OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'SATUR DAY I-MA h14 .9 W29 Published every morning except Monday diing the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. I t Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, .s second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.oo.; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones : Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 , MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor......................Nelson J. Smith City Editor............I. Stewart Hooker News Editor........... Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor............W. rMorris Quinn Women's Editor...........Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor ...... .... ..George Stauter Music and Drama.............R.L. Askren Assistant City Editor.......... Robert Silbar Might Editors Joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons George C. Tilley Paul.L. Adams Morris Alexandei C.. A. Askren Bertram Askwit"i Louise Behyme Arthur ernsteva Seton C. Bovee Isabel Charles T.. R. Chubb Frank i.Cooper Helen Domine Margaret Eckels Douglas Edwards Valborg Egeland Robert J. Feldman Marjorie Follmer William Gentry Ruth Geddes David B. HempsteadJ Richard Jung Charles R. Kaufman Ruth Kelsey eporters Donald E. Layman Charles A. Lewis Marian McDonald Henry Merry Elizabeth uaife Victor Rabinowitz Joseph A. Russell Anne Schell Rachel Shearer Howard Simon Robert L. Sloss Ruth Steadman A. Stewart Cadwell Swanson Jane Thayer Edith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney Williams Jr. Valter Wilds George E. Wohlgemuth Edward L. Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie Campus Opinion Contributors aresasked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words i possible. Anonymous com- munications will be. disregarded. The names of communicants*will, however, be regardedas confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should nut be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily. THE OTHER SIDE To The Editor: We have been hearing so much in condemnation of the students who participated in that unfortu- nate affair of Monday, that it does not seem amiss to put in a word of defense for the students. Of course, the participants in "that disgraceful act of rowdyism' should have known that such ac- tion would be instantly condemned, as it was. However, a plea of ex- tenuating- circumstances may be advanced. When the cheer leader announced that there would be a show at the Hill if we won, I am sure that few if any of the stu- dents contemplated rushing the Michigan theatre. However, when: the game was "in the bag", anc Michigan was leading its opponents by twelve points, he announced that there would be a free show at the *Michigan or the Majestic, and the crowd cheered. After the game, some, of the stu- dents went to the Hill, and others went to the Michigan. To theiL surprise, they were informed that they were not to bd admitted, that there was a show in the Hill for them, and that the announcement that the Michigan was to be open to them was unauthorized. Mean- while the crowd increased in num- bers, and started to jeer at the manager of the theatre. Unexpect- edly, and without provocation, one of the Ann Arbor police, who ha( been in the theatre all along, came out and discharged tear gas into the faces of the students. Wha followed, we all know, and regret While we admit that the action of the mob was unjustifiable, we also maintain that before con demning them, the self-appointed judges should first have acquainted themselves with both sides of the affair. C. AXINN, 30. '! a r 1 e; I active dislike for students in gen- eral. (3) An all occasions of student gatherings, where enthusiasm might prevail, the theatre manage-1 ment has provided police, clubs, and tear gas with which to en- couraged violence. In conclusion, we believe that the principal fault in this unfortunate l affair lies with the theatre man-z agement. The students who par- ticipated in the violence were not giving an expression of their own personalities. Inherently, they are not "Rowdies" and "Thugs". They were only .victims of mob psycho- logy. Their natural enthusiasm was diverted into violence by the way in which they were met at the Michigan Theatre. The action of the discipline committee will pre- vent recurrences in the near fu- ture. The only permanent remedy, however, lies in the power of the theatres. We are sure that any whole hearted attempt on the part of the theatres to create a feeling of goodwill between themselves and the student body would be highly profitable to them. As it is, the breech between the students and the theatres has been widen- ed, the University has been brand- ed as "A Training School for Rowdies" and three students have been sacrificed to this blond policy because, along with 3000 others they lost their individuality in the mob spirit. W. K. WRIGHT, '29E. J. C. ADLER, 129E. R. L. JOHNSON, '29E. WHAT ABOUT THE POLICE? To the Editor: MusiC And Drama, o- o MATINEE AND EVENING: Mimes present "To The Ladies", by George S. Kaufman and Marc Connelly, in Mimes Theatre, at{ 2:30 and 8:30 o'clock. * * * MATERIA CRITICA It is the critic's privilege to make as many friends or enemies as he pleases, and he must be able to enjoy his enemies as much as he enjoys his friends-which rhetori- cal sigh has be.en occasioned by objection to certain critical prin- ciples which have been used this year. The objection comes that the re- viewer of a stage presentation has no business extending his critic- ism beyond the immediate inter- pretations on the stage. What this means is that a critic can only, criticize the actors, the set and the lighting, and that the director, as he interpret's the author's play, is immune to criticism--than which, nothing is more mistaken. A critic of a novel must accept the author's conception of his characters, of the situation and of the denouement; - or, he may re- ject it. In either case, he is deal- ing with the author directly. A dramatic critic, like a music critic, is confronted with an intermedi