Faculty, Town, And Gown Unite To Swell Damage Fund Total ESTABLISHED 1890 'Sr 4-* tr 4,t!- an Iat MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXIX. No. 115. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1929 EIGHT PAGES STUDENT COU NCI Vo Your Bit &MICHIGANBAND SiUDENimBUILT !Loyalists Rout l Mexican .Rebels Gil Sees ,Specdy *End To Revolt; CONNIBUTIONS SWELL VINDICATION FlNH -RPONSORHnR lAll V O PAV ACiS 1 RESTOREl THADiTIONS HERE FORMIDABLE COMMITTEE CREATED TO COPE WITH UNRULY FRESHMEN ISl Before any mails had come into the Daily office after yesterday's appeal, more than eighty dollars had been col- lected for the fund to pay the. damages to the Michigan theater. This morning's mail should contain much more. The fight has only begun. The tribute has been well sup- ported, but upon the sustAin- ed interest of the student body in this affair depends its success. To be successful, and to be a complete illustration of the sportmanship and the essential fairness of the stu- ,dent body, the drive must "go over the top" and must pro- vide in full the finances for restitution. AND R.O.C. UN11 COMBINE FORCES GLIE MAKES MAIDEN FLIGHT UN 4 ). TO REVIVE SCHOOL SONS 1 Asbeck Outlines Plans For The Holding Of General Sings In Hill Auditorium IVERSITY WILL GRANT HOUR I STUDENTS PILOTS MAKE TESTj CREDIT TO ALL WHO WITH SHIP ON BARTON DRILL DAM ICE HOUR DRILLPLANNED HAS 33 FVOT WINGSPREAD nd Members Themselves Suggest Plans Of Glider Section Call For Move Designed To Improve Four More To Be Built Field Formation Before June Ba: To I UIIU 0UI U1IIUUIILU U1 UflIL 'I U I III (S~y Associated iPress) FOR DAMAGE TO MICHIGAN IHEATER speedy end of the rebellion against the administration of the pro- visional president, Portes Gil, was MANY STUDENTS, FACULTY MEMBERS, predicted in an official govern- ment bulletin issued this evening.' AND TOWNSPEOPLE RESPOND fIt was reported, too, that Gen- TO CALL FOR MONEY oral Gonzalo Escobar was in full _______ flight after a defeat by govern- STUDENT COUNCIL VOTES ITS ASSISTANCE TO DRIVE ment troops in Coahuila. Spontaneous enthusiasm was the reaction on all parts of the SUnited States cavalry at Fort Cliff campus yesterday, following the announcement by The Daily that 'has been ordered out tomorrow, it would sponsor a move to raise funds for the payment of damages full-packed and with field equip-i done to the Michigan Theater. Late last night money was still ment, it was learned tonight. No reason was given for the order.NI coming from all parts of the campus, and this morning's mail and Brigadier-General Wian, U. S. the Student Council canvass are expected to yield a great tribute A., second in command, General to the spirit of the student body, the faculty and the townspeople George VanHorn Mosley at Fortndia Cliff, and a group of staff officers in raising a fund to vindicate the five students who are being charged tonight scanned Juarez with field with the crime of the large crowd which participated in the de- glasses from this side of the in- struction. The fund as the paper went to press this morng had a ternational bridge, but cdeclin ed t uto.Tefn stepprwn opesti onn a comment on their actions. d total of $80.00. There were checks and cash donations from -----------------'"members of the student body; 1 Concern over the gradual decline The Daily has pledged itself Michigan's Varsity band passed of Michigan traditions prompted for the student body to see from the status of a student ac- two moves at the regular meeting this movement through. It tivity to that of a course in mii- of the Student council last night does not believe that it has tary training last night, and mem- misjudged the responsiveness bers of the organization were designed to foster the restoration of the student body where I given an opportunity to receive of traditions to the prominence Right and Squareness are con- extra credit for band work. they held in student life 20 years cerned. Have -you done your Under a proposal adopted by a ago bit to help? If not-Today's unanimous vote of the band mem- F was the day! E bers at a meeting of the organiza- ato as anearm ofheswacouncilre-f The Editors tion's personnel in Morris hall, a committee on freshman discip- - jUband members are now enrolled line to consist of the managing [11[ 'T for drill wok with the University, editor of The Daily as chairman, R. O. T. C. division. At the same the captains of the football, base- time, the band organization