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March 10, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-10

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nnurnmnin-ninnnn T a nr £rrT

Three Contributors TA-.--...E :.
Boost Damage Fund

T O NWisconsin Win Ties
MichganFor Title
[IVI iiMiciga

Michigan Mile Relay Team Takes
Third; Poorman And Felker
Win Places

. Yesterday's three lone contribu U '1 I MADISON, March 9.-Wisconsin
H A (M(tors of a dollar apiece to the Stu I 0ad Michigan tied for the Western
dent Vindication fund brought lBadgers downed Chicago, 19 to 15,
the week's total to 138.70, it was iinthe final game of the season
announced last night. The latest here tonight. The victory assured
donors are Albert J. Cutting, W Wisconsin of dividing the cham-
Arthur Stevens, and Walter B. pionship honors with the Wolver-
POIN STNIGR ea. w ines, with each having ten vie-
POINT STANDING Staevens enclosed his dollar in a BACKS MEASURE IN HOUSE TO to ies and two defeats.
letter to The Daily, saying that EXEMP PROPER'Y AT Close guarding featured the
Iowa ..............29 2-3 though he was not now in school game, the Maroons being held toI
Illinois .............20 5-6 he was "only too glad to contri- four points during the first half,;
Wisconsin ..............15 5-6 bute." He was formerly a mem- EXPOSES TAX SITUATION while Wisconsin counted 11. The
Chicago ............13 5-6 ber of the junior engineering ;famed Badger short pass offense
! Michigan :..............7 5-6 class. Unequal Assessment Of Ann Arbor was unable to get going, and Chi-
Ohio State ..............7 The drive for funds to reimburse Property Shown In Survey cago outscored the Cardinal five,
SIndiana................... 6 the Michigan theater for damage Of Tax Receipts 11-8, in the second period. It was

(Special to The 'Daily)
By Galen Grimma, News Editor, Daily Illini
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., March 9.-Michigan's Olympic stars
provided the margin that enabled Coach Clifford Keen's Wolverine
matmen to defeat Illinois here today and to take undisputed title
of the Big Ten. The Michigan team won by a score of 15-1 1,
thereby . avenging themselves for defeats suffered in the last two
years when the Illini and the Wolves have met to decide the Con-
ference champion.
The meet was one of the most exciting ever seen here and
was closely contested from start to finish. However, the Wolverines
were not in danger after they went.into the lead 12-11 as the result
_of. the 175 bout, when Warren

