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March 02, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-02

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N. -




-- - - i -

Joseph Stars As Wolverines Draw!
Within Reach Of Second

Former Governor Will Be Picked
By Hoover, Says Kansas City
S.~.4([y :associated Press)
4 KANSAS CITY, March 1.-
The Kansas City Star will say
in a copyrighted story in its
morning edition tomorrow that
Arthur M. Hyde, former gov-
Sernor of Missouri, wi I be sec-
retary of agriculture in the
~ IHoover cabinet.
Mr. Hyde has accepted the
appointment tendered him by
the president-elect and is en
route to Washington to attend
the inaugural ceremonies, the;
newspaper will say. He is due

Clubs Express Fear For F it
University After Preside
S 0 CA[[:Q(its
Presumably to clear up th
eral understandings which
among the members of the
- clubs of the far West, the Bc
END OF THIRD WEEK FINDS Directors of the Alumni Assc
REPARATIONS EXPERTS at its regular meeting at the
ALMOST AT HALT igan Union yesterday aft
flWI~~ NOWpassed a resolution urging t'
REPORTS NOW READY Carl Huber, Dean of the G
FOR MONDAY DEBATE School and E. J. Ottoway, pr(
of the Alumni association
Discussion Of Actual Terms For' thorized to make a tour
German Payments Is Next t
Step In Procedure Western clubs in the near f