re- ball, basketball, track, wrestling, I mains intact, retaining its present and swimming teamhs, the president ticonductor, business manager, and of the Student council and the 'its traditional yellow and blue ui- head cheerleader. forms.yb Violators On Carpet OUII II IIOUUIOne Hour Credit It will be the function of this Band members, according to the committee to hale before it vio- Bittinger To Discuss "New Phases new arrangement, will receive one lators of the freshman regulations In Interior Decorative I hour drill work each week under about whom complaints are receiv- Design" the direction of an officer detailed ed, and impress upon them the- by the R. O. T. C. unit. In addi- necessity of maintaining tradi-PUBLI T BE EXCLUDED tion those members desiring credit tions. The committee will be or- will be enrolled in one hour addi- ganized immediately and begin tional of military science with no functioning this spring. This move President Clarence Cook Little outside work, the hour of band was prompted by the inability evi- will'head a list of three.speakers drill being substiuted for an equal denced this fall of the sophomore on the twentieth Michigan Night period of infantry drill. One hour class vigilance committee to cope radio program of the current series of credit will be given each semes- with freshman who refused to wear ter. pots and preserve a humility con- which will be broadcast between 7 Advanced students in R. O. T. C. sistent with their station on the and 8 o'clock tonight. The pro- will still be allowed to substitute campus. gram, which is a regular Thursday the band drill for military drill The second move by the council night feature, will be put on the and continuing with the work in to preserve old traditions was the military science will receive addi- appointment of Durwin Algyer air through WJR, the "Good Will tional hours of credit. Under this '29, to organize a revival of Mich- Station of the Richards Oakland system freshmen are now eligible igan songs through the holding of company, from the new Morris for membership in the band by en- general sings in Hill auditorium, hall studio. trolling in the R. O. T. C. unit. and when the weather moderates, President Little will deal with a Credit will be awarded partly out of doors. discussion of heredity, relating to upon a basis of attendance thus To Project Songs On Screen whetheran individual's acquired making it possible for the drill The general outline of the pro- haracteristics are passe on t the master to require attendance at ,ect ugg dyCouncil Presi- x hn sneaion. onigh wie o e the drill periods which will be def- lent Frederick M. Asbeck, '29, in- chigasecnapea cern the initely established, and for the! eluded the projection of songs on Michigan Night programs this i conductor to require attendance at. a screen and accompaniment by an season. band rehearsals. a cren acopaimnt IBenjamin F. Bailey, professor of. organist. The Varsity band and electrical n rinwl diss Will Improve Organization the Glee club may also be intro-eniesc It is the belief of band oficials duced to the meetings, and for the one of the many fields of researcrhkaitnithsemliff akoficias firt -o tei wa sugeted fo tat orkinelectrical engineering in that this sytem will make for an first meeting it was suggested that whck i engaged. gimp roved organization, both as a speakers be secured. Among those which he is engaged.mrhnadasanuiaunt spe~~~~~~akersbescrdAmnthe The final talk will be given by marching and as a musical unit. mentioned as possible speake Ross T. Bittinger, instructor in 'The band in its new capacity will were Earl V. Moore, who has been architecture. Mr. Bittinger teaches continue to appear at all Univer- instrumental in the composition of classes in design in the College of sity functions where its presence several Michigan songs, Fred Law- cassmdsg nteC g ed dwl lt ton, composer of The Yellow and Architecture and is the creator of may be required and will also assist Blue, and- Director Fielding d. the decorative panels in the new in such R. 0. T. C. activities as may Yost, who has announced his hear- broadcasting studio of the Uni- be desirable. ty approval of the project. The versity. The topic of his talk is Last night's actili by the band first meeting of this character will "New Phases in Interior Decora- marks the culmination of a move- be held late in the present month. tive Design. ient egun early y a A desire to secure to the council As the musical portion