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March 13, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-13

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One General Meeting Is Arranged
In Addition To Various Sessions
For Special Sections
More than 200 addresses and pa-
pers will be presented before the
meetings of the 13 sections of the
Michigan Academy of Sciences,
Arts, and Letters which is con-
vening in Ann Arbor Thursday,
Friday, and Saturday of this week.
In addition to the programs be-
ing prepared by the various sec-
tions, a general program for the
entire Academy has been prepared
and includes addresses by a num-
ber of well known authorities.
Following a meeting of the Aca-
demy council early Thursday aft-
ernoon, Prof. Edwin Sapir of the
University of Chicago will speak
on the subject "The Aboriginal
Languages of America." Professor
Sapir will be the official represen-
tative of the American Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Sci-
ence to the Michigan Academy.
Other Addresses Featured
The other featured addresses of
the general program will be one by
Prof. William H. Hobbs of the geol-
ogy department on the topic, "The
Greenland Expeditions of, the Uni-
versity of Michigan, with some Ac-
count of the Rescue of the Amer-
ican Fliers," and the presidential
address "Early Christian Magic
from Egypt" by Prof. W. H. Wor-
rell of the semitics department.
Professor Worrell is president of
the Academy for the present year.
Additional high lights of the pro-
gram call for educational moving
pictures at 4:15 o'clock on Thurs-
day afternoon in Natural Science
auditorium through the coutesy of
the School of Forestry and Con-
servation. The annual exhibit is
to be on display at 8:30 o'clock
Thursday night In the University
Museums building.hThis exhibit
will include more than 40 special
sections from the various depart-
ments included in theAcademy.
Like all addresses and ' section 1
meetings, it is open to the public
without charge.
Many Groups Represented
Represented in the groups which
have arranged sets for the annual
exhibit are the sections of botany,
economics and sociology, forestry,
geography and zoology.
Section meetings are planned for
the most part for Friday although
in one case a section program is
announced for Thursday and in
two or three others programs ex-
tend over to Saturday morning.
The sections and their chairmen
are as follows:
Section Chairmen
Anthropology, Prof. W. B. Hins-
dale; botany, Prof. E. F. Woodcock,
Michigan State College; economics
and sociology, Prof. Z. C. Dickin-
son; forestry, P. S. Lovejoy of the
State Conservation department;
geography, Prof. J. 0. Veatch,
Michigan State college; geology
and mineralogy, Prof. R. C. Hus
soy; history and political science,
Prof. H. M. Ehrman; language and
liteature, Prof. ;James E. Dunlap;
mathematics, Prof. Louis A. Hop-
kins; psychology, Prof. E. B.
Skaggs, .of Detroit City college;

sanitary and medical science, Dr.
D: A. McGinty, and zoology, Prof.
Frank Smith of Hillsdale college.
Rocky Mountain Region
Buried In Heavy Snow
(By Associated Press)
DENVER, March 12.-Winter
took a parting fling at the Rocky
Mountain region today loosening a
blizard that left a wide area buried
under the heaviest snow of the
Un Wyoming, where the brunt. of
the storm was felt, a blinding snow
paralyzed systems of transporta-
tion, hampered the air mail, and
marooned small towns and villages
behind drifts which covered high-
ways to a depth of nearly three
feet. The storm area extended
northward to the Canadian border,
spreading a blanket of . snow over
Montana and southward to New


