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March 08, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-08

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'T u E M L "AU C. A N



to co-operate with the government
I I t in granting their requests that the
Published every morning except Monday State deparment help in preparing
duing the Universit year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications. the way for large shipments of am-
Member of Western Conference Editorial munition to the Calles-Portes Gil
Association, government.
The Associated Press is exclusively en- o----
titled to the use for republication of all news SCHOLAR OR ATHLETE
(lispatches credited to it or not otherwise SH LRO TLT
credited in this papertand therlocal news pub- Yale has just completed its best-
lished herein. this-and-best-that election, and
7Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,thmws 11
Michigan, s second class matter. Special rate noteworthy among them was the
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- preference for a Phi Beta Kappa
master Gener'al.
Subscriptionby carrier, $4.00; by mail, key over a Yale varsity "Y." Pre-
:Ann Arbor Press Building, May- vious elections have awarded pre-I

nard Street.f
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 1214. t
Telephone 49251
Editor....................Nelson J. Smith
City Editor.........1. Stewart Hooker
News Editor............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor..............W. Morris Quinne
Women's Editor..............Sylvia S. Stone
Telegtraph 'Editor ..... ......OeorgaeStauter
Music.and Drama....... ...R.. Askren
Assistazit City Editor...........Robert Silbar
Nigt Editors

oseph E. Howell.
onald J. Kliue-
Lawrence R. Klein
Paul .L. Adams
Morris Alexander
C. A. Askren
Bertram AskwV'h
Louise Behyme
Arthur Bernsteu&
Seton C. Bovee
Isabel Charles
L. R. Chubb
Frank I. Cooper
Helen Domine
Margaret Eckels
Douglas Edwards
Valborg ireland
Robert f. Feldman
Marjorie Folmer
'William Gentry
Ruth Geddes
David B. Hempste
Richard lung
Charles k. Kaufmn
Ruth Kelsey


Charles S. Monroe ;
Pierce Rosenberg
George E. Simons l
rge C. Tilley
Donald E. Layman
Charles A. Lewis
Marian McDonald
Henry Merry
Elizabeth Quaife
Victor Rabinowitz
Joseph A. Russell
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearer
Howard Simon
Robert L. Sloss
Ruth Steadman
A. Stewart
Cadwell Swanson
n. Jane Thayer
Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Williams
ad Jr. Welter Wilds
George E. Wohlgennith
an Edward L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
advertising................-Alex K. Scherer
Advertising...............A. James Jordan
Advertising..............Carl W. Hammer
Service............ .Herbert E. Varnuim
Circulation.....,........George S. Bradley
Accounts.......... ...awrence E. XWalkley
Publications....... ... Ray M. Hofelich
ma I- .

ference to the "Y", which makes
the choice worthy of comment.
Each award indicates perfection in
its class, one for the scholar and
the other for the athlete. But
neither award, it seems to us,
should be preferred over the other
by any man.
Rather, the admirable man is the
one who can win both; he offers to
humanity both a trained body and
a trained mind. In an age boast-
ing more or less full development,
a rounded character is necessarily
required from each individual. The
Conference medal awarded to the
man in each Big Ten school who
is the best scholar and the best
athlete is an example of an award
worthy of every one's admiration
and approval.
- 0 _
Announcement was made yester-
day afternoon that Prof. Philip E
Bursley of the romance language
department had been named a
head of Freshman week for nex
fall. In taking the office, he re
places Prof. William A. Frayer wh
has had charge of the week dur
ing the two years of use in thi
University. Professor Bursley suc
ceeds to the position from a plac
on the Freshman Week commit
About the only thing that Pro
fessor Bursley will now say abou
the plans for the 1929 week is tha
they expect to make some change
even while keeping the same gen
eral scheme. Further than this
Professor Bursley is remaining dis
creetly silent, which is wise at thi
time. Past Freshman weeks hav
clearly brought out certain fault
in the system used, and just as th
one last fall was an improvemen
over the first, the committee i
charge hopes to improve the pla
for next Fall. But for certain idea
to be given out at the present.tim
when the final plan is unaccepte
would be misleading and injuriou
in case any should fail in commit
Freshman week has become a
accepted institution in educationa
circles in this country, and at th
present, hundreds of schools an
colleges ae staging such session
of their own, ranging in lengt
- from one day to a week.
There isn o doubt in the mind
of the upperclassmen here tha
the week is invaluable in introduc
ing the University to the new stu
dents. It has been of extremel
valuable importance to both fac
ulty and old students, in additio
. to the new ones. But on the oth
- hand, there is still room for muc
improvement, and in this wor
f the University can do nothing b
wish Professor Bursley and his co
leagues the best of success in pu
ting over the changes. The tin
t is at hand when high school st
e dents are looking toward colleg
1 but they will need a more effecti
r introductionto college than speci
literature and the say-so of b
brother "up at schoo."

