1vt Ly 1i P TLWenleyTo Address Annual Meeting Of ILL EXHIBIT ORGrand Rapids Alumni E J. Ottoway. And Professor Samuel E- - Dana Also To Bt Present At Affair To Confer With Officials PRESENT DISPLAY IN FIELD OF1 Prof. Robert M Wenlev, of the t # UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS ACCOMPLISH MUCH THROUGHOUT PAST SIX YEARS A TIT EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the ment with Dr. Carl E. Guthe as eighth of a ser'ies of articles illus- associate director and Dr. W. B. trative of the work being done in Hinsdale, former director of the the' University Museums. Homeopathic hospital and Profes- Atwater Kent Foundation Will Dating from 1922, the museum sor-emeritus, as custodian of C o n d u c t Radio of anthropology is one of the new- Miehigan archaeology. Competition est of museum enterprises on the! Dr. Guthe immediately departed campus. In the six short years for the Phillipine islands where he lI/A " t MAL 'f AAA Y~t~l tfl tha thic ictit yin ha ba n n -1n w ,,.l;-,,c-+,,. FINE ART SECOND ACADEMY- HISTORY IN + +...+.. avv.... .. v ass. t= a.aasa.J vx uaac. v LOCAL ARTISTS TO SHOW Many State Artists Also Contribut Statues And Paintings; Paul Honore To Exhibit Work. done by twenty-eigh painters, and three sculptors wil be displayed in the new Museum building Thursday night, March 14 in the exhibition of the Fine Art section of the thirty-fourth annua meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, which will convene here March 14, 15, and 16. The Fine Arts section was just admitted to the Academy last year so that this year's showing. is the second in the history of the Aca- demy. According to Frederic H-. Aldrich, who is in cnarge of the fine arts exhibition, this year's ex- hibit is much larger than last year's, many more artists being represented. Paintings in oil and water, etchings, and sculpture are to be the three fields of fine arts represented. They will be shown at the Museum Thursday night only and will then be removed to the north gallery of Alumni Me- morial Hall for further exhibition for ten days. Local Artists Included Many local artists are included among the exhibitors'. Frederic H. Aldrich will display an oil entitled A "Goldfish," while John Curtis Bates will show a water color painting. A landscape by A. Mastio Valerio, a water color painting by Myron B. Chapin, and a portrait by John Koch, the youngest exhibitor, will also feature. Warren P. Lombard is to show several etchings, while sculpture is to be represented by two local men, Carlton W. Angell with a "Western Pony", a "Running Dog", and a goshawk, and Victor V. Slocum with a statue of a horse. Bronislaw and Leon Makielski will each present a painting, "Eve- ning in Virginia", and a portrait; Leon has done many local men in portraiture. It is possible that sev- eral additional works may be shown by some of the local artists. Edwards Only Miehigan Man Of the artists about the state to exhibit, Beaver Edwards is the sculptor. .The- most familiar to local patrons is Paul'Honore, who will bring the "Mapmakers" fromI the Scarab club in Detroit. Other exhibitors with their selections are: Charles A. Barker, "Bones and I"; . Reginald C. Bennett Opus 7; Jay Boorsma, "Bathers"; Roy C. Gam- ble, a portrait; Hunter Griffith, - "Texas Shocks"; Samuel Ha*,rt, "Detroit Rooftops"; Robert Herz-, berg, a .landscape; Stanley M. Lewis, a water color painting; Robert McCallum, a landscape; Stephen Nastfoge, "North Light"; Floyd Nixon, "Coast of Maine"; Clyde A. Nordquist, "Composition"; Frank C. Packman, "Lime Kiln"; Phil Sawyer, a portrait of a boy; George, W. Styles, "Gray Day"; Sidney Walton, "Indian Pottery"; and John P. Wicker, "Mother and Child." Philosophy department, will be the AWAKWAD OPLN TO AMATEURS a t Lsns Utonnaseen ac- lead an expedition for three years Wtive on the campus, its staff has collecting material to add to the With the announcement today been considerably augmented, its collections already obtained. He speaker at the annual meeting of collections have been increased, returned in 1925 to resume active the University of Michigan club of that over $25,000 in cash will be and the staff has undertaken sev- I work as director having succeeded e Grand Rapids which has been awarded to the five prize winners eral important pieces of research, in obtaining ten thousand speci- scheduled for Thursday night, in the national radio audition con- some of which are already nearing mens of ancient Phillipine cultures. ,March 14, it was announced