Purdue .. ........... . done in Monday's student riot will pp _u ace n a coege
By Morris Quinn Northwestern..............3 continue all next week, Editor Furthering the fight for tax ex- court for Captain Gist of Chi-
IOWA FIELD HOUSE, IOWA s iMinnesota..............3tr.a.a.F.a.1 Nelson J. Smithy '29, in charge of emption of fraternity and sorority cago.
CITY, Iowa, March 9.-In a meet o o the drive announced. property in the.State of Michigan,
repleat with record breaking and None of the Student councilmen the Interfraternity and Panhel-
record tieing performances, Iowa's Hawkeye veteran placed second to HADho undertook to canvas frater-'lank Councils have approved a
nities and sororities last Wednes- petition to Governor -Green and
a surprise victory in the 19th an- shot put while Harry Gill's entries day have as yet reported their to- the members of the Legisla-
nual conference indoor track and failed to survive the preliminaries. tal. Iteisexprted thit the . e e theegis ls-
field championship to dethrone 11- The Badger Sophomore won thetas It is expected that these tpure. The petition is in sup-' AITA t
noisha ions0 thedthroe 1 TheBader o omre o econtributions will increase the port of' House Bill No. 191, the
owl inraelinois, Winners of the crown in event rather easily with a Heave I fund iauhundred dollars or moree measure's officiali title, hihhaNo11
1927 and 1928, by amassing a total of 45 feet 7 7-8 inches. Bud Poor- __nd hund _d________ been referred to the committee on
of 29 2-3 points. The Illini scored man, Wolverine shot putter placed bGenerdxto.eImiteAn
20 5-6. r eh fourth in this event with a toss The Tntrfratemity cunci1 Three Naticnal Interscholatic
FTC TIKETSG n ter fraati. co ___f1IThe atoa Itrchlsi
One world's record was. shatter- ! of 43 feet 6/~ inches. , U ltespoto h lmiRcrsFl sPe
ed, four. Conference marks brok- IIowa's hopes were boosted again urges the support of the alumni Records Fall As Prep
en, 60 yard- dash, mile run and 70; when Craig and Werkhoven both rwith the state. Letters to the Swimmers Clash
yard high hurdles; and one Big' cleared the bar at 5 feet 9 5-8 11mbrhs$of the mmisemen and
Ten record tied during the finals inches in the high jump to finish GOA tthe representatvs t AL EET MARKS BROKEN
of the meet. in a six way tie for first place VariusIds0MEET0MARKSNgROKEs
various districts in Michigan, is!
Henry Camby, Iowa Sophomore while Sentman was the only Illini the principal m ans of support of By Cadwell Swanson
pole vaulter, set a world's mark in jumper to go over the bar.
the event with a vault of 13 feet Crawford Felker, the only Wol- Will Begin Sale Tomorrow Noon the measure. Highland Park wrote another
7/ inches. Michigan's untried verine entry in the event picked For Dance To Be Held Contains Survey brilliant chapter in her auspicious
entry in the meet showed poten- up 1 5-6 points for the.Michigan' March 22 The petition contains ageneral aquatic history by shattering three
tial power by 'scoring points in the cause by finishing in the tie in this survey of the situation in the State national interscholastic records in
60 yard dash, the shot put, the evtnt. constitution, reasons for the sup-t
high jump and the relay to finish Iowa Cinches Title UNAL LI T AND port of the bill, and concludes with the successful defense of her Mich-
in fifth place with a total of.7' 5-6, Iowa- cinched the 1929 Indoor a definite comparison of the tax igan Invitational interscholastic
poinftsh Tplae Wlves: nosed Qt tit rab 4. n .rst placeithe Tickets for the 1932 Fosh Frolc igures Ann Arbor of fraternity swimming championship before a
oints..Te Wolve nsed ou itleryanng ° f25irs he°acen ertU. go-", .'Wa.;;. . and oh s, private homes, large crowd in the Intramural pool
point and finished ahead of In- Stevenson overcame a five yard the Union, it was announced yes- and business property. last night.
diana, Northwestern, Purdue and lead of Simpson, his Buckeye op- terday by Alfred Palmer, '32, as- The petition follows, in part: The Withey coached team, in
Minnesota-ponent, to win the second heat -in sistant chairman i charge of The Board of Regents of the Uni- amassing 31 1-2 points and win-
ie pon Ta's diinu the event. Wisconsin took the in- as. he de and the tie will versity of Michigan and the au- ining top honors, not only showed
Ei~ddie Tola, Michigan's dimnu tial heat in 3:25.8 to nose out the lave he avorsau ttce thorities of Michigan State College strength in the individual events
tivecor Ohsar Buse eorge Wolverines at the finish and an- Tor the atae wI have committed themselves to but displayed unusual all around