TAST RLL 'IMusic And Drama
- - --- ---__
GET YOU TONIGHT: Mimes present their
ANO, WE'LL farce comedy, "To The Ladies",,
NEXT TIME j yG g S afanadMr
EDITOR'S NOTE-With this is- by George S. Kaufman and Marc
sue Rolls present the fifth of a Connelly, in Mimes Theatre. Cur-
series of Interviews on 'the hobbies tain at 8:30 o'clock.
of the prominent students on the s:
University campus. These inter-
views will appear daily, and will INTERNATIONAL NIGHT
they Ithrow interesting sidelights PAGEANTf
on the intimate lives of prominent
campus political puppets? Oh, my! R
** * Working out the theme of the
Willoughby Lowree Apes Meighan progress of humanity through the,
As Strong, Silent, And Suffering agesCosmopolitan Club presented
"Gad," breathed brother Wil-1 their pageant last evening in Hill
loughby Lowree nastily into Auditorium. It had all the delight-
our ear, "but I suffer! But that ful flavor of a home talent play,
is what I like to do most. I am startling the audience at times
so misunderstood; every one with flashes of dramatic and tab-
thinks I am a politician. But I leah beauty, and again leaving it
like to be misunderstood, i just with a sense of boredom which
glory in suffering silently and was only relieved by the fresh,
going around with an oh-so- frankly amateurish nature of the
hurt look. I have tried that for production.
the last three years and it has Taking the pageant as a whole,
worked swell. I get so I can the finest bits were practically all
suffer almost all the time. My done by students from the East.
ambition is to die a martyr. Mr. K. Ando's sword play was an
"My biggest break came when excellent 'dramatic bit, which a
I was misunderstood on the rather crass, unsympathetic audi-
elections. Every one thought I ence failed to appreciate. The tab-
- was crossing sorority girls',leau by the Indian students was
also finely done al 'hough it again
Snames off class lists before they alofnycoeathuhiagn
s got their ballots. Can you was partially spoiled by the audi-
s imagine any one thinking that ence'nsisten esiret p
t of me? I am so misunderstood. and laugh.
People think I am mixed up in One thing about the pageant as
o poitics. Of course, I do dab- a whole which deserves commen-
ble in them now and then, but dation is the theme which was
S never for my own good. Of worked out by a pictorial presen-
- course not. In factgI don't tation of those things which have
e get to first base with politics. aided humanity; aesthetic., human
Of course I did get elected to affectio, the religions of the
the Council, but that was a wolntradsin.
mistake, every one will admit The pageant was byio means a
t tht perfect production, but it was a
that. Ifr nafel hc e
t "And so I stand around and sincere effort in a field which de-
S do, nothing but suffer from the serves further attention, and it was
ago nyof the ne t thing to so- a revelation of dramatic ability
S agony which many did not realize existed
, cial ostracism. But I like it. on the campus. The bad nulsic,
Brother Lowree says that his poor dancing, rather laughable
favorite poem contains the acting at times, and the halting
e lines
s "Of all sad words of tongue or progress of the affair are things
R which may be condoned because of
t e' the more excellent portions of the
S..The saddest are these, I might long program.
n have been." ln rga.

l f

Your Club
in Detroit --
The Savoy
I have set aside an en-
tire floor in the Savoy,
for Michigan men.
An old-time student of
the U. of M. myself, I
know the need for such
a headquarters, and I
am very happy, indeed,
to be able to provide it
--and to give Michigan
men the benefit of a
20 Percent
Reduction in Rates.
Paul Kamper, Pres.



