THM M'lCfITCAN DATI.Y WF ONESDAY, "'NIARCII " G,' -'929 . , TI-TV MiOI1TCY\M f) ~~~~~~\ I I \7 wE..I _h. sr A ._, ..V ff .. .'A A4 A*- ------ a aa vaa v} avaMv Published every morning except Monday dwning the University yea* by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The. Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Ettered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, ; s second class matter. Special rate of postag- granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: .Ann Arbor Press Building, May- unard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor.....................Nelson J. Smith City Editor.............J. Stewart Hooker News Editor...........Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor...............W. Morris Quinn Women's Editor...........Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor............George Stauter Music and Drama............ .R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar Night Editors oseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe onald J. Kline Pierce; Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons George C. Tilley Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman Morris AlexandeT Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonald Bertram Askwit'. Henry Merry Louise Behyme- Elizabeth Quaife Arthur Bernsteu Victor Rabinowitz Seton C. Bovee JosephA.eRussell Isabel, Charles Anne Schell L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon Ielen Domine Robert L. Sloss Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborg .Eceland Cadwell Swanson Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas William Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds Richard Jung George E. Wohlgemuth yCharles . Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Manaers dverisi ... .........glex K. Scherer Advertising. ... ........A. James Jordan Advertising............Carl W. Hammer Service.................Herbert E. Varnum Circulation.... ......George S. Bradley Accounts............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications.................Ray M. Hofelich Mary Chase J eanette Dale Vernor Davis Biessie Egeland Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Kasper Halverson George Hamilton Jack Horwich Dix Humphrey Assistants Marion Kerr Lillian Kovinsky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley 1. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Schenim George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1929 Night Editdr-Lawrence R. Klein THREE ALUMNI IN THE CABINET Much honor is reflected upon the University by the fact that Presi- dent Herbert Hoover has selected as members of his cabinet three Michigan graduates. Robert P. Lamont, '91, who holds the port- folio of Commerce, has been a con- sistent supporter of the University for many years, having donatedl much money and land to worthy purposes; Arthur M. Hyde, '99, is the newly appointed Secretary of Agriculture; and James W. Good, '93, is President Hoover's Secretary of War. These three men have risen to positions sufficiently high in their respective fields to have attained this place of national eminence, and have been rewarded by the new President' for their excellent work. It is believed that Mr. Good will act as "contact man" between the White House and the Capitol because of his popularity with members of congress and his fam- iliarity with personalities and con- ditions in general. The University is indeed fortu- nate to number among its alumni1 such outstanding figures. Although they are not the first Michigan graduates to receive such high rec- ognition of merit, yet they serve to emphasize more strongly Michi- gan's high rank among universities1 of the natidn. INCANDESCENT YOUTH A custom which flaming collegi ate Youth has long maintained- that of pilfering various and sun dry objects in celebration of an athletic victory, of an exam suc cessfully passed, or of a quart o good rye-is one which can often be atoned fo by vague mention o "young but once," "Wild oats" an similar phrases. But occasionall this pilfering becomes somethin serious and highly objectionable. An instance of the latter case i found in the situation which no exists in the exhibition halls of th various University museums. Students not only ruin the col lections for research work whe they steal individual specimen but they rob themselves and the companions of rare opportunitie for the acquisition of knowledg and culture. Such a case as thi demands every desperate attemp at remedy. A MUSEUM FOR PROGRESS With a recent address made b Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, Dean o Administration and Director of th University Museums, there ha been launched in Ann Arbor a: active campaign for the establish ing of a museum of history. Civi organizations, patriotic organiza tions, prominent citizens, and fac ulty men have declared themselve in favor of the proposition, and i is very likely that such an institu tion will be established. From the standpoint of the stu dent, a museum of history wi prove itself invaluable. According to present plans the proposed mu seum will contain old documents pictures, implements, etc., eac specimen having a communit history attached to it. In sucha visual laboratory a student will b enabled to see for himself; to fee for himself, those things upo which text-books is based, the dif ference being that in such a mu seum the facts will exist undistort ed, not pre-digested by a historia who is apt to have prejudices. It is not an indictment of the histor text-book that it is written witha certain amount of personal prej udice. Being written by huma beings text-books cannot be entire ly accurate and entirely unprej udiced. A history museum, al though it will not give all the fact of history, will, at least, reveal t the student the basis upon whic history is written; and with suc knowledge the student will