Simpson, Ohio's Big Ten sprint. nexed second honors while the The orchestra for the affair will building tax exempt dormitories excellence by gaining a place in
champion, to the utmost to wins Maize and Blue entry was third. be ieralds Marks' band from the for students, and there is now be- every event. The existing marks in
in the 60 yard dash, five watches Freese, the Wolverine lead-off Orole Terrace night club in De- fore the Legislature a Bill, intro- evey event were broken, three na-
clocking the Buckeye flash in man ran 'second :or the greater trit. Marks' orchestra has been duced by Representative Joseph E. tion records falling before the ex-
:06.2. It ties the American record1 part of his lap, but faded at the (the employer of some of the great- ' Warner, to permit the authorities I ceptional performances of the
set by Murchison (Illinois A. C.) in finish and handed the baton to est musicians now playing, and is of these state institutions of learn- Highland Park tankmen, while
1923 and breaks the Big Ten ree- Dale Seymour in fifth position. The a Columbia recording outfit. Itiohese anm onsmpuesrt- Higherd rkot e no we
ord :06.3, made by Simpson a year little Michigan quarter miler ran was also one of the bands under ing to lease land on campuses to swimmers from other schools were
arigian ra o ieroern consideration for the Pan-Hellenic private parties for the construction content with establishing four
agehgn' hr m- 'la -,abriliant race to ivebrother, nd J-opforthePan-Hellenic of tax exempt dormitories for stu- Michigan interscholastic marks in
Michigan's other semi-finalist, Dalton Seymour a five yard lead F ball and J-Hop. dents More than twenty five per the remaining races on the card.
heat, finishing a close third to over theWisconsin man, and he favors for the women have al- cent of the student population at Other teams to break into the
heat fiishng cloe tirdto held it throughout his portion ofi ready been chosen, Jay Sikkenga,; these institutions of learning isi scoring column were Detroit North-
Simpson of Ohio, and Root, Chi- the distance. Jack Tarbil led said, but their description will not ;hse fedibytclubsfrar-in es ith 1um 1-2 DitsTid Tech
cago staff . The Wolverine placed begvn!tutllte osdadfdb clubs, frater-! ern with 19,1-2 points, Tilden Tech
caoutin. The Wnolerin paed Davidson, Badger ace, up. to the Tbe given out until later. nities, sororities, or other organiza- of Chicago with 13, Lakewood with
fohin the consolation sprint home stretch but the Cardinal an-: The list of patrons and patron- toso tdnswihhv ul 1 hrrdeo ninpls7
hich was won by Kriss, Buckeye hm tec u h ada n se a enmd u n ed tions of students which have built 11, Shortridge of Indianapolis 7,
whihas wchor man pas'sed him just before esses has been made out, and reads their own houses from privately Detroit Central and Roosevelt High
Orval Martin,Purdue'she reached a e as s contributed funds in the shape of of Chicago with 5 points, Detroit
middle-distance star, s h a t e r ed The pole vault resolved itself in- President Clarence Cook Little gifts from alumni, their friends, Northwestern 4, Waller High of
the second record of the meet in to a hotly contested duel betwen Ian Mrs. Lte, ean osep A. parents, or the families of students. Chicago with 3, Lansing Central 2,
his favorite event, the mile run, two bril1ant Sophomores, Canby of ursley an Mrs. Bursley, Dean They exist simply as an adjunct of and Whiting High of Indianapolis
when he pased Letts of Chicago, Iowa and Warne of Northwestern, John R. Effinger and Mrs, Effinger, the college, and would not exist ex- and Redford with a single counter
at the middle of the last lap and the former finally clearing the bar ean Herbert C. Sadler and Mrs. cept for the college, and in order apiece.
by a great sprint was able to finish at 13 7 1-2 inches to better the Sadler, Prof. Wilbur R. Humphreys, to provide for the college commu- While the Polar Bears were win-
five yards ahead of the Maroon world's record of 13 6 1-8 for a dirt Dean George Patterson and Mrs. nity things which the college would ning team honors the race for the
sophomore. ;runway which was made by Harri- Patterson, Prof. Russell C.dNussey (Continued On Page 3 individual laurels proved to be one
Stvno ae ure son of Notre Dame in 1928. ; and Mrs. Hussey, Mr. and Mrs.' o hefaurso temetwt
Stevenson Takes Quarter Summaries Robert A. Campbell, Mr. Carl G. nf Cantun of he m ee
Iowa scored her first points ofe One mile run: Won by Martin Brandt, Prof. Arthur E. Boak and CannonuLkwood, star free
thOne meetruin theby440rtyardBdash, BraidtProf.iArhur E.rBok ansy;i
thel meet in the 440 yard dash Prdu L Ch g, nd st styler, gaining 11 points by virtue