'111111111111111I ll ll llllllillllll llilll l ll ll ll ll ll llill ll illll ll lllllti1 11 . '
Discriminating people, when they wish to dance,
- always make sure of the quality of their musical
entertainment by selecting an orchestra with an
established reputation.
That is why so many dance at Granger's each week.
Because Buddy Golden and His Michigan Wol-
verines have established themselves with the, stu-
dents, townspeople, and throughout the East by their
wonderful harmony and syncopation.
K. 4
a -TmG U
' at
. a-
It _
9:00- 1:00_
as ..a
- at
.. S tate '
Wednesday Saturday.
8-10 9-12
71111U IIIIIIt lllIII111111111111I11111IIU 11U II~ l l1

Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
ernor Davis-
.Bessie Egeland-~
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halverso
George Hamilton
Jack Horwich
DiX Huimphrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Holister abley
I. A. Newman
Jack Rose
. Carl F. Schemin
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
ilMarie Wellstead

Woodward at Adelaide
Single Roomns
$2.00, $2.40, $2.75
Double Rooms
$3.20, $3.60, $4.00
Every Room with Bath
The 7-Course Savoy
at $1.00
is unusual value

Night Editor-Charles S. Monroe

After passing through a period
of instability and uncertainty dur-
ing which its very existence was at
times in jeopardy, the Varsity band
has finally arrived at a solution of
its problem which seems both log-
ical and commendable.
As a result' of the new arrange-
ment which was made possible
through the activity of Detroit and
Ann Arbor alumni, the band has
agreed to enroll for drill work with
the University R. O. T. C. unit
This step means that while the or-
ganization of the band remains in-
tact, its status is changed from
that of a public activity to that of
a University course for credit. In
consequence freshmen are now
eligible for band membership.
Further than this, the recent
action of the band makes possibl
an advantage long advocated in
these columns, that of credit .for
the band. Credit, it is true, can
only be obtained by participation
in the work in ;'military science
Band drill, however, will be accept-
ed in the place of infantry drill as
a requirement for-this credit.
Viewed from a different stand-
point, the offering of credit makes
it possible for the band directors
to require attendance at drill for-
mations and band practices. This
in itself should insure an organiza-
tion improved as a musical as wel
as a marching unit.
The plan as a whole appear
well devised and of much more
than the passing significance witt
which it is likely to be viewed b3
the uninitiated. Those alumni ane
student interests which have beer
largely responsible for its final at-
tainment are deserving of the ap-
preciation of all friends of Mich.
igan. Their work is to be con-
Definite decision to continue
the Coolidge policy of giving mora
and material support to the Mex-
scan government has been one of
the first moves of the new presi-
dent. The policy of embargo or
arms has been in force under the
Coolidge proclamation of January
1924. -
Since there have existed in Mex-
ico conditions, of serious domestic
violence, the wisdom of keeping
arms from the rebels is evident
Thiic tof thenrnyirnitvof Mexico to

e 1
c- ,

* m* a
Well, to the sponsors of the
campaign for the paying of the
damage done to the Michigan we
suggest the following slogan: Mil-
lions for repairs, but not one cent
for tribute.3
* .*
Maybe She's The President's
The caption of an editorial in
a Detroit newspaper last Sun-
day reads: "Coolidge Retires
with Grace."
* * '
Now if the valiant student army
of rioteers had only waited until
yesterday to riot, and then had
rioted the Majestic instead of the
Michigan because of that awful
pic] ire named Sally's Shoulders,
they would have had something to
riot about.
* *1 *
It is understood generally on
the campus that the litte girls'
annual Penny Carnival really
raised an awful scent.
Well, Bobbie Henderson, at least
you won't have any one rioting to
see The Vikings.
Avery Hopwood has left ten
thousand dollars for the up-
keep of his pet monkey. After
the monk dies, the University
gets it as part of the regular
$150,000 bequest to the Univer-
sity as prizes to students in the
rhetoric department. Avery
Hopwood was always noted for
his sense of humor. There is
nothing strange about a monkey
sharing prize money with our
rhetoric students.
That's A Pretty Cheap Skate
Dear Lark:
The return of winter to Ann
Arbor should give new opportu-
nity for coruscating-I mean it, I
actually do.
Die Kleine Schneeffoche

The Avery Hopwood Bequest to
the University has raised a num-
ber of questions, principally in re-
gard to the distribution of the
prizes this year. As the story ap-
peared in the front page of The
Daily recently, acceptance of the.
gift depends on the action of the
Regents, which is perfectly true ex-
cept that the Hopwood estate has
not been settled yet and the funds
will not be available until son-ic
time in the fall.
The interest that accures from
the gift amounts to some seven
thousand dollars yearly and should
provides a decided stimulus' to the
creative arts which, as The Daily
pointed out yesterday, are un-
doubtedly mercenary in sonic ex-
tent, whether the gifts are dis-
tributed as prizes for individual
work or in the form of traveling
fellowships. The bequest, as the
Regents will act upon it, contains
no restrictions for its use except
the obvious one of encouraging
and materially assisting promising
talent in the fields of dramatic
writing, poetry, the novel or Ithe
As the New York Times reported
the story last summer, it appeared
that Hopwood's purpose was to en-
courage the radical, the iconoclas-
tic and the modernistic in literary
lines-which would seem rather
ironic if the committee of award
were to be members of tIhe faculty.
But the general nature of tbe be,
quest should guarantee a ex-
traordinary impetus to creative
writing on the campus, and inci-
dentally would serve to bring to
light much of the material which
local mei are already contribut-
ing to reputable magazines without
making a fuss in the rhetoric de-
partment about it.
- I4
Reports have come from Ypsi-
lanai where for the last two ights


