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March 05, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-05

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"tUI~SDAY~ MAr~Q1t 'tO2~J



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soo lshnmsfmay Penny Carnival furnished sur- |_4_
Fraternities at old Heidelberg them appearing the names of many prise and amusement during j Ladeez and gent'men! Travel to The music will be furnished by more
University and the castle at Heidel- distinguished Germans. dinner last night at dormitories the Penny Carnivaltomcttrownight Edna Mower, '29, at the piano. It oclo
berg were of particular interest to "'The Student Prince' portrays and sorority houses. Bursting ,at Barbour Gymnasium and see the is certain that she will be as big
Miss Rth Ellis, '31Sm, who took Heidelberg students with surpris-1 in upon the unsuspecting din- big Traveling Tent Show! Greatest a favorite at the Carnival as she J
Finals In Bowling, Archery, And the open road tour two years ago, ing accuracy. They have some of ers, they sang and danced and show on earth! Come one, come has always been wherever she ha
Rifle Will Be Run Off which ten Michigan women will the same songs and we visited a otherwise entertained, at the Fall! played. Pr
In Three Weeks take again this summer. little inn up the Neckar, near Hei- same time making known the | The Traveling Tent show will be Remember that the Penny Car- Girls
"In Heidelberg the students in- delberg, that was almost exactly fact that the Carnival will be Jthe main feature of the Carnival, niva comes but once a year, and at9
ABOUT THIRTY MEMBERS dicate their fraternities not by pins like the one in the picture. At this held tomorrow night in Bar- 'and bids fair to outshine the "Show tomorrow night will be your only Barb
but by caps of different styles and inn each fraternity had its own ! bour Gymnasium. It will start 'Boat" success of last year. Noted chance to see this justly famcus mus
colors," said Miss Ellis in talking long table and the men and wom- at 7:15 with the basketball ;performers, including many past event! Dont miss it! fore
Entrants in the individual sports of the fraternities at this old en students were having a picnic game for the intramural chain- |favorites, have been secured for the port
tournament which is being con- school. "To become a member of a when we arrived here. The nicest Ipionship, between Kappa Kap- |affair, and their services are cer Buy an 'Ensian subscription now p
ducted by the intramural depart- fraternity the student must fight part about it was that we were not pa Gamma and Alpha Xi Delta. Ii tain to make the Tent show the! for $5.50, and you will be sure of
ment are now practicing for the seven duels, even though these just observers of the fun, but were Booths will be operating during j hit of the evening. There will be receiving a copy in the spring.
finals which will be run off in duels are strictly prohibited by the right in it because our guide was a the game, but the entertain- |four or five performances, start-1
about three weeks. It is not yet University and government. The student. Going back we met a ment will not start until 8 ''ing at 8 o'clock, each performance
too late to enter the tournament, duels are fought in the Hirsch- boatload of students going up the o'clock. Io include three or four acts. This
although those who do not enter gasse, an ordinary house in a steep Neckar at sunset and they sang o ofeature of the entertainment will Distinctive
very soon will have to do their and narrow street across the river songs for us.-! be staged in Sarah Caswell Angell
requisite number of practices in a from the University. They are "The castle is not to be forgotten f llPf hall, and will be reached via a-
short time. Bowling, archery and fought in an upper room at the in the attractions of Heidelberg. Uj111 HILLUflU LII number of side-shows to be held-
rifle are the sports which are being back of the house. While they are We were fortunate in being there, along the stairs leading up to theP
participated in, and cups will be going on a watchman is posted in one of the two nights of the year big tent.
awarded to the winner in each jfront of the house to give a warn- when it was illuminated. At 11 l DI NTDIP l y