be en couraged to examine for himself, t delve for himself, to think for him self. We have on the campus a Mu seum -of natural history which i serving as a laboratory for studen inquiry into biological and zoologi- cal truths; there exists on the campus the beginnings of a mu- seum of classical archaeology where the student will be able to see the basis for ancient histories; with the establishing of a museum of history in Ann Arbor, the stu- dent of American history will also be given an opportunity for labora- tory work. Campus Opinion' Contributors are asked to be brief confining themselves to less than 300 words it possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should nut be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily. NO THUGS WELCOME The Editor: Allow me to congratulate you on the stand taken in your editorial anent the recent riot at the Michi- gan Theatre. It is with the great- est regret that I find certain stu- dents in the Engineering College seem to have taken a prominent part in the disgraceful affair. I would like to take this occasion to state that the type of man who has the characteristicsgwhich would lead-him to be guilty of such "thug" tactics is not welcome in the College of Engineering. At the present time representatives of the large industries are on the campus interviewing students as to their future employment, and one of the qualifications upon which the greatest stress is laid is that of character and personality. I think I have as sympathetic feeling towards youth as anyone, but I wish to state emphatically' that I have no use for men who cannot conduct themselves as de- cent American citizens. I do not care how proficient a man may be in his studies, if he cannot eradi- cate the "tough" and "thug" qual- ties from his character, and learn ;o become a gentleman while at the University. he is an undesir- f a f d yi S W e e - n ' s A 5, e A s n t- t y- - s h y a n n Music and Draoma!: TONIGHT: Mimes present "To The Ladies" by George S. Kaufman and Marc Conne'ly, in Mimes theatre beginning at 8:15 o'clock. The curtain rises at 8:30 precisely. * * * "TO THE LADIES"-A Review by Charles s. Monroe There was once or twice when we almost left the Mimes theaterl last night in a "mad" on thisI show, but now, at the typewriter, it is to be regretted that our tem- per did that. More expert shows{ have been given on this campus, but not within our memory has such a pleasing one been presented. Mr. Kauffman and Mr. Connelly did not bother much about this3 play's influence on world politics or the modern drama but they did make it amusing and happy. The cast is usually subordinate, the members stage a swell bit now and then to make it' satisfactory. If George Johnson could play his part with a little more restraint, he would have been Leonard Beebe himself. He does it sometimes but tends to carry it too far and often loses his grip on the part. Eugenie Chapel, a newcomer and darn wel- come, gives a pleasing performance as his motivating force. Not an important contribution to the stage, but you'll be mad if you miss it. I'. S. Don't believe the box-of- fice mogul. The show starts at 8:30, and not as he says, at 8:15. All that happens before 8:30 is people coming in and the orches- tra getting off key, although they are serious in intention. INTERNATIONAL IDEAlISM Cosmopolitan Club, with the pro- ceeds from International Night, arc making the first contribution of, the foundation in Ann Arbor of an International House. Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, faculty adviser for the group is responsible for the state-i ment and represents the sum de-I sired at half a million dollars. The project is by no means a new one. There are a number such houses in other of the larger Universities, notably at Columbia where a splen- did dormitory furnishes ideal con- ditions for foreign students. The ideal of establishing a similar building locally where there= are 43 riationalities represented is dis- tinctly a step forward in solving the problem of adjustment of for- eigners to our systems of life and education. Personally, I doubt if I should care how far advanced China, for example, was in educa- tion if going there meant facing the problem of readjustment with- out some aid like the International House organization. The problem is being solved in Paris for Ameri- can students by a very similar means and any step Michigan may f be able to take in this direction should be encouraged, particularly I by those who desire this campus toj be a center, cosmopolitan in its range, for the highest in education and culture. Which has this to do with I drama, that Cosmopolitan Club are deriving their money from the pre- 4 sentation in Hill Auditorium: Thursday night of this week of aI dramatic pageant, "Humanity." R. L. A. An empire hung on that strap T HE hitch must be right, the pack must be tight. On details such as that hung the attainment of the day's goal and the final success of the expedition. power,tyapplied sure knowledge and Constant vigilance to their task. Today's Idaders in business have the same point of view. * * * "The Cief Thing"--In Campus Dramatics a ED. Fleischman's in- hereabouts. We are made aware, - teresting letter has been very much quite painfully at times, of the n condensed, but an effort has been need of training in voice and die- - made to retain both his major tion, in reading and interpretation - points and the spirit in which they and in responsiveness of body in - were presented, although the lit- action. Training of this sort is an s erary style has suffered from the individual problem of the most o excisions. difficult and baffling kind. It takes htime. Time! Time! and energy. h Every so often, more often of Play Production has been serving - late, the seers who preside over as such atraining school within its o the Drama Column lament the all poor power. There is not a drama- - too. present