Annual May Festival

May 22,



24, 25,





Editorial Comment

(From New York Evening Post)
The American Council of Learn-
ed Societies has announced a
campaign for the dissemination of
Chinese cultural i n f 1u e n c e s
throughout the country, urging
upon American universities the
suitability of including in their
curricula courses on the language,
literature and civilization of this
most ancient of nations. Its pro-
gram is to endeavor to make avail-
able to this country the vast cul-
tural reservoir which centuries of
study have built up in the Far East.
When we think of how important
an understanding of China is from
any broad point of view, and how
even more important it is bound
to become as East and West grow
closer under the stimulus of mod-
ern means of communications, the
program of the council appears
eminently wise. We cannot afford
to ignore Chinese philosophy en-
tirely in our absorption in Amer-
ican and European culture. We
cannot afford complete ignorance
of a literature which until 1750
accounted for more than half of
the books in existence. China
bulks too large in world affairs,
and from a purely practical point

For the closing event in the Sem.i Centenary Concert Series
of the University Musical Society, the following distin-
guished artists and organizations have been engaged:
EDITH MASON, Prima Donna Soprano, Chicago Civic Opera Company
JEAN N ETTE VREELAND, Distinguished American Soprano
SOPHIE BRASLAU, Renowned American Contralto
MARION TELVA, Contralto, Metropolitan Opera Company
RICHARD CROOKS, Tenor, Premier American Concert Artist
PAUL ALTHOUSE, Tenor, Metropolitan Opera Company
1. AWRENCE TIBBET, Baritone, Metropolitan Opera Company
RICHARD BONELLI, Baritone, Chicago Civic Opera Company
3ARRE HILL, Baritone, Chicago Civie Opera Company
WILLIAM GUSTAFSON, Bass, Metropolitan Opera Company
JOSLF HOF MANN, Polish P41nist
EFREM ZIMBALIST, HFungarian Violinist
CHORAL WORKS: Samson and Delilah, by Saint Saens; The New Life, : by
Wolf Ferrari; The Requiem, by Br ahms; The Hunting of the Snark (Chil-
dren), by Boyd.
Block "A"--Patrons rickets, (all remaining seats in sections 2, 3 and -4 on the
Main Floor and sections 7, 8 and 9 in the First Balcony,) $5.00 each if Choral
Union Festival Coupon is returned, otherwise $8.00 each.
Block "B"-Sections 1 and 5 on the Main Floor and Sections 6 and 10 in the First
Balcony, $4.00 each if Festival Coupon is returned, otherwise $7.00 each.
Block "C"-All Seats in the Second Balcony (Top Balcony) $3.00 each if Festival
Coupon is returned, otherwise $6.00.
All mail orders will be filed in sequence and filled in the same order except
that orders received prior to February 28 are considered as of that date. Tickets
will be selected as near as possible to locations requested and will be mailed out
early in April at purchasers' risks unless registration fee of 17 cents additional is
Note-The right is respectfully reserved to make such changes in the pro-
grams and in the personnel of artists as necessity- may require.
Please make remittances payable to University Musical Society and mail to

Well, Gargoyle came out in Comedy Club have been presenting
its usual form yesterday, lbut their comedy, "Take My Advice",
we don't exactly notice the under the auspices of the Alumnae
weather getting any warmer. Association of Michigan State
* * * Teacher's College. It seems the
Well," said the Cynical Senior Wednesday night audience re-
yesterday, "Speaking of the de- ceived the hilarious comedy with
funct Washtenaw machine, take a polite titters of amusement but at
look at the Frosh Frolic committee, the final curtain insisted on giv-
I guess maybe brother Sanderson's ing the cast two curtain calls.. One
paw wasn't in that selection eh?" is led to wonder if the good ladies
* * * of Ypsilanti took "Take My Advice"
The Council, that ever-ready foi, Art; locally we considered it as
mirth and the butt of most of the comedy, and rather good stuff at



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