sport as well as points for the Iing if the beadles come around for o'clock all the lights in the city fVyiwing powerlthe Tbe the ba --
houses. an inspection. The- swords are went out and red flames started' Idketball game between Kappa Kap
There have already been about placed in a secret hole in the floor shooting upward. In a moment Twelve new members will be pa Gamma and Alpha Xi Delta
thirty entrants, teams from seven and the wounded are placed in the the whole castle was burning and initiated into Orchesis in a special to be held at 7:15 sharp in
-houses being now entered. It is beds of the people owning the we stayed under the spell of that meeting which will be held Thurs- the downstairs gymnasium. Thee
expected that there will be manyI house, thus, il a moment, the magnificent spectacle for a longI day, March 6, in the Women's Ath-; two teams were the winners ,in_
more, as the athletic managers of house can be put In order, if the while, it seemed. After the last letic building. The date of initia- ithe semi-finals last Wednesday, ,
several houses have as yet turned beadle is reported coming. glimmer had died down, fire-works tion has been changed from Wed- and will battle tomorrow night
i in no report. These managers arc "Three of the seven duels must were lit on the bridge below the nesday, the regular meeting night for the intramural championship
urged to do so at once in order be fought the first two semesters, castle, celebrating the centennial of the society to Thursday because Both teams are exceptionally well
that ttheir entrants may begin after which the students become of one of the fraternities. Afterof the soctyathusP eca Btamade same shouldpre
practicing. The field house is open "ein Bursche" with all the rights these fire-works were over we fol- of the fact that the enny Carnival trained, and thesame ould prove
t ftemembrs of the fraternity. lowed thepadeostenwhc is being held Wednesday and a an exciting event for everyone. -
every day from 4 to 5 for bowling of the m s grethanyofthemey.r o:ederhw parade of studentstwhich
and from 4 to 6 on Monday and He remains a Bursche for two was similar to our days of big foot- r i be great many of the members of There will be thirty booths, sell-
Wednesday for archery. 'semesters in the course of which ball victories, back at the Univer- Orchesiswilletaking part os:aiing each kinds of fun and food,
one revious inhe 'has to fight four more duels. sity." The mitiates are as follows: each sponsored by a different sor-
tramure htournament in archery After this the student becomes "einm' ry We are now fe
__r.____ ________ __ Wilma Crawford '29, Do othy Sd
t Afterr Hetournamentinoarcherymber, I ;rske, 29, Dorothy Goodridge, 30,1 be clowns! All kinds of clowns,'
and one in bowling both hield this Aleer"o ooar ume nn Iir Vina Grand, 32, Betty Healy, doing -ll kinds of stunts. You may,
year, The archery tournament was still enoying the rights of the fra- rrun, IIJNH Mary Lou Hershey, '3lEd, ibuyyu ikest'h Taei~
Sheld outdoors and took lace on ternity without being obliged to C1 O(L(DrohyHoel, 32. ut"M uy enysorkto the.T haelng
' m e 1 re ere 21 en-fight duels. At this time after two Dorothy Hwel,'32A, Ruth McIn- Tent show from dem. They will L do Sa
trants representing seven teams of years of fighting, drinking, boat VAcif Poor, '3iDorth Moore, '31, Ce- circulate through t east go.
which Couzens Hall was the win- ing, and hummeling the Alter(T1,PLU 13, DAnna Terhyardt n32,sMarie--ning -rn a h g
ner, Alpha Gamma Delta, second; Herr takes up his studies and pre- .1
IBetsy Barbour, third, and Alumna' pares to pass his "exams." ---,'---I-i-boltlym i_____________________
Hosy fMour, thine Aeurn "ost of the students have had 1 Tickets for the J3enior supper and; perative that all of the initiates be
them more than mere objects of March 18, will be placed on sale all will be that of the regular meet G PSunburn
32ofBetsy Brorws them oreontha meire fa csmkn JuirGrofPaMnaattefedhus ntmw Ih 1AV THP
,highest individual scorer. nex GeeFTtBSHOPr
idle curiosity to American tourists. ext week at Barbour gymnasium ing.
The first tramural bowngThese scars are due to the fact that and may be purchased at the same Orchesis has already begun woik 2 1 S. State St