of the group of Detroit and Ann Arbor =a more authoritative position on program tonight, the University alumni who were impressed by the the campus and the ability bettrI Glee Club, under the direction of showing of the Indiana R. O. T. C. to represent student opinion, it Theodore Harrison, instructor in band at the game here. was moved, supported, and passed voice in the University School of These men held two meetings in 'that iin amendment to the Student Music, will present a number of Ann Arbor, onetlast fall andcan- council's constitution be drafted college songs. g other during the more recent- removing the veto power exercised Due to the size of the glee club, months and only recently sponsor- by the Senate Committee on Stu- it will be neccessary to use the ed a trip by Major Reinold Mel- dent Affairs over its actions. The large studio for the broadcasting of berg of the local R. O. T. C. to amendment will be presented and the musical selections, it was an- Bloomington, Ind., where he made passed at the regular meeting of nounced and program manager of a close study of the problems and the council next Wednesday, and the local station. methods. of the Indiana band. forwarded to the Senate Commit- tee for ratification. Wilfred Avers Stage Lighting Effects Would Increase Prestige Should Be Task Controlled By Artist In discussing the proposed amend- ent Snae Commiteeaoutr three "Lighting effects on the stage be varied in complete harmony women members more or less out will eventually come to be con- with the action." of touch with problems affecting trolled much as musical accom-1 When Wilfred stages a play, his maesuetbut -whose votes paieti o cnrle-ya first consideration in the procedure male students, paniment is now controlled-by an is the grouping of the players ac- are sufficient to block Student artist," declared Thomas Wilfred, cording to their importance in the lieved that increasing the auto- noted inventor of the Clavilux, or various phases of the movement. nomyof the cuncilwoung ive to- color -organ. Wilfred arrived in This must be done before any con- hmy of the council would give it Ann Arbor last night to begin sideration can be given to the effective vehicle for conveying stu- plans and rehearsals for the pro- lighting or color. dfeti op i tor theyingista- duction of Ibsen's "The Vikings," Not until that process is definite- ton. p ndm r which will play next Thursday and ily complete and finally formulated tion' 5 Councilman Richard E. Spindle, Friday nights, March 14 and 15, in does he turn to the matter of ligh- '29E., who had charge of the foot- Hill auditorium. ing arrangement. "The lighting," ball cheering section last fall, was Light must be handled in its according to the artist, "must be appointed to work out with Harry various applications just as the fitted into the importance of the Tllotson, business manager of the painter employs color, according to different phases of the production. Athletic association, a smoother Wilfred. "Obviously," he asserted, I Th "Light areas require a building functioning system of seat distri- " a mere electrician at a switch- up from two view-points, a synth- ,..+-s~+. 4- +k,+ A1A. s inthe s board cannot In any measure give esis of the side-line view (that is. : 1 J 4 I f l " 1 l 1 I ,i , i , , ,; ., , ; .j . Completed several days ahead of schedule, the new student-built training glider of the Glider see- tion was given its maiden flights I yesterday afternoon on the Barton dam ice. The three student pilots who flew the ship were warm in their praise of its maneuvers abil- ity, airworthiness, and stability in flight. The ship was dismantled and taken from the aero shop early yesterday afternoon and reas- sembled on the ice. Planks were then laid across the open waterj where the ice had melted near the shore, and the towing car was, driven out where the ice was still! 