, A RC1-1 t,. 19 29 THE MICHICAN DAILY VA JP, rIVE, THU MICI-IIQAN L)AILY J~AUP F~V*~ ... d. ., IM m f - H A 0 S 5Z 'V. ELIABETH HEALY, 'ORGANIZATIONS C UF Theta Sigma Phi ELECTED CH RMAN OF Eection of officers was held at the last meeting of Theta Sigma LL UL LUL IIL Phi on Tuesday. Mary Ptolemy, 2ATthe former president, resigned a few months ago, and just recent-C ly the secretary resigned. c The new president for the rest EIGHT OTHER FRESHMEN ARE of this year is Marion Searle, '29; LOUISA SOUKUP IS HEAD OF CHOSEN AT MEETING vice-president, Sally Knox, '29; COMMITTEE DESIGNING YESTERDAY secretary, Edith Thomas, '29, and' COSTUMES treasurer, Jane Watt, '29. J -WLEAN IS ASSISTANT rushingmteafo r ah 14as p ned b USHERS ARE ANNOUNCEDa OldEglishSprig Fesival I given at the Delta Gamrp a house. - Old English Spring Festival Is Helen Dancer, '3, will be in charge Make-Up Committee Also Works g Selected For Theme Of This f of the tea and expects to entertain Hard In Last Two Weeks (g Year's Presentation about 10 rushees. Of Preparations e Kappa Phi t Elizabeth Healy, '32Ed., was Kappa Phi held a regular sup- Costumes for this' year's Juniort elected general chairman of the per meeting on Tuesday night in Girls' Play are to be entirely the r 1929 Freshman Pageant at a meet- Wesley hall. Besides the business work of junior women, it is an-, ing of freshman woman yester- matters discussed, plans were made nounced. This is the first year'a day. Josselyn McLean, '32,, will for a formal party to be given that some of the costumes haveP be assistant chairman, while Dor- March 16. not been bought specially for the othy Birdzell, Sally Ensminger, It was announced that Dr. Cyril occasion. With the exception of I U Dorothy Feske, Katherine Ferrin, Haas will give talks on hygiene be- the men's suits, all the costumeE Donna Jones, Elizabeth London, ginning this week. The first talk' are being made by the costumef Jeannie Roberts, and Margaret will be at 4 o'clock on Thursday in committee, which is headed by o Thompson are the members of the Wesley hall. Louisa Soukup. O general committee. Marie Wag- Michigan Dames . uissSoukuphc ner, secretary of the class, took "Early marriages of Hindu girls sd charge of the meeting because of in India can be attributed to the: ab{e training in art, having studied the ineligibility of Martha Peters, invasion of the Mohammedans in- at Parson's New York School of k vice-president. to that country many centuries Fine and Applied Arts, and alsot A festival'fin honor of the com- ago," stated Mrs. Ramjithan Aar- under Charles Webster Hawthorneo ing of spring is the theme of this on, Grad., in her talk on "Cus- at Provincetown, Massachusetts. O years' pageant, as it was explain- toms in India" at a meeting of Hawthorne has been called "the a ed by Miss; Ione Johnson, of the the Michigan Dames on Tuesday, greatest living man for colors." t Physical Education department. March 5. 'It was a Mohammedan The color scheme used in the cos- Miss Johnson was aided in her custom that its men could not tumes of each chorus has been d explanation by six members of .marry widowed or divorced wom- carefully worked out by Misf t Orchesis who illustrated the vari- en; hence the Mohammedans, in Soukup. An especial effort hauI d Gus types of dancing which would choosing wives among the Hindus, been made to have the costume ti be used this year. married the girls who were young harmonize with the settings whiebis The first group of dancers in- and unbetrothed. This accounts are to be used in "Forward March.' t terpreted the: spirit of Flora, the for the customary early marriages Other committees, besides the si goddess of flowers, in a free dance. of young girls in India in the1costumes committee have beer t The traditions of the foresters of 'present day." working hard in preparation foi i England, who, in the past, set up Mrs. Aaron spoke further on the play, which is now less thar it the throne for their queen and the marriage customs and other reliM two weeks distant. Margaret Bush Maypole on the village green, were jgious ceremonics of her mother chimnof the make-up commit- f f told by Miss Johnson and typical country, and demonstrated the ci, announces the folowing wom- m dances :were shown by Orchesis. costume of the native Hindu en as her assistants: Elizabeth Dc- a A Morris dance concluded the pro- woman. ,'Vol, Elizabeth Pardec, Bcth Barra V gram, after the selection of the The society of Michigan