Broadcasting from the new Mor- Opening the first class dues col-
ris Hall studio, the 21st Michigan ,. lection campaign of the year,
I Night radio program of the cur- tables were placed in the corridors
rent series will be put on the airW Iof University and Angell halls yes-
between 7 and 8 o'clock tomorrow terday by James E. Duffield, treas-
night through WJR, the "Goodl urer of the class of 1929 in the lit-
Will Station" of the Richards Oak- i erary college, in an attempt to
land company, Detroit. viIIIJIUL 1i collect dues of five dollars from the
Featured on tomorrow night's [members of the senior class. The
program are four talks by mem- FIRST TALK WILL CONCERN collections will continue through'
hers of the University faculty, and SOCTAL WY C C Fridayof this week at the same
a musical program to be presented SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY laces.
by the String Ensemble, composed OF ENGLAND Assistants to the class treasurer
of students in the University will be stationed at the posts
School of Music. I AUTHOR OF MANY WORKS throughout the day in order to
Barbara H. Bartlett, professor of afford every member of the class
public health nursing, will discuss M. Chevrillon Now Occupied Chiefly an opportunity to fulfill his obli-
that field which she makes a spe- With Biography Disclosing New gations during the regular collec-
cialty; . George Slocum, assistant Facts In Life Of Taine tion period. Duffield announced4
professor of ophthrhology, will --that until dues had been paid, no
speak on "Some Popular Miscon- M. Andre Chevrillon, French cri- prospective graduate would be al-
ceptions Regarding the Eyes"; tic and man of letters, will de- lowed to order invitations or an-
Richard T. Schlosberg, assistant ; liver the first of a series of two f nouncements of Commencement,
professor of military tactics and lectures here today, it was an- which will go on sale Monday of
science, who is operator of the 1o- Ilcue eetdy twsa-wc w
cal R. O. T. C. short wave radio nounced yesterday by Prof. Hugo next week.
station which is in constant com- IP. Thieme, of the ,Romance lan-
munication with the Greenland guages department. M. Chevrillon
Expeditions of the University, will ! will speak in English at 4:15 this
deal with "Short Wave Stations" afternoon in Social Science audi- ,AVIA111 COMPANY
and Joseph E. Maddy, head of th' oriumon "The Social Psycholgy i
public school music department of of England."
the University School of Music, will He will lecture in French at 9 j
tell of the National High School o'clock tomorrow morning in room
Orchestra Camp held at Lake In-1103 of the Romance languages i
terlochen, Michigan. building on the noted French
scholar, Taine. Chevrillon is thc! Recently Organized Corporation
F RW RD MA CH1latter's nephew, and is at the pres- I Has No Interests In Any Otherj
ent time writing a book on him Companies As Yet
designed to clear up many miscon- ~~F
ceptions concerning his life and RUMERS DECLARED FALSE
fI'l hliiug uuf-1;-1-many-new la.s ____


(By Associated Press)
MADRID, March 12.-Students
of the University of Madrid clash-
ed again today with the police, as
t-hev have fremiuentl dcimip durinr

the last four days in their efforts
to stage demonstrations against
the dictatorship of Premier Primo
de Rivera. The police drew their
--- swords in dispersing the paraders
!ADVANCE SALES ON ANNUALbut no one was seriously injured.
ALREADY TOTAL MORE Some of the students were bruised
TITAN 3,100 1 and many were arrested.
- The entire student body formed
PRICE NOW SET AT $5.50 a parade and marched through the
principal streets pausing in front
Pledge Cards May Be Redeemed of the government offices to shout,
Last Three Days Of Week At ,"Down with the government;"
Table In Angell Hall IDown with Primo ! The police
1were particularly vigilant in keep-
With a subscription list already ing the students from the vieity
450 orders higher than that of last mof the war es offices where the pre-
year, the business staff of the .e reegt
Michiganensian is launching a The tudlebegn reainesdt away
final subscription campaign today from classes because of what they
and continuing through Friday af- considered an unjust expulsion of
ter which the order for books will one of their number. The use of
be closed for this year.onofterumr.Tesef
In comparison with the 2y700.police to discipline them caused a
In cmparsonwiththe ,70 break between the university au-
copies of the 1928 'Ensian which thoritics and the governments.
were sold last year the sales for the The rector and the deans of five
1929 yearbook total 3,150 copies, ac- faculties resigned but they were
cording to a statement made yes- ordered to remain at their posts.
terday by -J. Franklin Miller, busi- Students in Barcelona have organ..
Studets i Ba eon stavrans,
ness manager. ized sympathetic demonstrations,
During the three day campaign but otherwise the country at large
tables will be placed at each end .

and the center of the diagonal,
in tlh lnhbic ofU T~ivpit

anas not ucen aiectea.

