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February 14, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-14

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Ceremonies Marked By Ap plause
And Laughter Instigated
By Congressmen{
(By Associaied Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-Con-
gress met in joint session today;
and went through the ceremony of
apprising itself officially of the:
fact that Herbert Hooverhand
Charles Curtis have been chosen
President and Vice-President re-
spectively for the next four years.
Observing the constitutional for-
mula, the tellers of the two houses '
announced the results of the elec-
tion in each state, arrived at a
total, and this was made known. to
the Congress by Vice-President
Dawes with instructions that it be
recorded in the journals of the

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Q ate of withdrawal




Fails To Secure Reappointment To
Daily And Council After
Auto Ban Probation
Paul J. Kern, '29, former editorial
director of The Daily and presi-
dent of the Student council, volun-
tarily withdrew from the Univer-
sity yesterday, following a series of
clashes with the authorities.
On Jan. 9 the Administrative
board placed him on probation for
the balance of last semester for vio-
lation of the University's automo-
bile regulation. This action auto-
matically suspended him from par-
ticipation in the activities of The
Daily, where his reappointment at
the conclusion of his probation was
vetoed by the Board in Control of
5 rnt Piibli ntin nd JnsPnh A.

Paul . Kern, ex '29
Who last night resigned from
his position on the Student
Council and who Saturday with-
drew as a member of the Uni-
versity. Kern for three and a
halfyears has been active in all
departments of campus activ-
ity and has been a popular stu-
dent on the campus. He leaves
the University to assume a pos-
ition as a writer of publicity for
a Detroit firm. He expects to
return to school next fall, when
he will enter upon his career as
a law student,
During his University career,
Kern took active part in class
3ommittee work, class athletics,
campus honor societies, debating,
and in publications including
both The Michigan Daily and
The Summer Michigan Daily.


By George C. Tilley
Another political skirmish, cleaved along the Washtenaw-
State 'lines established last fall, ended last night in the election of
Frederick M. Asbeck, '29, to fill the president's chair left vacant
by the resignation of Paul J. Kern, '29, and the election of Richard
C. Kurvink, '29, and Durwin D. Algyer, '29, as regular members.
The latter two will restore the council to its normal membership of
13, depleted by Kern's withdrawal from the University and Vice-
president Robert F. Warren's withdrawal from the council to devote
himself to the wrestling team of which he is captain.
It was a clearly defined victory for State Street, and marked
,he end of Washtenaw's hegemony in the council. Asbeck, Kurvink,
and Algyer were the candidates picked by an informal caucus of the
State-Street council-members just before the meeting. State Street
now has a theoretical working majority of 10 to 3 in the council.
The meeting opened with Secretary Willard E. Lowry, '30,

