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March 02, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-02

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SA1TURDAY, TUARC 3 2, 1;)29

Publishzed every, morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.

Member of Weste n Conference Editorial1
The Associated Press is .exclusively en-!
titled to the use for republication.of all news
dispatches' credited to, it or not otherwise
credited inthis"paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann. Arbor,
Michign,:, a secndclass matter. Special rate
of pd ta granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General..
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones': Editorial, 4925; Business, 212r4.!
Telephone 4925
Editor ....................... Nelson J. Smith
!City. Editor............. .J. Stewart Hooker
News Editor .... Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor............... W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor..... .. ...... Sylvia S. Stone
Teletraph Editor........ George Stauter
Maskcand Drama.. ........ R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor..........Robert Silbar
Night Editors

Among the memories of the old-
est upperclassmen still remains
that of The Daily carrying a run-
ning advertisement of the Uni-
versity's pleading "Keep Off The
Grass on Campus" or with wordsI
to that effect. While this custom
has been dropped insofar as The=
Daily business staff is concerned,_
It is still necessary, especially at
this time of year, to call atten-
tion to the destruction which may
be wrought by unthinking and
hurried pedestrians.
For long; the University has'
.prided itself upon the appearance'
of the campus, not only in the
buildings but in the trees, shubbery,
and grounds. The maintenance of
all these is the business of one
special department, and only by
unceasing labor is such an appear-
ance wrought.
At present, the ground is very
soft and the impressions which'
. hundreds of feet are making in the
sofe turf off the sidewalks will do
little except to cause bare marks
and paths next Spring. It takes
only a few seconds more, in most
cases, to go around, and as a re-
sult, the campus will again assume
its greenness and beauty in May
and June.

oseph E. Howell
9D~nald J., Kline
Lawrence' R Klein

Charles S. Monroe
Pierce Rosenberg
George E. Simon
C. Tilley

Paul L. Adams
Morris Alexandc
C. A. Askren
Bertram Askwi'a
Louise Behyme-
Arthur bernste'u
Seton C. Bovee
Isabel Charles
L. 'R. Chub
Frank F Cooper
Helen Domnine
Margaret ckels
Douglas Edwards
Valborg ;;eland
Robert J. Feldman
Marjorie Follmeyr
William Gentry
Ruth Geddes
David B. HempsteadJ
Richard Jung
Charles R. Kaufman
Rath Kelsey

rDonald E. L.ayman
Charles A. Lewis
Marian McDonald
] leery Merry
Elizabeth Quaife
Victor Rabinowits
Joseph A. Russell
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearer
Howard Simon.
Robert L. Sloss
Ruth Steadman
A. Stewart
Cadwell Swanson.
Jane Thayer
Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Williams
Jr. Weater Wilds
George E. Wohlgemuth
Edward L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie

Telephone 21214
Assstant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
kdvrt~in . . .. .".....Alex . Scherer
Advertising...A. James Jordan
Advertising ............Carl W. Hammer
Service....Herbert E. Varnun
Circulation.......George S. Bradley
Accounts.,,.... .. .Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications . ...... ay A. ofelich
Mary Ciase Marion Kerr
Jeanette bale Lillian Kovisky
ern.or Davis Bernard Larson
Bessie Egeland Hollister Mabley
Sallya Faster I. A. Newman
Anna Goldberg J ack Rose
Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm
George ,amilton George Spater
Jack Horwich Sherwood Upton
Dix Humphrey Marie Welstead
Night Editor-Lawrence R. Klein
Information that the house of
representatives of the state legis-
lature has voted to remove the
provision of the state, criminal
code which makes prohibition vio-
lations a felony and subject to
punishment under the habitual!
criminal act is indicative ino I
small degree of the type of man-
hood which 'the citizenry of Mich-
igan has elevated to the legislative
body of the state.
The last sesspn of the legisla-
ture at which the preesnt state
criminal code became law witness-
ed the legislators of the state for-
mulate a system of punishment
forseliquor violation which, properly
enforced, contemplated the estab-
lishment in Michigan of. the most
advanced and satisfactory method
of dealing with the problem yet
The benefits attendant upon
even a weakly enforced Volstead act
have been such that no sane man,
familiar with the situation before
the passage of the eighteenth
amendment and in the years since,
can deny the benefits and desire-
ability of its existence. At the
same time, it has been recognized
and justly that the Volstead act,
improperly enforced, was a men-
ace to the legal and governmental
institutions of the country.
Members of the last state legis-
lature expressed -a willingness to
pass a prohibition enforcement law
with "teeth" in it and the present
criminal code is the result. Out-
standing among the provisions of
its kind upon state statute books,
it has been criticized by the men
that it hit and praised by the re-
specters of law and order. The
criticism indicated clearly that
there were among the state enforce-
ment officers a not inconsiderable
number who were not interested in
the enforcement of the prohibition
The proper cue for the present
Michigan legislature, it may be
suggested, is not a repeal of the
excellent provisions of the present
law, but the selection of adequate
and acceptable means of enforcing
that law. Previous experience
has demonstrated unmistakably

