
recently-announced change .in the
organization of the Varsity band
until that band, now an R. 0. T. C.
organization, marches out on the
gridiron next fall. It is to be hoped
then that some credit will fall to
the small alumni group which went
to considerable pains and expense
in bringing about the change.
It is an inspiring spectacle for
an undergraduate to observe-this
intense and still youthful interest
of alumni in A campus which most
of them frequented many years
ago. This interest is not of the
prying kind. It is not of the criti-
cal eye and the free tongue, but
more of the outstretched hand.
But the inspiration is more than
overbalanced at present by the
tragedy of the hundreds of stu-
dents who leave the campus behind
them without becoming alumni in
the real sense of the word. The
coming years will mark more and
more a concerted effort on the part
of the alumni association to dent
the consciousness of the senior
classes in regard to the alumni uni-
versity.. This is to be welcomed,
but at the same time the effort
extended should not have to be so
great, for it is no idle boast that
to be a Michigan alumnus in this
day is a privilege and not a mere

lose the public health service, a
function obviously separated from
the purposes and duties of that de-
partment. The department of the
interior will lose the bureau of edu-
cation which has for a long time
been growing in importance to an
extent preventing a feasible hand-
ling by that department while
t other problems occupied its atten-
tion. Added to these functions,
there will be the important serv-
ices handled at the present by
numerous welfare bureaus.
r From all points of view, the sug-
gestion seems to be a good one..
With an able man at the head of
an eleventh department of admin-
istration, efficiency in the hand-
ling of problems of education,
health, and welfare would be in-1
creased in efficiency. It is to be
seen, however, whether this is just
a false alarm, a gesture for the
moment, or whether we can de-
pend on President Hoover to take
the idea, a good one, and carry it
through to a finish.
Behind the footlights for the
first time since the desperate pro-
ductions at the end of last semes-
ter, Play Production last night
opened a five-day run for four of
the six plays given at that time.
However at this time the plays are
given under the direcion of Val-;
entine Windt, head of the play
production department, and have
new casts and some new lines. Be-
fore, the plays were entirely student
affairs in direction, authorship,'
acting, and so on.
It is to be expected that the per-
formances this week will show a
great improvement over the others,
and that the public will find
enough new so that it will go to
the University hall theater. The
criticism which was directed at
these plays last semester was most-
ly justified, even when considered
in the light of the entire student
participation. This time, better
things may be expected of these
four plays which are the first stu-.
dent plays to be produced on the
campus in recent years. Play
Production has done well in spon-
soring these productions, and there4
is little doubt but that the campus
~ill fir d tn Pn~t inmn t

I -:*- z-:s
Katherine Wick Kelly, !
Leading- lady at the Cleveland
Playhouse and playing Hjordis in
"The Vikings."
the flashing footlights of the Whit-
ney Theatre, as the curtain rolls
up on the great scene, the campus
will see this novel, this sensation-
al, this hitherto-never-before-"
been-done combination with all its
shocking strangeness of drama,'

For the closing event in the Semi- Centenary Concert Series
of the University Musical Society, the following cistin-
guished artists and organizations have been engaged:
EDITH MASON, Prima Donna Soprano, Chicago Civic Opera Company
JEANNLTTE VREELAND, Distinguished American Soprano
SOPHIE BRASLAU, Renowned American Contralto
MARION TELVA, Contralto, Metropolitan Opera Company
RICHARD CROOKS, Tenor, Premier American Concert Artist
PAUL ALTHOUSE, Tenor, Metropolitan Opera Company
LAWRENCE TIBBET, Baritone, Metropolitan Opera Company
RICHARD BONELLI, Baritone, Chicago Civic Opera Company
BARRE HILL, Baritone, Chicago Civic Opera Company
WILLIAM GUSTAFSON, Bass, Metropolitan Opera Company
JOSEF HOFMANN, Polish Pianist"
EFREM ZIMBALIST, Hungarian Violinist
CHORAL WORKS: Samson and Delilah, by Saint Saens; The New Life, by
Wolf Ferrari; The Requiem, by Brahms; The Hunting of the Snark (Chil-
dren), by Boyd.
Block "A"--Patrons Tickets, (all remaining seats in sections 2, 3 and 4 on the
Main Floor and sections 7, 8 and 9 in the First Balcony,) $5.00 each if Choral
Union Festival Coupon is returned, otherwise $8.00 each.
Block "B"-Sections 1 and 5 on the Main Floor and Sections 6 and 10 in the First
Balcony, $4.00 each if Festival Coupon is returned, otherwise $7.00 each.
Block "C"-All Seats in the Second Balcony (Top Balcony) $3.00 each if Festival
Coupon is returned, otherwise $6.00.
All mail orders will be filed in sequence and filled in the same order except
that orders received prior to February 28 are considered as of that date. Tickets
will be selected as near as possible to locations requested and will be mailed out
early in April at purchasers' risks unless registration fee of 17 cents additional is
Note--The right is respectfully reserved to make such changes in the pro-
grams and in the personnel of artists as necessity may require.
Please make remittances payable to University Musical Society and mail to
Charles A. Sink, President School of Music, Ann Arbor, Mich.