N May Get Post
AST In Philippines


t F


Pour Into Washington
Witness Spectacle Of

*.to reach the capital tomorrow It seems to be a general opinion
morning. (f l synciated among western alumni of the Uni-
Scorin one in ea f the three PARIS, March 1.-A pleniary versity, that the resignation of WASB
periods, the Wolverine hockeyteam Arthur M. Hyde, governor of session of the second Dawes com- President Clarence Cook Little will bert Ho
Missouri from 1921 to 1925, is a mittee was called today for Mon- clusion
outplayed the fast Badger aggrega- graduate of otherwise the end of materially affect the workings ofnight,
tion last night in the Coliseum to -{igan, having Universi of ih thing, o thes tebendtof the Alumni association and will nightt
register their first Conference vic- here in 1899. found the experts at something of hinder the future progress of such rig. Gen. Frank M. McCoy nto th
tor on the home ice by a 3-1 mar- a halt between the questions of or-i projects as the Alumni University who has been prominently men- augurat
gin in the iotial contest of a two William D. Mitchell - -UnitededPres ganization and the delicate subjec- and the Ten Year Program, and t a- thirty-f
games series. Solicitor-General of the United WASHINGTON, March 1.-Pres- of definite figures for German war is the desire of the Board to cor- tioned as the next Governor-Gen- States.
The win over the formidable States, and a Democrat who will ident-elect Hoover tonight still held reparations. rect this impression which they eral of the Philippines, to succeed A few
Cardinal puckmen, who hold Vic- A the key to the identities of the two The three sub-committees which label as entirely incorrect and er- HL Stimson, who will be Sec- Choes o
tories over both Marquette and be the Attorney General in the!"mystery men" of his official faam- have been examining the principal roneous. They believe that the HenryCalvin
Minnesota, was the second scored Hoover cabinet. He was appointed ily in spite of what perhaps was aspects of the commission work University is suffering a severe loss retary of State. McCoy was in of his l
by the Loe ry-coached sextet at to his post in the Department of one of the greatest guessing con- probably will submit reports Mon. with thedresignation of President charge of the marines suervisingfamiliar
the expense f Wisconsn this sea- tests in all the history of Ameri- day. If they have found methods Little and they seem to fear for persadness
son and greatly enhances Michi- Justice by Coolidge. can cabinet making, of procedure acceptable to the the future of the school. the Nicaraguan election last year. him.
gan's chance of finishing in second . commission as a whole, discussion At th
place in the Big Ten standings. An- nof actual figures for yearly Ger- rT"" R''T oDawest
other t ry in tonight's game will (man payments and the number of der.1in
send the Wolves into second posi- NDyears over -whih those annuities dCurtis
oternitrdntng1' aewilID~M~ ~ W Fmnpyensadtenme fMn INflhi DCuLLILL)drtin
tion. are to be spread, will be the next him as
Exceedingly fast play featured step. from t
the opening period with neither ,Morgan To London th
team succeeding in working the There was, however, an impres- MV tG pr
puck in for close shots due to theJsion among some members of hethe ses
effective checking of both outfits. (___full committee that more prepar- publica
After 18:49 minutes of play Cope- Many National Authorities Speak George Johnson, Is Cast In atory work will be needed beforet Director of Carnegie Museum Regent Suggests That' University Coo
land took Joseph's perfect pass Before Delegates To Annual Male Lead; Eugenie Chapel Ianattempt can be made to get Speaks In Auditorium On Take Over Fraternity Mr. H
near the net and, drawing Frisch Real Estate Conference New Leadin Lady Germany and her creditors to a Entomology Property of prep
off balance, he drove in a short! __weaigLaycompromise point somewhere be- _head
one for the first- counter of the STDNSASOATN tween what Germany thinks shethad
One Minute To Play Thlieve she should pay. lected r
Continuing their tactics of the 1TTodThesmadIt was said that the sub-commit- "I am profoundly impressed with Fraternities and sororities could address
Cit iod, theiWolverines out-{ day program of addresses, round comedy by George S. Kaufman and tees have thus far succeeded so your University Museums build- easily place themselves on the tax- country
first p he Bg ers through the table discussions, luncheons, and Marc Connelly, will o en a week's well that the rest of the work of ing," said Dr. Andrey Avinoff, d exempt list by deeding over their gin a
seond 22 minutes of play, keeping dinners, delegates to the fourth run at -the Mimes theater next the commission probably would be rector of the Carnegie Museum inhs t h th even hi
seon n22m in lterplay, keeping- annual joint conference on real es- Monday night. As with "The Mar- handled in a similar manner. While Pittsburgh, in an interview afterhousetoh eUniversi, pus au proach
t continuall JosephManey tate between the School of Busi- quise," Mimes will offer a special the committees have been in ses- his lecture yesterday afternoon in under state laws, declared Regent
most conn'all Joe Maney ness 'Administration and the Mich- 'Saturday matinee sion small groups of experts have Natural Science auditorium on Junius E Beal aesterda Re ears o
Wisconsin goalie with well directed igan Real Estate association closed . .u mgathered in close heart-to-heart "Entomological Explorations in - that h
theirsessions at4 o'clockyesterday udg many person talks and these have been muchCentral Asia.' "All this discussion about thefeeling
thort shotssat4 *inc. eein
short shotsearly in the period. afternoon. who have had wide experience i more fruitful than the few discus- "Your Museum is an organism, legislation in Lansing which wbuld of old t
With less than a minute of the Theyhadhedaddr bycampus dramatics, has been ral- sions in pleniary sessions. it is a living institution," he con- put fraternities and sororities on his Nor
period remaining, Joseph took the e h eard aresses by hearsing regularly fr several J Pierpont Morgan of the United tinued "It is wonderfully equipped the tax-exempt rolls is simply an- career
puck near center ice and out-man- many nationally known authorities weeks on "To The Ladies." George{ States and Sir Josiah Stamp of for work, not only for the begin- other tempest in a teapot. Per- WhiteF
uuvered the Badger defense men in real estate and related fields, in- Johnson, 30, will play the leading Great Britain have gone to London ning student who is feeling his way sonally I have never considered day the
to carry it almost to the Wisconsin eluding Blake Snyder, Harold L. man, Leonard Beebe, while Eugenie I but they will return Sunday night in the scientific world, but for the that the Lansing bill was one on the
to carry itL almost tobet D! haplthene-Wisconsin Mme I wihwl as n aentwl e
net before driving a pretty shot Sinpson, Wayne NstonHerber D Cha!el, a ew-corna e toeaimsd so as to be on hand for the Mon- man who has already chosen his I ught ou it sriouslyae will be
past the helpless Frisch. The time A.. Loftus. Elsie Beebe. Arthur Hik1 ' day meeting. Until then the ex-,life work. And further, it is ex-sB Preside
