Tarbill, Potter and Grodsky Get
To Semi-Finals Tf
Indoor Meet
By Morris Quinn
IOWA CITY, Iowa, March 8.-
One former Conference record
was broken and two were tied in
the preliminaries of the nineteenth
annual Conference indoor track
meet held here tonight, as Coach
Harry Gill's well-balanced Illinois
team, 1928 indoor and outdoor
titleholders, led the field with an
even dozen qualifiers in the five
events on the program. I
Michigan qualified two men in
the short dash and two men in
the 440, but the semi-finals of the
quarter saw the Wolverine list of
qualifiers cut to three when Da=
ton Seymour and Schulz of Chi-
cago collided on the final turn and
failed to finish among the first
Iowa Qualifies Seven
Iota trailed the Illini in the
number" of qualifiers with seven
men with Ohio a close third, plac-
ing six. Chicago and Indiana had
five qualifiers each, Michigan and!
Wisconsin four each, Northwest-.
ern three, Minnesota two, and
Purdue one.
Judd Tim, Illinois dash star,
turned in a brilliant performance ,
in the third heat of'the 60 yard
dash to shatter the indoor record'
made by George Simpson of Ohio
State a year ago on this same .
track. Timm clipped a tenth of a
second off Simpson's record of?
:06.3. |
Diminutive Eddie Tolan, Mich-
igan's colored bprnt star, had an'
easy time in winning his heat in
:06.3 which .ties Simpson's mark.
The Wolverine sophomore led the
field all these way and finished
nearly 10 yards ahead of Burk- I
hard of Illinois.!
Lomont Fades
For the first time in the history
of the indoor Conference meet, 1
heats were held in the mile run.
Letts of Chicago, and Stain of
Minnesota won their respective
heats with Martin of Purdue, Ab-
bott, Seldon and Stine of Illinois
content to finish among the qual- I
flers. Michigans single entry in
the race, Lomot, took a big leadi
at the outset, but lacked the sta-
nilna to hold his margin and
With George Baird, Iowa's Olym-
pic and Big Ten champion, out of'
the meet due to injuries, the bat-
tle for positions in the 440 yard
dash proved to be the most hotly
contested event on the program.
Hurdle Mark Equalled
Jack Tarbill ran a beautiful race
in the second' heat of the semii- I.
finals after finishing second to'
Henke of Wisconsin, in the prelim-
inaries to outlast Stevenson, Iowa'
star, on the home stretch and take!
first place. Abromson of Indiana,
nosed out Stamits of Iowa in a
close finish to win the first heat
in :52.
The winners of each of the
heats in the 70 yard high hurdles,
Haydon of Chicago,Crooks ofS
Ohio State and Allison of. Iowa,)
equalled the Big Ten record for f
the event :08.8 which was set by
Frank Cuh-el of Iowa, in 1928.
Holmes Celebrates
Birthday In Capital
Short terms of probation were
the disciplinary measures meted
out to four students for violation,
past few weeks, according to an
announcement made yesterday by
J. A. Bursley, dean of students. ILIU II (L
Those who were guilty of the vio-!
lations and were 'disciplined are FORT BLISS RECEIVES WORD
Helen Gustine, '29, placed on pro- THAT FIGHT IS OVER f
bation until April 5; Waldo J. Ir- FROM R A M O S
win, Grad., probation for the bal-
ance of the current semester; EL PASO CHILD IS SLAIN
Frances Kahn, '30, probation un-
til April 30, and Clifford A. Federal Troops At Juarez Driven
Mohnke, '29D, probation until From City As Rebels, 2,000
April 30. Strong, Conquer
Disciplinary action in the cases
of several students who disobeyed (By A sociated Press)
the special automobile regulations f EL PASO, Texas, March 8.-The
in effect during the week-end of first American fatality as the re-
the J-Hop is to be completed with- sult of fighting in Juarez was re-
in the next few days, according to ported today with the death of
Waler B. Rea, assisant to the dean
of students in charge of automo- Lydia Roberto, two-year-old child,
bile administration. at the El Paso emergency hospital.
The child, whose parents are
American citizens, was struck in
the head this morning by a stray
bullet from across the Rio Grande
during the battle or Juarez.
W H NEW CABINJUAREZ, Chihuahua, March 8.
