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March 05, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-05

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Ti-I-M 'rIdA DIL TJI tVyAx"YLCA:MNi1 tp '"'I3

I Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.){
IVol. XXXIX TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1929 No. 113 ;I
Senate Council:
A meeting of the Senate Council, for the transaction of important
business, is called for Thursday, March 7, at 4:00 p. in, in room D,
Alumni Memorial Building.
F. E. Robbins
Smallpox Vaccination:
Recently smallpox developed in one of our students. He was prompt-
ly quarantined. The student body as a whole is protected against
smallpox through vaccination. Accoding to the records of the Univer-
~ity Health Service, there are a few students who have not been vac-
cinated. These were immediately notified to appear at the Health
Service for vaccination. Some have refused to do so. The Commissioner
of Health for Ann Arbor, in collaboration with the University Healthj
Service has ruled that these students b excludd f om classs for aj
period of twvo wecks. 1
The students who have been notified to appear at the Health
service for vaccination and who have failed to respond -for vaccination
and who do not present a certificate of recent vaccination will be exclud-
ed, under the orders of the Commissioner of Health, from classes begin-
ning with Wednesday,' March 6.a
A list of these students will be given to the respective Deans onj
this date. Furthermore, the list will be given to the Commissioner of
14cath for Ann Arbor for further action.
t ~John SundwalI
aEalibition of Paintings:
' -There wll be an exhibition of paintings by Mr. IBeeker, undr the
aic1s o 1the Ann Arbor Ai-t Association, from March 5 to March 17,
in1 AlMani rial Hall.
J. G. Winter
B~usiness Administration Lecture:
Mr. E gar L. Heermance, author and lecturer, will speak on the]
subject of "Business Ethics" on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 1
March 4, 5, anid , at 3:15 p. m., in room 206, Tappan Hall. These lce-
Lures are intended primarily for Business Administration students but'
others interested arc cordially invitcd to attend.
e C. E. Griffin
$tudents--College of Litrature, Science, and the Arts:
No course may be taken up after the present week.
W. R. Hlumphreys, Assistant Dean
$tudents' Recital:
A students' recital will be given at the University School of Music
Autditorium,Tuesday evening, March 5, at 8:15 o'clock sharp. The public!'
is invited. No admission charge. The program~ is as follows:
Mendelssohn: Variations Serieuses, (Louis Gombert) ; Winiawski'
600nd Movcment Concerto in D minor, (Doris Shotwel); Bach: PreludeI
and Fugue; Chopin: Nocturne Op. 15 No. 2, (Dorothy Goss) ; Liszt: P- II
trarch Sonnet; Scott: Passacagis, (Jack Conklin) ; F. Mendellssohn:
Two Movements from the Sonata in D major, For Cello and Pianol
(Kathlyn Murphy) ; Chopin: Nocturne F sharp; Chopin: Etude F Minor;f
McDowell, Witches Dance, (Rousseau Criswell); &e Scarlatti: Sc Flor-
indo c Fedele; Scarlatti: 0 cessata di piagarri; Pergolesse: Se tu
inami; (Margaret Davis) Accompaniment by Louise Nelson and Rhetta
P sychology 101 and 105:
Makre-up examinations for Comparative Psychology and for Psychol-
ogy and Religion will be held Saturday. March 9, at 2 p. i., In room
1121, Natural Science Building.
' John F. Shepard
Senior Mechanical Engineers:]
Mr. L S. Wiggins, representing the Allis-halmrs Company of:
MilwaukeeWisconsin, will be in room 221 West'Engineering Building,
Tuesday, March 5, for the purpose of interviewing those interested in
positions with this company.l
11. C. Anderson
' enior Engineers:
Representatives of the Standard Oil Company of New York and the
S3tandard Oil Company of Newv Jersey will be in room 221 West Engineer-
inig Building on Wednesday, March 6, for the purpose of interviewing'
Mechanical, Chemical and Electrical Engineers. Also other seniorsI
interested in foreign service.
II. C. Aderso'
You are'cordially invited to attend the moio picture "Steam to be
presented Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock, Natural Science Auditorium
The Milm prepared by the B. & W. Boiler Company is presented under the
auspices of the A. S. M. E.
1. Gry

MeCha4nical EntinMeering Students:
Mr. J., Hawley Otis of the Pontiac Oakland Motor Company will be
5n room' 161 West Engineering Annex, Wednesday, March 6, to intervicw
.,tudents who mq~y wish to obtain a position in the Service Department of
that companiy. See me for details.

and it is requiested that those who are interested and would like to
join the serics appear in the auxiliary Gym. room of the Intramural