., .... . Dean

615 (6-26-26) 7M

two houses. Bursley, dean of students, was un-flln r nunor
Neither Senator Curtis, the Vice- derstood to have looked with dis- i votes,
President elect, nor Senator Robin- favor .on his reappointment as positio
son of Arkansas, his e[eats president of the council. dent
Democratic opponent were present Politically Active
while their colleagues witnessed the Kerin'srPoina t Actir Wfma
official defeat o n d t AndHEheI in campus politics last fall, where esidi
Cyongthess Laughs . J~rhe was actively affiliated with th preLd
CgssLaughtus Washtenaw machine, coinciding
Laughtereand apple ntime and nwith his leadership of the Student Detailed Study Of Economic Bill To Curb Speculation In of the
again tempered the formalityUofMountainous' Seas Prevent The Use Resigns To Accept Position As council which conducted the elec- Conditions In Germany Cotton And Grain Figures slectio
the proceedings as the members. Of Life Boats In Sub-Arctic Head Of Group Of Fruit And tions and counted the ballots, wa Occupies Day Occupies Session autom:
linked, campaign happenings with Storm Vegetable Growers one of Dean Bursley's reasons foi Jan. 9,
those of the day. The galleries objecting to his reappointment. Hi VIEWS STILL TENTATIVE1 MINOR BILLS IN HOUSE bation
were crowded with persons who had TO ATTEMPT LIFE-LINE TO RETIRE PRIVATELY alleged favoring of his own part
gathered to witness the ceremonies, ;c Prcaused much bitterness betweer PAIS Ass.13.Te resswp(hSeAssociate r ss>
heed the announcement ofd theo ; y rnrete ahtnw ndSat tr PARIS, Feb. 13.-The reparations WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-Con- bring
Vice-President that there should be SEATTLE Wash., Feb. 14.- Bat- WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-Secre- factions, and to led to recounts and rommittee, after a hard day's work gress moved along rapidly today in while
noapplasdenthattere thdme-itling the high seas in a dying sub- tary Jardine announced today that reelections attended by caustic ac- (xamining the economic condition its effort to bind up loose ends ofwer
bo congess. arctic storm, the steamship Illinois he would retire as head of the de- cusations and recriminations or >f Germany, tonight had made ap- its legislative duties before it goes Kern
boss of Congress. today reached the side of the partment of agriculture on March both sides. reciable progress. It engaged in out of office on March 4. Kern
Forty-one minutes after the Sen ronded Jaanese freighter Meiyo 4 to accept a position as counsel Admitting his error in indulgi general discussion of the Ger- The formal notification that tion,
fie atpers he Houe Maru, ashore on the rocky coast for the Federated Fruit and Vege- in politics, and seeking to free hi nan view of the Reich's economic! Hoover and Curtis had been elected meb
file at the doors of the House of small islet in the Aleutan table Growers with offices in self from any further connection situation as compaed with the in November, delive:ed by tellers could
Representatives, the. Vice-President ; ar saabout a hundred Washington. with campus political squabbles :onclusions drawn in the recent re- to a joint session, interrupted the When
made formal declaration that of the ipelago Dutch Harbor, Alaska. M. Jardine removed himself Kern handed this statement last >ort of S. Parker Gilbert. regular procedure for a brief pe- Street
531 electoral votes, Herbert Hoover Tremendous breakers extending . from consideration as a possible night to the . council which wa Dr. S c h a c t complimented riod and furnished the opportunity tion o
had received 444 and Alfred E. farout into the seas from the bar- Imember of President-elect Hoover's considering his reappointment: .he report and said that he differed for some good-natured banter be- cancie
Smith 87 for President, and Charlesrencoast of Aiktak, Ugamak island cabinet in a formal statement "Since the dean of students feels vith Mr. Gilbert not so much in tween Republicans and Democrats, the o
Cwthe44 d p ns 7 re kt aUa i sundd's and I fully agree, that student gov- he figures themselves as in the but with this over the two houses electio
Curtis 444 and Joseph Robinson 87 whrih auwa en one which declared- that "because of adiflyare htsuetgv
for Vice-President; he then an- to pieces, prevented the Illinois obligations to my family and for ernment at the University of Mich- ;onclusions to be drawn from them. and their committees drove for-g
nounced the session dissolved and from sendin, prou1tlifeboats to a my own personal interest I feel I igan is a farce; Among the subjects brought up ward. Kr
induced the Senators to return mmust retire to private life." "Since I am sick anc tired of 3y the various delegates were the In the Senate the Caraway bill to Kury
to the Senate. The agricultural secretary said being treated like a child and ex- .iving standards in Germany, cer- curb speculation in cotton and Cristy,
captain of the Illinois wirelessed. he had accepted the position ected to react like a man; ;ain features of the national bud- grain figures was 'the principal nated
For that reason a Lyle gun was with the Fruit and Vegetable "Since the resignation of Presi- ret, the yield of industries and the business of the day. Senator Car- SPl SO
Senators Shortridge, Republican, made ready to shoot a line aboard Growers' Federation with the dent Clarence Cook Little removee ;rade balance. away, Democrat, Arkanas, its spon- latter
California, and King, Democrat, the Japanses freighter preparatory understanding that he would give pratiCla ILtt erestWhile it was insisted strongly sor, expressed the belief that a vote Kern
Utah, led the procession into the to rigging a breeches bouy. to it only such time as may be fromcthey Universityudoects now 3hat the discussion is still in the might be obtained on it late to- his na
House chamber, followed by two Only meager details of the scene necessary for the conduct of its m entative stage, the exchange of morrow. eratio
pages bearing the mahogany boxes at the wreck were available. , business, thus leaving him free to under way; and iews have been proceeding much The house considered minor and cil. T
containin the official returns from ,Meanwhile, Captain Richard J. participate in agriculture. "Since I am anxious to shoulder nore rapidly than had been ex- uncontested legislation. The house Sented
