. t ti TIDE MICHil.sA D AILY '4I°U-ESI tiY, MARCH 12 1929 THE MICHIGAN IYATLY Th-ESDAY, MARCH 12, 1929 MOVi WILL FOREIGN OIL Picture Made In Co Pan-American Pe Transport C "Through Oil Lan Africa, Poland, Gree is the title of the ma be presented at 4: afternoon in Natura torium. The publi has been announce Made in coopera Pan A~me P Tranipc ?t conpany :shows the Schodnica PORTR YSAttorney Coolidge Returns To Northampton Once More SCREEN RE To Practice Law Following Eight Years In Washington A Wuerth UL - 4,~ " ""4;; U, t. An old story with a 'new angle, -hotogapedhwell-directed, and well- operation With photographed-that's "The Case of troleum And ILena Smith," on view downtown tompany:oday and tomorrow. Esther -Ral- i ;ston as the young Austrian peas- nds of Eurpe,:::. ant girl who comes to the big city ce, and Egypt" (Vienna) displays unlooked for otiori pic::ture to acting ability, while James Hall as2 otion picture to '- ';::...."; " ,.:" .}.,k - ?fv . . x the good-looking lieutenant who 15 o'clock this does the goil wrong passes muster. l Science audi- - Von Steinberg of "Underworld" c is invitee, it and "Docks of New York" fame did d. a creditable job directing 'the pic- tion with the ture, proving that the :films are etroleum and capable of turning out something the first reel besides light comedies and burning field in West- ... :love epics. FLECTIONS tainnment. You can pay a dollar to the Vindication Fund, plank down another half a buck at the 'box office, and still feel that you're getting your money's worth! Herman Timberg supplied the best vaudeville ever seen at the Michigan - without reservation. High spots in his unit's hour on the stage were blonde Barbara Blair's performance, and Mr. Tim-, berg's own fast stepping. As for Buster Keaton's "Camera- man"-well, the organ went wrong for a few minutes Sunday after- noon but there 'were so many ilaughs that nobody missed theI music. Timberg's putting on a new show Thursday that will be worth seeing even if it's only half NEW CATALOGS TO HAVE REVISED MAPS OF CITY Catalogues for the summer ,ses- sions of the various colleges and schools of the University, are now being published under the direc- tion of the editorial office of the University. One of the features. of the new announcements will be the inclusion of a new map of the city and the campus. This is the first time that the maps accompanying catalognes have been changed. Aid The Damage Fund Today. Detroit Theaters SHUBERT LAFAYETTE Nights, 75c to $3.00; Pop. Mats. Thurs. and Sat., 50c-$2.40 "Whoopee" Musical Comedy Ten-Strike in the LUCKEE GIRL ern Galicia, with more than 300 producing wells: St. Jacob's well. one of the oldest in the world and more than 1,000 fee} deep; trans- portations by steel tank cars, ,and cans and wooden tanks on carts; the primitive life of the Polish, peasant: and in Greece the Acro- polis Athens. ruins of old temples. and a panomma of the theater at In reel two will be shown other Greek ruins, and several views of Egypt, including the gates of Cairo, which formerly closed at nightfall, street scenes, Egyptian women, the tombs of 'the Caliphs, and native spinning and cleaning silk. A camel train starting across the desert is shown in the third reel,, with a grave yard in the desert, the Pyramids, the Sphinz, an Egyptian wedding procession, the making and transportation of pottery, the raising of water by primative means, and oxen and camels plow- ing. Reel four shows the Valley of the kings and the entrance to the tomb of Tut-Ank-Amen, the Rameseum, with a colossal figure of Rameses, the twon of Luxor on the site of ancient Thebes, the temples at Karank, and the pillars in the hypostyle hall. Majestic as good as the current one. I Laura La Plante remains today Forty Miles Away in a mystery melodrama °"The Last, The illustrious Garbo-Gilbert Warning," followed tomorrow by team are burning up the screen at virile Milton Sills and blonde Maria the Michigan in Detroit this week Corda ("Helen of Troy") in "Love in "A Woman of Affairs" while Mr. and the Devil." From all reports, Al Evans leads a Publix stage the latter picture has been favor: show. B. J. A. ably received in various and sun- -lie rrirrrrrrrrr t 1 dry localities, and that's all we know about it.1, rrrrcccoco ., Michigan Attorney Calvin Coolidge snapped at his desk in his Northampton, Mass., law office busy with a pile If you can't enjoy the show atI of correspondence whici has accumulated since he left the White House. At left the former president the Liberty street showhouse this is shown leaving his office in the Masonic building, Northampton, after a day's work. week, there's somnething radically wrong-and it's not with the enter- IM New York University School of Retailing 3 Graduate Fellowships 5 Scholarships SERVICE FELLOWSHIPS The demand for graduate students is far greater than the supply e pienear of specialized training save five years of hard Illustrated booklet on request. For further information write Dr. Norris A. Brisco, Dean, New York University School of Retail- ing, Washington Square East, New York City. ] !7 t t 1 Y r l STATE HIGH SCHOOLS COMPETE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS.