THE IV iCIT..-- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TO MEET, WILD CA T S WIMMER S C.7 UNBEATEN TEAMS TO VIE FOR SUPREMIACY IN FEATURE MEET Of CONFERENCE SEASON' STARS WHO WILL COMPETE HERE TONIGHT ,MICHIGAN HOLDS SLIGHT" EDGE OVER 1,ILLINOIS MATM'EN IN HEAVIER BOUTS -I . AL. N er s, it is it% two of these events Two men in their first. year of tthat they are forced to use Varsity competitio n, Parker of sophomores, and it is on their Michigan and Tonkoff of Illinois, strength in these bouts that will' meet in the 178 pound event. the Wolverines base their hopes The Wolverine grappler~ has been iof defeating the Jlini. one of the most consistent per- formers on the squad, counting C The sixth Illini veteran, Russ three falls and two decision vie- Crane, star guard, will meet Doug- tories in five bouts, :while Tonkoff avito in the 168-pound bout. {rane I has lost but one out of six matches. went through last season without a defeat till the final match with With Ed George, Olympic the Wolverines at the field .house,,; (Continued On Page 7) o. MA SWIMMING MEET Tickets for the Northwest- ern-Michigan swimming meet are on sale. Admission is 50c, student coupons not being ac- cepted. >Seven of Northwestern's tank acest engaging against Michigan tonight IHinch and Colbath are collegiate{ title holders in the back stroke.! and fancy diving. Petexsen and! Lennon are star breast 'strokers,I 3while Al Schwartz is the holder of many free style records. Collopy$ and Miller are third year men. t 0 o FRESHMAN BASEBALL ! All freshman baseball bat-j ,tery candidates will report at ! IYost field house Monday aft- ernoon.j Jack $lott, Coach 0' 01 -- 4,"- ai II - Oil - +r Ye ( I- 1'r I =r itbr ora r..oml tie that Easter morn turnout must be accord- ing to social traditions and good taste. As in past a Z years this Store knows whait is punctiously correct _ -and offers its quality merchandise and service for this "sartorial" occasion. AIDLER COLLEGIAN AND R. & W. (SP'ARTON) 2-PANT SUITS. TOPCOATS - $30 and $35- . -1 .a. 0 4A .,7$T CI f/s orSpI- --- te stles f to orro fort(eme ofto 1 E~1T -IV yas f aloin exerecerec tei/liaxa R lohs rsettei niesiymoesfo prn, 99 All-oolwooens romthecounry' fiest oom .. medum rey and ichbro ns . . fshinedwiththa sutle istnctvenss apreiatd b .r S I 0 observant men. f Tailored in our own shops . .. sold through our own stores .. R B1 Clothes bring you quality and style at a remarkably' low price ... a saving of $20 to $25 on every suit or topcoat purchased. Our styles ... our fabrics . .. our rvorkmanship... our fit . . . our service . unbeatable at any price. dli.I ~ 42 I,-iurvrly}1r i