All too often in the past the gul-
lible students of this University,
especially the inveterate drama
goers, have found themselves seat-
ed at a stage show in Detroit, agog
to see "the entire New York cast
including--", only to be disap-
pointed in seeing a well-known
leading lady or man and an infe-
rior supporting cast. It is enough
to brave the rigors of railroad
travel between this city and De-
troit in the minimum time, without
having to attend a good show
spoiled by inferior support and
Perhaps Mr. Jed Harris had this
very thing in mind when he sent
the "Coquette" company on the
road, with all those who played
the New York run. Perhaps he had
in mind the view of many pro-
ducers that real money is lost by
not sending the New York company
into the hinterland.
The public wants to see the show
as it was in New York, and it is
willing to pay. That is the reason
why "Coquette" has been a success
on the road; that is why others
have been failures. Mr. Harris has
proved that such a method will
pay. It deserves support, and re-
ceives it. In addition, it brings
to the Michigan student body a
performance that is exceedingly
worth-while. More, and more-
inclusive New York casts will allow
the student body here to have ad-
vantages such as some of the east-
ern school have in this respect, and
will give the theater-going public
a taste of Broadway, even though
they are a thousand miles away.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words if possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
qust. Letters -published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
To the Editor:
"College Humor" again has
shown its qualifications-are ample
to support its claim to being funny.
In the February number which ap-
peared shortly after Christmas
there was an article discussing
"Collegiate Basketball". Several
excerpts from it are gems.
One which ought to interest Ben-
nie Oosterbaan and others was
that Captain Wilcox of Iowa led
the Big Ten in scoring in 1927 and
1928. Another of more general in-
terest had to do with the Confer-
ence race. After justly giving
Purdue, Indiana, Northwestern and
Iowa credit for having good teams
with good chances at the Big Ten
championship, and encouraging
Minnesota and Illinois followers,
the writer concludes with "Ohio
State serves as the mystery team,
while Chicago, Michigan and Wis-
consin have suffered severely from
having peelings of various sheep
thrust upon the members of their
teams and seem to have little but
cheer leaders and a place to play."
The last classifification is espe-
cially interesting with Wisconsin
leading the Conference with only a
defeat by Michigan to mar a per-
feet record while the Wolverines
led the greater part of the season
and are now in second place, hop-
ing for the breaks that will give
them a share of the title with