yes- test, held annually under the sup- completion. An addition to the staff was terday. E. J. Ottoway, president- envision of the Atwater Kent Prior to 1922 there was no organ- made in 1923 when Mr. E. F. Green- t of the Alumni association, and- F d- ization interested in anthropologi- man was made an assistant in the j Prof. Samuel T. Dana, dean of the Foun ion, college s t u d e n t s cal work, but the general museum department. Greenman was later 1 School of Forestry and Conserva- throughout the country are pre- provided a department which re- promoted to a curatorship. His tion, will also be present at the af- paring programs worthy of na- ceived occasional specimens which special interest was Indian en- s fair and will confer with the offi- tional recogrition. The prize were stored away. The first arch- closures in Michigan on which he 1 cers of the club at a noon lunch- money for the 1929 contest is $; aeological specimen was an Indian did considerable work. He resign- eon on the same day.i. bead, given to the museum in 1870. ed in 1928 to accept a position in President Ottoway and Dean 500 larger than the total distri- From 1870 to 1875 Dr. J. B. Steere'the museum at Ohio State Univer- Dana are principally interested in bution in 1928. conducted his famous expedition, sity. discussing with the officers of the The plan, which . will be carried and a number of archaeological On Dr. Guthe's return in 1925 the Grand Rapids club their project out this year in order to determine specimens were obtained from va- unit was divided in five depart- for the University Ten Year Pro- the five most entertaining radio rious parts of the world. In 1874 ments, the Great Lakes division, gram. Because the club has shown amateurs, is to divide the country the Chinese governmhent donated to physical anthropology, division of an inclination to undertake some into districts, from which centers the University museum a large the Orient, archaeology, and type of forest conservation work local contests may branch in or- Chinese collection of material ethnology. The following year as their share of the Alumni pro- der to determine the sectional win- which had been on exhibition in Miss Dorothy Myers was added to gram, Dean Dana was asked to ners. In five sections of the na- the World's Fair at New Orleans. the staff as artist, and W. B. Kinetz present to the members the cor- tion, the boy and girl winners will In June 1922 the Board of Re- became cataloguer. rect professional view of forestry gather to test their radio possi- gents established the museum of conditions at the present time and bilities. Ten winners will be deter- anthropology as a separate depart- An addition to the collections is he will do this at the noon meet- mined and sent to a central loca- --a group of 1200 Chinese specimens Decmbr or hefial ivsin " C ~ presented by Mr. and Mrs. W.'! ing. cation in nal I ISionO eFoeSry Istes f Grand Rapids in 1926 decision by a board of musiciansFone A Miw uern-ofGan.Rais_ n196_ whose vote will count 40 per cent CLFounded At MiRwaukeeSp Liguists To0Spe of the decision. The remainderICOLGATE UNIVERSITY.-Spon- At Academy Meeting will be determined by the radio Announcement of the establish- sored by the Colgate Christian as- I listeners-in. A nation-wide hook- ment of the district Forestry divi- isociation, a movement to create Since the organization of the up of stations will rebroadcast the sion at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was more intimate relations between contest finals. vi made here in a recent interview Mihian Le my of Sience, Last season, over 50,000 voices with Arthur W. Stace, director of instructor and student has been grown steadily, an examination of were tried out over the hundreds the Michigan Public Utilities In- inaugurated. Under this plan, cer- its membership roll reveals. Lat- of microphones, and such a growth formation bureau. tamn members of the faculty receive its fushw 2ai mem-ersi a in the popularity of the contest Some time ago it was erroneous- groups of ten or more students in est figures- show 532 active memn- ,r so tno oe tdnsi bers, in addition to 12 honorary has determined A. Atwater Kent, ly announced that the division had their homes every Sunday evening members. In 1921 -the scope of donor of the prizes, to add $7,500 been brought to Ann Arbor for 0-: the Academy, originally organized to the cash fund. In addition to cation through the influence and as one of science, was broadened ; the $5,000 first prize money which