n rn ri

tormig tlght many new facts i
cncenig1im which are not i(By Associated Press>)
+generally noted. NEW YORK, March '12.-Robert
Is Noted Critic Lehman, chairman of the execu-
S--- Chevrillon is reputed to be one' tive committee of the Aviation
Two Extra Days Arranged To of the leading critics of modern corporation, recently organized
Extend Sale Of Tickets Through France and is well known as a man with initial capital of $35,000,000 as
Remainder Of Week of letters. He is intimately ac- a development and holding con-
quainted with Kipling, Galswor- cern, revealed today that as yet the
MANY FEATURES PROMISED ! thy, Shaw, and Conrad, and tells company has acquired interest in
__many anecdotes concerning the no other companies.
Two extra days have been ar- lives of contemporary writers, both In an official announcement of
ranged this week for the sale of English and French. It is expect- the purpose of the Aviation corpo-
tickets to "Forward March," the ed that in his speech this after- I ration it was said that it was ex-
wihis to run all week atGirls' noon Chevrillon will introduce ted holdings will consist largely
h annual Junior Gir' Pla, much material which has to do of the majority of the common
the Whitney theater. Tickets will with contemporary English liter- stock of other companies and that
be on sale from 1 to 5:30 o'clock ature. interest might also be held in
tomorrow afternoon and Friday at He has"a long record of scholar- companies not controlled. Today
the box office of the Whitney the- ly achievement, a glance at his the company S was understood in
ater, as well as today at 1111 audi- biography reveals. Born in 1864, Wall street's report to have ar- I
torium and from 10 to 5 o'clock he was educated at the University ranged already for acquisition of
Saturday at the auditorium. This school in London and the Ecole control of four large aviation com-'
makes a total of five days for Alsacienne and Lycee Louis le panies, but Lehman denied these'
ticket sales, instead of limiting the Grand, Paris. His university de- reports.
sales to Tuesday, Wednesday, and grees were taken at the Sorbonne, "All rumors and statements that
Saturday of this week. where he specialized in English the Aviation corporation has ac- ;
. The music for "Forward March" literature, returning often to Eng-. quiredvany interest whatsoever i
is expected to be an important fac- land. any othe r anypin es areen
tor in the success of the play. It Visited World's Fa uniray other companies are entirely
unfounded,", he said. It has been
includes songs of practically every In 1893, when he was 29 years reported that the Aviation corpo-
type. The scores have been writ- old, Chevrillon made his first trip ration is about to acquire the con-
ten by Lorinda McAndrew, chair- to the United States. He carried trolling interests in various otherl
man of music, assisted by Retta a note of introduction to President enterprises and these reports are
McKnight, Josephine Rankin, and Gilman of Johns Hopkins univer- also in large part untrue.
Rachel Ramsey. i sity. When the young Frenchmani "An illustration of this is the j
The first act of the play is to be' arrived in the United States, Gil- fAito oprto fAeiai
1 brought to an unusual close with man was in Chicago, in charge ofwhc the Aviation corporation
a frfaletto in Gilbert-Sullivan' the World's Fair.whic has no intention whatsoever of
style. This will conclude the dra- So Chevrillon went on to Chi- owning or acquiring a controlling
mae pcaction of the first part of cago. He arrived there just as Gil- interest and at the present time
the play entirely through song.l man was delivering an address to ownssnotstock
This arrangement is considered es-a-as Irn n drest owns no stack. .
IThisaangeen is consdenure -a large assembly. As soon as the "The Aviation corporation also
a well suited to the naturespeech was finished, Chevrillon has no plans for the acquisition of '
of "Forward March."i handed -Gilman his letter of intiro-ithFoercmayasasbn
Several blues songs are to fea- duction. Glancing at it, the famous the Fokker company, as has been
ture the play. One of these, sung educator turned to. the audiencer James A. Talbot, chairman of the
in the second act, is "Poor Little and said, "We have here a bri- Fokker Aircraft corporation of
Me." Only one song, the title song, liant young Frenchman, who will Amer af isudasatemnt
is of the military nature suggested speak to you now.,,i hAmerica, also issued a statement
by the name, "Forward March." in which he said the company was
Other songs expected to go over1 Makes First American Speech not going to be absorbed by any
big with the audiences are I With no more preparation than other. organization. "Control rests
"Paris Bound" and "Right Out of that, Chevrillon began his- first with myself and my associates," he
Heaven." American address, in a land and 'said, "and is not for sale."
0 -o1 country totally -strange to him,
I "THE VIKINGS" which spoke a strange tongut Debate Against Detroit
______America is a wonderful coun try," i !
Tickets for the tomorrow and he started out, and is said to have l Results In Tie Decision
J Friday night showings of Hen- delievered a very creditable sex- ____
drick Ibson's "The Vikings" in temporaneous speech.g'
' Hill auditorium may be. obtain- I1Since that time, M. Chevrillon
ed at Graham's book store any has visited America many times,1 sity debaters of the University for
time during the day. All re- 1 jand now Professor Thieme says i the -first time in its history, the
niaining seats for both perform- 1that the Frenchman speaks Eng- debating team of the University of
I ances are on sale there. lish more fluently and beautifully Detroit presented the affirmative
1o o than do the English. I of the question of the ablition
SPRING AND EDUCATION EXCHANGE f the jury system, last night at a
SWAT IN EAS ' EXC HAN GEB.UT meeting of the Alpha Nu debating
S ATS IN SEASON'S SECOND society. The clash resulted in a
H in in ei