tournament for women was held In figtiing the duels the students time as the caps and gowns. on their spring program, whichf tr
:December 18 in the Woiien's Ath- are bare-headed, except for steel One senior from each sorority is will begin with the University il
letic building. Fifteen teams rcp- goggles to protect their eyes. From urged to get the tickets for all the Girl's Glee Club, and although i inec Spring demand cr
presenting four dormitories, eight; chin to ankle they are covered by other seniors in her sorority in neither of these two organizaton line of e
'sororities and one league house, ileeather paddings to protect tlem -forder that they may sit togetherI have decided as to the exact na- fhFa 'NC nCfabrCs
several of the dormitories entering from the razor-like edges of the and to avoid any unnecessary con- ture of the program. both have - rcC ad f
amore than one team. Dorothy Ly- swords. Thirty or forty rounds fusion. The first Ito get the tickets begun preparations for it. F arsApparel
ons, '29, was the high point scorer I constitlte a duel After the duel will receive the best seats. The day The new members who will beFavors and
and aided her team, Delta Zeta, to k5 over, the winner carves his name for the nurses to get their tickets initiated Thursday will be eligible N
win the tournament with 504 in the table in the living-room be- will be announced later. for places in the Spring progranmNoveles.
points. Chi Omega,. Martha Cook low. There are several of these A new plan will ,be adopted this and, as is the custom in the so- -
"I, and Alpha Omicron Pi finished tables filled with names, among year whereby the seats will be ciety, many of the numbers for Lending Library "'
next in order. IJreserved. this program will be taken from
The committee which is in charge - IThe annual Senior supper will be that given by the older members Mary M. Kress Nicels
of this tournament is headed by Speaker Gives Ideas held at 6 o'clock, March 18, in the for the new ones soon after initia- - I
1 Dorothy 'Griffith;- '30,' who is the Sh l Union ballrooim, after which the tion, and from a later program a~~<IIl1||~~r~ ~ r i.|| r
intramural chairman on the W. A Of Women's SC OQ S senior women will go in a group to given for the old members by the
A. executive board. Kathleen Clif- the Junior Girls' Play, according to initiates.
ford, '31, and Elizabeth Wood, '31,1 custom. Tickets for the supper may
bowling manager, will have charge "Medieval stress on the weakness be purchased for $1.65. j Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
Vof the tournament in that sport. of women led to the clinging vine 1 o $2.25 for the half year.
Marian Gimmy, '31, is assisting period," said Dr. James Laurence I GLEE CLUB- -
t anet Michael, '31, archery man- Meader last month in his inaugur-!
I ager, and Roberta Reed, '31, will ,al address as president of Russell There will be an important re- New Models
! work with Irene Cook, '299, rifle Sage College at Troy, New York.j hearsal of the University Girl's each week, in
rmanager. Gradually. this period was followed Glee Club today at 4:30 at theta
-by the educational progress of wo- School of Music. All members 1-Straw and Felt
,. Buy an 'Ensian subscription now men until there are today 'more I are urged to be present, and to for the
ifor $5.50, and you will be sure of 1 than 100 colleges for women in this bring their university s o n g made-on-the-head hats
'receiving a copy in the spring, country books toe sn rsdnt 'IS O
rci cy tsk practice.i M'KINSEY HAT SHOP A Collection of Smart
i Esther Anderson, President. I 227 S o; State

o'clock: Senior I vs. sopho-
I; junior I vs. freshman I. 5
ck: Blue team vs. Junior I.
actice schedules for the Junior
' play choruses will be posted
9 o'clock this morning in
'our Gymnasium. All girls
t see this announcement be-
noon. Those who fail to re-
for chorus practice will be
Camilla Hubel,
Chairman of Dances.
r Footwear
neet the
Eated by the
in Diess -



Iter the
Preserve the few remain-
ing hours for sleep by eat~
ing easily digestible food. -
Collegians the country
over are confining their
after-the-dancc suppers to

I R- d
- ':'
I- -!
1 Printed repe Fok
Smart Frocks of silky crepe -
with swathed hip effe ct-
1 ~separate Balero Jacket. -
r-: I


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