TlR E: MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1929 - -- - r:.. t" n HOW HOOVER CEREMONIES WERE BROADCAST v r EMINIENT ECONOMISTI WILL LECTURE HERE, SCREEN REFLECTIONS Today "The Scarlet Lady", now to be undergone at the Michigan, is un- questionably the weakest, the most Scott Nearing, eminent sociolog stereotyped, and the worst of that ist, will lecture here next Thurs- unending string of movies dealing day under the auspices of the wth t, ,cRussian Revolution. The Round Table Club, it was announe- m ; 'ople are aware of the ed yesterday. The topic of the ad- v . J t the Soviet government dress, which will be delivered at w replaced the Romanoffi 8 o'clock in Natural Science audi- zars They also undersand that torium, is "Education in Soviet there were a great mar v rather Russia." I dtni.oaet ful murders; that Russia is -ui"a very cold country during certain Nearing was for some time pro- seasons; that there is a thing in fessor of economics at the Univer- fife called love, -another called sex, sity of Pennsylvania and also at , nd that the two are occasionally Swarthmore. In addition. he also intermingled. If the consuls of the served as Dean of Toledo univer- movie industry would accept this .sity some time ago. fact and, proceeding on that basis, Many books have been written construct something new on the by him, and his travels during the old foundation the result would last few years have been very ex- probably be a happier one. tensive. He has paid several trips There is another "twin stage bill" to Russia, on which he is parti- consisting on the one hand of Seed cularly well qualified to speak, and and Austin, and on the other of also to Canada, Japan, and many one Dezzo Retter. The latter is a European countries. Nearing spoke capable acrobatic comedian. 1in Ann Arbor two years ago. I D. B. H. Jr. T'oMorrow Herman Timberg and his wide- ly-heralded -stage show arrive at the Michigan tomorrow in what promises to be some of the best I vaudeville ever seen here. Timberg is one of Broadway's bo known producers, has done 'it and special features for both egfield and George White and isx atpresent touringat a salary Jexceeded only by Paul Whiteman The unit will remain at the I Michigan for the entire week, presenting an entirely new show on Thursday. With him *is his brother Sammy, leading what is reputed to be one of .the best jazz bands on the stage, besides a bevy of feminine headliners. This miniature musical comedy' consists of a number of scenes, skits, spasms, or what have you, and will run over an hour. ginec this is coupled with Buster Kea-' ton's new picture "The Camera- man," we can only advise you to hike out for Liberty Street early tomorrow afternoon. B.J.A. {. . . ........ v.. ... ,J. .,w..r wb. . ,Q ai" " s" , a The Art of the Films (Th outstanding leader among Luth-. eran foreign missionaries for her$ distinguished service in India. She went to Guntur, India, in 1895; first opening a medical dispensary and later, when a famine spread through the country, she opened an orphanage. A few years later she superintended the erection of a fine hospital at Chirala which she has directed ever since. Radio engineers McElrath and Johnson, at the left, test a micro- phone installed in front of the Capital for the Hoover inaugural ceremonies. At the right is the broadcast booth, frim which Gra- ham McNamee, who presided at the "mike", could view the front door of the White House and an- nounce the arrival and departure of the Hoovers and the Coolidges. 4j m I 11111 ~ilf lIl ~lItil Showing Again the Majestic is offering the ultimate in screen entertainment. Can you solve this murder mystery ? Match your wits with a phantom slayer ! "A Modernized Phantom of the Opera" ... "N.000L .PE.IN8 T. PLEASE NOI This attraction ply days 'Only. A picture that Will chill you with its spooky. it warms you with' its' daring drama. The story of what happened to a beautiful stage she and her company dared the Unknown lack to a long-empty theatre to -revive a per that previously had proved fatal. It's more than "The Cat and the Canary." SEE IT! ...... TAN DAY TE ays four i R; . f f E. 3U -Iomk A $i.. thrills as startling star when and came rformance e thrilling \ . Here's the last' drama superb. most exciting a passion and act and vigor ... st ALAN CROM(AND PROOUCT! ON - r i F. 4 I word in motion pictu.e plots ... the A page of history torn from the nd dramatic epoch of human love, ivity and presented with all its force ark realism! ... Daring adventures! II .1 .4 with ROY D'AR( BERT ROA Policy Today: 2:100 3:35 35c 10e 7:00 8:40 50c 10c Sun day 1:25 3.:00 4:40 7~:001 Appointment 1SMITH'So BABY'S BIRT HDAY" AESOP'S FABLE The World's Funniest Cartoon ~j4 .e"e ART &~ BEAUTY As You Like It _ __ _ } a t . CY Ck MONTAGUE LOVE MACK SWAIN Y f TWIN STAGE BILL DAVE RALPH SEE & DEZZO RETTER in the mar who wrestles "S U C CES S" with himself I i .mIM MM WN -. ,AMI & A I t PARAMOUNT 11 Et .a"- ..Mir:- -.......: I i