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A N LBetty Smither, '29, Thinks Dutch And
Scotch Are Most Likeable Of Fo
IA "The Scotch students delighted fiul, little handleless c
hTO t' hIOMRH3
ups at this
' .
In lhparinty rns tP11 Reoteh inkps " i
saidMiss Betty Smither, '29, in
remarking on some of her experi-
ences with the Open Road group
COMMITTEES ARE APPOINTED which visited Europe in the sum-
BY GENERAL CHAIRMAN FOR fmer of 1927. This is the tour that
FANCY DRESS BALL ten Michigan women will take this
summer under the leadership of
CLASSES TO GIVE STUNTS Miss Ella B. Rawlings, of the phys-
ical education department, and the
All Organized Iouses To Abpear assistant leader:ship of Miss Mary
In Masked Groups; Prizes To iWhite, '29.
Be Given For Costumes When asked which people she
-liked best, Miss Smithers answered,
Committees for the annual Fan- "I liked the Scotch and Dutch peo-
cy Dress Ball have been appointed pIe best of all those whom we
by Florence Watchpocket, '29, so- met, perhaps because their frank.
cial chairman of the Women's fun-loving, prank-playing sense of
League, and general chairman for humor was so entertaining. The
the ball. The masquerade will be Scotc who ehadnthe Tle
given this year on Saturday, March Scotch whom we had the pleas-
30, at Barbour gymnasium. ure of meting were very quick-wit-
Chairman of the decorations ted, frightfully good hosts and hos-
committee is Hermine Soukup, '31; tesses, possessing a manner which
of refreshments, Erwilli Schneider, seemed the essence of hospitality.
'30; of entertainment, Helen Pye,! "The Scotch obtain their impres-
'30; and for publicity, Dorothy sions of American's mainly from
Woodrow, '30. second-rate American movies.
The Women's League" annually Therefore for them our country is
sponsors a masquerade party to all Hollywood, cowboys, and sky-
which all University women aie Iscrapers The Scotch were partic-
invited. The organized houses all scap erTed n S o Awereaic-n
attend in groups, masqueraded to ularly interested in our American
represent a character or charac- b l, and although they can
ters. The entertainment is in the neither swim nor play baseball, they
form of class stunts, the president! do go in for all the other sports.
of each class previously arranging Their football is called "rugger," the
with a group of women in that nickname for the English Rugby.
class to give the stunt, such as the "As a closing social event of our
take-off on the Junior Girls' Play last night in-Scotland, a party was
by the Senior class last year. ( given for the group at the student
There will be dancing and refresh- athletic building in Glasgow, where
ments after the class stunts. we danced to the music of the
Prizes will be given for the pret- "gramaphone," the Scotch term for
tiest, the funniest, and the clever- the victrola. As our hosts, we were
cst costumes. The sororities, dor- de
mitories, and league houses will dlightfully entertained by the cap-
stand equal chances for these pri- tains of the hockey, rugger, crick-
zes, and are expected to begin et, and tennis teams. At this dance
their plans immediately. we learned-or at least felt very
The Fancy Dress Ball is one brave in attempting to learn -
party of the year to which all clas-- the Scotch "round of eight" dance,
ses, and all houses, whether the a traditional Highland round, rath-
women be independent or not, are er a strenuous sort of thing but
invited on an informal basis. most eniovable
ouse-ar y. T -iese cups were
doubtless brought from the Dutch
East Indies, a touch which was
quite evident of the influence of
the Dutch colonies. Many small
articles of common use brought to
the mother country show the origin
of the colonies. It is said that if
the resources and products of their
colonies. the spices. the tea. and
1V V 410 ll /LL, , V1 C , l%
the raw products were properly de-
veloped, then Holland would be the
wealthiest nation in the wlord.
"Generally speaking, the Dutch
give the visitor a frank impression
that they are a people possessing an
independence of spirit, a willing
and sincere hospitality toward the
stranger within the gates, and asl
brightand sunny a disposition asl
the broad green land itself.
Speaking of the Dutch sense of
.humor Miss Smither said, 'It is a
beautiful sense of humor-frank-
a little whimsical-the happy kind
of humor.
"The universities are quite a dis-
tinct unit in Holland. They have
their songs, cheers, and sports as
do the American universities. Par-1
ticularly, the Dutch students go in'
enthusiastically for boat-racing and
sculling. In the Dutch universities
education seems to be more individ-
ual, however, than in American
universities, not so institutionalized,
and there is greater academic free-
Graduate Describes
International House
1 "Seventy nationalities of people
i are represented in 'International
I House' in New York City," states
Ai Sasaki, Grad., who has recently'
come to Ann Arbor for work in;
sociology. Miss Sasaki, whose home
is in Kyoto, Japan, has lived at
International House for the past ,
two and one-half years while at-
tending Columbia University.
