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March 06, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-06

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w I.)IS~AYMAflCII6,'1920

Tt4l- MTC"lr.WN



it Bluill, A:: . IVA I

IPublication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of. the University.. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30i p. m. (11:30 a. in. Saturday.)

I !

n room 101 West, Engineerin g Annex, Wedneasdaiy, M<
.tudent~s who maw ish to)obtain a lposition hiinthie Sea
that comany. Scc MC for details.
Senior .Lngiieers; _._t._
Representatives of the Standa3rd oil Company of
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey wvill be in room
ing Building on Wednesday, March 6, for the purp
Mechanical, Chemical and, Electrical Engineers.
Interested in foreign service.




Vn 11A I

Vol. xxxix


k 'I VI 0 1 tlhQ

kutt 6, l9l9 IN li9

Business Administration Lecture :
Mr._ Edgar L. H{eermance, author and lecturer, will speak on the
subJect of "Business Ethics" on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday,
March 4, 5, and 6, at 3:15 p. in., in room 206, Tappan Hall. These lec-
tures are intended primarily for Business Administration students but
others 'Interested are cordially invited to attend.
C. E. Griffin
Exhibition of Paintings:
There will be 'an exhibition of paintings by Mr. Beneker, under the
auspices of the Ann Arbor A,. t Association, from March 5 to March 17,
in Alumni Memorial Hall.
..G. Winter
Notice :
The University Committee on Accredited Schools will mect on Wed-
nesday, March 6, at 3 p. mn., in the omrce of th--e chai!,man, Registrar
Tra M. Smith.


You are cordially invited to attend thc motion pii
presented Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, Natural
The film prepared by the B. & W. Boiler Company is1
auspices of the A. S. M. E.
Junior Civil Engineers:
M.TWarnAlnothU.SBueuo here on Thursday, March 7, to interview students
as Junior Engineers with the Bureau of Public R
Anyone interested, please see me at room 1224, East


1. B. Edmionn, Secretary
Twilight Organ Recital:
Palmer Christian, University organist, will give the following pro- '
gram in Hill Auditorium, Wednesd ay afternoon, at 4:15 o'clock. The
general public, with the exception of small children, is invited to attend.£
No admission charge.
Morgan: Van tasie on the Hymn-tune "Twrgwyn"; Hagg: Cantabile;'
Guilmant: Scherzo (Sonata V); Vivaldi-Bach; Largo Allegro- Concerto,
3h D; Handel: Alla Siciliana Presto. Concerto V; Schumann: Sketch in'
D flat; Mendelssohn: Nocturne (Midsummer Nights Dream); Widor:
March (Symnphony 111).
Students--College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
No course may be taken up after the present week.
W. R. IHumphreys, Assistant Dean
Thle Du Pont Fellowship in Chemistry:
Through the. generosity of the Du Pont Company the Du Pont Fel-
lowship In Chemistry ($750) has been renewed for the year 1929-30.
Preference will be geven to applicants who are fairly certain to graduate
with the. Ph.D. degree in June, 1930. Applications should be in the
hands of the undersigned not later than March 15.!
M. Gomnbrg ,
Freshman Women:
There will be a meeting of all women of the freshmnan class on
Wednecsday, March 6, at 4 p. m. in the Women's Athletic Building for
the purpose of discussing plans for the freshman Pageant and of
clecting the general Committee-..
Martha Peters, Vice-president
Ho use Presidents:
The Department of Physical Education for Women wishes to thank}
the House Presidents for their splendid cooperation in the circulation
and return of the Questionaires.
Laurie E. Campbell

Senior Mechanical Engineers:
Mr. Elton Viets of the Buick Motor Company
'Vest Engineering Building on Thursday, March 7, t,
interested in enrolling in their training school, lea,
executive engineering.
Senior and Junior Electrical Engineers and Senior an
Enigineers :
Friday, Marcha 8, Mr. A. K. Hlurlburt, Employ(
other representatives of The Detroit Edison Corn
seniors and graduate students in regard to permane
juniors who are inerested in summer work with
room number will be posted on Departmental bi
A. D. Moore,
All Campus Forum :'
Professor Preston W. Slosson of the History Del
in the reading room of Lane Hall at 4:05 p. in., Ti
general heading "Looking on life," Professor Sloss(
Historian Looks on Life." All men and women stude
the faculty are hwited.
'The F
John Webster