Revolters against the Mexican'
government carried their battle
-- cry to the Rio Grande today with
Military Forces Near Southern fierce fighting through the streets
Border Will Not Be of this battle-scarred border city
Increased I and tonight were in complete pos-
session of the prized railroad cen-I
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Senior member of the United
States Supreme court who cele-
brated his eighty-eighth birthday
-E- - - -
(Michigan); second, Burkhart, (Il-
linois.) Time-:06.3. Ties former
record held by Simpson, (Ohio)
One Mile Run
Frst heat-Won by Letts, (Chi-
cago); second, Seldon, (Illinois);
third, Stine, (Illinois) ; fourth
Leas, (Indiana.) Time-4:30.5.
Second heat-Won by Strain
(Minn.); second, Martin, (Pur-
due); third, Abbott, (Illinois);
fourth, Clapham, (Ind.) Time-
440 Yard Dash
First heat-Won by Stevenson,
(Iowa); second, Dalton Seymour,
(Michigan). Time-:51.5.
Second heat-Won by Davidson,
(Wisconsin); second, Bertselon,
(Ill.). 'Time-:52.
Thitd heat-Won by Abromson,
(Indiana); second, Levy, (Wis.).
Fourth heat-Won by Strother,
(Ohio); second, Stamats, (Iowa.)
Fifth heat-Won by Schult,,
(Chicago); second, Bloomberg,
(NW). Time-:53.3.
Sixth heat - Won by Henke,
(Wisconsin); second, T a r b il1,
(Michigan.) Time-:51.4.
440 yard dash-First heat-_.-Won
by Abromson, (Ind.); second, Sta-
mats, (Iowa); third, Henke, (Wis-
consin,) Time- :51.4..
Second heat - Won by Tarbill,
(Mich.) ; second, S t e v e n s o n,
(Iowa) ;third, Davidson, (Ohio.)
70 Yard High Hurdles
First heat-Won by Hayden,
(Chicago); second, Sentman,,(Ill.)
third, Roden, (Wisconsin); fourth,
Jacobs, (Minn.) Time-:08.8.'
Equals conference 'record held by
Cuhel of Iowa, 1928.
Second heat-Won by Crooks,
(Ohio); second, Saling, (Iowa);
third, Hatfield, (Indiana); fourth,
Rodgers,' (Illinois). Time--:08.8.
Also equals conference record.
Third heat-Won by Allison (Io-
wa); second, Rockaway (Ohio);
third, Burkhart (Illinois); fourth,
Potter (Michigan). Time :08.8.
880 Yard Run
First heat-Won by Moulton,
(Iowa); second, White, (Illinois).
Second heat-Won by Sanders,
(Illinois); second, Dildine, (Ind.)
Third heat-Won by Orlovich,
(Ill.); second, Gorby, (NW.) Time
Fourth heat-Won by Gunn,
(Iowa); second, Hayes, (Ohio.)
----Descending on the city after a
(By Associated Press) machine gun barrageathetrebels,
WASHINGTON, March 8.--Pios-i 2,000 strong, fought back the re-
ident Hoover today presided at sistance of some 600 federal sol-
the first meeting of his cabinet, diers; captured in quick succes-
the irs metin of is abietsion the seven places of fortifica-
gave further consideration to the!sion the se u a ndoforid a
, situation created by the Mexican tion they had set up, and forced a
revolution, expanded his views truce a few hours afterwards,
upon law enforcement and in ad- with the federals in full retreat on
ditin rceied nuberof al-the banks of the Rio Grande.
les.. received a number of cal- American artillery lined the Am-
At the close of the busy day, he erican banks of the river that
received a large group of Wash- borders Mexico and Texas, pres-
ington newspapermen and in reply enting a steady reminder to the
to their questions said that the fighting forces that no menace to
scope of his proposed commission American life and property would
for a study of the operation of be countenanced.
federal statutes and court pro- One American casualty, how-
cedure would embrace "the entire -ver, was reported.
question of law enforcement and Estimate Thirteen Casualties
organization of justice." At the Driven to the banks of the river
same time the chief executive set after a sharp street battle in
i at rest any rumors that extensive which machine guns and rifles
changes were to be made in the popped briskly for two hours, fed-
personnel of government official- eral soldiers under General Ma-
dom with an explanation that not) thias Ramos sent word to the
more than 20 - or 30 new appoint- American side through Brigadier
ments were to be made. General George Van Horn Mose-
With every member of his cab- ley, commander at Fort Bliss. that
inet present, except Henry L. the hostilities were over. Within
Stimson, for whom Secretary Kel- a short time a truce was arranged.
logg is substituting as head of the Moving upon Juarez from the
state department, Mr. Hoover went east and west, the rebels opened
over the Mexican situation thor- fire simultaneously from both sides
oughly with respect to its relation and at the same time a train of
to the activities of he various de- box cars loaded with revolters'
partments. backed down the tracks of the
It was made known that the Mexico National Railways into the
Washington government has de- heart of the city. There was a
clined to accede to a request from lull after the first onslaught as
the federal government .of Mexico federals withdrew from housetops
for surplus war materials and that where they had posted machine{
permits have been issued for the guns and the fight concentrated in
private shipments of arms for use ' the main streets of the city, Calle
by the federal troops of the south- Commercio and Sixteenth of Sep-
ern republic. tember.