in ae iouoies o In vers y and IRI1, 1A
Angell halls. Representatives of the
'Ensian will take subscriptions
from 8:30 until 4 o'clock on each CM
day. The price is $5.50 a copy
Cards May Be Redeemed
"Although the 'Ensian has dis-
continued the receiving of pledge _
cards," Miller stated, "it will per- -
mit them to be redeemed the last ToEstablish Booth In University
three days of his week at the table Itall; Tickets Also To Be On
located in Angell hall.,IIaI ikt loT eO
"The 'Ensian is having this cam- Sale At Union And Wahr's
paign," he continued, "as a last op-
portunity for students to subscribePROMISE NOVEL SETTINGS
for the book. Every year between
150 and 200 students come into the Establishment of a ticket booth
,office after the sales campaign is from which Frosh Frolic tickets
over and ask for books which we Iwill be sold in University hall was
cannot supply. It is those students md etra yAfe amr
who ware tryn to reachi. made yesterday by Alfred Palmer,
thi final cam rying reac in '32, ticket chairman. In addition,j
i Itickets for the annual yearling af-
Editorial Work Is Complete fair will also be sold at the Union
All editorial work on the 1929 an- and at Wahr's and Slater's book-
nual except the index is complete stores, he added.
and has been sent to. the printers The contract far'the decorations
according to the 'Ensian editors. At was let to the Goodhew Floral
the present time the editorial staff company of Ann Arbor, the com-
is returning proofs to the printer mittee in charge said Instead of
at the rate of 100 pages a day. Asmteeichresd.Itado
a rsl it is expe that the an- the usual spread decorations, novel
nual will be ready for distribution groupings of plants and artificial
onuathe campurdyurithescuon flowers will be used, it was said.
on the campus during the secondThcmmtechsthpln-o
week of May. The committee chose the plan to
The total cost of the present 'En- be used.
Sian is more than $23,000, Miller Formal permission to hold the.
estimates. This figure is $1700 dance has been given by the office
higher than that of lastyear's pub- of the dean of students, and the
lication. This additional expendi- dance is to be held on the night
ture has, been due to two factors, of Friday, March 22. The dance
the more costly cover which is be- will last from 9 o'clock until 2
ing used, and the additional o'clock.
coloring utilized in the preparation A special invitation to any who
of the opening section and of the were not members of the freshmai
\division pages. At this figure the class to attend the dance was ex-
tcost of an individual copy of the tended yesterday by Kenneth Mc-
'Ensian is more than $7. Callum, '32, general chairman.
Is Prepared For Contest While the dance is sponsored by
Each year the larger yearbooks the freshman class and is mainly
of the country are judged by a for members of the first year
group of men selected by the Art group, members of other classes
Crafts guild. The 'Ensian has al- usually attend in large numbers
ways ranked favorably in the re- lending an inter-class aspect, it is
ports of this group. This year's said.
copy has been prepared with this Tickets for the affair will again
contest in mind, be five dollars, Palmer announced.
In the opinion of the editors,
Miller stated, the 1929 'Ensian will 0 -0
rank with the annual of 1925 as PLAY PRODUCTION |
one of the best books ever pub-
lished on the Michigan campus. t A few seats remain for Sat-
_furday night's special perform-
THE WEATHER ; ance of the four one-acts plays I
now running in the University
(By Associated Press) Hall auditorium. Persons want-
Unsettled Wednesday and Thurs- ! 1ing tickets should bring or send
day, rain probable, possibly turn- a stamped, self-addressed en-1
ing to snow in north portions elope to .the Play Production
Thursday; continued mild Wednes- ( office in University Hall. . 1
day, colder Thursday. 0- o