deplorable state of J tic activity that has not drawn dramatic production. Goaded - to and drawn heavily from material - desperate and heroic measures the discovered and developed in Play s drama editor goes into secret ses- Production. But the theatre is an t sion with whatever spirit seems to institution and like all institutions - be hovering over his cluttered desk it grows by an accumulation of e at the time and proceeds to casti- means and a cumulation of power. gate, to. flagellate, to exoricse the'Play Production is dong wllat ;t Y Dramatic Muse. can to raise the quality of its own The latest rites of this kind were productions and those which it fos- performed in the review of the ters. But a striking advance can Harris Players production of "The not be expected in campus drama- Chief Thing." The reviewer lashed tics so long as Play Production it- about furiously with his cato-o'- self is on the tail-end of the dra- - nine-tails letting the stings and matic program. For this is the cuts fall where they would. one organization which makes it The very next day The Column its business to take the raw recruit gave its space to the "Great God and put him through his rookie H---" of campus dramatics, who stages so that he may be able to rustled the shades of past verbal participate in campus dramatics. and dramatic triumphs to paIy It is plainly to be seen that this is tribute to a passing enthusiasm for the life-giving source and center of a passing "virtuosa" of the "two- I1all of the University's dramatic a-day." (Henderson in re Venita activities and that here lies the Gould--Ed.) secret of any future progress that Here we have the whole situa- may be made. tion in a neat little triangle. A But what we need weVl lmore worship, idolatrous in its intensity, than a campus theatre of brick of ultra-sophistication and super- and stone is a new spirit of crea- ficial theatrical cleverness, the jazz tive enterprise, a common ideal, a of the stage, as its ideal; a con- more unselfish and courageous siderable number of eager, perhaps leadership, and a comprehensivel sincere but terribly inadequate and policy and program. Not of Mimes, inexperienced would-be actors and Comedy Club, or any other organi- producers; and plays both good zation but of all combined and co- and bad. Oh, yes! And a univer- operating. The drama editor's idea sity said to be without a peer in of the specialization of each group Science, Literature and the Arts. in a particular activity in full of And why are we limping along promise. Memberships too should, in the tail-end of the procession in not be duplicated as much as they dramatics? Because while no out- are at present. More opportunities lay in physical equipment and in- to more students should be the aim struction has been too much for and Play Production should merge scientific laboratories and for ath- the separate interests of each or- letics, relatively nothing has been ganization in a constructive pro- done to provide the best in equip- gram for all. In this way,.the Uni- ment and training in this field. versity can provide the physical Actors do not burst into glory equipment and the personnel for a full-grown. Neither are they made , complete and all-embracing drag in a day. The three years of stu- 1 matic program. dent life in which they. are eligible "The Chief Thing" had for its for student activities is all too idea the possibility of actors creat- short for most of them to develop ing in life an atmosphere in which conspicuous proficiency in this I happiness could thrive. The chief most complex of all the arts. Yet thing in campus dramatics is the we expect them to compare favor- creation of an atmosphere in ably with the greatest of the pro- which the drama in the theatre fession wwho have attained their can thrive. The University has a perfection after years of painstak- primary responsibility in leader- ing effort and practice. In no other, ship, in means and in policy. The activity are our demands so exact- l embryo actor finds his obligation ivity ni,!invf fii .IA iv .N._ .3j -._w_ Mg ; , _; r t= t r) t Lewis and Clark, first Americans to cross Men in the Bell System, exploring new the continent, knew the importance of country, take infinite pains in preparation. "trifles" in the .concerted plan. They saw to They work toward the smooth coordination it their equipment was right, they supervised . of engineering, manufacturing, warehousing, every step from man-power to pack-horse- accounting, finance, public service. BELL SYSTEM a tation-wide system of 18,5oo,ooo vi tcr-connecting tclephonc "A ,NItE s - . --.... - S - "0 U R P I 0 N E E R I N G 'VOR K HAS UjUST B EG U N" ,..... _ -. _. -_ _ -_y a M mmm m 7m m m Pma m i'9171 m mm m mmrai ,arlrm r l ~urarrzr .mr~rn . m,1 .-. i-i M r11 MM r-rmmnom= _r r . - 5S R The Varsity erVice Is'-AsNear As Your Teleph =1w" S Six Delivery rcs Part1o t Xhe elnCe o th VarsiService =E ies in the efficiency of its delivery system. ntelligenlt, COUrteous drivers guide the fleet I-I-- A sYouren d Ve rckn wt prmp ness that is fitting Truly the Varsity Service sT is as near as your telephone = iS 1= - Pone _ 4219 E .S CS S C NDRY CS f I -0 ..... I A TRANSATLANTIC AIR LINE Early this spring Great Britain hopes to put into the air a giant dirigible which will revolutionize transatlantic transportation. This ship, the R-100, is intended to blaze a trail for a regular air serv- ice between New York and London and is so constructed that it gives great promise of safety, stability, and speed. Particular attention has been given to this latter factor, for where the Graf Zeppelin had five 530-horsepower engines, the R-100 will. have six of 700 horse- power each. Its designers believe that this ship will attain a speed of 100 miles an hour, for otherwise it would be unfit for competition with ocean traffic. While the United States is open- ing up an air line to Mexico and 1 l i t 9