when Stevenson finished with a Purdue; Letts, Chicago, second; Mrs. Boak, Prof. WaldoAbbotand Lr UUU of a wi the 220 yard event
sensational sprint to stave off the Indianali fourth. Time, 4:22 9-10 and Mrs. r , Prof. WillmPetrayer M. along with a pair of seconds in the
threat made by Abromson of In- Indn forth. Tie, 4:2 or1; Jank Mrs. Frayerm Pro Ped M. I50 and 100 yard sprints. Ballard
dianta and Davidson of Wisconsin(NwWsenCfrnc record; I Jack, Prof. William Paton and Ms U 111f1AADMY of Northern High fDtotmd
din the evedton :2 former record of 4:23 4-10 made Paton, Prof. Fielding H. Yost andrh of Detroit made
to win the'event i :51.2. by Kennedy of Ohio State in Mrs. Yost. a strong bid with wins in the 50
Jack Tarbell, quarter miler in K e oh). rs. 0 , nand 100 yard free style events for
this, event wn~o wont the second ;1926.Tedne sanucdbfr, l ragmnsaenwcm~1 ons
thiet the seins n d 60-yard dash: Won by Simpson will take place on the night of plete for the thirty-fourth annual Hg10 points.
of Ohio State; Tolan, Michigan, Friday, March 22, at the Union meeting of the Michigan Academy H
Stevenson finished second last second; Root, Chicago, third; ballroom. The general chairman ? of Science, Arts, and Letters, which ealy lead by winning the 200 yard
night, drew the outside position Timm, Illinois, fourth. Time, :06 of the affair is Kenneth McCal- will convene here March 14, 15, and free style relay in 1:40.6 to clip
nigh, dew fur enth ofa seondof the cla-
and was scratched in order to save (Continued On Page 7) lum, '32. 16. It has been announced that all ionr terhsoas recod omna-
him for the relay. addresses and sectionionalterscholastic record form-
Another Big Ten mark was PR'U 'ENSIA C will be open to the general ' erly held by Mercersberg Academy.
equalled when Dave Abbott, Illini -~P SI AN CAGERS FALL BEFORE lic pb Carruthers swimming in first posi-
distance champion raced to an ! TERRIFIC OFFENSE OF DAILY STARS In addition to the regular se- tion for the Bears gave Kawicki,
easy victory in the two mile intm (Continued on Page Seven)
':64t i h present record; tion meetings, several departments
9:264yt tisthipeset{rcwree recognized as having any con- i have planned elaborate exhibits toi
which oW econsi, in 1926TChe Using several members of thenection with that publication, was'be displayed in the Exhibition STUDENTBUILT GLI
blond Illinois ace outclassed the !'Ensian editorial staff and a ref- the high scorer for his team ac- Iwing of the new Museum building SECOND WORK-
field lapping one man, and finish- i eree in a vain attempt to wrest the counting for half of his aggrega- on Thursday night, March 14. Ex-
ing a good 50 yards ahead of: publications basketball title from tion's 10 points. Holt, also alleged hibits will be given by the sections Amateurs provided most of the
Fields of Indiana, who placed' The Daily champions, Thumb to have some distant connection I of botany, economics and sociology, excitement yesterday on Barton
Tomh's uncoached floorwalkers went with the annual, was second high fine arts, forestry, geography, and pond when the new student-built
Michigan's hopes for points in down to an 19-10 defeat at the man for the year-book crew with zoology. The new Wood Utilization schooling glider was given its sec-
this race were dimmed early when 1 hands of the campus Nuzounds in three points. Officials were unde- laboratory and Saginaw forest of end work-out in the air. Towed
Big Randy Monroe was stricken I a game which not only made bas- cided as to how he got them. the School of Forestry and Conser- | behind an automobile driven be-
with cramps at the end of the ketball history, but football history 'Vic" Smith, a newcomer on The vation will be shown to the Aca- tween 30 and 35 miles an hour,
fifth lap and had to withdraw. Ted as well. Daily, Bruiser Swanson, of the demy attendants in specially ar~- the ship made more than a dozen
Wuerfel, the other Maize and Blue The Daily aggregation got off to sports department, and Coach ranged tours. The zoology section flights in all.
two miler, found the pace too stiff an early start when the reporters ' Brute Simons shared scoring will also hold a special inspection The controls were first turned
and could finish no better than: crashed through the chroniclers, honors for the victorious news-get- of its research laboratories from over to the older hands at the
sixth. defense for enough baskets to hold ter, with two field goals apiece, 1:30 to 3:00 on Saturday, March game who had received their
The Ilnni heavy favorites to re- an 8-3 lead as the hoarse voice of while Kaufman, Tobin, Silbar, and 16. traiing on the PT1 alider our-