"The House was built by Harry
Edmund about four years ago, for
the distinct purpose of housing thef
hundreds of foreign students who
Try-outs for Orchesis will be
IN LATEST MIMES PLAY fedFour fellowships are being of- addition, each fellow (there are continued from 11 until 12 o'clock
by the Women's Educational three including myself) prepares' this morning in the corrective
and Industrial Union to women for publication additional projects.
graduates who wish to prepare for I am especially interested in voca- room in Barbour gym.
Four women are included in the ? proessional positions in social- tional opportunities for the higher --
cast "To the Ladies," the play run- economic research. These fellow- trained woman, and hope to work o
ning at the Mimes theater this ships amount to $500 each, and along that line later in the year." Tickets for the Senior Sup-
week. Eugenie Chapel, '32, Helen would be available to members of f per will be on sale from 2 to 5.
Carrm, '31, and Hadie Supe, '32, 1this year's senior class or to grad- Alha Omicron Pi IS o'clock, from March 11, to Fri
three of the players, are appearing iuatestudents vt Michigan. Full A day, March 15, Barbour
!for the first time in any campus information concerning them is on Winner At Carnival 1 Gymnasium. Tickets for Jun- I
dramatic presentation. Josephine!file in the office of advisers of Ifor girls' will also be given.
L. Rankin, '30, who is a newcomerwomen. I Financially the Penny CarnivalSeniors who have been appoint-
this year also, first appeared as Those women to whom the fel- FyCed to buy tickets for the group
the female lead in "The Marquis," lowships are awarded usually reg- this year was a big success. It they wish to sit with at the I
(Mimes' last production. ister as graduate students in the has been estimated that more than Whitney are asked to buy them
Miss Chapel, who is playing the eartment of social-economic re- 1,000 were present. Alpha Omic- as soon as possible, as the best
lead in the present play has prov- wsarch at Simmons College imBos rom Pi checked 300 articles of seats will be given out first. I
ed herself exceptionally capable in degree on completion of their clothing in their checking room,
this, her first appearance. She is course of study. Besides the stip- making 16.30, which gave them the .Athletic managers are asked to
by no means new to the stage, for end of $500, tuition is free. It is prize for the largest amount turn-
she has had experience and con- estimated that with strict economy ed in. remind the girls entering the In-
she as ad xpeienc an ofthefellwshp wll ay lvin cx! Itramural indoor tournament to be
siderable training. the fellowship will pay living ex- Other booths that had a highlyd
Her training began at the age of penses in one of the large women's successful evening were Phi Sigma sure to get in their practicing;
7 years, when she started to play clubhouses in Boston or in a social Sigma with $12.27 Gamma Phi There are only two weeks left be-
child parts for stock companies.'settlement. Beta with $10.14 and Zeta Tau fore the finals.
She continued this until she was 12 Women holding a bachelor's de- Alpha with $11.25. The treasurer
years old and in the meantime had gree from a recognized college are of the Penny Carnival reports that 10 -0
played in 5 cities. She resumed her eligible to apply for the fellow- there was $66.56 turned in from( Seniors may obtain their caps I
stage activities last winter by tak- ships, and applications for the the Traveling Tent Show. This is (and gowns from 2 to 5 o'clock
ing a course at Miss Bonstelle's year 1929-1930 must be filed be- an especially fine showing due to { from Monday, March 11, to Fri-
ramatic school Then last sum- fore May 1. the fact that this is the first year 1 day, March 15, in Barbour I
mer she traveled with the Detroit The Franklin Square house in that there has not been either ( Gymnasium. The fee for both j
s Boston is a large semi-hotel for dancing or dance music connected | cap and gown will be $10.00, I
Players on an extensive trip through women, where students find all with that entertainment. I and seniors are asked to re-|
northern Michigan. The Detroit the conveniences of a club house The booths this year stressed the'{ member that no checks will be
Players are. from Detroit's Civic at a reasonable charge. Two Mich- i t of oaccepted.
Theater, with whom Miss Bonstelle igan alumnae, Belle Siegel, '27, and qualification above money-mak-t acp
works. Miss Chapel also became Rose Shore, '26, are now in res- ing. A good many of them charg-
a member of Comedy Club last fall. idence there. Miss Siegel who is ed only a penny for their enter- A few vacancies are still open in
view of herexperience and train- the holder of one of the fellow- tainments whereas they were Worth the Open Road Tour, which ten
ing, her success in dramatics here ships and is studying in Boston, at least twice that. Michigan women will take, this
is not surprising. has written as follows to Miss summer. Any girl interested in
Miss Rankin also has had exper- Grace Richards, adviser of women: Buy an 'Ensian subscription now the trip must communicate. imme-
ience before this year. At Ward- "This summer when the oppor- for $5.50, and you will be sure of diately with Miss Mary White, '29
Belmont, a girls' school in Nash tunity came to accept a fellowship receiving a copy in the spring. in Barbour gym.
from the Women's Educational
ville Tennessee, she was very prom- and Industrial Union, I took it. In
inent in dramatics for the three June I receive my master's degree
years she was there. Then two from Simmons College, and hope
years ago she attended Miss Bon- to enter into a research position: The PRINT AND BOOK SHOP
stelle's school for a very short time. at that time. I am surprised that
She entered Michigan last fall and the University of Michigan does .
was admitted to Comedy Club at not suggest this to some of the
the time of the fall try-outs. Then graduates.
she appeared for the first time in "I find the work very interesting.