Then, the April number of "Col-
lege humor", probably on the

A r
MuscArid Dram
ARE YOU TONIGHT: Comedy Club presents
HOBBY O Elliott Lester's "Take My Advice",I
HOARSE high powered comedy, in Mimes
Theatreat 8:15 o'clock.,
EDITORSrNTE -With this is*4
sue Rols presents the third of aNACEA
series of Interviews on the hobbies A LaPtnit and tonight Comedy A
of the prominent students on the Club are offering "Take My Advice"
University campus. These inter- in accordance with a popular de-
views will appear daily, and will mand they have discovered. With-
they throw interesting sidelights out trying to be satirical it is near-
er the truth to say that the show
campus political puppets? Oh, my! is. being revived in an attempt to
* G lfind a paying audience, rather
1. Paulibus Gurn Believes than to comply with the insistent
Creating Scandals The Nuts demands of a drama-hungry pub%
lic. And Comedy Club have every
"When I became a man, I put right todo it. They have a very
away childish -things, snitch- amusing comedy, interpreted by
ed I. Paulibus Gurn with char- i capable actors, and their produc-
acteristic abandon. "My chief tion-which is the real test-has
interest in life - well," -our played to thoroughly amused
hero's bent low "is L Paulibus houses.
Gurn. If I want a thing, I go A treasurer's eye vew of the sea-
sno matter whether any son shows Comedy Club losing a
one else got it first or no. I surplus but not -in debt at the end.
simply must draw attention to of the "Diplomacy" run. Mimes,
myself. Sometimes I even have starting their season with an im-
to be a martyr or leave the mense initial outlay for set and
University or something. costumes, presented "The Mar-
"That has always been my quise" to smaller audiences than
hobby-to make a big sensa- the production would seem to per-
tion. My conferences with the ; mit profitably. Then followed a
deans on the campus always discouraging week of business for
used to be good for a big scan- I "Take My Advice", with the revival
dal, but the past one was sort calculated to recoup the loss. Fi.-
of a boomerang, and I got it nancially the season was a flop;
flush on the jaw. critically, it was not so bad. Both
"My favorite passage from "Diplomacy" and "The Marquise"
the scripture epitomizes my are fine examples of dramatic
hobby. You know, the one writing and were worth trying to
about the thirty pieces of do, however badly. But from the
silver." amusement point of view the re-
verse is true. "Diplomacy" was
Well, as Charles A. Lindbergh, dead, lacklustre, and consequently
famous American Don Juan, re- boresome; "The Marquise" was in-
marked to the Mexican correspon- adequately done, rather too much
dent for Rolls the other day, the so to be pleasant; while "Take My
course of true. love never runs Advice", well done and lots of fun,
smooth. seems just a bit lowbrow for the
audience that has been buying the
Personal tickets. People have laughed at the
Honest, Mustapha Camel, we show, but the next day seemed
would like to have run your ashamed .to admit it to friends.
poem on Lindbergh driving 1 Strange things happen; highbrow
with one hand, but, believe Ann Arbor goes hooligan in Hill
it or not, we thought of the auditorium at a Rachmaninoff
crack first. concert, then reverts to the intel-
* * * lectual empyrean at a low comedy
Anyway, after the accident that like the Lester thing. Queer peo-
Lindbergh and his sweetheart had, ple, the public. But then, Sardou
j you can say for sure that they were and Noel Coward are hardly good
head over heels in love training for the enjoyment of the
* George M. Cohan type of thing.
Women Disapprove of Hairy Or perhaps the blame is on the
Upper Lips a headline in the prolu~gig groups. From the acting
only Ann Arbor morning news- point of view this year seems to be
paper informs the world. WeGi, one, of capable mediocrities. The
suppose they do? We never no- Loomises and Hendersons and
ticed that many of them were Loughtons have departed in a
bothered by one. blaze of star glory. leaving behind
* * * - a host of personal followers who
A market dispatch informs us are quite without some one to turn
that world lead output for Janu- oto
ary was lower than that for De- Comedy Club imitates George
cember. That's all right. Don't Tyler's all star success, Mimes does
grow discouraged in the least. The Noel Cward because he's big stuff
February returns bolstered by the in New York and "The Marquise"
Chicago elections have not as yet is still running in London. Harris

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been recorded.
* * *
Two bootleggers were found
together shot to death in a#
shack near the Republic of
Chicago. Probably done by
two of their customers who
We see that our old pal Robert
Henderson went off on one of his
old-time verbal brawls in the
Music and Drama column yester-
day. Oh, Bobbie, you great, big,
wonderful boy, please tell us, justI
how do you do it?
* * *
In order to encourage wrest-
ling, says Coach Keen, the
lights in the field house will
be lowered nearly to the floor
tonight so that patrons can
get a better view of the grap-
plers. Coach Keen may be sin-
cere but the lowered lights will
throw no illumination on the
balconies where group the
spectators. Encouraging wrest-
^ling-yes-but according to
Conference break rules. We;
rather wondered why the fem-
inine element has taken such,
an interest in the mat meets.
Chicken Little.
* * *
The Penny Carnival committee
informs us now that there will be
one booth at their affair that will
be named "Go To Hell." Oh, no,
little girls, it costs an awful more
than one little penny to go to hell.
And we know.
And furthermore, Bobbie Hen-
derson, if you get any spells
like the one of yesterday very
often, just give us a ring and
we'll give you a whole column.
It sounds a lot funnier to us
than the stuff we write from

Players, perhaps most wisely, have
turned to the play itself. If "the
play's -the thing", then a following
can be built up who will overlook
production failings and be absorb-
ed, in the author's idea.
Under the circumstances this
flight to the play, or business of
'taking refuge in the author, may
more really be a step forward. It
depends on how you look at it. The
present idea is for a producer to
put out anything that happens to
strike his fancy of the public's'
fancy. Belasco becomes symbolic
for realistic and exact productions,
little more. The idea of a produc-
ing group selecting a certain type
of dramatic activity for its field
and giving as good productions .as
possible within that field is still a
novelty in this country. The pub-
lic "shops" now for entertainment;
unguided, much misguided, it fre-
quently buys wrong and, burnt,
does not buy again until the burn
is forgotten. Something like that
seems to have happened locally.
The remedy would seem. to be In
some sort of faith established be-
tween the- various groups here and
,the public. There are no stars now
to "pack 'em, in"; it is the pro-
ducers' turn to "play ball." Comedy
Club might well become a guar-
antee for comedy well done; Mimes
for problem or character plays.
Each field is wide enough to per-
mit a widely varied selection of
plays 4to be presented, and no one
would be stepping on any stray
toes; the interchange of talent is
so free, that no show should suffer
in casting. At the same time an
essential fact remains that for
each type of play a paying audience
might be built up who would prove
their faith at the box office with-
out the lure of "stars."
R. Leslie Askren.


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