the various states. Behind them Healy of the freighter Montauk had Mr. Jarcne said he ha: discuss- the consequences of any mistakes ;ected. The controversial period is has accomplished its main task of state
came Vice-President Dawes and the taken 33 members of the crew of ed his business negotiations with 'I may have made, . till to come, (if, as is supposed in the session--the preparation and the d
other senators. the abandoned steamer Alloway Mr. Hoover and in considering the "I am submitting my resignation some quarters, it does come) with passage of the bills for appropria- himsel
The Vice-President was . wel- to Dutch Harbor after a heroic res- many proposals which had been from any consideration for the .he first suggestions as to the final tions necessary to run the govern- fromt
comed by Speaker Longworth, who cue yesterday. The crew of the presented to him he had expressedi presidency of the University of
.. Michigan Student council."r %otal of reparations and the ment during the next fiscal year. Washt
turned over to him the House gavel. Alloway, with the exception of one "a wish to remain in Washington amounts of the annuities. Committee discussions ranged In ti
Dawes then pounded for order and man, an oiler named Coley, who re- in order that I might give to Mr. Leaves University The delegates have dwelt so over a wide field. The views of were
informed the House of the purpose fused to leave his ship, escaped in Hoover every possible aid." Commenting last night on this much on the extreme harmony paper manufacturers were given to three
of the joint session. I lifeboats and were picked up by Arthur F. Rule, executive vice- statement, Kern explained that orevailing in the committee that the house ways and means com- resent
Captain Healy when the tow line president of the Federated Fruit Dean Bursley made no brag that the impression is gaining ground mittee, the New York bankruptcy and W
with -which the Montauk was bring- and Vegetable Growers, said today student government was not ope- that the work of the delegates is situation was before' the house
FRESHMEN WITH ELIGIBLE 'ing the Alloway to safety at Dutch that the federation had no desire I rative here, but that he had on oc- likely to be of the most simple sort. I judiciary committee which voted Asbeck
MARKS ASKED TO TRY OUT (~Harbor snapped as the two ships to monopolize the time and effort casions expressed a belief that stu- It is expected that the experts will in favor of having the New York AsLowr
IU weremaneuvering the entrance to of Mr. Jardine but that on the dents were not sufficiently respon- agree on a report without much district included in the adminis- Lowry
Unimak pass. Today, the radio sta- contrary they wished him to have sible to be intrusted with their own difficulty but that the rub will tration of federal Judge Francis A. '29E, V
Second semester freshmen who tiori at Dutch Harbor was advised, unlimited freedom in giving to the I government. come when the report comes be- Winslow in his investigation of the lot fly
have a scholastic record for the the Alloway was still holding her cooperative marketing movement He also made a statement to a fore the governments for approval. subject.
first semester of at least one anchors, but her stern was leaning as a whole the result of his experi- Chicago Tribune correspondent Last
grade better than a C average and perilously close to the rocks and ence and benefit of the policies that such pressure was put on stu- RACHMANINOFF DESIRES SECLUSION,'a batt
no work below a C and who desire the ship was expected to go ashore whichA the agriculture secretary dents here that no one of impor- revolv
to enter the publications as an ex-.{ at any moment. has advocated. tance could say anything of im- .HE SHOWS IN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Kern
tra-curricular activity may report . ---- portance. dentia
at the Press building on Maynard MICHIGAN LAURELS CARRIED STILL FARTHER Yesterday afteinoon Wilber R.1 By A. F. Scribe driving an automobile," Mr. Rach- laced
street for tryouts according to the Humphreys, assistant dean of the Seclusion--so difficult for the maninoff answered to further les- of the
schedule published below: BY VICTORY OF ORSNAY RAB IN CANINE SHOW literary college, signed Kern's res-a-mtioning. "I take my car with me to the
Daily Editorial: Monday after- ignation from the University. Kern notable to obtain-is much pre Europe on my tou.rs there, andtinhas
noon at 3 o'clock in the staff of- By Bobo should be rebuilt and renamed the left last night for Detroit where ferred by Sergei Rachmaninoff, the drive it much when I have the op-
fices. Not content with -extending its i Ornsay Rab stadium, thus provid- he will punch a clock this morning internationally famous pianist who portunity in America." Kern
Daily Business: This afternoon fame ,throughout the middle-west ing a suitable place for so worthy for a well-known publicity firm.
at 4 o'clock in the business offices Iand capturing many laurel wreaths a Michigan athlete to work out. He has already completed the Uni-gave a concert last night- at Hill Stage fright. No he seldom gets subseq
of theDaily. ' in that part of the country, Michi- This recalls the rather meteoric versity s requirement for admission rauditorium "I desire most to be!stage fright. The fingers and arms Streetd
'Ensian Editorial: Any afternoon gan has had her glorious name career of that famous terrier, to the Law school, and plans to alone at home, or living in some; are easier for an artist to control $ taed
between 3 and 5 o'clock in the brought into the limelight of the Clippy, member of President Little's return next fall to take up law quiet place where I can work when than the voice, the pianist explains. presid
Michiganensian editorial offices. nation's laigest city. household, who achieved general studies.d I feel like it, and rest; and will not A singer or speaker is more likely tically
'Ensian Business: Any afternoonI Ornsay Rab, three-year-old wire-, fame when he decided to leave On the campus, in addition to torva1tg-rgtta ni- A
between 3 and 5 o'clock in the bus- haired Scotch terrier belonging to Michigan. Whether this departure holding the . editorship of The be disturbed in either. Traveling strumental artist, he pointed out. cil p
ins officen of the nublication. President Clarence Cook Little, was I denoted that Clippy wished to ob- Daily and the presidency of the on concert tours does not ncourage Unlike many public personages, Wash
- - .-._.. __ ___- - - , mm ~ ciro of rho lim " tho :.., + ....:.....