"The Marquise,"'as the female lead. We are collecting statistical data;E
Miss Rankin has musical abilities, regarding the causes of the econ-
also, and helped to write some omic breakdown of the family and The new books arehere
of h musc fo theJuno Grl the consequences. Each year atO r r
Play i different _ problem is studied. In for your enjoyment -
, TICKETS & RESERVATIONS Books for every taste -
Far All Important
Lake and Ocean Li tes and every purse
tia1 molt Tours, Craise-
I . LUdjeennt Traeled
Gen. Steamship. Aiacw
ANN A13101
NEW SPRING MILLINERY A Wonderful Display of
in the Modern Manner Sp i
A delightful group
of Spring and Easter
models, distuinctively
designed, moderately
priced, appealing to
Every \Vordrl cti vry womra's taste.
Necd nw
one A the Stunning -ilere are coats of the moment portraying
'I T A..... ffI ___v ..,n'rron+ verinn nf t.he Snrig mod.
5 '--1'
Dr. Bell Prescribes
Vaccinations On Arm
"I would like to say just a word
about all this prejudice among
women on campus against being
vaccinated on the arm," said Dr.!
Margaret Bell, head of the depart-
ment of Physical Education for
Women, and physician for women
at the Health Service.
"I can understand why they
don't want vaccination scars on1
their arms," Dr. Bell continued, I
"but I think they should also take
into consideration the fact that
the danger from infection in a'
vaccination on the leg is almost
twice as great as it is when the
toxin is given in the arm. And
not only this," she added, "if a
vaccination is properly given on
the arm there should be no danger
of having a scar that is at all
ntfieable.In allnf the cases of
"In Holland we spent a week end
at a house-party, two miles out from
the Hague, where our hosts and
hostesses entertained us at the
'Olkhaart Hills." This gave us just
a . little glimpse into their kind of
life and customs, as they really are.
Our typical Dutch breakfasts con-
sisted of tea, jam, and bread which'
we carved on the plate after the
manner of our American system of1
attend Columbia or New York
University. John D. Rockefeller'
donated a large sum toward its
construction, and it has proved so
successful from the very beginningj
that another dormitory of the
same type will soon be built
in San Francisco," Miss Sasaki
Aid The Damage Fund Today.
attacking a porterhouse steak -
with knife and fork.
"We drank our tea from grace-
_n i
S .
> t
Collars for senior women's
gowns will be on sale from 2
to 5 o'clock each afternoon of
next week from Monday to
Friday inclusive, in Barbour
gymnasium. The price will be
35 cents.
All choruses in Act II will
rehearse today and all choruses
in Acts I and II will rehearse
Sunday. All girls are requested
to notice the schedule for both
days now posted on the bul-
letin board in Barbour Gym-
vaccination we have had at the =VI IIIIittIt t i111111t1 1 1 1t 1 a11111111tt 11lilllllll1llitllfllli11 1I11
Health Service, only one that was
done on the arm left a scar much
bigger than the initial scratch.
"However, I remember at one
time, we were dressing ulcers for
three months because we had one TH E
nurse who didn't understand our
rule that patients must be vac-
cinated on the arm, and who al-
lowed several patients to be treat- EN SEM BLE
ed on the leg. Also the arm is'-
kept much quieter, and a great -
many less muscles are kept inl
continual play in the arm than in
the leg. In view of all these 4
things, we believe that the only .-THE
sincere thing we can do is to keep 12_
to our rule of never giving vac- THING*
cinations on the leg, and to make ,
no exceptions to it. FOR
"Other noted doctors have said
the same thing," Dr. Bell added, P I G
and referred me to Rosinau "Pre-
ventative Medicine," which gives
the most convenient place to vac-
cinate for both the operator and = -I
patient to be on the outer surface Ensembles with short or long
of the left arm. -nebeswt sotorln
"The leg is sometimes selected coats, fashioned knowingly of
to avoid disfigurement," continued the smartest. materials for
Rosinau, "but with small inser-t
tions on the arm or puncture Spring, will be welcomed on
method, disfigurements do not re-d
suit. The leg is more exposed than the campus. Our ready-to-wear
the arm to street dust, and trai- department is enthusiastic about
matism, and therefore to compli-
cations. them. =
4 4
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