It was stated emphatically that) Street Fighting Spectacular
no difference of opinion exists These thoroughfares, with their
between the state and war de- open bars and gambling houses,
partments on the question of pro- patronized by folks from the Am-
~tecting American lives and prop- ptoie yflsfo h m
erty along the border and that no erican side, were the scene of spec-
y t a- p tacular fighting. Some dead were
action had been taken to supp left in the streets and windows of
ment the American military forces leftingstreeshand bynd us-o
already on duty there. Otherwise, buildings were shattered by . bul-
the cabinet meeting was described Federal soldiers gradually with-
As otithe.cresodnt eqet drew and by 8 *a. in. their forces
sAt the correspondents request, were driven to the river banks
the president outlined the scope and into an irrigation ditch, west
of the law enforcement program. of the city. There they main-
tamed this desultory fighting
TS TO ATTEND throughout the morningbatte fel
Stray bullets from thebatefl
ID-IRON BANQUET into El Paso where two children
were reported wounded shortly
after the conflict was under way.
'" "a a A"& "%IIIIUIIIUI1II01111I1111lLI
By Red Ed
Ancient rivalry, steeped in a ME T 0IIIHW
tradition that reaches back forC a y y as ilb eie gi
on the hardwood floor or the In-
tramural building's new gymna-
sium this morning when "Brute" M
Simons and his Daily All-Stars
take the floor against Tommy l
Thumb's 'Ensian Stockers in a
game that may prove to be bas- To Hold Scholastic
Practice sessions for both com- Meet In Pool Today
binations was set for 10:20 this
morning with the "battle of a cen- B w Swanson
tury" due to become a reality at One Cane anf on
10:30, or sometime thereafter. The One hunred and fifty-two nigh
contest is an annual affair origin- school swimmers from 5 states and
ating supposedly in the false 23 different schools anxiously
promises of spring which disillu- I await Michigan's twenty-fourth in-
sion the campus each March. J vitational interscholastic swim-
Information received from the ming meet which will get under-
rival camps at a late hour last way this morning at 10:00 o'clock
night indicated that all was in in the Intramural pool with pre-P
readiness for the battle today. liminaries in all events. The finalst
Both organizations are confident are scheduled for 7:30 tonight.7
of victory. What the final out- The complete list of entries in- 1
come will be only time and the In- eludes Northern, Northwestern;,
tramural floor can tell. Central, Redford and Highland
Park from Detroit. Other Michi- t
gan contestants are Lansing
Wyandotte, Kalamazoo, Ann Arbor,
Roosevelt of Ypsilanti, PontiacE
Flint Central, Jackson, and Bat-
le Creek. Chicago, long noted for
I [AS[S~erscholastic swimming talent,
offers Tilden Tech, Hyde Park,
Waller, Senn, and Roosevelt. In-E
diana sends Shortridge of Indiana-
polls and Whiting. Lakewood,r
Students Express Hearty Sympathy Ohio, and South High of Pittsburg,S
With Vindication Plan Of Penn., complete the list of entries.
Michigan Daily Highland Park, with her midwest
-- and national champonship team t
GARGOYLE OFFER FAILS of last year virtually intact, ranksI
as a topheavy favorite to retain)
Yesterday's receipts for The the laurels won in such a handy t
Daily's Student Vindication fund fashion last year. Boasting a num-
to foot the bill for damage done to ber of star individual performers t
the Michigan theater in Monday along with unusual secondaryf
night's riot netted $34.70. These strength in all events the Polar1
contributions brought the three- Bears have more than doubled the 1
day total for the drive to $135.70. score of their nearest competitor inc
each of the major meets which
Disappointment, was expressed they have taken part n the lasts
by the editors in charge of the two years.
