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March 09, 1929 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-09

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Britain Will Never
War Again-Slosson.



XL IIIi1That there will never be anoth- I
T01IIJITflhIIMV'If j'I!er war between the United States ve
and Great Britain; that there will f
be one divorce to every three mar- le
ROBERT P. LAMONT, '91, GAVE observatories in South Africa. riages in 10 years hence; that die-
LARGE SUM FOR fThese other universities are Yale tatorships will increase and mon- co
RESEARCH and Harvard both of which are archies decrease; and that Chris-Ip
engaged in a certain branch of the tianity will not disappear wre
work of survey ng the southern some of the varied predictions
HUSSEY WAS IN CiARGE skies. made by Prof. Preston W. Sns-
Harvard University which has its son, of the history department, in.
Kfracting Telescope Is Largest .base about 15 miles from the La- a talk before the weekly Stu-
Anywhere In Southern mont-Hussey observatory is photo- dent Christian association student
Hemisphere graphing the stars and spectra of forunm yesterday afternoon at
the Southern hemisphere. Yale Lane hall. "I am making these
Robert P. Lamont, '91, one of the university is measuring, the dis- prophecies as a historian. If four,
tances of stars, at its observatory out of every five are -not correct
ree membners ofthe alumni body at Johannesburg, 200 miles distant, either history is not what I think,
of the University, who have
brought fame and eminence to as its part in the work. All three it is, or I do not know as much
themselves and their Alma Mater universities are cooperatig i this history as I think I do," Professor:
by being awarded portfolios in survey and frequently use instru- 'Slosson said as a preface to his
Presideant Hoover's cabinet, has ments and records of the other forecasts.
PrsidetheUnversityquit h sub- observatories, in, their work, accord- Predicts Growth In Population
aid th Univerity ing to Professor Curtiss. "Among other things, Professor
stantially in another way.(v-
Mr. Laont, th~e new Secretary These three universities are the- Slosson declared that the popula-
of Commerce has contributed ap- only ones conducting astronomical tion of the United States will in- -', .:.-*""<. .
roximately $150,000 for the found- surveys in the Southern hemis- crease for about a century, after
phere at the present time. For which it will remain almost sta-
ing of an astronomical expedition phr ie o
into South Africa for the discovery twenty-five years the University of tionary. "In a hundred years
o n ouble stars-hes California had an observatory in 'there will be a severe timber and One of Europe's most colorful E EI E
o newue t aer Chile which observed the spectra oil shortage, but our coal supply wedding ceremonies took place re-
in uey 21 years head stars to determine the rate of ve- will last for two or three centuries cently at Palermo, Italy, whenAH
ia J. Huastseonr deparement of locity of the solar system through more. Prince Christopher of Greece, left, President Clarence Cook Little
the University. space.. About a year ago it com- "lan coal upply, hener married Princess Francoise, daugh-will speak on the subject, "Prin-
pleed tsnorkanesoditeybsewill soon give out, and when it troh.De~- use rtne
The research has been planned pleted its work and sold the base , ter of the Due'Guise, pretender ciples and Methods," in an address
as an eight year undertaking, andto the Chilean. government, adoe first rhatattcmmercil power. The to the non-existent French throne. Ito be delivered at 11 o'clock Sun-
its success is definitely established .Located at thet wafor s b- politcal authority of the United The bridegroom was the widower day morning in St. Andrew's,
by the announcement made yester- srivry when it was first beig Statesand SouthAmerica willin- of the late Mrs. William B. Leeds, church. Because of the limited
d hea nnyProf.uncephmH.enrtm espr- operated was Dr. William J. Hus- crease h- American tinplate millionairess. seating capacity of the church,
ent headrof. tlhe H.astrtionydear- sy h rm10 ni i et ceswhile that of the west-,
ent head of theastromony depart- sey, who from 1905 until his death 'ern European nations will de- Royalty from all over the continent those who wish to attend are
ment, who is directing the expedi- in 1926 was head of the astronomy crease. Dictatorships will increase flocked to see the pair wed urged to be present at 10:45.
tion, that during the ten months department of the University. in number, but- the United States,
that the observatory has existed While at the observatorym nChileISwitzerland and England are
Dr. Hussey began work in the dis-
since its founding last April, ap- cr y o ble sr Upon among the few nations that will
prorimately 1,000 "double stars cove of t ouUlers.yhUponever have a dictator at theirCO R WLCL -K
have been discovered. "Double comn ote University he plan-hea." .dJ1i' V LL C ALLO1
stars" are stars appearing single to ned to continue this work, and laid One of the first things we should
the naked eye but prove to be plans for an observatory in South learn out of history is a sense of
double under the telescopeAfrica. causation, the speaker declared.
dobleeth Cdtsespe. I Hussey Ordered Glass "Things happen because there is Scranton, Pocahontas
Observatory Conducts Research
In 1910 Dr. Hussey ordered the a reason for them to happen.
The Lamont-Hussey research is glass for the lens of the refracting Every great institution has its- Kentucky and W est Virginia t al
being conducted at the observatory telescope he planned for the causes. Thus, history never re-
erected by Mr. Lamont's donations Southern observatory. Numerous peats itself, since causes are never :.Solvay and (a$ Cok4C
at Bloemfontein, the capital of the delays and difficulties, many of the ! exactly alike.
Orange Free state, in South Africa. World War, kept him from secur- Causes Are Never Simple
The site is about 700 miles from the ing the lens until 15 years later "Another thing we should learn'
Cape of Good Hope, and is a most In 1923 Dr. Hussey undertook a from history is that causes are
advantageous ,location for an obser- survey of South Africa to deter- Inever simple, but are very com- i
vatory. It was selected by the late mine the site for the base. The plex. Thus the attempts to prove This business has been growing ever
Dr. Hussey after a survey of avail- I site he selected is well suited for an everything by race or climate have sirce it was established. The secret---
able sites in South Africa.-j observatory. It is on a "tableland" been unsuccessful. History can-'
At the observatory the University 350 feet above the surrounding not be explained by a. single giving absolute satisfaction to our
has located the largest refracting plain, and has an elevation of factor. Simple explanations are customers." We believe it pays to do
telescope in the Southern hemis- 5,000 feet above sea level. necesarily false." hasincs, in a friendly way. If you
phere. It has a 27 inch aperature When Dr. Hussey was on his way "History," Professor Slosson went think I too lt's gct tgethcr.
and is 40 1-2 feet in length. The "to South Africa for the erection of ton to say, "Is not an exact science,
glass for the lens was manufactur- the observatory in 1926 he was but it is the chief of the inexact
ed in Germany and the surface jsrticken with heart trouble at Lon- 'sciences. It should be able to pre-
was shaped at Pittsburgh. The I don, and died after a short illness. dict the future, within certain
mountings and auxiliaries includ- Since his death Prof. Curtiss has limits, or else it is merely a lux-
ing the micrometer for measuring been directing the work of the ex- ury.
the "double stars" was made in the pedition. He has been assisted byf Professor Slosson spoke in the t-LL COAL -COK
Observatory shops of the Univer- three m b of the astromony fourth of a series of twelve meet-
sity, located in Ann Arbor. department faculty. ings sponsored by the S. C. A. TheVICE, CORNWELL LOCK
Contributions by Secretary La- Three Constitute Staff forums will continue throughout PhonesOff ce : 4i51-4552 Yard Office: 5152
Mont has allowed the erection of the year, and are open to all men
ont thas oedty, the deet of These three constiute the staff of and women students on t h e
the the observatory, the dome, the th observatory. They are Dr. R. cmu.Dscsiniiifra t
telescpe, and all auxiliaries inci- Ahe oserva20y.chey are Dr. R- campus. Discussion is informal ---
tent with the expedition. Thus ARossiter, 20, chief astromoner, all times. The speaker for next
who is in immediate charge, Morris I Thursday afternoon will be Prof.
far he has donated $150,000 and- K. Jessup, '26, and Henry F. Don- lAdelbert Ford, of the phychology
according to the prospective bud- ner '25. headings have been taken department. 12
m ore for the further development '!double stars" to standardize theird
of e t apparatus and for rnmain apparatus, and discovered up to Alpha Nu Debaters
tain th exediton urig te 'January 31, 890 new "double stars."
next seven years. Reports have not been received To Meet Detroiters
Expedition Is Extensive since that date but the number 'of__
The expedition, according to discoveries is believed by Professor An Alpha Nu debate team com-
Professor Curtiss is one of the most Curtiss to have reached at least'posed of John E. Webster, '30P
extensive ever to be undertaken by 1,000 by this time, Paul Franseth, n29, and Jarl An
the University. It is one of the The records of these findings are deer, '29, will meet the University
great surveys being made of the 'to be published shortly under the of Detroit varsity debate team next
celestial sphere from the southern supervision of Professor Curtiss. Tuesday night in the Alpha Nu
half of the globe in order to com- The first section .of the book, the I room.
plete astronomical work which has 'manuscript of which is now finish- Resolved that trial by jury should
been completed in the Northern ed, is to be dedicated to the late (be abolished in the United States
hemisphere. Dr. Hussey, will be the topic of the debate. The
In its research for the discovery U. of D. team will take the affirma- h
for new "double stars" the Univer- fluy an 'Ensian subscription now tive in the contest. It is reputed to
Sity is cooperating with two other I for $5.50, and you will be sure of be one of the best turned out
American universities which have 'receiving a copy in the spring. there in a number of years.

