Highland Park Leads In Preliminry s
FIVE RECORDS BROKE N Wiggers Takes Epee Championship In Champaig
iN am DuelD OIIi WVIfl- _
NDAY, MARCH 10, 1929
On Meet
Prospects for a speedy swimming L
team next year appeared certain
yesterday afternoon after Assistant 1
Coach MacMahon finished a some-
what lengthy discussion regarding ,Victory Gives Michigan Lead In
the merits of his freshman charges Conference Meet With Foils,
in which he called them the best Sabre To Be Decided
yearling aquatic squad developed
While MacMahon would say noth-
ing definite regarding the exact
time trials made by his freshman Battling through two o.rtime
swimmers, he did admit that in periods, Wiggers, Michigan. fencing1
many instances the yearling swim- star, captured the Big Ten epee
mers were being clocked at "nearly championship by defeating Menkel
the same time made by the varsity of Illinois, *ast Friday in the Con-'
men.ference meet at Champaign. Thel
Bob Ladd, whose specialty is the victory put M an atpth T
100 yard free style, may develop the entrants with the foil and
into ' 'another Samson," Coach h enrnswhtlefi d
into' 'nothr Smson" Cachsabre championships to be decided
MacMahon said and Valentine, who lastrnigh.i
is a sophomore, but who has never
been out for swimming here be- Illinois hailed behmd the Wol-
fore, likewise is showing rare form verines with a point score of three,
in his favorite event, the back- two less than Michigan -has ac-
stroke. cumulated. Ohio State was in'
Only fifteen men remain from third place with two points while
the squad of 60 that reported early Northwesternl and Chicago were in
this fall for .training. Several cuts a tic for last place, each with but
have derided the original number one-half a point.
to one quarter its former size, but Wiggers was the sole represen-!
all the men now on the squad will tative for Michigan in the meet
remain there because they all last year winning a fifth place.
possess unusual ability. This year Gordon and Lazar are
Sidney Raike is the only divertI also entered and competed last
still on the squad, but more thansnight in the foils and sabre events.
a few of the candidates are profi-'Lazar who is the captain of the
cient in the back stroke, breast Wolverine squad of sword artists
stroke and the free style events. has been successful in nearly all
of his matches this season. He
jT TTW L [competes in the foils. Gordon, the
U. igh Wins Way entry in the sabre contest, has
been sharing the burden of com-
To Class C Final peting in this event with Hammer
__and has been quite successful.
Goaded on by what seemed a Maroons
good chance of winning the dis- The University of Chicago holds
lrict chamipionship,.University High the Western Conference title IaO
School's crack basketball team the present time, having wrested
overwhelmed Ypsilanti RooseveltIthe crown away from Ohio State
High's cagemen by a score of 36-5 in the meet last year, thus bring-
last Friday night. U. High made a ing to a close the Buckeye's su-
slow start but had run up a score j premacy in the event that had I
by the end of the third quarter ; lasted for two years.
ture activities. Conferences, dis- -__O
cussions and arguments have kept Removal Of Basketball Floor Allows I the prese
the subject constantly before the More Room To Prepare For The can get
ex-heavyweight champion and he Annual Southern Trip share of
is expected to come to a definite augural w
and final decision as to his future d Base rgd surm n tcat hitting.
sometime ext week.field house today with only a scat- Fedn
sometime next week. Itered few of Coach Farrell's track Fieldi
Two additional conferences have men and Coach Hoyt's yearlings to poned un
been arranged by Dempsey for divert the attention of the specta- of doors
Monday and Tuesday, the first with tors from the diamond candiates. diamond.
Humbert J. Fugazy, metropolitan Batting drills were Ae center of of getting
promoter, and the second with Wil- attraction yesterday as they have last year
liam F. Carey, the new head of the benefit of
Madison Square Gardenhcorpora- been in the past. The pitchers the field
dn tdiwere having the worst of the argu- trip.
iA dinite decision should result ment and only the est were stop- While I
from these meetings. It is gener- ping a number of certain extra bing the 1
ally understood that both Carey base clouts, propelled with consid- especially
and Fugazy are anxious for the -big erable force. I an infield
fighter to join forces with them as The Michigan team when it starts ine mentc
a promoter, either for full or part the jaunt through the south during him into
time. the spring vacation should have
Dempsey has already disclosed had plenty of time to get its bat- Buy an
some of the in1de angles to the ting eye sharpened up. Since Ifor $5.50,
Shakey-rlingi agcoa tMia miCoach Fisher expects to continue receiving
Beach. Tex Rickard, now dead, -_____ _____
apparently was in important fac-
ior in secrinf' n emnsev's retire- !A TI C" A T
-1 *14d3 u 4l. - . .Com petition in all forms of in-
While Highland Park was gain- tramual activities Is drawing to
ing nine places in the finals De- a head in preparation for Open
troit Northern and Tilden Tech of House on March 20th at the I1tra-
Chicago waged a merry battle for mural building At this time the
runnerup honors. The Detroiters finals in all the various sports will
managed to elge their Chicago be played off.
rivals out for qualifying places Basketball competition is also
with seven q, aliflers, with ,.Tilden nearing its close, all of the leagues
boasting oneiless, having reached either the quarter
Other schools to qualify men were or semi-finals. In the fraternity'
Redford, Detroit Northwestern, "A" league but four teams remain
and Whiting of Indianapolis: with fin the race for the championship.
3, 'Shortridge' of Idianapolis with On Monday night Alpha Delta Phi
2, and Lansing, Pittsburgh South, meets Phi Lambda Kappa and Phi
Detroit Central,' %enp of Chicago, Sigma Kappa hooks up with Theta
Roosevelt, of Chiag ; sand Waller Chi to decide the two teams which
of Chicago wil;_'.' will contest in the finals on March
After they had held Coach 20th.
Howard Beatty' Saginaw Eastern The fraterity "B" league has al-
quintet on even terms for three ready reached its finals, Theta Xi
periods, the Ann Arbor high school being scheduled to meet Sigma
defense cracked in the final quar- Chi. This'game also will be played
ter when Eastern, led by Petosky, as part of the Open House program.
scored enough points to send the The four teams remaining in the
Arborites into the tail end of the Interclass tournament will decide
final score, 17 to 10. their finalists on Tuesday, when
This game in Saginaw was the the Junior Business Ads (Reason)
last for both teams before entering meet the Junior Lits (Hansauer)
the regional tournament at Jack-. and the Junior Lits (Seidel) meets
son next Friday where Ann Arbor the Frosh Medics (Murback). In
will play Royal Oak in the first the Independent league the Hoos-
round. The winner of the first lers and the Rockets will meet for
round will meet the winner of the the title.
Mt. Clemens-Jackson fray on the
following night. Aid The Damage Fund Today.
that warranted Coach East's send-
ing in the reserves to finish out
the game.
By virtue of this victory. thc
Eastmen last night opposed SalineI
which had defeated Dexter by a
single point the night before. Uni-
versity High shows good prospectsj
of going on to put up a good fight
in the state championship.
All freshman battery candi-
dates will report at the Field
House Tuesday afternoon. Bring
1 your own equipmen-t.
Jack Alott, Coach.
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Needless to Pay More
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