Dames ElizabethBrusi, DorothyBMiller n queen, and the Maypole dance had- is composed of the wives of Mich- Elizabeth Miller rothyB iv been described. igan students. A special meeting MargaretMillr, Ruth Bishop v "Freshian Eligibility and Fi- will be called on Monday, March Marian Widman, Cornelia Burwell nancing" 'was the subject of a talk 18, and a joint meeting by invita- Petty Morley, Sara Nederlander a by Miss Grace Richards, adviser of tion, will he held with the Fac- Helen Py, Margaret Brady, Jear I women. She said that University ulty Women's club on Tuesday, Duffield, Virginia Jiroch, Heler h rules for eligibility had always March 19. Nicol, Alice Morrison, Evelyn Zeh- been observed by the freshman Musical Sororities ner, and Catherine Price. g classes, in 'planning for the Page- Sigma Alpha Iota, Delta Omic- The names of the women who arE t ant; that is, fifteen hours of com- Iron, and Mu Phi Epsilon, the three to act as ushers at the perfor- - pleted work 'with one grade of A sororities of the University School mances of "Forward March," hav or B and no grade below C. There 1 of Music, will hold their annuali also been announced recently are more than 150 eligible girls in bridge party on Saturday, March They are: Erwilli Schneider, chair- the present freshman class. 16, in the auditorium of the School man of ushers, and Mary Louise, Though the Women's league of Music. Dorothy Paton is gen- Brown, Elizabeth Crockett, Eleanor presents the class with $100, it is cral chairman of the affair. Delo, Permilla Lampman, Dorothy not sufficient for the complete fi.- The party has a two-fold pur- Trebilcock, Sarah W. Lutes, Vir- nancing of the Pageant, and as a pose, in that the proceeds go to ginia Earl, Mary K. Orr, Martha result, the class voted to tax every the scholarship fund maintained Foster, Isabelle Lashbough, Evelyn eligible girl one dollar in order to by the Michigan State Federation Blair, Cornelia Thompson, Mariar successfully finance the affair, as of Music Clubs, and the relation- Geib, Ruth Corbett, Avis Brown previous classes have done. ship between the active members, Mary Roach, Dorothea Schmidt Cynthia. Hawkins, '29, president alumnae and patrons of the three and Flora Pearce. of the judiciary council, took groups is strengthened by their charge of the meeting after Miss co-operation in the one affair. TICKETS & RESERVATIONS Richard's speech. Before the nom- - For All imprtat inations she warned the freshmen NOTICE\ Lake and Ocean Line of the pledge which most of the' .To'ir, Cruises women in the University signed, Chi Omega announces the pledg- Independen Travel stating that there would be no ing of Reva Derby, '32, of Clare, E. G. Kueler "slates" made up between houses Mich. and Grace Dixon, '31, of Hron Ph. 6412 and warned them that if anysuch Philadelphia. ANN ARBOR were discovered after the election,I -- - - those girls concerned would lose their positions. N TH E T FNO IS T TIME SENIORS! Senior caps and gowns will be on sale from 2 to 5 o'clock from KAPPAS. AREVICTORS LETADINETETAMO ORMITORYWILL E f1n AinII VI f lhl inr TA ____ PAefli r~rn nv 1 nn I Monday, March 11, to Friday, UlTwoYSets Of Tying Teams Will ipr March 15, in Barbour gymnasi- Meet In Interclass Basketball um. No checks in payment ofjTourney fees will be accepted. ITms Play Hard Fought Game At TArchitects' Plans Will Be Ready - - Penny Carnival Before Each with two victories and no For Committee And Regents AELarge Crowd . defeats to their credit, the senior By Next Fall CORA CONDONES I and Freshman I interclass bas-Vi CUP WILL BE AWARDED ketball teams will meet for the first UNITS MAY }HOUSE 125 CAVEMAN'S CLUB time at 4 o'clock this afternoon in A fast playing and hard fighting Barbour gymnasium. At the same Well, my dear, I've read so much apaK paGmabsealimteduldfaedspo tant secretary of the University, bout this International Night pro- team won the Intramural chain i more I and junior I sextets will says that as soon as Malcom- ;ram that I guess I win have t onship by defeating a determin- break their tie for third and fourth son and Higginbotham, Detroit 0ojs ose fi sa ed Alpha Xi Delta team at Bar-,places in the standings of thearhtcshvefnhd dawg ojttoeefiti sgood as bu y atngtbfr ag architects, have finished- drawing ,veryone says it will be According aour gym ast night before alarge tournament. The yellow blue team up the plans for the new dormi- veronesay itwil beAccrdigcrowd gathered for the annual