x° THEt. AriVILHIU N Al NEW, PRES IDENT STRIKES TWN KE 4 TOTEuiK n. HOOVER EXPLAINS DUAL PURPOSE OF LAWl ATNOME, PEACE ABROAD COOLIDGE AND DAWES VA(C CAPITOL FOR FUTURE AT" LEADERS SAYS DISREGARD AND DISOBEDIENCE OF LAW IS MOST MALIGN OF ALL DANGERS upon you, my countrymen, as tasks means and the responsibility much, as upon those of us whoj which it involves, j beg your toler- have been selected for office," he' ance, your aid and your co-opera- added. "Ours is a land, rich in -------___ ______- _-__ resources;, stimulating in its glori- ous beauty; filled with millions of happy, homes; blessed with corn- are the institutions of progressT i more advanced. In no nation area N the fruits of accomplishment moreB ok secure. In no nation is the gov-a new blaze of erment more worthy of respect.' No country is more loved by its breakfast of tI people. I have an abiding faith in N trl fo their capacity, integrity and highatur 1food r purpose. I have no fears for the future of our country. It is bright fine, SHRtEDDIED with ope..everything you "In the presence of my country- men, mindful of the solemnity of ;yo "ont this occasion, knowing what the (33y Associated Pes ment activities be transferred fromff WASHNGTN, arch4.-iththe -treasury department to the!' I simpe frceul angagerefec-department of justice as a begin- tive of his own personality, Her- nn fmr fetv raia ion." bert Hoover today dedicated him- Expressing his belief that no:" self and his administration to law mr enforcement at home and the pro- ptn ntuetlt o motion of peace throughout the th aii eteeto oto versies between nations than the3 Thseorldpoessoouti world court has ever been con-: Teewoproestoouinceived,.Mvr. Hoover declared "no i bold_ relief in his, inaugural (ad- other i rcial of establish- dress, delivered from a simply dec- ment"r orated stand on the east front of ¢ igsEry amRle the. capitol after he had taken the ."The way should, and I believe oath as the thirty-first president will, be found- by which we may Yf: of the ,United States. take our proper place in a move- Declaring that the most malign mn ofnaetlt h rg of all the dangers from which self- ess of peace.". - government must be safe-guarded Thrra usx ige ie . toda is hedsreg reandednt reference to national :defense in Calvin Coolidge obedience of law, theprsdn the entire address which was four> Who vacated his office of Presi-' Charles G. Dawes said that "to consider these evils, thousand words in length. It was: den of the United States yester- Whlethe hieHuewh to find their remedy, is-the most "ec cnb onrbte obWdyhofvro tentinsnxtPeietheohcitesHoerdywith sore necessity of our times.' Paecnb otiue ob a nfvro h ainsnx peietCoig etra fe "Riid nd, epedtius ustceis, respect for our ability in de-i president, Herbert Hoover. Mr. completing his term as Vice-Presi- {'i Tn epdtos utc ense,.,~ Coolidge ,has ended a long and dent., Some of his colleagues gave thefirt sfegard6f reeomth Turning to domestic affairs, theI successful administration and will? Mr. Dawes a surprise-dinner. as a basis of all ordered. liberty, the Ichief executive said further agmi-i retire into private life, probably!'farewell tribute for his services as vialfoceofpfges,"hesad.icultural relief, and "limited ehang-! as administrator of some large! leader of the Senate and he seem- "It ustnot ometo e inourre-es" in thef tariff "can not in jus-torganization. eisryt ev ahntn publc tat t cn bedefate bytice to our farmers, our -labor and; the indifference of the citizen,1 manufacturers_ be postponed," ad-! "quicken the conscience and enlistI settlement." by exploitation of delays and en- ding that he would request a spe- our sense of responsibility for their i "And that responsibility rests tanglements of the law, or by cial session of congress for the combinations of criminals."cosdrtnofthe'qstn.I Turning ttesenfCeent f:People Must Assist Thereigtentheaendocment Mr Asserting that the questions be- ,th eihtent amndent Mr Ifore the country were problems H-oover asserted that abuses which o rgest ihrsadrs had grown up around it are due M.Hoe adte ead in part to the failure of some Mr.tHoghtsand they seved-to states to accept their share of the', SALSI!D14 responsibility for concurrent en- ! forcement . and to the failure of'n many state and local officials to: Stri'ngs . Supplies ? zelusyenforce the law. Rear"CIN II "eusyBut a large responsibility rests * * j directly upon our citizens," he as-1 o l uia ntuet i ' r serted. "There would be little' o l uialIsrmnsLABORATORY S P LIES traffic in illegal liquor if only, criminals patronized it. The duty of citizens to support the law_ is Sc haenrle & Son co-equal with the duty of their' MUSIC HOUSE 200-202 P. I [ B] ItY ST. government. to eniforce the laws $10S Mi t which exist. As. one immediate step for,an - _ ...._._ .. improvement of conditions, Presi- _______- -______ __7~ ~- dent Hoover declared it essential "that a large part. of the enforce-F " .1,4 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON -In order to give freshmen a better background for their start 'at the university, a course in the traditions and history of the unii- versity, is being prepared by the' student council. The plan will be submitted to the faculty, who will, decide whether. it is to be included in the. curriculum, if so, whether it is to be compulsory. r.. . t y t ' i t r t i! , t - ! ! a - MM -. Y - ar - a THROUG Y\a a Ii T 4Ia 11 ia ! ! i~a notony llthAsudnt,.veyj rra fautrebe n iMfml, . a ! i ya W r a wla DAL samdimo dvr ia W a r a s® I aw ical sad exedie mnt fortal concerned ra o Us h ! w a T aDIYa eimo e if ! -* a -C -i aiig ti ffl lneo~ c 1an xein o a r a 1 2,00,0 READERS WATCH THE DAILY' p. ! \Y a Tv ! i'a aq 4a " i~a S a4 r sil i_ aI a aV r -F " Y E a -c ay - : pAi THEa Nf4TO Tr' IATTV a t hen, mumbe i lelo who1 iravel Doetor,,1.wyers. pst(' ofes , ten- giltee "s, artoL~r:-r 1e a e{' il, t t he they hook'l OtJ5w'~ilyd ( All itit J'iatrr-11 I~oIned. i <<1 Ikt'(ln l Iiicsandt 1Ihey [ l,, t ill l tw1 ait traN1el. In their fields the !Ir'ia t up i.- 7t''al . !P 1'let~~1c 't1 tItepm r' :llreasw " of I lie ap;- 4'rv- ejllrt "<>rsflri ~~t.i i ucE:; rY vtitj 211( i lu .w 'I tlxew f-. I 5Cah ill -c 1Iiil 11 I i i). ( lint. 01vo lij II(Y1/1'Y! s IaegeIt( i ,Geneatin ri o e BDRAIN power, not horsepower, is the .Lch ief operating requiremrenit of the electrical industry. This requirement must be continuously anticipated to 'provide leaders for the future. ,Accordingly, each year, more You will see this monogram on the powerful motors of an electric locomotive aind on .the; conven- ience outlet where you plug in a floor lamp- always and every- where it is a. safe than 400 picked college graduates come to, the General Electric Company for a post-graduate course in electrical science. With a faculty including inventors and engineers of international distinction, something more than electrical knowl- edge is imparted to these young el. Here they, also find inspiration which .1 1" 14.1,,E i