fund at the general lack of stu-i While the Dtritrs arc count-
dent response to the appeal. While Whio t gain teshnos out-
the contributors have unanimously state entries are expected tot-
expressed a hearty sympathy with score heavily in the quest for in-r
the project, of which the aim is dividual honors. Brock of Whit-,
h ave ideal of nr andstude tsing high, is expected to shatter t
have i as o h n rarecords in the free style sprintf
manship, it was realized last night events. The Hoosier is credited
that a bare one per cent of the with 24.9 in the 50 yard event and 1
10,000 enrolled students had pro- seems slated to erase the -mark set I
duced evidence of their loyalty. by Horace Craig of Detroit North- f
Both twonspeople and students western who negotiated the dis-c
joined in swelling yesterday's I tance in 25.6 in 1926.
total. Additions to the honor roll '
follow: Dave Preston, Chariles aad
Kline, Frederick Parker, Bob Academy Section
Manss, Vernor Davis, WinthropT
Scofield, John W. Blackburn, Cle-) o ear Lectures
ment J. Weitzman, Sigma Alpha --
Mu ($10.00), William J. Dowsett, 1 Twelve lectures, each followedC
Jr., O. D. Morrill ($5.00), R. M. by supervised discussion periods, c
Edelman, I. Friedman, C. Axinn, make up the program for the '
Henry Lewis, J. E. Enswiler, and R. language and literature section oft
K. Compton. the Michigan Academy of Science,
The split on Gargoyle campus Arts, and Letters to be held here's
sales whereby the fund was to re- March 14, 15, and 16, itwas an-n
ceived 5 cents of the regular sales Enouneed yesterday by Pof Jamest
price of 15 cents on every copy of E. Dunlap, chairman of the see-
the magazine sold, netted only tio--
$2.70. Only 54 copies were sold The three-day lesion thus en- t
yesterday at the booth in the lobby tailed
of Un ty hal. for so young a section of the aca- i
niversi al demy, Professor Dunlap pointed j
did not, however, include anyofo1ut. Ihefac thls tdecale oftentio t
the contributions collected by Stu- the fact t e vueo he l
dent council members who organ- tures will be much enhanced byb
!delst Wdnc edaynightorgan- round table discussions for which1
ized last Wednesday aght to can- isome other sections of the aca-c
vas every fraternity and sorority demy have not made provision.t
on the campus. These men will Besides some of the better- b
complete their canvas today or to- known University professors who
morrow, it is expected, and report l nwInvriypoesr h
ter , to tisen d n p will read papers before the ses-(
their totals then.Isions of the language and liter- d
tature section, a number of young- t
The Weather er men have been found who al-
_____( though little known as yet, have r
Imost interesting and unusual con-s
(By Asciatcd 'rMcs tributions to make, it was as-c
Colder, probably snow. sorted.
Purple Gains Tie With Illinois For
Conference Title By Downing
Maize And Blue
By Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Annexing six out of eight events,
Northwestern's great swimming
team handed Michigan its first Big
Ten defeat in four years last night
by a 37-32 score before a capacity
crowd that occupied every avail-
able seat last night in the new In-
tramural building natatorium. The
meet was keenly contested from
the opening relay until the final
event, the Wildcats winning the
medley to clinch the meet and also
to tie for ,Conference dual meet
honors with Illinois.
The meet was marred by two
disqualifications, Michigan's relay
quartet being ruled out in the first
ace, While Peterson, Purple ;breast
stroker, was also disqualified.
Northwestern Wins Relay
The 200 yard relay was awarded
to Northwestern when one of the
Wolverines left his mark before his
predecessor had touched. Then in
the next event -the judges dis-
qualified Peterson for' two illegel
turns in the breast stroke, giving
first place to Golsmith. Michigan
had won the relay by five yards
before the premature start dis-
qualified them.
Al Schwartz, Northwestern's free
style ace, boosted the Purple cause
considerably by defeating Bob
Walker of Michigan in both the 50
and 100 yard races, and also swim-
wing anchor man on the medley
relay. Garnet Ault captured Mich-
gan's only first place by taking
the 440 yard free style in easy
fashion, winning by 15 yards.
In the 150 yard back stroke Dick
Hinch turned in a wonderful race,
beating Hubbell and Spindle by
four yards in the sensational time
of 1:42.6. This bettered ,the best
performance of the year made by
Wohl of Syracuse and many stand
as a new intercollegiate record.
Relay Loss Hurts
Michigan's unfortunate 'loss of
the relay put the Wolverines at a
disadvantage which they finally
overcame when Ault and Watson
placed one-two in the quarter mile
to lead, 18-15. Although losing the
next two events, the Wolverines
still led, 26-25, with two events re-
maiing. Northwestern assumed
he load by annexing first and
third in the fancy diving.