16 inches thick. Stoughton Takes Controls E Milton Stoughton, '29E., who su- pervised the designing and con- struction of the ship, was the first to take the controls. He guided the ship over the ice behind the car, testing the controls, but did hot lift it off the ice. Wallace Franklin took the con-{ trols next and lifted the ship about I 30 feet for a 500 yard flight over the ice. Paul V. Skeels, '32E., thenf duplicated Franklin's flight, mak- ing a graceful landing. I These pilots were trained on the l PT1 schooling - glider, purchased l in January from Gliders, Inc., which was wrecked beyond repair last week when it broke loose from its moorings in a windstorm. (. Lighter Than First Ship The new ship has a wingspread' of 30 feet and a chord of five feet, giving it approximately the same dimensions as the Gliders, Inc., ship, but its weight is only 140 pounds as compared with more than 200 for the other. It is also claimed by the builders to repre- sent a higher grade for workman- ship and design. The Glider section plans to build four of these ships before June, said Robert B. Evans, '30, chair- man, last night. They can be built here by students at a cost of about $125, as against $485, the new' price of Gliders, Inc., schooling! gliders. It is estimated that cer-i tan changes in design that ex- ! perience has proved desirable will make it possible to construct other# ships in about two-thirds the time required for the last job.' Steps are also being taken to se-' cure academic credit toward gra- duation for students who take an active part in the Glider section's program of construction and flying. 'Ensian Subscription To Close Tomorrow 'Editorial Work Proceeding Rapidly; Book To Be Distributerd FRESHMEN PLAN CLUB WILL. GIVE DANCE MARCH 22~ COSMIC PROGRAM Arrangements For Annual Frosh Representative From 42 Nations Frolic Being Completed Will Unite Efforts In Varied By Committee ! Program M'CALLUM IS CHAIRMAN TO HAVE CENTRAL THEME 'Setting the date of the Frosh' Climaxing intensive preparations Frolic for Friday, March 22, and lasting fo: several months, Cosmo- naming the various sub-commit-politan Club will present their tees, the committee in the charge [sixth annual International Night of this annual event met last Tues- f program, "Humanity" tonight at 8 day night at the Union in their o'clock in Hill auditorium. first assembly as a committee of Representatives of more than 42 the whole. nations will participate in the The date of the frolic is two many scenes which have been de- weeks from tomorrow, but the com- vised. The entire production will mittee felt itself able to arrange be in many ways a distinct depart- for all the details within this time, ure from its five predecessors in said Kenneth McCallum, '32, gen- point of embodying a central eral chairman of the party. The theme instead of having simply a 29th comes on Good Friday, he loosely woven string of numbers. pointed out, and the committee de- l Th entirevdirection has been left cided to hold the party before to Mrs. W. C. Rufus, who has been Spring vacation. Strong opposi- { in full charge of the preparations. tion was raised to this, but was !The general chairman for Interna- voted down twice. tional Night is Maximo G. Bueno, Securing of an orchestra wasGrad placed in charge 'of Harry Benja- ,Gia.e,,u.ti min, '32, who said that already The up ad tend of hum anity offers had been received from sev- eral well-known musical organizfrom the prehistoric age toward ations. Alfred Palmer, '32, wasthe cosmopolitan ideal of world named assistant chairman, and unity and peace. The 1929. theme was also placed in charge of tick- [constitutes a further dcvelopment ets. John Bierce was named sec- on the theme of last year, "Above roay. I all naions is humanity," f rotary. -- Jay Sikkenga, -'32, was named l One of the outstanding numbers favors chairman, and his assistant of the program, is said to be the is Mary Hickey, '32, Ralph Hardy, l dance by Winifred Smeaton, Grad, '32, is to be decorations chairman, Virginia Hutzel, '23, and Frances with Dorothy Ellsworth, '32, and Thornton, '23, done to the tune of Norma Brown, '32, as assistants. "Serenade" by Drigo. Greek cos- Refreshments chairman is Walter tumes in pastel shades will be worn Leen, '32, ahd Samuel Beer, '32, is by the dancers. They have been publicity chairman., rehearsed for six weeks under the Tickets will again be five dollars, special direction of Mrs. Jeannette McCallum said, and the sale will Johnson. commence before next Monday. The The music for the accompani- dance will be formal, it was an- ment will be furnished by an or- nounced. chestra under the direction of William Watkins, Spec. Visual ap- THE WEATHER peal will be of outstanding impor- - --- tance this year, since many of the there were checks from President Little, from John R. Effinger, Dean of the Literary college, from Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, from Herbert C. Sadler, dean of the College of Engineering and Archi- tecture, and from many other members of the faculty who were