F1 !A A I * A' IN .P r' a L.4as__ ,
(archl 6,lto interview fWa1rthin Appointed "You .have seen wonderful sunsets: you have
7 ~Geology Professor - 0W .Ly0
AI(red Scott Warthin, Jr., sone of afkqijg History in the Thar~ ':
Dr. A. S. Warthin of the pathology~
New York~ and tnc department here, has recentlyl
221 West Engineer- 'accepted the position of assistant{I
ose of intcrviewinig 'professor of geology at Vassar. for;
Also other seniors; the year 1929-30. t
SProfessor Warthin graduated from I AU I.a
'the literary school here three years~
H. . Adeson ago and tvill receive this spring th
degree of doctor of philosopy
from Columbia University.
icturc "Steam" to be
presented under the Two lectures on Ait Mps!Wlfre
will be given by Dr. Edward L.
J. Gray ;Stevenson, distinguished authorityP4,.
from the Hispanic Society of -
America on Wednesday and Thurs- and hsi famous
'ublic Roads, will be "day. March 6th and 7th in Science Ok
regarding positions' Auditorium at 4:15 p. m. t ,
Roads this summer. W. H. Hobbs.
tEngineering Build- t I- t OX V O % A
Hlile Ioilidation:
It. L. 'Morrison i * -w
Maurice Schatz will bc the guest .lih
speaker at a Women's Luncheon " anig the s 'etti-s iving ih
to be held Thursday, March 7, hT Pitn " e~ ,s~
will be in room 221! the Ladies' dining room of the Un- M
,o interview students'I ion. R for Ib3SensHeri ivIaterpiece
ding to positions of Phillip Stern t
W. E. Lay I
Landscape Club:
d Junior Mechanical' hee will be a meeting of the -
4andscape Club at 7:30 Thursday,+
mea Maage, ad {March 7, at the Michigan Union.
pan wil iteri W. . Laverty, President
nt employment and __________
the company. The 40
ulletn bords.Student Council: 9
ileti~There will be a student council ' 4) in g
Ii. C. Anderson meeting at 7:30 tonight at the Un-«. i S0
1arinetwil spak Frederick M. Asbeck, President :3
hursday. Under the
on will discuss ""ThleI Mail:,goWith0
cnts and members of Mail for the following persons 1401
(is on hand undeliverable. It may be
oruin Committee ; secured if called for at the General ~W 4
Julius A. Zink I Delivery window, Main Post OMeie 14) 'atner~lne V ei elleyQ
on or before March 11: . P" ~t
Harold Balloum Reynold E an
day evening at, 7:30, Sam Benson H e d r o
Miss Can Bradley
4 Scniors last. } Tadeo Caro R b r e d r o
t N. Y. Chang
J1 Al. O'Nill r J. S. (hesman R m n H l a
! Harlem P. Christy M B h e
L. P. Cogswell tg0
Thursday this weekI Miss l. E. Compton
3uilding. Open to all Mabel Conway0
Stanley J. anne E rA L*
Itene Talamon I Dr. Geo. P. Elliott 1
Gladys Ericson
j Miss Billy Favl 4) -tte
j Emmet Flansburgr
Ball. Attendance is FirnAGogn
SKarl Th. Glauner 4 s Al 'E A a
tudcnt Manager ' Louis Gordon '
George Greye
Austin Howe
K, at. 4:ti0, roomi 1139; George Kernett0
,e plants and animals Chyrar .LeSage TitaOfct
B.! ai Eugenie Mereness P
B. nI, DavisHoward L. Miller tvp
J. P. Mitchell, Jr.
mnteonWde- Prof. H. T. Moore I M a.11
J. W. O'Brien I -
Ai Representative Mabel . Payne l "M
Harriet Peck4WIM om
JakRfi I LI~lbeat Angell Hall! Earl N. Riskey PuILtAJ] O R U
etween 8 to 12 a. m. i lerbert F. Schiefer Id
G. S. Schoopegle IAl
nan, Ticket Sales Gladys Streibert Al eats Reservedi
Miss Taube ( $1,50) $1,00, $75 $50
Miss Palmer Vanderhuft (?)
larch , at :30 i Hilary J. Weason NO
.ac ,a :0p. m. ; Dr. Donaldao C. Winans SE T O
S. Housel will speak!j Charles E. Woolberto At GRAHAM'S BOOKSTORES
ring." All intercstcd; T. T. Zau #,'