will play the senior .II women at tr n h ln aebe o all reports, it's the best yet,but Penny Carnival. The final score 5 o'ccory and the plans have been hen everything always is, so thataW passed on by the dormitory com- eally doesn't seem so much. was 28 to 20. When these games have been mittee and by the Regents, con- Anyway, I think it ought to be During the first few minutes of played the interclass tournament struction will begin. wfuly nteestngto ee ll heplay the Alpha Xi Deltas scored a will have reached the half-way Originally it was thought that wfuly itresting to see all the considerable lead, but they main- mark, two weeks of contests beingt oritoy could beoready for rehistoric men and everthmgI ndh econddormitory could be ready for tained it only until the seon lft. While the seniors and fresh- ocpto yti al ln mean I really do. What I can't, quarter, as a sudden spurt by the man sh the hnors fo f occupation by this fall. Plans inderstand, though, is the state- Kappas gave them the lead which p i the rst teamschedule being rushed through so Went that prehistoric man was they held for the remainder of the th II team e de rapidly that the proper amountof 'urnished the club he used to fight gsmnior IIemor eam aone is unde-gae care was not given to them. The )ffriu esswt yhs iefae ntescn qa or if fercious beasts with by his wife. The guarding of the Kappa te am e t in tehesecond squad tour-I ce as not gier thm. The u.ihdtecu eusdt ih ae a estiatswere higher than the f course, it all goes to show that was exceptionally good and most nament. All of the first team games Board of Regents had planned. vomen have always had the most of the scoring of the Alpha- Xi the second team contests fllow n therehas also been some acicm - ntelligence, but were always Delta team was done on fouls.h i ecdiate aftess a l 5ion that a building to accommo lever enough not to let the men Both teams exhibited a great immediately afterwards at 5 date 500 would be too large. It is now it. Any woman will tell you of nervousness which resulted in ocock possible that it will be split up hat a man can be lea to do lots mnay s The second team meet is very into units for 125. w inghpds'estfumblss, successful this season, in the esti- Plans will probably be completed an only be convinced that the By foul. mation of the managers. Players by August or September, accord- an ondberconvind that hey By winning this game the Kap- on these squads will be awarded ing to Mr. Watkins. In that case sre wonderful ideast that he pa's gain possession of the Intra- W. A. A. points at the end of the th uligwlIoe ntefl hought up himself, mural cup for one year. Perma- season the same as the first divi- f1 building will open in the fall Well, anyway, after the cave man nent possession may only be at- esion women. has been completed in less thn a id find out what a useful weapon tained by winning the tournament ___n__omen._ year,' says Mr. Watkins, "and we he club was, he wasn't long in in three successive years. It will can't have girls leaving rooming iscovering that it could be effec- be presented at the annual basket- Two Stores Offer houses in the middle of the year. ively used in wooing a mate, that ball banquet which will be held in h If the dormitory is to be finished , if we believe the standard tradi- the Women's Athletic building at Benefit To League f y te bgiminof theshd ion, he did. That was another the close of the present basketball yar ncnuon wl ha troke of genius on the part of season. At this time all other bas- year in 1930 construction will have he cave woman because she prob- ketball awards of numerals and Goodhew's Flower shop and to start this fall." bly forsaw the outcome, a pdokne 'all awarsonuer and h Jacobson's are offering , five per As to the question-of the dormi- blyfosawth oucoeand knew M's will be presented and the Icn omsint h oe' oyhrigteonr fLau would give her a reputation for mythical all-star team will lso cent commission to the Women's tory hurting the owners of League Dyness in an age when such a be named. League for all bills paid to them. houses Mr. Watkins believes that einine trait couldn't have been The line-up for last night's game At Goodhew's the commission is it will not make much difference. uch in evidence. Olnhye, women is as follows: offered for all paid bills of dormi- He said that about as many more ave always been awfully clever, Kappa Kappa Alpha Xi tories and sororities, while at women would probably be attract- nd still are, I mean they actually' aGamma:elta Jacobson's it will be given to all ed to the University by the dor- re. d n though you can't get the Gama : FH Harter those who request it. j'mitory. veageeven o a i t * Bamaf .... .