- - - # - 44.. T AH ~*~~ ,.,A& .. > .. ..._e .w v a . a" +. ,3. ,,. aaR <-.i; E d : - I_,~ .,C.1 ..1 l.,N;.. 1 1 Li SC.AQ SSIONS TOPIC Tnt iunnri r anhir nr i Cosmopolitan Club Will Construct New Dormitory For Housing Foreign Students GERMAN WEATHER CAUSES GAS Five Alumni Clinch Election To Benc TANK EXPLOSION NEAR BERLIN_ l a s t I s i s e a V p r h ti SU- IN E U UL Lt~1 U Project Creation Of International the supervision of Homer H. Graf- Center Through Purchase Iton, general secretary, has furnish- Of Lane Hall ed the working details of the plan for the dormitory. This survey in- Plans are now being made by the cludes a summary of the answers, Cosmopolitan club for a project toI of 116 men students from other DIVIDE MAJOR SUBJECTS INTO i build at Michigan a men's: inter- lands to a questionnaire sent out DEFINITE PHASES OF j national dormitory and to pur- by Mr. Grafton in January, 1928, WORLD PROBLEMS chase Lane hall and-maintain it as concerning the rooming situation an International Center for men in Ann Arbor. AGENDA NEARLY COMPLETE and women, according to a state- The general idea of establishing ment made yesterday by Prof. J. an International House in Ann A. C. Hildner, faculty adviser of the I Arbor has had the hearty approval DisarmamentI R e c o g n iti.o nof Cosmopolitan club. The first funds of President Little, Mr. Grafton Rusa annstiati f Mank for the realization of this project states. "It has also," he says, dates Constitute Chief Work are to be derived from the pro- "been supported by President- ceeds of the International Night Emeritus Hutchins, who was asso- In place of the general topics program to be presented tomorrow Iciated with a small movement four which were originally given to the night in Hill auditorium, Professor years ago to purchase a house for various colleges and universities Hildnerestated,ehrsrago:t c B purposa slaoute res i which' are participating' in the Te details of. the proposal for dent Burton was also interested: in Moelnssebly ofdthereLeagAerofan international house, compar- improving the housing conditions! Nations to be held here on April able in some respects to the Inter- for the foreign students of the 18, 19 and 20 by the Student nationaltHouse in New York City, University."Hm Chrstin Asocatonspeifi su- nclude the erection of a dormritory Professor Hildner's remarks in for men adjacent to, or near by, connection with the project were:; assigned. Lane, hall, providing accommoda- "One of the crying needs *of the The three general subjects, Dis- tions for.- 150 students- most of campus. is an International House armament, The Recognition homuld be fregnbt somehch sall be enteroH Russia, and the Investigation- of:wo ol efrinbtsm hc hl eoetecne f American students. From the op- the activities of the students from Mandates, which will form: the gaigpoi f h omtr te ad;i ilb major portion of discussion at the eaigpoi ftedri~r te ad;i ilb place, meeting have been divided rnpre funds would be derived for the where a practical experiment can, specifically. On the Disarmament maintenance of Lane hall as an be made in world friendship. It is question one delegation, will ;at- International Center. for this purpose that the proceeds} ack and one defend each of the While the m ethod of obtaining of the entertainment tomorrow! ollowing topics: Abolition of sub- funds for the erection of the dor- night will be set aside. I mitory and the purchase of Lane "There are 43 nationalities on g iiarine warfare, abolition of poi- on gas, limitation of armies, uin- hall has not yet been completely the: campus, the total number of e tation of navies, abolition of con- worked out, Professor Hildner es- foreign students being close to 300. t cription of wealth and' man pow- timates that a half- million dollars The presence of these students at r, abolition of aeroplane warfare, will be needed for the project. The the University is in itself an edu- c ,nd freedom of the seas. proceeds from International Night cation, especially for those who o S SwedishtheReas.r rwill constitute the first initial con- come in contact with the superiord The resolution calling for an in- tribution of the Cosmopolitan club i students of other nations. The b estigation of Mandates will be to the movement. International House will tend to (k resented to the assembly by the A survey, prepared by the Stu- make this educational influencet apporteur for the committee, who dent Christian association under more effective." as been assigned to the delega- ion from Sweden. This report Muy ;skens Describes m orac People vill outline the salient features of C Im aortanCe - e "-1l i itl lll i [ fl tl[ lili l lt i il~ l 11111 i il - " - - _ WHITNEY THEATRE March 18ZS',to- 2 3 25th Annual gII- t- L 4 "FORWARD MARCI A'Travesty on War and Women MAIL ORDERS NOW! Pces: $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 Send check and return envelope to Miss Margaret Sibley Germany. Over night the tem- = 1503 Washtenaw iuge per'atuie rose to .apring-like degree in and the m am m oth storage tankli lli l l ltlll1111 11ill 9 spontaneously- exploded. pic- The tank held more than 36,000 ac- cubic meters of gas at the time of s by the accident. This was immediate- A cre sud- ly .released. Damage to the surrounding the country can be testified by the the picture, which in addition shows; for the huge circular foundation of all the tank. I C { Demolished Buildings Due to an explosion of a h gas tank in Germany, were evidence everywhere within housand yards of the tankI ured above. The explosion, ording to investigation reports ificials, was due entirely to a s en climatic change. The weather previous to last had been bitterly cold, md of. weather experienced ;he past three months over -ryew- j y rrrr~..r .rrr.. . -i-~, , .,r.,r~. ~. rrr, .,, .,,r.,fi the mandate system, and it will be up to the delegates to suggest specific problems presented, , such , s the introduction of mandates in all -territories or protectorates. in tropical Agrica, or the transfer of Tanganyika (S. W. Africa) from the Union of South Africa to Ger- many. The question of the admission of Russia to the League has been divided into several sub-questions. The present status of Russia in regard, to other countries, the present status of