W. Al. Cos tes IScabbard and Bladel~
There will be a smoker Wednes- OT 9s)s j SiufS pajpUflq ' noA 14Moqe,
dlay night, March 6, at 7:30 p. in. _____
entire business staff in the Union. Your presence is_


Notice :
The N. 0. L. preliminaries will be held on Monc
on March 11, in Adelphi room, Angell Hall.
Sophomores will try out first, Juniors next, an(
Tryouts for Frenclh Play:
Tryouts for the French Play, Wednesday and'
from 4:00 to 5:30 room 408, Roman cc Languages B
students interested in French.

Point .system Committee:
There will be a meeting of the Point System Committee of uhe
Woman's League 'at 4:15 on Wednesday, March 6, in Barbour Gymna-
Mary Aice Moore, Chairmian

Economics 53--Make-up Examination: l
Th~e make-up examination in this course will be given Thursday,
March 7, at 3 p. in., room 207 Ec.
H. L. +Caverlyt
zoology 31 (Organic Evolution) :
Those who were absent from the final examination in the first
semester will take a supplementary examination Saturday, March 9,
in room 2091 Natural Science building, beginning at. 8:30 a. mn.
A. Franklin- Shull
Chemistry 3-1 1Make-up :Final:
This will 'be given on Wednesday, March 6, from 2-5, in loom 410
Chemistry fBuilding. D .Lct
Political Science 31:
The make-up ,final examination in this course will be given Sat-'
urday morning, March 9, from 9 to 12 in room 2023 Angell Hall. All
students who missed the final examination must take this examina-
t ion.
Janies K. rollock, .Jr.
English Honors Course:
room 406 Library has been reserved Monday and Wednesday eve-.
ning frm 7:0 t 9.3 fo indpenentdiscussion hours.
nins fom7:3 to9:0 fr ideendntRobert Gessner k
Mechanical kngineering Students:
Mr. T. Hawley Otis of the Pontiac Oakland Motor. Company will be

'Varsity Band:
Regular rehearsal tonight at 7 15 at Morris 1,
GilbertlB. Saltonstall, S
Botan'ical Seminar:
Botanical Seminar ineets Wednesday, March (6
N. S. Bldg. Paper by Frieda. Cobb oafnNewrZeala"S."
iSenlor N1all Commuittec:
There will be a meeting of the Senior Ball Coi
day, March 6, at 8 p. in., in room 302 of the Union.
Eugene Easterly, Student Counci
international Nighit:
Tickets for the International Night will be ava
and Main Library on Wednesday and Thursday be
and 1 to 4 -p. in.
Marja KRoniecza, Chairn
Colloquium in Applied Mechanics:
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, M
in room 248, West Engineering Building. Mr. WV.
on: "Fundamental Research in Foundation Engincc
are invited to attend.
Gargoyle Businiess Staff acid Tryouts:
k There will be an important meeting for the
and tryouts of the Gargoyle on Wednesday, Ma:
Tryouts should report at 3:00 p. mn. for mailingc
Carl U. Fauster, F


rch 6, at 4:30 p. mn. urgently requested. Come in un- 'R ea d t he C 1
out the March issue. form, if possible.1
Business .Mapager Fred C.Fenton

assified Ads,


. rrir~. ~~.. ri a ..maosr_ .. s f rria^f r r.. . . .i1,. .. .i. ^.r. . ...r.. ..i..r. rrriiirrr s'rr. .iris1. . . .srr.. -

.t an erart ara ere ala®serM was ll/A/a/e/.s/



Chinese Myth Dance
Cave Men and I

Sixth Annual


Hill Auditorium -- Thursday 8:00 -, Box Office Open 7:00 s All Seats loo
Tickets now on sale at all book stores

Egyptiani Conscience
Hiawatha's Farewell




l/, C O Z Z/'/XII.'i+.JYI Pi . %: rrIl./l/~J .I1./l./1.AJ../JJ .i,/./ILY.I QRf./ - ---- -

_. 1


TIhe Mimes of the University of Michigan Union
take great pleas ure in presenting




Tr 1FC



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