on this goal was 21:41. .pUpper classmen in the School of - Mr. Kinkaid, J p in e 29, as perts as a body will rest. tremely well planned for public ex- suA"Rgt B Coolidg
, Uper lasmenin he chol o ! r. inkidJosephine Rankin, '30, Hwvr nnAbrms.b
Wisconsin rallied in the final pe-~ Business Administration reported as- Mrs. Kinkaid, Irving Cooper, '31, Continental Press Pessimistic hibition purposes. Your Museum, Howeer,this matter of raisin nation-'
rnod with the Meikeljohn brothers that they had profited much by the as the office boy, Charles Moyer, Pessimistic comment by Europ- unlike so many similar institutions careful iurn his mten o ng
and Kruger showering both short I close contact thus afforded with "29, as the politician, and Kenneth ean newspapers on the apparent will not stagnate. It will grow" the tax besnm," he went on y r
and long shots at Grace, the Mich- leading students of the science of White, '29, as the toastmaster are scanty results achieved by the com- Dr. Avinoff, besides being a sci- a ma ter of time higher it is only D
igan goalie who was credited with real estate, and the delegates ex- also included in the cast. mittee work drew some answeringI entist, is a painter and an experi- aHouses will be forced to remove mony t
13 saves. After Kruger had work- pressed much interest in the work There are three sets in the pro- observations from the commissionI enced traveller. In his lecture he themselves from the tax rolls. This stantly
ed the puck deep into Wolverine being done by the Business Admin- duction of "To The Ladies", re- 'circles. It was pointed out that described, with the aid of colored r
territorypthereowasoalmad scrambleaistrttronnschool
territory there was a mad scramble istration school. quiring a greater outlay. than was' the editorial commentors were bas- slides, expeditions which he made' ope inuwou and would not te nig t
in front of the Michigan net and One of the highlights of the formerly necessary in the case of ing their judgment upon what had for the purposes of gathering en- quie manylegislation whatsoever.dnstrndsg
the alert Don Meikeljohn drove a program was a speech by President the one set play which customar- actually been disclosed and it was tomological data into Central Asia; Tue ran eitionwdtsore vania
short ones past the prostrate Clarence Cook Little at the annual ily held the boards at Mimes thea- added that from the inside view, into the Panirs district in 1908, Thefrateitwoulds mandserelyore vania a
Grace, for his team's single counter. banquet held last night in the ter. The top price for the weeks' the rate of progress was regarded and from Turkestan to India in quesd ould mery agree eto thesi
p prce fr th wees',,deed over their property to "the the in:
Mason offset this point, however, Union, when he bitterly flayed the' run will be $1 at the night per- as satisfactory. 1912. University, thus making the struc- {pointsc
after l§ minutes of the game had taxation program of the present formances and 75 cents at the Sat- "The fauna of Central Asia," he tures thus mn g the points
elapsed when he took a perfect state administration. urday matinee. FOUR FREE FAG said, "offers clues to the distribu- ates box-lik
pass from Joseph near the side oft---n t, not only i Asia, but specac
he rnk aAreet teFURNISHo 7 FUN FOR the new and old worlds." The "The University would be glad to (even th2
the Badgernnet for the final and Labial Hirsute Adornments Are Bunk, FURNISH FUN FOR useumneexpertdescribed the effect this change," Regent Beal
most spectacular goal of the con- W TFORTUNATE FOPS' quaint architecture and customs contiued, " aoud place in i takeni
tet F liejhiGgld~ m nctunSD iyiresnmen ' O T N T O Swhich he encountered on his hands a considerable amount of tke
_.__eikehngged travels, authority and power over the frat- tions.
h offensive' work of Joseph, By C. S. M. ..!experience with a man who had a Old Gold Cigarettes Are Chosen Dr. Avinoff also mentioned other ernities, a conditionwhich it would Arou
Maney, and Mason featured the Does the average woman student mustache, one sweet young thing Most Popular In Tests By explorers who had done work in e g ring ab . and at
play of the Michigan team, the I or any woman student like the man replied: "Yes!! I knew a fellow University Students Central Asia, Dr. Sven Hedir, the "There is little doubt but that an gather
former figuring in every Wolverine !who wears a mustache? Or, more who before raising a mustache! Scandinavian explorer,. Dr. W. W. expert city manager could save only a
score. Grace turned in a good ' specifically, do they like mus- was a real pal, but as soon as it Lured on by an opportunity for Rockhill, an American investigator, Ann Arbor thousands and thou- create.
piece of work at goal making a: aches themselves? Disregarding was grown, I lost all respect for free cigarettes, more than 250 Uni- Savage Landour, a picturesque fig- sands of dollars a year," he declar- hand f
total of 28 stops while Bryant play- I the chance to wise-crack about the him." She also admitted that she versity students appeared at the fure, and several others. led further. "We have one of the Repr
ed a strong defensive game. I fair sex showing leanings towards would rather be kissed by a man Union yesterday to take part in Dr. Avinoff is a Russian, the son cleanest cities in the world here, convey
For the Badgers the bespectacled lsuch things, The Daily freshmen' without one. . tests conducted by the Old Gold of a general of the Czar. Besides and I do not think for a moment ing st
Don Meikeljohnrwas the outstand recently carried on an extensive "Charlie Chaplin is not the type" cigarette company, under the sup- his present scientific position, he is that we have fraud or graft, but trains
ing star, repeatedly stealing the ! canvass to discover the sentiment was the consensus. And never let ervision of a representative from notable for his paintings and for I businesslike methods administered with f
puck and working it in for a shot toward the adornments, and all soup stains or shredded wheat stay The Daily. - his work in the Red Cross during by an expert would aid greatly in garage
at the Michigan net. Gordon except one found that the major- in them, they demanded. Each student was given four free the War. Also, his collection of keeping our taxes at a point where unable
Meikeljohn at defense and Krug- ity of women think that they (the: He who found women favorable cigaettes, and permitted to smoke European butterflies is one of the club houses will not be forced to guests.
er, right wing played well as did mustaches, of course) are the discovered that those young ladies them at his leisure, the only stipu- most complete of its kind in the make the move which will come if sleepin
Frisch, the Badger goalie, who bunk. said it made Michigan men "more lation being that he select the world. the load gets much heavier. ium b
make 19 saves. In baring their secret thoughts, manly" as about the only reason. brand which appealed most to his -__-_the in
The Lineups Ithe women gave several reasons (Can it be possible?) "They areItaste. Lonely Island Life Holds Charmsthat I
Michigan Wisconsin for disliking the little appendages. fascinating" lisped another. The students indicated by num- Lf H ldAnarrang
Grace........Goal.........Frisch "Its vanity-pure and unadulterat- -';ber their first choice or pronoun- For Hildner; Also Likes Tennis visitor