- SCREN I"You are out in thee

I-Aer," says Lf,-M tin,

(Sports Building on the dlays and hours indicated above.
Varsity land:
( r AMain Street
Special rehearsal tonight at Morris Hall at 7:13 sharp in prepara- !t s~ifi~iaeta h ntl
t:.on for the Faculty Concert next Sunday.; lation of Vitaphone apparatus at~
Gilbert Saltonstall, Student Manager. I the Wuerth has been posponed un-*
til- March' 24, thereby preventing
Varsity Glee Club: the showing of "The Barker" with
A full rehearsal of the clu:b is requested at seven o'clock tonight to ,its original dialogue. As a talking'0
prepare for our radio performance Thursday night of this week. Full ; ti9soyo cria lf a
atedneis iprat generally rated as one of the ten.,,
atedac ipian.Thoor fosPrsdet best of the year. .
Thedor 'fros, Pesient However, the silent version will
-- doubtless please you although it
Freshman Womecn: lacks" t h e realistic background q)
There will be a meeting of all women of the freshman class on' which the play and Vitaphone im- (d
Wednesday, March 6, at 4 p.; nteWmnsAhei parted to it. Milton Sills, -in the
of dscusing pns.for the FremanAPageat Building for the role played by Richard Bennett in
purposeofdsusnplnfothFrsiaPget and of electing', ol stage drama gives one of thei
the General Committee, best characterizations of his screen'
Martha Peters, Vice-President career. Dorothy Mackaill as Lou, eI
--°-- ----the girl with "a million years of ex-,
1Physics Colloquium: perience," likewise does some splen-
Dr. H. L. Smith will speak on "Simultancouis Ion~ization andc Exe tr did acting, although possibly slight-
tion of Molecules by Impacts with Positive Ions. and Excited Atms" ymis-cast. ,f
at :15o'loc, TesayMarh , i rom 041 Eat hysc Atomsn. On the wvhole, the capable cast
at :15o'cock Tusda, Mrch5, n rom 041 Eat Pysis Bildng.and George Fitzmaurice's excellent
WV. F. Colby !,ietn of "The Barker," coupled, '
~Iall ommitee: ~with an interesting bill of short
;Senior ,alCmit:;subjects will repay you sufficiently j
1 There will be a meeting of the Senior Bali Committee on Wednes- for a visit downtown. I
day, March 6, at 8 p. in., in room 302 of the Union. f ~ hrySre
Eugene Easterly, Student Council Representative Give Mr. Reginald Denny sonic
half -decent material and that six..
'Theta Sigma Phi: 'foot English comedian will provide l
Ther wil bea metir of Theta Sigai Pi for. the onsdcaio flln-gocrs with an entertainingpe
of new members this afternoon at 5 o'clock at Betsy Barbour. I t!ure. Universal gave a humorous,
important for evcry member to be present. although impossible plot, and Den-
nayKnox n came across in "Red Hot Speed" 0
___________with a first-rate comedy worth see-&
The Michigan Technic:;in at the Michigan today or t-0
morrow. Q
There will be an important meeting of the staff and tryouts of the The vaudeville act isn't what it Q
Michigan Technic at 7:30 p. mn. tonight. mgtb.HryCne o
Edward It. Nell, Managing Editor t aren't so bad but the vehicle pro-
vided them fails to make good use, w
A. S.C. E.: m or possibly makes too good use, of
Dinner meeting with the Detroit Section at the Michigan Union' the actors.
TusaMrh5 99 t60 p. m. Faculty members and students Maynard Street
please attend. John Gilbert and his ungainly
L. D. Kirshner beard remain at the Majestic today 4
i"Desert Nights". ...get that...
!Adeiphi Hiouse of Representatives: ' Desert Nights."
Those desiring to affiliate with Adeiphi may give three minute u". 4
tryout speeches on subjects of their choice at the meeting to be held:Fcly oi'Ya ecesTan
in room 4203, A. . at 7:30 o'clock tonight. in- Course, Physical Education:
}Lawrence Ilartwig, Speakter A meeting of the faculty concern-'
i ed with the Teacher Tro~ning
Gargoyle: courses in Physical Education will
There will be a meeting of the Gargoyyle upper staff and t-youts be held at 12:15 m.q Tuesday, March to
today at 4:30 today, Tuesday, March 5. 5 oc~ Field 1lue
:5, omens IIoitc.I
1Phillip M,1 Crane, Literary Editor John Surndwall 0

I - ---- -- ---



"Making 11istory in the Theatre"
and his famous
"Painting"' the setting s in living light
for Ibsen's Heroic. Masterpiece




Athena Literary Scoicty will meet at 7:30 i Angell Hall tonight.
Eleanor Corywell and Faye Barrett will present a one-act play.
' Lois Webb, President 1

There will be a meeting of Quarterdeck on Tuesday, March .5,
7:30 p. m. in room 302 Michigan .Union.
Joseph Fellows, Jr., Comnmodore


Chi Upsilon:?
The regular meeting will be held Tuesday. March 5, at 7:30 in the'
Russell Seminar.
'Catharine Dawson, Secy. I
WHilh Luncheon:
There will be a men's luncheon today at 12:15 in the Union. Pro-
f essor John 11. Muyskens of the Phonetics department will lead the
discussion. All inte-ecsted arc 'urged to attend.
Arthur L. Goulson
Alpha Nu.:
The Society will meet tonight at 7:45 sharp. An interesting pro-
gram has been prepared and will be given.
, oh-tu Landen, Pres.
"Above all nations is humaity.
,U OS M Sixth Annual

F raternity Foult Shooting:!
The first round of the Fraternity
Foul Shooting Championships will
be held Tuesday, March 5, from 9
a. in. to 10 p. in. Fraternities
slwuld send their men down at that
I tramual Datepartxrent.:
The Michigan Damnies will meetI
Tuesday, March 5, at 8 o'clock at
the Faculty Women's Clubhouse, at
226. South Ingalls Street. Miss Ran-I
jithan. Aaron of- India, ~a graduate
student in the University, will be
the speaker.
Airs. C. WV. Fer'ris, Pres.
New York Listed
P~rivate wir es to all
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