General Urbalejo Reported Fleeing
With Remnants Of His Small
Body Of Loyalists
(By Associated Press)
MEXICO CITY, March 12.-The
federal government today gave out
extremely meager reports of the
movements of General Calles and
his army which is moving on Tor-
reon. Indications continue that a
decisive battle in the central
Mexican campaign may be fought
The noon-day bulletin reported
that the secretary of war had ad-
vanced as far as Rio Grande, state
of Zacatecas, where temporary
headquarters were established
while the staff checks up on the
advance of its troops and decides
on a plan of action. The Com-
munique indicated that movements
of the federal troops were consid-
erably hampered by railroad tracks
torn up by the rebels as they fell
back on Torreon from Canitas. It
was at the latter city that the
Calles forces made their first con-
tact with the rebels under General
Urbalejo and routed them.
Rebels Are Retreating
Urbalejo was reported to be now
fleeing with a small party which
remained loyal to him when the
great bulk of his troops deserted.
General Calles at Rio Grande is
within a 150 miles of Torreon and
near that objective than General
Juan. A. Almazan, supposed to be
advancing westward to Monterey
and last reported between that
point and Saltillo.
Both federal columns were said
to have been delayed in advancing
upon the torn up lines. It was
believed here that Calles may hold
his column somewhat in check in
order to give Almazan an oppor-
tunity to reach Toreon in time
to join the attack. The rebels
have held Torreon for more than
a week, giving them ample time
to bring up reinforcements and
supplies for a strong defense.
Stronger Defense Expected
The rebel defense was expected
to be the more determined because
a decisive defeat there would
leave them nothing to do except
to fall back on Chihuahua with the
eventual prospect of dispersing or
scurrying across the American
border to save their necks.
The absence of railroad lines to
the west coast made it wholly im-
probable that the rebels could
make contact with their western
forces, of which little information
has been given out by the govern-
ment here during the last few days.
These western forces were reported
to have advanced deep into Sinloa
to a point about 100 miles above
Mazatlan, where the rebels were
reported mobilizing to halt their-
Bulletin Gives Details
The bulletin today gave further
details -of the mopping up cam-
paign in the state of Vera Cruz
where the federals crushed the
rebellion nearly a week ago. It

was stated that 1,000 armed men
have surrendered and that the
government expected that the rest,
said to include about 300 Yaquis,
would shortly give up.
Distance Swimmers
Begin Registration
Registration will begin Thursday
and will. continue for one week for
participation in the Union ten mile
,swim, William E. Nissen, '29, presi-
dent of the Union, announced yes-
terday. Competition in the affair
will begin Monday, March 25, and
will continue until May -11.
Medals, according to the plan ad-
vanced by Union officials, will be
awarded to the first 20 men who
swim a total of 10 miles during the
period. All those who finish the dis-
tance during the period will have
their names engraved on the Union
Perpetual Ten Mile Swim Trophy




By Gumley on trouser seats, if coliceted anci Composed of a trio of experiene-
Spring hit the campus again cmltl applied to onepeeo ltwud
str day for the sc o d t in cople tely rin afc l of materia would ed forensic men, the Detroit team As a means of relaxation and 1 cei
yesterday for the second time in I et i t of was one of the best that has come iversion from their work, many Iabl
the past ten days and nothing was the Law building. to Ann Arbor for an informal doIwell-known men on the faculty of thi
done about it. At least no one felt Spring neckwear was not partic- bate, it was the general comment Ute
of the audience. The visiting team, niversity have taken up swt
like doing anyhing. Classroom ularly in evidence, due to the fact consisting of James Britt, Ned Mo- swimming as a hobby. Regular4gin
windows were wide open and so I1that nothing wilder, brighter, or naghan and Arthur Petrimoulx, classes under the direction of Matt day
were the mouths of several stu- more flaming than that which has 1 has won a large share of their de- Mann, varsity swimming coach, van
dents who found it impossible to ben worn all year can possibly be bates in the past years, and all its have been organized which have day
resist the nap-producing effects of conceived. Local tailors are strug- members are veterans. an enrollment of forty or more. for
the droning voice of Education. gling to come out from under the Members of the local trio all of The roster of the classes includes of,
Topcoats were discarded, sport flood of orders for Easter suits, but which are enrolled in the Alpha Nu such names as Jack L. Blott, of the C
shoes and spring suits were given they whistle merrily withal. One society are John Webster '30P University coaching staff, Charles Pr(
a workout, and some nine thous- of the most popular colors this Paul Franseth. '29. and Jarl An- IW. Good, professor of mechanical rhe

ved from the classes is invalu-
e and most of the men realizing
s, are quite regular in their at-
dance." Mann has organized the
immers into two groups, a be-
ners group which meets Tues-
ys and Thursdays, and an ad-
nced section which meets Mon-
ys and Fridays thus arranging
competition between swimmers
equal proficiency.
ethers who report regularly are,
of. Peter M. Jack, head of the
etoric department, Prof. Samuel

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