(By Associated Press
iINGTON, March 1.-Her-
over sat in the quiet se-
of his "S" street home to-
free from the noise and
of the thousands pouring
e city to witness his in-
ion on Monday as the
.rst president of the United
blocks away, with the
f farewells still in his ears,
Coolidge was spending one
ast nights in surroundings
'in years which had visited
as well as happiness upon
e capital today Charles G.
rapped occasionally for. or-
the Senate and Charles
f Kansas, who will succeed
vice-president, faced him
he floor, Dawes occupying
siding officer's chair and
emaining until the end of
sion as leader of the Re-
n' forces.
lidge Gets Sentimental
[oover had finished a task
aring himself to take Over
ninistration of government
00,000 people. He had se-
his cabinet, prepared . the
which he will deliver to his
men, and was ready to be-
period of service such as
s active life has never, ap-
lent Coolidge, with seven
f duty behind him, happy
e had served, but with a
of regret over the breaking-
ies, turned his eyes toward
thampton home, where the
that eventually led to the
House was begun. On Mon-
're will be a brief ceremony
capitol plaza. Mr. Hoover
ome President Hoover and
nt Coolidge will become Mr.
e, and the destinies of the
will be in new hands.
[otels Buzz With Life
n by the promise of wit-
this wholly American cere-
he crowds arrived in con-
increasing numbers to-
o find a city decked with
and flags. Long rows of
stood out along Pennsyl-
avenue to seat the tens of
nds who choose to witness
augural parade from such
of advantage. Space in up-
ndows was converted into
e affairs from which the
le could be reviewed, and
e dingy area of lower Penn-
a avenue which " is to be
for government buildings,
ight with colorful decor-
nd hotel lobbies, on streets,
other centers where people
the scenes were those which
n inauguration period can
There were delegations on'
rom many states.
esentatives for all kinds o
ances reported an unend-
ream of visitors. Special
were enroute; automobiles
oreign tags filled the city's
s, and the larger hotels were
to care for additional
It was indicated that
g room would be at a perm-
y Sunday night. although
augural 'committee believed
he accommodations it had
ed would be ample for all

