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March 03, 1929 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-03

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Striking New International Program Will Be Presented By Cosmopolitan Club Thursday Night In Hill At
More Than 150 Students Of All Nationalities To Take Part In Brilliant Spectacle
Annual Production Has Been In Preparation Several Months

uditoriuiw- -

tion. and the actual working out of the numerous
scenes included is in the hands of Mrs. W. C.
Rgufus. The entire production, however, rep-
regents the combined efforts expended each year
by the numerous foreign students, special com-
mittees, the directors, and other assistants in
tle technical and business efforts.
Club Has Wide Aims
The group sponsoring International Night,
Cosmopolitan Club, has as its purpose the bring-
in together of the foreign student element in
such a way as to weld it into an important factor
iri University life, while promoting at the same
time a finer and better plane of international
understanding. In addition it plays an im.por-
tant part in the social life of students from
other countries. Obviously, International Night,
as the big{ public contribution of the Cosmopoli-
tan Club, has a pre-eminent place in carrying
,out the work of promoting international good-
will for it is through the annual program that
they are able to demonstrate the principles gnd
beliefs for which they stand individually, as
citizens of certain nations, and collectively as
citl ens 6f the world. The organization has for
a motto, 'Above all nations is humanity." It is
though this theme that International Night
cArried forth its message last year, and it will
be through a further development of this theme
that "Humanity" will demonstrate the inner,
ideals and thoughts of the Cosmopolitan Club
members on Thursday.h
'Mui . of the credit for the w~ork of the-i

-Photos by DeY Stuldio.

each part of the successive numbers.. With such
a large number of nations represented in the
cast, variety and a departure from what has
been seen in the past is assured. One particularly
different feature of "Humanity" is the predomi-
nance of the visual appeal over the auditory ap-
peal. Striking effects designed to appeal to the
eye and to be interpreted mainly through the
conception received by the eye have been worked
out. The theme referred 'to as the keynotes
the production is "The upward trend of hu-
manity from the prehistoric age toward the
cosmopolitan.ideal of world unity and peace."
Overture Opens performance
An overture ' played by the International
Night orchestra under the direction of William
J. Watkins, Spec., opens the performance. The
title scene following two interlocutors who ex-
pound on the them, depicts Atlas supporting the
world on his back. Following the title scene, the

Aesthetic nature seeks further expression
through music, art, and rythm, and the next
scene shows a huge cream' colored vase with
human figures as the relief on the vase itself.
Drigo's "Serenade" provides the music for a
Grecian dance in light pastel costumes follow-
ing the introduction of the vase. Then there is
presented a toe-dance by Mrs. Jeanette Johnson
to the tunes of a hai p ~and piano playing Strauss'
"Voices of Spring."
Exotic and ritualistic in its conception, the
next number, a Flower dance, should prove one
of the outstanding features. The scene will
divulge the Lnteresting details of the 'yearly
Japanese flower festival. The dancers, in red
and black flowered costumes, will execute their
steps without musical axompaniment, relp ing
onl:O on the rythmic clapping of hands for
keeping in unison. The costumes have been
designed and executed by the participants.

graciously received. Thereafter she dwells in
peace and contentment. Traditional fete music'
and a costume of the style used 200 years ago in
China will aid Miss Ku.
When strife leaves its effect upon the dark
pages of world history, the champions of hu-
manity battle their way to victory step by step
new heights are scaled and won. This idea will
be brought to the audience through sword play
A costume of heavy scaled armor such as can
be seen only in museums. Following that pic-
turization comes an exemplification of family
ties and human affection in every age and
among all races of mankind, shown under the
title, "Iliawatha\ Farewell."
Present Indian Tableau
"Sang of India" opens the second part of the
pr:,gram ollowed by an Indian tableau repre-,
senting motherland. The central figure, with
arms outstretched, wears a clear likeness of the

Furnishing a quaint touch to the production,
the Korean man illustrated in one of the ic
tures shown to the left, sings and beats or the
drums he holds, rendering one of the ofd
Korean folk songs. He will be followed by ai
nature scene from Turgeniev, ' showing man
turning to nature, but finding her absolutely
impartial to all her children, men and fleas.
The development of humanity in the field
of Science; where science's sacrificial spirit is
revealed through its humanity ministry con-
cludes the tracing of progress. A final ensemble
in which 43 national flags are carried in a grand
parade by persons from each nation, concludes
the program, while the players in characteristic
costumes from, their countries, assemble raising
high above all others the cosmopolitan emblem,
the universal handclasp, to which allegiance is
pledged as a foretoken of world-wide peace.
Thus have the members of the Cosmopolitan
Club and their director planned to bring to the
campus and the many outsiders who regularly
manifest their interest by attendance at Inter-

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