ESTABLISHED 18390 'C Aan I aili; VOL. XXXIX. No. 113. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1929 EIGHT PAGES le HIC HIPS si oul * ' 1 1 S n Ct Into 1 :, POLICE ISDISTINGUISHED BY SOLEMNCEREMONY HOOVER IS SWORN IN AMID MIGHTY CHEERS i WITH 0B IN -FRONT------------- * ** tionsGWLV RIN0IN6IG EN LEAD 4 '1 New Executives Assume Posi (By soeittV(1 Precs.) WASHINGTON, March 4.--The American peoplc today with solemn ceremony placed Herbert Hoover in the highest office within their gift--that oif President of the United -States. With a pelting, stinging rain falling, he swore to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States. kissed a verse in the Bible, and began the greatest duty ever demanded of him in his life of far-flung activity. And, turning to his inaugural address. hie juade a pledge to enforce all laws, including the prohibition amendment, to. the full extent of his ability. Su~i , Office Into office with this California, engineer and orphaned Quaker i went Charles Curtis whom fate!l had placed from an Indian reser- j vation for elevation to the vice-, presidency. The two then rode' down the historic route from the Success Capital to the White House, bare- auuae headed, rain-beaten, but smiling agusatd their happiness over one of the Dws 1 most remarkable and enduring ovations given any president er MAURPI- vice-president in recent years. s COR I For nearly four hours the thou- sands stood in the driving rain, wiigt ohnrt h oe most two Americans. They filled A AE" the long rows of water-soakedj Charles (Sta stands lining the route;. they 22 points ay perchedl upon perilous, slippery tonight to rf ledges of buildings flanking ?;,he 143, a newI street. Dripping windows were Iord as Purd filled with peering faces, and roof; eyes, 45 to3 tap's werei heavy with humanity. bail gamec Hofover Kisses Bible Orti the capital plaza, shirring I with- its watery film, the thouisands I with water-dripping clothes, saw AJ V, LV A U1 . .f.... rs { r ri:{.{:i.: v t. vgtf 'tt v s f, . s.: s .firJ <" V iY 1 A, 1 F L C+. 1 A i E i i 7 ! t4 r 1kk I c i i I LARGEST CROWD OF YEAR JAMS FIELD HOUSE TO WITNESS DEFEAT OF BADGERS Bpi Morris Quinn Outscoring Wisconsin 1 5-2 in the closing minutes of the final gamrc of the season, an inspired Wolverine team repeated their early season victory over the husky Badger outfit by a 3 7-22 count last night in the field house to insure themselves of at least a tie for the 1929 Big Ten title. More than 10,000 frenzied spectators, the largest home crowd that ever witnessed a Michigan basketball tcam in action on the - ~home court, jammed the big field 100 SAD house to see the Conference I~i leaders battle for the lead. Last ieight's overwhelming vic- tory guaranteed the Wolverine ER quintet its third dourt title in the past four seasons; Maize and Blue EAD CHEERLEA e caimstohavrsthonrsnin s927tan H[A~m'CH1 R[[A 1 teaim t sh n orn 19u ndisue shared the championship with four BY01CR~ ICNI IN LAST CONFERENCE GAME, 312 I2 -I Bible which sealed his fealty to his countrymen. That verse said: "Where there is no vision' the peo-I ple perish; but he that, keepeth the law, happy is hie."E And when that solemn cere-, mony was over, they remained de- fiant of the weather to . see the impressive tribute paid to the in- comning head of the nation by rep- resentatives of nearly every group- ing of American life. The army, the navy, the marine corps, the coast guard, governors, staffs, patriotic organizations, marching clubs, and bands tramped the wet, pool-studded pavements until late in the day to salute the new com- man der-in-chief. He stood in the reviewing staned in front of the White House glowing with pleas- ure and by his side the new First Lady of the Land, animated with interest waved her hand in num- erous salutes. Coolidges Leave Early When the parade ended and President Hoover entered his newl home, his occupant of yesterday was speeding toward the quietness of Nort'hampton, Mass., seeking1 the rest of a private citizen. Hel had become former President Cool- idge, but he took with him happy memories of the expressions of friendship showered upon him on his last day in office. ; Mr. and ;Mrs. Coolidge did not remiain in Washington for the in- au ul p arade. With Pre~sident HELT jBecauseo which was Ellwood Cus the basket 1 Service has in the Univi unless his satisfactory. duents who preventative hands of th have notifif appear att mediately. CushingN tined and contact wits fhouse, incl baseball, tr were vaccinru hampered rr ball team ii consin lasti ESome of t ordered to refused-to c sioner of he collaboration Health Ser, these studej classes for The names been given *In accordance with Michigan's I old tradition, the Varsity cheer- _ ~leader. for the coming year, was in- troduced to the crowd 'at, the- last CHARES URTI HEBERTCLAK HOVERhome basketball game of the year. ,sful running mrate of President Hoover, who was also in- Who was inaugurated into the highest of-lce of the land yester-i hsn.toWuceedRap 30ws in yesterday's ceremonies. Curtis succeeds Charles G. day amid solemn ceremonies, in Washington, D. C. A heavy down- chsn ptioftoh ealh aE. op io was honored by the S nate on retiring a few days ago. pour fell through most of the event. '29,-asacraptn o with e rafofm , before the crowds during the com- ° M S E C O D mnF AN LN RN 1Iigya in their effort to bring out ~1 EORDS ~~VII~IOIf~~l ALIUIDIES AT HOSPITAL th rar of Mcian spirlett :'\ id PaFss)n an 1olStI e d by the four major sports cap- 'TFa Ind.,MarIch 4.