! went out of his weight to win
over Tonkoff, Ilim light-heavy-
weight. This lead of one point
looked impressive since the Illini
had hoped to build up a margin
that Ed George, Michigan heavy-
weight,. could not surpass with his
--- almost certain victory over Weitz.
Seats For Junior Girls' Play Will Hewitt started the ball rolling in
Be Sold At IBill Auditorium the right direction for the win-
Office From 10 To 5 nersrby winning a.'time advantage
Ivictory over Joe Sap oa of the 111-
WILL OPEN NEXT WEEK ". Hewitt's margin si five min-
utes, five seconds.-
Tickets for "Forward March," a George Minot, star IllinI 125
pounder, outclassed Sw nston of
travesty on war and women,. the the-tWolvernes, to win by the time
25th annual Junior Girls' Play, will advantage route in eight mirnutes,
be placed on sale at the box office 29 seconds, to tie the score at 3all.
at Hill auditorium on Tuesday, ac- Opic title holder, follned with
cording to an announcement by the only fall of the meet, winning
Margaret Sibley, business manager o
of the play. The box office will be KEEN SAYS
open from 1:30 to 5 o'clock on_ _
Tuesday and Wednesday, and from I Won from Illinois fifteen to
10 to 5 o'clock next Saturday. eleven in most exciting and
"Forward March" begins its hard fought meet ever wrestled
week's run at the Whitney theater in conference. Warren went out
on March 18, but the performances of his weight to beat Tonkoff at
do not open to the public until 175 pounds in feature match of
Tuesday, March 19, as the first per- meet. Five thousand people I
formance is traditionally given in I witnessed the matches. Hewitt,
honor of the senior women, follow- Kelly, Warren, and George won
ing their Senior Supper. There will by time decisions. Dougavito
be a matinee performance on Sat- and Parker wrestled to draw in
urday afternoon, March 23, and j overtime bouts. Elliott was pin-
that night will be Alumnae Night. ned by Morrison. Swanston lost
An opportunity to buy blocks of by decision to Minot. Boys all
tickets is being given this year to feeling great. Have the band
the various fraternities. Applica-: out to meet us in the morning.
tion blanks have been mailed to Clifford Keen.
the presidents of the houses, offer-- o
ing blocks -of as many as 20 seats over Elliott in eight minutes 50
together for the performances on seconds, to give the Illini an 8-3
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs- lead.
day nights. Orders are being re- Kelly, Michigan 145 pounder,
ceived by mail by the business took a hotly contested match from
manager, and they will be filled in Flood, winning with a time ad-
the order received. Orders for tic- vantage of three minutes, 42 sec-
kets should be mailed to Miss Mar- onds. Floods shoulder was injur-
garet Sibley, 1503 Washtenaw. ed .during the match.
I Main floor seats for all perfor- . Then followed two overtime
mances of the Junior Girls' Play are matches that ended in draws.
priced at $2.50; the, first four rows Claypool and P a r k e r battled
of the balcony are selling at $2, the through 10 minutes without either
second four rows at $1.50, and the gaining enough advantage to win,
remainder of the balc'ony at $1. and repeating the performance in
Box seats will be sold for $3. the six minutes of overtime Awrest-
THE WEATHER Dougavito, Michigan's star wrist-
lock artist and Chambers, Illini
By As ociated Prs) 165 pounder, took it cautiously and
I Fair Sunday, followed by un- ended up all even at the end of
settled weather Monday, possibly 10 minutes and again after the
snow or rain in north and central overtime. Dougavito held 52 sec-
portions; rising temperature. onds advantage at the end of 10
minutes, only eight short on
[DER RECEIVES enough to win the decision.
Wolves Regain Lead
JUT ON BARTON ICE Capt. Warren of Michigan out-
rode Tonkoff, Illini Sophomore
of a fresh tail wind, the pilots had . artist to gain a decision with a
to content themselves with skim- time advantage of five minutes, 27
ming the ice and skidding to a seconds. This victory gave Mich-
long stop at the end of the run. igan the lead for the first time
f After these, exhibition flights after Hewitt had placed them in
the glider was turned over to the ,.the lead in the first bout.
less-experienced men who had I Ed.. George, Olympic heavy-
never had it off the ice before. weight, and Wietz, Illini heavy,
Guilty of the sin of overcontroll with George holding the ad-
ing, they bumped down the ice vantage from the start. Wietz
suddenly shot 50 feet or more into'Isucceeded in breaking George's
the air, skewed sidewise behind jadvantage several times, but failed
the towing car. and set the shin I to hold his own with the more

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