efforts of the Ann Arbor Chamber-_ to include all fields of intellectual will be given to both a boy and a of Commerce. The event was hail- --__ effort, and its name correspond- girl, two years' tuition in any ed as of great importance both to - ingly changed. . American conservatory of music the University and to the. town-- - The Section of Language and goes to the highest pair in the since the officials connected with compettion.the division number approximately Literature is one of those created competition.Y eight years ago. This department! The contests will begin in the 20 families of the same mental and is reported to have experienced 'summer and early fall, and finals! cultural type as an instructor.__ even more rapid growth than of the districts and sections will be- The deciding factor in locating many other sections of the aca- concluded by November. Anyone the division which includes Minne- I demy. This year, with Prof. James between the ages of 18 and 25 is sota, Wisconsin, tIllinois, and Indi- E. . Dunlap, of the department of eligible. ana, as its territory, was the de- & Latin and Greek, as chairman, thef: cision of the Forestry division di- language and literature section Buy an 'Ensian subscription now ! rector, Tinker, who favored Mil-- _ will conduct three extensive ses- for $5.50, and you will be sure of waukee for its more centralised sions on Friday and Saturday, receiving a copy in the spring. position and other obvious merits. ] IMarch 15 and 16. - - -- __ ___ _ Several of the addresses to be presented before this group meet- -ngare of- a rather popular nature' and . will probably attract the i t 'B r"Iaif as&,,ISt terest of a number of students,B r was announced yesterday by Pro- t Cso una. Joh Wity fo ' at the Lincoln Restaurants will assure is to speak on "Defining Courtly! youof starting offthe day in the right Love." And to go from the sub- jieet of love to the closely related andry our dl- one of humor, Mrs. Marian W.Cious waffles, maple syrup and excel -Magoon, of Michigan State No- lent coffee this morning and every mal college, is to discuss "Some evC'I Elements of Humor in Ecclesiasti- breakfast at cal Latin Literature." All addresses will be followed by well supervised discussion sections, & L1*n coln1" R estaurants 006. Professor Dunlap announced.ar Subscribe to The Michigan Daily State at Liberty E. Huron State at Packard $2.25 for the half year.. I I i i i i i i i f t 11 1 i i Professor Ford Will Address Open Forum Prof. Adelbert Ford, of the, psychology department, will speak at the next student forum spon- sored by the Student Christian as- sociation at 4:05 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at Lane hall. The meet- ings are held weekly, and are under the general heading of "Looking on Life." Each week a prominent faculty member lead. theinformal discus- sion on some important phase of" the general topic. The meetings will be continued throughout the present semester, and twelve forums in all will be held. John L. Webster, '30, heads the commit- tee in charge. NEWSPAPERS and' MAGAZINE SVBSCRIPTIONS - t with their feet on the gr oun d wihftMN of vision, yes. But don't over- leadership into new fields. But back of look the fact that those old Roman it all must be the ability to organize men, road builders and empire builders kept money, material and machines. their feet firnm i fixed on the ground. The telephone executive nm-st coor- They faced the facts squarely. 'ihey dinate his machine before he can run it. were demons for detail. They were the He must understand the possibilitces in world's hrst great organizers. his organization before he can le-id i. Pioneering in the telephone industry That done, his opportu nity is eilipire is like that. It is a work of vision and of wide. vision-lhro: a ianti: mat-i-on - . For the Convenience -I ofur Patrons: l li .. NEW MODELS for hats made on the head MKINSEY HAT SHOP 227 So. State In addition to our Drug Stores and Subway Sandwich Shop, we handle the latest editions of all the leading newspapers throughout the United States. Crippen's Drug Store 723 N. University Ave. OUR PI(N I R I N G "_ - I 'r '."..+!:..++: J.!'w,.,l.IJJJllJ~.d"l./"./.Y.i".:t':%.'%"..++.,'...1..a? ~./.1. ...I... .'../Y., ".;' --- - , ';'.IF /".,, . .a.i "r.'".1''.a .r+:.Y. '_.n': '"° a ". ..o'.r.. ... . .,. :9 : ~ , ". + +' : . ./ " r+" . J°1.. . a'" '. i . ew". '""w ' : o '..I. '. .. ,1 . '". . J" . ,r i 25TH ANNUAL SEAT SALE Hill Auditorium TODAY 11 bmz -M - =- = m =Lin= -, -Ir - = - I