ate interpreter, the director or con- ductor. A dramatist conceives a play, writes it, and immediately it disappears into the black and white of print until the director reconceives it, with the dialogue, and stage directions as guides, and ses it on the stage, with actors em- bodying his conception and en- riching it with their own inter- I Strings . . Supplies Repairs .. for all Musical Instruments Schaoberle & Son MUSIC HOUSE 110 S: Main St. hik 1 Dawn Donuts' The Partner for your Coffee at Breakfast Our Bismarcks and Raised Donuts at all the Stores and Restaurants. I' I' II TRY OUR SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS Quick and Courteous Service THE, WOLVERINE RESTAURANT 329 S. Main St. IF YOU LIKE an EXCELLENT CUI. SINE and DESIRE an ATTRACTIVE t and ENTERTAINING ENVIRONMENT STOP IN and ENJOY SOME of OUR iffCEXCELLENT HOME COOKING. Private Booths Radio Music i. I t tilt Ii a It -a Writing a Check Beats Paying By Cash a Dozen Different Ways You know exactly how much you've BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers advertising.. .........Alex K. Scherer Advertising..... .....A. James Jordan Advertising............. Carl W. Hammer Service.................Herbert E. Varnum Circulation............... George S. Bradley Accounts.............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications..............Ray M. Hofelich spent and to whom it went. The Mary Chase eanette Dale ernor Davis Bessie Egeland Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Kasper Halversoa George Hamilton Jack Horwich Dix Humphrey Assistants Marion Kerr Lillian Kovinsky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley 1. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl Is. Schemmi George Spater- Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead Night Editor-JOSEPH E. HOWELL SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1929 0 . REMOVE THE UNDERLYING CAUSE THE COUNCIL WANTS A CHANCE A battle of considerable signifi- cance to the student body will be waged next week around the Stu- dent Council's proposed amend- ment to its constitution that will remove the veto power of the Sen- ate Committee on Student Affairs. As at present constituted, the legislative and judicial actions of the council are subject to the veto of a faculty body. The Senate committee, while three men and two women students are party to its deliberations and decisions;,in cludes a faculty majority sensitive to the opinions of the chair which is filled by the dean of men. This situation is largeiy respon- sible for the pusillanimity of the Stundent Council which has caused that body to lose its function as an organ of student government and its prestige before the student body. A fear of faculty disapproval has hindered the actions of the council, and the consequent lack of results has .sdeterred the students from using the council as an inter- mediary between themselves and the administration. In other words the council, which Is in theory a representative body for student government, has for some time been more sensitive to faculty opinion than to student opinion. The proposed amendment, how- ever, must pass the Senate commit- tee, whose veto it removes, before becoming effective. Still there is hope. Dean Bursley has often ex- pressed his willingness to turn over to the students more power of self-government if they would take it. The amendment should be passed to give the council a free hand in representing student opinion as it exists, instead of as the adminis- tration would like to have it exist. This should not be contrued as a wail against faculty oppression, but as a statement of the situation which has evolved through several years due to lack of vigorous lead- ership in the council. By proposing the amendment the council has indicated a desire to create some excuse for its exist- ence or quit. It should not quit. There is a fertile field of useful- ness ahead if it can regain its To the Editor: In order to exonerate the Uni- * versity, the Discipline Committee has taken the only action possible in suspending the students ap- prehended in the recent riot. An. example had to be set. However, this does not remove the underlying cause of the vio- lence. We feel that this violence is due primarily to the long stand- ing animosity which exists between the student body and the theatre management. This is demonstrat- ed by the fact that no violence oc- curred until the police, who had been stationed by the theatre man- agement, fired tear gas into the crowd. It will be recalled that vio- lence in the past has always been preceded by some act of antagon- ism on the part of the theatre management, In every case, in the past, the University has received a "black eye" because of these riots, the students have been labeled as "thugs" and "rowdies," while little attention has been called to the real cause of the riots. As the stu- dent body comprises the principle source of revenue for the Butter- field interests in Ann Arbor, we feel that the theatres have not taken sufficient steps to correct this situation.1 The management will say that they have done all that could be expected in order to prevent these occurrences. For example, when faced with the loss of student pat- ronage, Butterfield donned his red knickers and long white beard and announced that he would give a free show to the students after each championship won. This was not however a whole-hearted ges- ture toward the creation of good, will between the students and the theatre, and even the students could recognize the Baron in his disguise. The free shows which were given were works of art. The music was the best obtainable and the acts were very clever. All this has been done at a great loss to the Butterfield profits. In spite of all this, the students in general seem to feel that they are not getting a square deal fromj the Butterfield interets. There are three principal reasons for this attitude. (1) Butterfield has acquired a' complete monopoly of Ann Arbor theatres and the general attitude. dI Granting that the recent thea- Ipetatn. Of curse te irector