With the outcome hinging upon
he result of the medley relay, the
teams faced the gun for the decid-
ng race. Swimming anchor man,
Schwartz maintained this advant-
ge ~over Ault of the Wolverines to
linch the meet. A new intercol-
egiate mark of 3:12.6 was estab-
ished in this event.
In winning the 50 yard sprint
Schwartz just touched out Walker,
being clocked in the fast time of
:23.6 seconds.
Northwestern's water polo team
defeated Michigan 8-6 following
he meet to go into a tie with
Illinois for the lead in the Big Ten
ace. Behind 4-3 at the intermis-
ion, the Wolverine t a n k m e n
aught up to the Wildcats at 4
goals apiece early in the second
half, but Northwestern forged
head on goals by Colbath and
ESTERN BY137,32.
Potter Takes Place COUZENS CONSENr
Michigan placed a man in thisCC
event when Potter ran a good race AND ADDRESS GR
to place fourth in the final heato
despite the fact that he was com-r
peting against Captain Allison of Word was received yeserday from the committee in charge of the
Iowa and Rockway of Ohio State, Sen. James Couzens accepting pro- seventh annual razz-fest refused to
two of the fastest performers visionally the invitation to speak civulge their identity last night say-
entered. 1at the Grid-iron banquet sponsored ing that the other would probably
Al Lomont, Michigan's veteran by Sigma Delta Chi, national hon- not be announced until shortly be-
half miler, -drew a tough heat in orary professional journalistic fra- fore the banquet.
his favorite event, being forced, to ternity, to be held on the night of "We want to have something for
rung against Al White of Illinois April 3 at the Union. The condi- a surprise, but in order to show the
and Moulton, Iowa star. After tions under which Senator Couzens public that the noted speakers will
holding the lead for more than two accepted the invitation were that actually be with us for the banquet,
and a half laps, he faded and the the session of the United States I will announce one very important
Illinois and Iowa entries finished Congress be adjourned by that man at present," said Morris
a.ime. Quih , '29, general chairman.
60 Yard Dash Senator Couzens said in his let- It is alsoknown that Gov. Fred
First heat-Won by Root, (Chi- ter that the idea of forgetting rank W. Green has sent his regrets, due
cago); second, Grodsky, (Michi- ' and title. for an evening devoted to the fact that the work of the
gan). Time-:06. (55 yards.) to good fellowship was extremely present legislative session has
Second heat-Won by Simpson, pleasing to him and that if it made it necessary for him toj
Prof. Francis L. Schneider, for
13 years a professor of English
in the engineering college of the
University, died Thursday after-
noon in his home following a
long illness. He lia4 been in poor
health for two years.
Born in Nov. 14, 1885, in West
Salem. Wis., and graduated
from the University of Wiscon-
sin, Professor Schneider had led
an adventureous career. He
had taught successively in the
State College of Washington
and the Michigan State Cnlege
"If I have a hobby, it is a phil-
osophy that the student cannot
find himself in the crowded class-
rooms of a university," commented
Prof. Richard D. T. Hollister of the
speech department, when inter-
viewed by a Daily reporter.
"My hobby," he continued, "isI
escaping from crowds and getting
crowds to escape from themselves.
I believe that if I can fina a man
when he is being his natural self
and not shamming that I will find
something good.
"I like to be alone. I enjoy noth-
ing more than taking long walks,"
he says. "I have always liked to
stillness, the absolute stillness of
nature." He likes best of all, he
avers, to spend a night under the
stars of the Mojave desert far re-
moved from large groups of men.
His desire to be alone merely ex-
tends to a desire to escape from
the crowd and ugliness of civiliza-
tion, he s.,ates, as he has no ob-
jection to being witi people who
arc sympathetic with his ideas.
As results of this love of the
out-of-doors, Professor Hollister
points to a collection of birds eggs
which he made more than 30 years
ago and which he still keeps. In
addition one of the cases which has
been placed in the new Univer-
200 yard relay-Won by North-
western, (Covode, Hinch, Wicks,
O'Keefe) Michigan disqualified.
200 yard breast stroke-Won by
Goldsmith, (Mich.); Lennox, (N.
W.), second; Thompson, (Mich.),
third. Petersen disqualified.
50 yard free style-Won by
Schwartz, (N.W.); Walker, (Mich.)
second; Walaitis, (Mich.), third.
440 yard free style-Won by
Ault,' (Mich.) ; Watison, (Mich.),
second; Wicks, (N.W.), third. Time
-5:18 3-5.
150 yard back stroke-Won by
Hinch, (N.W.) ;;; Hubbell, (Mich),
second; Spindle, (Mich.), third.
1nn var free- n t vfau1_Un b y