--- Tfidied last week-end at the Ui - tains, the managers of the same icetch) Murphy scoredi 11We IHsiy hospital, beink taiken there four teams and the outgoing yell- ga~stOhi Satehu TT MPT iu OBT IN FRE S OW Wdnes~dayi aparetly uffe i master. Todd is well known on the aise his season total to; - A I _.--__ R1- rioma only mild troubles. Is case cmubigpoieti e Big Ten individual rec- _vvigte111)sii hc i oe fe h rwsht was diagnosed as spinal mcningi- tvte n ebro oo o tue defeated theBuk;Rvvn th sobsiiwhc hihoeatrhe rwd hd tis, from which complications setI cieties. 34, in the final basket-'ha~s reigned so often after athletic, cleared away. !i, cauisinig death. Only .thae head cheerleader is of the season. iIolsb ihgntama) Final act ion il the case of theI {elected, the other members of the p~li thiIniatcly 5000 peouple s, of sl-ijdeli Is who were takens to Presi- -Isudt oein g efrom a hecep detLittle's home ha-s not been) 61II3stad beim lgroup of tyotes. i them students, staged a riot last- decided upon, but one student,liii1I- -------o More than $1500 d~ama-ge was do01-0 been the leader of the mob, was li -I _ TH UM A Y .',O [ 1-S to the MichIig-Iaii theater, la-st night: taken to the county jail late la-sh f -m [M fh0 1I[ T 0 - - - ----- - Explanations by Gerald loag, night where he will be held for a1 u ICIIIAN (37) B G TP OW PIAK' amanager of the Michigan, and tear hearing. The only action to the 5 IIL ?LI f.2 ( O IW i g& 'as used by the poliedepartment. icrdtg ftepoie a !ltl ItlOrwigr ..... . , ieer ftn oiewsaltl [ 11[ wr little availl quehlinig the uindu~ly rouigh~ tramet of two _ Kanitr, rf ............ 3 17 1)101) spirit which lead to the throw- student-prisoniers after they headci With the enro~(llmen~it of 63 new ruskowski, If....2 1 5 of a case of smlallpox ing of everythinag from eggs to! been arrested, and roughingr by i tdet at the begnnig o th Chapman, c..---------. ,2.10 recen thy cntraxct-ed byI bricks. , one man who was not a member( second sem~ester, the total nutmber !McCoy, rg (Capt.. 13. r ;hn,'9 v i- i hglsinlltedosfth of the department. of students actually residing iRoell 2 4 Thn,'9 h a ftheater was smashed lby studentsI In comementing -on the a-flair Lovello, Iuringthe pesid1t 0 2 ball squad, the Health throwing stonaes, the huge electric i Frederick M. Asbck, '29, peiJ'ldenit gAi i ens993 codn LvlI------- ordered every student sign in front of the theater was5 of the Student Council said, "Jer- tofgre'eete'yte ie of--------------14 9 37I ,ersity to be vaccinated, practically ruined, and policemen ry Hoag offered to do anything intergsrr oloigtecm former vaccination is 1were plastered with eggs and veg-, his power to cooperate with t e regr C p . .,.,.2 26 i st rar f e ollowingt helit cohoern- WIbes T e heteN e seN A lstof hoe su-I eabes.Th thatr as hagedstdens n gvig afre howi rawal reports after the close of Mthue, l....2i have not taken this several timges before and drastic Ithle event of a conference chamihnfrthlfo eya.- Kowalczyk, If..,.... ..,0 0 0f emeasure is now in the, action was taken by the police de-I pionship. He allowed members of Thereodsfr hev rios ille, .........0 0 0 e respective deans whoC partment. Five students, Byron i the students council to make all -1rcrd -o -th arou Mle, If............0 0 0- ed various stude-ts to Wells, '29E., John Kelsey, '29E.,1 arrangements for the show, and'schaools and colleges stand at 4,825 Climieiewski, rg.......... 0 4 he Health Serv him- George L. Morse, '29D., Royal B.! gave me a choice of what picture in the Literary school, 1,655 in the Ellerman, Ig........... 3 1 7 Herst, Bernard McCain, '29E., who Was to be shown. We chose the Colleges of Architecture and Engi- was promptly r:- ,ran-1 were known to have done consider-'Deinny picture even after he had n eering, 682 in the Medical school, Totals......... 4 22 2 all those who were in alofted age, were appre- gone to the trouble of arranging , 3,iteLwshol 6i h '~u riosM5s h~ him at the Field hendedl by the police The mob ; for a new picture and arranged for. Cdllege( of Phaarmnacy, ,160 ina the ; luding - those out for then clamored for the freedom off IM auditorium in order to a-c-i Dental college, 488 in the Schoaol lclhigan---Mc Goy, Rose. rack, and basketball the captive students and threaten- comodate more students. I deeplyi of Education, 82 ill the Business W i s c o n sin --- Mattheusen (2), ated at once. This fact led more violence until President regret such an ill-man-nered dis- Administration school, and 30 are Chamielewski.. -embers of the basket- IClarene Cook Little arrived on play of mob spirit on the lart of studying fdrestry anad conservation. Referee, Freezlc, Butler; Umnpire, in its game with Wis.- Ithescene to take the students to Michigan students."p There are 256 enrolled for the Young, Illinois Wesleyan. --______ --- course in nursing and 1,088 grad-0 night. FIND the students who were it AERONAUTICS HEADFI D HOBBY incate studlents are enrolled in vani- BG T N D T appearL WIN for tamsous courses of the University. _____________ traten; N O.LOWING WORLD POLITICSiA comparison with the figures Io so, and the commis- ___p_ TLAM