women, and tsog. I wil\1seeUthe!massiVdA!landiUl
This column cannot be strong will se e the massive dead Icelandic
enough in its eloquence on this iset, its simple comblation of
event. We would not for the worldw e and greyand black. The
hint that the forthcoming Junior lights will go black, the organ
Girls' play is at all like last year's, swell, and slowly the scene comes
or that it is any thing like the to life. Clouds and colors slowly
Union opera, or a musical comedy. creep across a blooded sky. White
Unin oera ora usial omey.foamed waves roll, ceaselessly
It is something absolutely new, and against the distant shore.a'Three
hitherto unkown. Come one, come dull red clouds, low against the
all, dl e lus o gmtte
all. -horizon, loom into view as the sun
breaks through. On the heavy
ANNOUNCING rocks stands Ornuif, hsupernan and
" Redemption" which Play Pro- pagan.
duction will produce, March 29 and There is an actor, grcat-and an
30, and April 2, 3, and 4. The trans- artist.1
lation to be used is the Oxford * * *
University Edition, the German An additional performance of the
original of which Moissi used in the four original one-act plays will be
Reinhardt production. given Saturday night of 'this week
Director Windt has received a to meet the unusual ticket demand.+
number of suggestions for the The curtain will go up at 8:30 and
productioii from Moissi who ex- not 8:15 o'clock as has been the,
pressed great enthusiasm at Play case with the Tuesday, Wednesday 1
Production's attempt. and Thursday shows.
As Reviewed I him, and turned loose on the script,
By Charles Monroe the two brought out the quips and
Recast, under expert direction, philosophies of the playlet. Shirley
and with improvements noticeable King furnished a good foil for the
at every turn, four of the original leading man's pertinent observa-
six student-written and produced tions, and also alleviated Adams'
plays made their reappearance on stagy presence. This show was
the University hall stage last night greatly improved by a new set and
in most successful revival. Not that recasting, and was most promising
these new showings were finished in showing brilliant witticisms and
products, for all too often over- dialogue. The show could be cut
acting and dramatic fervor spoiled to shorter length and lack little,
the intended effects. But as the i but we request that the one "Love
first student-written efforts to be is man's dream but woman's exer-
given with the aid' of exper super- cise" be left in.
vision, Valentine Windt and com- At the rst snowing, "My Man"
pany need not hide its head in was bad. This time, it has picked
maudlin shame, up a few things that make it l
"Outside This Room," by Dorothy slightly more interesting. A new
Ackerman opened the program. I leading lady, Rose Varkle, brought
The authoress probably intended in a new type for the nice girl who
to have the lines portray one idea keeps faith in her man to the end.
and the following action another Miss Varkle missed several chances_
idea, but the lines were too well in I for effective bits, and we never
the forefront of the actors' minds did like lisping leading ladies. But
for them to be acted acutely. The she was a great improvement and
effect was lost, but the play car- ! was much more emotional and
ried on well even with disregard truer to type than her predecessor.,
for the writer's intentions. Recast The only real comedy of the lot,
in all except one part, the players "The Joiners" by Art Hinkley was
were far better chosen. Edna last, and closed the program pleas-
Vower while failing to connect antly. The staging in this lone in-
line with action and while relaps- stance was poorer, as it was too
ing into staginess at times, was ef- simple, even the bathtub being
fective as Madame Blackmann. omitted. It is not a world-beater, but
Truesdale Mayers, the holdover, a straightforward amusing bit to
seemed to lose some of the spon- be taken at no more than its face
taneousness he had before to pay value.



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wil nd gooa enercanmen.
- 0o
Civil war in Mexico has passed
from the place of an interesting
battle between Mexicans for the
control of the government to the
place where American lives and
American property are in danger,
much more in danger than they
ever were in Nicaragua. When an
American general, acting for the
United States, is forced to cross the
Rio Grande and instruct warring
Mexicans that the Unied States
cannot tolerate any action which
jepordizes the lives of American
citizens, a situation is created
which is dangerous to say the least.
Wisely enough, the first move of
the Washington government has
been to take steps to assist the
Mexican nationalists through the
sale of arms and munitions. At
the same time steps have been
taken to prevent the possible'
transportation of arms to the reb-
els by the use of airplanes. Senti-
ment in the United States is by no
means hostile to Mexico, and no
thought of an unfriendly nature is


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