enthusiastic in their approval of the move to free the student body from the impression of rowdyism; and townspeople rallied to the sup- port of the student body by con- tributing more than half of the total amount of the fund to date. Sentiment Backs Movement Campus sentiment, both organ- ized and random, was heartily in favor of this move from within the student body to uphold its own PRESIDENT LITTLE CONTRIBUTES I am glad that the students gave me the chance to be one of the group to pay for damages done to the Michigan theater. The reason for my feeling is that I hope that by meeting the debt in the way suggested by The Daily the chance of any re- currence of the type of inci- dent may be diminished. When the students as a whole balance the trouble and the un- fairness of it all against the supposed benefits and tempor- ary excitment they will oppose and prevent such "rushes." When they further realize that as a result of thoughtless- ness of the group some boys who had planned on graduation from Michigan may be forever prevented from doing so, they will, I know, be definitely sorry for what has happened. C. C. Little honor, and to meet squarely the obligation placed upon it 'by a vic- tory-frenzied mob. It is expected that many will take a few days to respond to the call. Student Council Cooperates A new impetus wasj given the drive last night with the decision of the Student Council to back the di-ive instituted by The Daily. The members of the Council raised a fund from their members and then passed a motion to solicit all of the organized houses on the campus in an effort to stimulate interest in the purpose of the drive. Solici- tation will start at once, and the council will exert every effort to cooperate with The Daily until the entire amount has been raised, ac- cording to Fred Asbeck, '29, presi- dent of the Council. The Council also suggested that names be pub- lished when contributions were re- ceived, so that the campus might be assured of the intregrity of the fund. The Drive Goes On The editors of The Daily an- nounced late last night that the drive would continue until the full amount has been received. Checks are being received at the Press ino.MnunnAh Armei ,.a f.- A Early In May Lower Michigan: Cloudy Thursday numbers have their value in the Today and tomorrow are the last with possibly snow flurries in the pictorial effect presented. two days in which subscriptions! morning; much colder; moderate Tickets for tonight's perfor- cold wave northeast portion, gen- mance can be obtained at any of a929Michaesind arcoding tho erally fair Friday with rising tem- the campus book-stores or at the a9 annuiganenian'accordinr da perature. door of Hill auditorium.. Ian announcement made yesterday____~.___- by J. Franklin'- Miller, business O -U manager of the publication. Gargoyle Features A TOWNSMAN JOINS IN Following the close of business Local Occurrences Your front page idea is all of Friday, the sales-sheets f theL right. It doesn't go to knock "'Ensian business staff will be I"apsTl, youth. Buit disagreeing doesn't checked, Miller said, and the num- I "Campus Talk, ew Gargoyle Ipay the $800. We all do things ber of copies sold will be determin- feature, will be the high light of ( in hasty moments that we find ed. On the basis of these figures the March issue of the campus out later were not wise. Here's the order for the 1929 yearbook humor publication which will be my five dollars to help these will be placed. No extra copies of placed on sale on the campus to- boys out. I he annual will be ordered except day. It. J. Trojanowski. those .for which subscriptions ar The new feature, according to sold by the end of this week. the editors, has been arranged for the magazine in order to afford a Participant In Riot The 'Ensign price is $5.50. Sub- place for humorous and .nsenteT i scriptions may be secured between humorous remarks of the Anu Grante Jury T al 1:30 and 5 o'clock any afternoon Arbor fire department, the "B. M. - at the business offices of the pub- O. C." and additional local occur- George L. Morse, '29D., arrested' lication in the Press building. ences ithat present opportunitiei with six other students when the Editorial work upon the 'Ensian 1 for an expression of humor. Michigan theater was stormed|l has been in the process of prep-1 Short material in this issue is and pelted'with bottles and stones,i ln,,fi+ n fnr,. n rin-. of mnr -xri+V .'T-inero M o1 _Qi +v)1i nnn - 4,, n j,,. m rf,,,.4 a- 1