-ealth Service Pills are prepared in a laboratory which
is fittred as completely as a com-
Are Class Products n cial one.cm t e scripom
By knowing that the prescrip-
tions will be used, according to
Many of the ointments, lotions, Prog. C. H. Stocking, who teaches
the course, the members of the
nd tablets used by the Uni- class gain a certain satisfaction.
ersity Health Service are manu- In the case of prescriptions which
atcured by students in the Col- are not to be used, the students
have not as much of an aim in
ge of Pharmacy in a laboratory doing the work, for they ,kni
ourse treating with that phase of 'that the preparations will only be
pharmacy. T h e s e prescriptions wasted or broken up again.



You're Wante
--as a witness!
Fate's case against
Lena Smith. Gor-
geous Esther Ral-
ston directed by the
man who made
"Underworld," "The
Drag Net," and
"The Docks of New
York" -- Josef von


Esther I;son
James Hall
Cl 61 rararnount 9ctur

l .

Last Times Today


Milton Sills t
Dorothy Mackaill




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Doff y r pots and bring your babes
to the
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Large shipments of the latest styles and finest stationery
manufactured by Eaton, Crane & Pike and others have
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Priced 50c up

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leading bridge expert once said, "The
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What's true in bridge seems equally true in
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So Chesterfield can bid high. Tobacco qual-
ity, perfect blending, purity, mildness, natural
sweetness - with a hand like that, Chesterfield
can redouble your smoking pleasure...and to-
day, next month, next year, keep right on ful-
filling the contract.

C6rarter and rlictinrtinn arp rpflprtprl in all of n it

AM 71

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