I'AGE TWO 1°THF E MICHIGANDAIY w - - - - .. a.., .. .... _,....._._ ._, .. AnT 'WIU IS APPOINTED I[PETUII 'TO SUCCEED SZE WILL HE GIVEN HERE ETCHINGS AND DRY POINTS" IS SUBJECT OF SAMUE~L C.:CHAMBERLAIN LECTURES TO BE FREE CURRlENT NEWS TEST City Cab Ord finance :PART OF THE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM 1_ I2 .. .I SOON TO RF PT! I .F D WTTI-I fl ~IAV q m-wo I Prof. Alfred V. Churchill An Dr. Adolphe Van Glabbeke Are Other Speakers ndi Three lecturers of note will appea r . . bewe rdyadTedya'public addresses on. fine arts sub- S' Juects, sponsored by the Ann, Arbor Art association, two to be given in4 ' Almnuni Memorial hail and one in Y ; Natural 'Science auditorium.' L ai g he ls is S m e .C.Chamberlain;, who will speak at: 4:15 Friday afternoon at. Alumni'D C..Wi Memorial hiall. on "Etching and Iy Dry F.C.oime Nationalist minister of Points." In the course of his talk he will make a plate- and print a China, who has been .appointed dry point etching for the audience,; Chinese minister to the United his materials having been brought i States, succeeding Sao-Ke Alfred here expressly for the lecture. rzrcnl rnfre oLw OnceAPrfso Mr. Chamberlain was formerly an don,, England. assistant professor of architecture; here. In.192'7 he was awarded 'the:i S tace Says Public Guggenheim Memorial foundation scholarship carrying with it a year's I-Relations Promote study with Malcolm Osborne, R. A., +Good Will, Equit y English authority on etching., __ At present a large exhibit of Mr.t Chamberlain's etchings is being tWholesome public relations shown at Memorial hall where ,it have for their objectives the pro- will remain until February -25. On! motion of understanding, of good February 21, Mr. Chamberlain will will, and of equity," declared Ar- leave the United States to return Ithur W. Stace, director of the to Paris,, after being in this country :Michigan Public Utility Informa- for four months.; tion bureau, in an address to the Churchill From Smith Frsr lbls rh. Prof. Alfred Vance Churchill,Fretyculatng. head of the fine arts department! In speaking of public relations, of Smith ,college, will speak at 4:15 !State said that any institution Moniday afternoon in Natural Sci- iwhich comes into contact .with the ence auditorium on "Modern Ro-~ people or with popular opinion has mantic Painting." Prof. Churchill need to look .diligently at its pub- likewise is director of the museum lic relations, this° being particular-' at Smith college. 1y true of any institution whose He was educated a;~ Oberlin col- activities, are outside of the field lege following which he spent a of common knowledge, ,or. of large number of. years as a student at,- and growing institutions. "Con- Leipsig-, Berlin, ;the Academic Julieni :tructive progress,". he said, "must at Paris, a.nd at the University of 1 always overcome obstructive or Paris, ;destructive opposition.". Closing the list of speakers who ;'The people must have good will wall appear during the week is Dr. 1 toward forestry,". he continued. Adolphe Van Glabbeke, M.A., LL.D., The idle third of Michigan's land, L... who will speak on "Leon- good 'only for. forests,, mnust be for- ardo da Vinci: His Life ,and Works," ' ested despite public ignorance, in- at Memorial hall at 4:15 o'clock d ~ifference, or positive ill-will. Tuesday .afternoon. Michigan's present advancement ___- -______hecredited to public. relations wNork of foresters. C -W 111 rossioiy DOos t J A £J4.d.' VTAAA .AJ ~ Z or JE uropean . tu c y COMPETITION STILL Ann Arbor Taxi Fare'Aon teaan euctina " On ofthe orepuzzingquirs h"" « turswhich are being arranged for OPEN FOR ST UDENTS neo the moepzln iik ~tecoing summer by various O 1of the present situation resulting 1;tiavel bueaus, an unsual featur from: the enforcement of the auto- rvlbueuanuuul. etr A," '< :'< <.:::r'.": ;:'is being preseted by the Bureau -- ~~mobile ban was brought out last ofUiestTrvlnthfrmf EXAMINATION WILL BE HELD' Friday when City Attorney Cal'"ofUiest.Talinheor.f ON FEBRUARY :15 FOR ALL Lehmn.istrcte theAnnAr.>:- a vagabond tour for architects. CONTESTANTS i police to enforce rigidly the city ' , '..Ti orwihicue 5dy ordinance regulating taxi fares, The occupied in a study of archit.- orde wa thereslt o a omplinttui epwill sail from New York on TO LAST IThREE jHOURSJ re a h euto opan *read by J. A. Bursley, dean of stu July 3 for Southampton. Frt arTodents, acting in his capacity f r k : Extensive travel in England, FrtPrToConsist Of Spot;i Fr ance, wtelnadIaywl 9uestions And Second Parts alder man. H. A. McCain, fte,.............................Sal w iopprtunityfran tudyof ' .rTo Be Five Essays Buick taxi service, against whom thFatanl acitcur pealn the original complint had been i'"in'; the cun riecwthrathorough- 'With the comletion of final ar-I lodged, is appealing for a recon-'nessosalmostiposwibleoanothe rangemnents for the annual New wdrto o>h