---- - University women are asked to - verage man to admit it. K. Brook....L...... M. Geib keep these commissions in mind, NOTICE Well, Ive seemed to wander quite B. Swift ........ JC. .. K. MMurray and to mention the League when- tr from what I started out to talk M. Stuart .....SC.....E. Connell ever paying bills at Goodhew's or Te Union pool is open for wo- bout, but that's something I've D. Sample ......RG..... M.Folmer Jacobson's. en from 7 until 9:30 o'clock on ad on my mind for a long time, K. Badger ......LG...... A. Lambie--------- Tuesday evenings, in addition to nd that statement about the club Substitutions: G. Vanderwalker Buy an 'Ensian subscription now Thursday nigh, and .Monday ave me a wonderful opportunity for Lambie, M. A. Paddock for for $5.50, and you will be sure of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thuds- rave about it. Vanderwater. receiving a copy in the spring. day mornings. ' llllllllili11llllllllllilllliltlllllliilll1111111111|!111llllllllllllltlillllilif l_ The New Vagabond For Your Luncheons K heNe.Vgaon - "cut on the head" and Dinners I~ i In felt or any novelty straw. - -- i $6.50 to $15.00 ANN ARBOR ALLENEL IM01IGAMME$o 'm RESTAURANT HOTEL RESTAURANT F 215 S. Main 126 E. Huron Mich. Theater Bldg. 7 'E LIBERTY ST. sIU1111111111t111111 11IIIttI1111111111111I i111.11111111111111111111l 11 111111111 i -ti - - - 1 rculay womento Present Art Worksj Oil paintiuigs, hooked rugs, and batik work are among the articles to be exhibited by the art section of the Faculty Women's club, April 2, in Alumni Memorial hall. The' exhibit promises to be of unusuall interest. Under the leadership of Mrs. James B. Pollock, the section has i been divided into three groups; design, under the direction of the j Maklelski. studio in Detroit, oil painting under Margaret Chapmn of the University faculty, and ther third, hooked. rug work.- Professor Aubrey Tealdi will speak to -the gardening section of the club -n March 13. His subject will be "Italian Gardens." This section, under Mrs. 0. C. Cone, is sponsoring the annual flowerI show which will take place early in June. The section studying drama will present several plays in the High school auditorium on March 7, at 8 o'clock. The names of_.the plays and the cast will not be announced until the night of the perform- ance, which is open to membersl of the faculty only: Music will be furnished by the music section I under Mrs. H. S. Bull. Buy an 'Ensian subscription now for $5.50, and you will be sure of, receiving a copy in the spring. - To Have Your Topcoats and Spring . Suits Cleaned and Pressed Special price on Cash and Carry work at TheCOLLEGE CLEANERS& PRESSERS All Work Guaranteed I - 426 Thompson SWe call and deliver also. Phone 6898 Felt Hats, Straw Hats, or Felt-and-Straw Hats HATSOF THISI -a' 1= - Pai, uhriy r1OJ-)JENT Paris, authority and source of the most successful hats, has displayed this season more genius than ever. New and subtle ; manipulation of material and the manner of its draping ... in the definite change of outline. And once you have worn one of these hats you Will love it best of any you have ever had. roadster close-fitting model of cello- phame straw trimmed with self-colored belting ribbon willj be not only distinctively smart but decidedly comfortable. hyland studios. _ has . . ronathemillinery salon I~ ~- --18.00 v)otre santte' simplicity m a r k s the felt -- model with band of two-col- ored belting. pour le sport ..., hyland, new york. !ats ...J fromi n tdCe miliry Salon 15.00 tres bon reboux, paris . . . world re- nowned for expuisite taste -aand dignity is "hatting" the ;' h . c a K erty St. Michizzan Theater Bldg. 529 E. Lb( ' lWJ Vs.. ITA""A 4766A11 L 11%,Q14.1 A-PA"fs. WE OFFER TODAY The Greatest Winter COAT VALUES EVER PRESENTED TO ANN ARBOR just 8 Dress Coats FORMER PRICES $45 to $79.50 C .". 7 s %~f f . a-~ Mosdy Size 16 $ G eorgeous Fur Trimmings LM i4 I Strings .. Supplies SRepairs . . Rearra - A new hat will do so much for your beginning-to-bc-boring winter outfit. You have a wide choice here in smart shapes and new colors-at prices very reasonable. Just 11 Sport Coats & -.M . "A T ] t . -. , . ,. I 11 0,1,1 1.111 mow A rfir rnllnrc I