-Fra-I FOR MANY JOURNALISM AWARDS ternities on this campus are plan- ning a "fraternity row" project, by Publications from 46 different the enterprise as reflected in the which arrangement all fraternity, high schools of the state have been type of news sources are factors houses will be built along one received by the Journalismdepar that will also be considered. Make- street. deat- up will be judged wit'a respect to_________________ ment as entries in the Michigan whether or not it is dependent Interscholastic Press association upon the work of an outside contest for periodicals of variousIprinterD classes. According to Wesley H. pri__er._DawnDonuts Maurer, instructor in journalism, WASHINGTON March 11.-Goose this number represents a formid-W.- able entry list for the present date. Goslin, American League batting The Partner for The contest closes April 21. champion, has reached the Wash- r ® ee Beginning this year, the contest ington training camp at Tampa, your will be augmented by the addition Fla. with an arm -full of good news at Breakfast another for Manager Walter Johnson. His ofante type of publication to be w judged in the contest. This new throwing arm, which was wrong Our Bismarcks and Raised division will consist of literary all last season, has returned to its I Donuts at all the Stores magazines published semi-month- proper form, and the star Senator and Restaurants. ly, monthly, or quarterly: hopes for a fine season. The other divisions. are: Annuals, Class A and B; Monthlies, Class' A and B; Weeklies,. Class A and B. Class A includes schools with an ______ enrollment of 1,000 or more. Class B r~ia t of chnlc th a U 9 FUR COATS Made Up, Remodeled, Relined and Repaired Exclusive W orkmansip E. L. Greenbaum - Ann Arbor's Best and Lowest =1 -- Priced Furrier { 448 Spring St. Dial 9625 X1111[11l111111U1111111t11111111111111111111 ik e l,/,/?/,PJ1. rrrrro , , orr. :. .. .rr . , , ..rr, rIrr - r i rrr~~ n ,..T ,,..I~ OREGON STUDENTS PREPARE PfOR SUMMER SESSION TRIP A "floating summer school" will be launched next August by the University of Oregon when the, steamship Queen, of the Admiral Line, takes a group of faculty and student members to Alaska for a two weeks' trip of pleasure and study. The cruise will follow the reg- ular summer session there, the Queen leaving Seattle, August 8,1 and proceeding up the picturesque Alaskan coast, making stops at Ketchikan, Taku glacier, Juneau, Skagway, Sitka, and other points of interest. Ij t 't 1 E 1 Can You Solbe-? This Murder Mystery ? Match Your Wits with Phantom Slayer zconsiss o scnogis witi an en- rollment of less than 1,000. Awards will be granted to the winners, and a grand award to the paper of the highest general excellence. The primary basis for the judg- ing is excellence in the quality of writing in the various departments of the publication. The service the paper performs for the school, the originality as shown in editing, andf ---and did they ni The key .to highest schol- arship honors is brought rrearer when you are aided by good health Shredded Wheat -every day-keeps your mind active and your body fit. Make it a habit. AI Oe b ' he wo!h wheat. Easy to digest whoopee for the folks? well --- ask any one of the thousands who packed the Michigan Sunday! That Great Broadway Unit Show With That Unusual Comedian HERMAN I IBERG IN PERSON AND HIS VARIETIES "Something New Under the Sun" With a Large Cast of Singers, Dancers and Comedians Including Leo Chalzel Louise Barrett --AND- Arthur Humby Oliver Harris Eleanor Smith Muriel Abbot Guy Martin Laundry at a 15% DISCOUNT k Bring it and call for it and we'll take 15 per cent off the bill. Workman- ship? None Finer! Careful handling, no losses, speedy service and snowy white, beautifully pressed-that's how it comes back to you. Remember -come here next time. WhLte CSwA LAUNDRY COMPANY Supported by ROY D'ARCY MONTAGUE LOVE BERT ROACH MACK SWAIN and ai-staj cast __________STARTING WEDNESDAY INRIETY SYNCOPATORS IN A TYPICAL TIMBERG PRODUCTION r Another Beautiful "THE DECISION" playing Through Wednesday This Unit Show plays here the entire week Please Note: with a COMPLETE CHANGE OF PRO- GRAM STARTING THURSDAY and playing through Saturday. -On the Screen- Even the most sedate got more than a laugh or two from this screen attraction! BUSTER KEATON in Characterization by the He-Man-Lover of the Screen! Directed by ALEXANDER KORDA Cast includes The Screen's Newest . Beauty MARIA MLO Policy: 2:00 3:35 35c lOc 7:00 8:46 50c 1lc I i I U