manipulator of Washtenaw
in the chair, taking that
n by virtue of Vice-presi-
Warren's absence. John R.
rtin, '29E, Washtenaw, im-
1ely moved that former
ent Kern be reinstated as
nt. Kern,. chosen president
council in the all-ompus
ns last spring, had been
atically removed from office
when he was placed on pro-
for violating the auto ban.
Lowry Presides
xman Lowry attempted to
Gilmartin's motion to a vote
State Street members voci-
I theirpoint of order that
under the council's consti-
had first to be elected a
ey of the council before he
e considered forp president.
order was restored the State
contention won that elec-
f new men to the two va-
s should take precedence in
rder of business over the
n of a president.
State Street Nominates
'ink, Algyer, Harlan P.
'29, and Kern were nomi-
for membership, Gilmartin
ring the candidacy of, the
evidently in ignorance that
had personally withdrawn
me from all further consid-
1 as a member of the coun-
his action by Kern was pre-
to the council in a formal
ent which 'he tabled before
iscussion opened to absolve
f, as he later told reporters,
any further connection with
enaw-State Street squabbles.
he ballot Kurvink and Algyer
chosen, Kern receiving the
votes of the Washtenaw rep-
atives, Gilmartin, Lowry,
rilliam E. Nissen, '29.
e Street then nominated
t for the presidency, and
nominated Eugene Easterly,
who was defeated in the bal-
e to three.
Kern On Probation
night's skirmish concluded
le of several weeks' duration
ing around the presidency of
and control of the presi-
l chair. When Kern was
on probation for violation
auto ban, Lowry attempted
ve the council ratify Gilmar-
president pro-tempore, thus
ing for the contingency that
might not be reinstated, as
[uently developed. State
however, successfully main-
1 its point of order that Vice-
ent Warren should automa-
succeed to the chair.
-he last meeting of the coun-
evious to examinations the
tenaw forces successfully

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