the Soviet gov- ernment in Russia, the present stand of the Soviet government of foreign relations, the considera- tion of commercial advantages to be derived from recognition, and the consideration of the prece- dents already set by the League as regards to the admittance of new members are topics whichl will constitute the main portion of the discussion on this subject. Aim At Perspective In order to maintain as broad a perspective as possible, the agen- da committee has advised every delegate to keep in mind all the questions to be brought up at the meeting, and not to concentrate the entire attention on individual topics. While the- skeleton of the meeting is to be composed of pre- arranged speeches, yet the real life of the meeting will come from the extemporaneous work from the -floor of the assembly. Thu~s, to derive the greatest possible re- turn from the meeting, each del- egate must have a working know- ledge of the entire field. The assembly is to be conducted) so as to reproduce an actual meet- 'g of the League as nearly as possible. It has for its purpose a definite educational end for all those visiting or participating in the sessions. Aside from its value in visualizing the League in action it serves to illustrate the broader idea that nations can solve their problems by conference, rather than by conflict. Put In Power Of Vitamins As Cure-Als ___ SteakI "Too many people place far too are really doing the same thing much faith in the value of vita- that other people are doing. ,mins as a cure-all," said Prof. J. h"There is no food in green veg When you are L H. Muyskens, of the phonetics de- tables," Professor Muyskens went - partment, who has specialized in on, "The starch, proteins, and oils CS4 the study of biology for many i that are to be obtained from the! able only to - 1 years. "These minute portions fertilized seed of plants is valuable, which constitute but one-millionth but the cellulose is absolutely in-kg part of vegetable matter, are real, digestible in any animals but herb but are generally considered far ivora, in which class man does not too important as compared with fall. the other 999,999 part's. "Since it is necessary to get life S C fl "Vegetables asia class," Professor from life and since meat is a stageI Muyskens continued, "have almost above vegetables in providing en- 'E. Huron Liberty at negligible food value, other than ergy, it is much more sensible to: providing mWere bulk. The vege- eat the latter kind of food. As far -tarians believe that they are not as principle is involved, this is a - killing life with feeling. Just re- ; matter of taste. If certain people cently an Hindu biologist pointed wish to live without killing any- R e a d t h e C I; ' out that plants have conscious, in- I thing, they must stand in the sun I telligent feeling' and the difference and draw their life from it, for between them and animals is prac- j killing plants is but little different- Dinners hungry for a real dinner, compar- 4other's cooking, o to I Restaurants State Packard at Stat assified Ads I icaly non-existant. Vegetarians j from killing animals: 1. QuaityMeats. Await You Here ....the kind that makes -hunger dis- appear! And those with appetites of thebwane get them quickly back aga- GfeIIS Makt Strings . . Supplies . . Repairs . for all Musical Instruments Shabre&Son MUSIC HOUSE 110 S. Main St. KRESGES -4 Has an Opportunity for Executives with College raing What other College A Men have done with KRES-GE'S "In 1918 1 graduated from Ripon College, having majored in chemistry. After following my profession several years I concluded that my personal advance- ment was limited. In 1923 I entered the employ of the S. S Kresge Company, worked hard and-many long hours, but today, as manager of a new store, I um proud of my membershipin the great Kresge Organization. My future is unlimited." An Illinois Wesleyan University graduate, class of 1915; says: "My efforts with the Kresge Company have been amply repaid and now, as store manager, I feel sure that any man who gives his best efforts .._.- tote Kresge Company will not be disappointed." W E WANT MEN' to grow with Kresge's. We are now oper- ating 510 stores and are opening new stores at the rate of 75 to 80 a year; thus creating opportunities for men who join our organization. One of the many successful Kresge store managers We offer to train college graduates to be the kind of men we need is a graduate of the University of Illinois class of so that they may reach the kind cf positions they desire. 1920. His advice to amhitious young college gradu- If you have a trained mind and a well-rounded personality, you es is Prepare' yoursel now for uture success, possess the first two requisites. If you are willing to work hard; to Cast your lot with the Kresge Company." learn the details of every phase of store management and to start at the bottom on a small salary, we may very possibly do business " together. For the reward is well worth the earning. To those who follow out the Kresge training plan, we offer store managers' positions A graduate of the Ohio State University writes: "I paying very attractive salaries. am not boasting of my success as a manager of a It's like having a business of your own, plus the added opportunities Kre (I Store, 6ut I know that financially I am far in a corporation with $150,000,000 sales annually. ahead of most of my college pals. A man's ability A Kresge representative, possibly a graduate from your own college, isnrwticalny the only thing limiting his uccems" . will be sent to tell you personally of the opportunities with Kresge if you write our Personnel Department. PERSONNEL DEPT. 3 223 N. Main Phone 4208 0 E :ORNWELL COAL - COKE Scranton, Pocahontas I ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT. F re sh carload of Florida oranges-65c peek or $2.50 bu. One week off tree. 1st between W. Jeff. and William. Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. I Ui New York Listed Stocks Private wires to all Markets Conservativs margin accounts solicited Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever *ipee it was established. The saeret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do busi ess in a friendly wty. If you think to-to, let's get together. U! I