Hart... . R D.G. Meikeljohn
Bryant.......L L. ..Gallaiger
Joseph.......C.C . .D. Meikeljohn
Maney"........ R W ........ Siegel
Sclilander .....LW..... .Kruger
Referee, Roushorne (Windsor).
SPARES-Michigan: Abbett, Ny-
gard, Copeland, Mason, Shea.
Wisconsin: Peterson.
First period-Penalties: Abbett

'ed vanity quoth one girl, "and iced preference after they hadAndAirships!
Indomitable Will e
arises simply from a desire to smoked all four cigarettes. The question of seweather for
emulate Adophe Menjou, or, per Keeps General Alive mFor a time all four brands seem- "Young man, you'e too ear to Ican find peace enough to con, Monday was the main considera-
haps, Charlie Chaplin." One girl ed to go well, but as the test pro- get the news on my latest hobby, centrate on my work, not bothered tion in the minds of those hain
admitted that they were all right t Associated, e ss) gressed Old Golds and one other for I haven't taken it up yet," said aseportesh and other pests,in n the mns of t a ving
asserted the .venerable Gra in hand the task of carrying out
in their place, but that sometimes PARIS, March 1. -Physicians brand which appears to enjoy by Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, of the Ger- teacher. the ceremonies. Weather fore-
they became too easily misplaced. said tonight that Marshal Ferdi- far the largest sale pulled into the man department, when a Daily "I play tennis also, and I can casters were unwilling tonight to
I Other reasons for dislike were nand Foch was living only on sheer lead. It was nip and tuck between reporter asked what his hobby was. .win because I play with my head," hazard a prediction on the fickle
"They look like an old fashioned grit. They said that his courage- these two brands through to the "In just a few years now, I am he contiued "I make a good ten- elements of a March day, feeling
{ wood-cut.""They .get in the way Ius, but apparently hopeless, bat-end, with Old Golds finishing first going to make a hobby of flying nis coach, too, as Phil Diamond that it would be unwise to forecast
Iat times." "They make a man tle for life, might continue for some by a rather slender margin.- across the ocean, but that will be Morris Schatz, and Paul Betz wilf at this early time. A mistake
1nnk tAn nd" anr1 "the mna th Idays. Altnother M. tnd e niked i ...-,._.-. .-.. ,.- 1- _1.._4,.4-_ ,. m . ... -.4.---

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