eter rush was a foolish gesture onI pretation. Of course, the director Stheaer ofshttattshewsturnondoes not always impose his ideas Sthe face of it, that thei'e was no n his cast, or frequently his Sjustifiable motivation for it, and ception of the play differs radical- that property was destroyed, there ly from that of the author.I n still remains the action of the Iy fo hd eauthor. Ann Arbor police department to it would certainly seem that e account for. There was no in- discussion of these vagaries was - tent on the part of any of the critical material, along with the mob to do any physical violence to play itself; the former to be anybody nor did it happen in this judged as interpretation, the lat-! e case. When four or five of the po- ter as creative work. lice force and one theater usher R. L. A. got their hands on one of the stu- * * dents in particular they were not CAMPUS DRAMATISTS conteit with merely detaining him Outstanding in its importance as by taking him into the theater but an event in campus dramatics, and they proceeded to beat him up un- student play writings is the presen- til he was hardly recognizable. ttion next week by Play Produc- there is sufficient evidence to prove tion of the four plays which re- that he offered no resistance to cently won the one act play con- ttheir taking him in. If the police test. This important lies, not so are'not maliciously intent on tak- much in the four pays themsellves, ing every opportunity 'of wreaking 'although ;they are all exceptional- their undisciplined fury on stu- ly fine pieces of craftsmanship for dents merely because they are such, young Olaywrites, but in the fact they must prove it for the evidence that the events leading up to their certainly lies in that direction. presentation, and the actual pro- Even the report of the Disciplinary ductions mark the first step to- Committee reads:-"Police officers ward ~ much needed play work were guilty of lack of judgment. shop. The first tear gas bomb seems to If the four evenings next week have been uncalled for." arc as uccessful, as the earlier The aforesaid facts seemed to eliination contest, and there is have little weight with the Univer- every rason to believe they will sity authorities. Police charges be more. so, it will mean a distinct were .not made in the presence of step toward such a work shop. the defendants nor were the de- .The productions of the plays, fendants told what they were. An and the final selection of the wi- extreme penalty has been handed jing drama on Friday evening, out to three students, one of whom will be a much more elaborate and wad an honor student with but carefully done affair than the nine hours necessary to graduate. elinination presentation. Sinc Previous conduct, character, and the end of hst semester, tie four constructive activities on the cam- authors have carefully re-written I pus had no part in the investiga- their plays with a view to improv- tion of the committee. These three ing them and corcmng flaws were made to pay as an example which were revealed by th elimi- for the deeds of the three thou- nation contest. sand whose "line of demarcation" In the field of hilarious comedy, from those out in front was slight. "The Joiners" by Arthur Hinkley, The President of the University is a distinct success. Depicting a whose word apparently has little group of malcontents who are de- weight with the faculty assured sirous of forming a new lodge, theI the defendants that if they would play, under a mask of humor, bril- plead guilty to the charge of dis- liantly satirizes the lodge spirit as orderly conduct in the justice seen in small owns, and in the court they would merely be put on United States for that matter-"A probation by the University. Con- lot of boys wanting to play." sidering the crime committed, the "Outside This Room," by Dor- t treatment at the hands of the po- othy Ackerman, belongs to a dis- lice, previous records, and above inctly different type of drama. It' all the unity of purpose of the isc slightly reminiscent of Maeter- three thousand it seems that that linck, but has a well done charac- punishment would have been suf- ter and situation element which is I ficient. If the destruction of prop- outside the Maeterlinck school. The erty and rioting are inherent play is an extraordinary exposition characteristics of an entire stu- of a rather large group of isolated dent body as the local police, characters. In spite of certain ele- townspeople, and even some mem- ments of mood which are slightly bers of the faculty seem to think, unreal, the author has depicted her the suspension of every participant characters and the things whichE in Monday night's affair would motivate them with splendid clar- not be too great a punishment. ity and realism. R. Leslie C That six men should suffer (three Askren's Passion's Progress" is of of them suspended) for the acts still a different type. It is a play of hundreds is not merely so logi whose charm lies in the brilliance t cal. As such it appears more read--I of the lines, the wit, and to a lesser ily as the1 result of a medieval the- extent in the characters and the ory of punishment for crime. situation. It it a society play done i Looking at the entire affair in with an artfully light touch be- its broadest aspects, it is quite ob- neath which there constantly lurks vious that the administrative offi- a more subtle irony. dials would have made a much One of the interesting things more constructive contribution to about the four plays, is that each ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK canceled check is both a record of the transaction and a bona fide receipt! We Invite Your Checking Account 101 N. Main St. 707 N. University Ave. I -- - - t. Where SalISn M LaundryP ® That is undoubtedly a qucstion you have faced more than once this year. Let us settle it for once and all by having our delivery man call for your laundry today. Simply dial 9495 and we do the rest. You may be assured of excellent first class work and speedy service as evidenced by our years of experience. 9j Di'al 99 jiw~f~ an undi