~I, 192ยง THE MICHI-AN DAILY ,s " 4. Li U AWA*AUN Z &l OM FRfESHMN WIN FIRST' Miss Elizabeth Halsey On Leave From T /T'9 /Y / AN 9 7Ys44 - 9S' '' R + 'h i~ rhirty Booths At Penny C I 11IoWa To T each Pyss.9i 1IzUyI1 10I1UWW s31UW Vitri y a 1U GAMEI TORNAMENT The University of Michigan is to note, was there at the same TOPIC OFRA0 IO TLK By M. E. remai fortunate this semester to have on time as Dr. Bell. How'd you like to "Go to Hell?" care o it. staff a person of varied ex- Her only comment in compar- Especially if you could go with the the V Defeat Sophomore I Team In Fast perience in physical education, ing Iowa and Michigan is that the Grace Richards Discusses Living Alpha Gamma Delta's? That's just and d Battle By Small Margin Of Miss Elizabeth Halsey. Miss Hal- weather at either place is just as Quarters, Jobs, Loan Funds what you'll have a chance to do at 100 pe Single Point sey has come on a semester's leave bad. Miss Halsey feels that one And Self Government the Penny Carnival, next Wednes- booths of absence from the University of cannot make comparisons of real day evening, March the 6th. "Go it mil BLUE DEFEATS YELLOW Iowa where she is the head of the value on the basis of a short IS BROADCAST OVER WJR to Hell" is the name of the booth Phi( _______Department of Physical Educa- period of experience. In her work engaged by Alpha Gamma Delta, at the Pyi t tense speed, h tion for Women. here she has found library facil- teand admission to the trip will be will o ay n a a Miss Halsey's work in the past ities and service excellent. She is Women's interests at hUr- pnature has associated her with the Uni- also interested in the University's versiny"imclude, besides academic nepehavin fre sohm I team by 'wo re vrty There will be 30 booths in, all, 22,ha g or 2 p22, as I each battled for a evi- versities of Chicago -and Wiscon- Care of student health and in the interests and extra-curricular ac- of which will be engaged by so- Phi a or2-2ssec ate o ic- WlelyClee n h xeleteupetfraheis hes tory in its initial interclass bas- -si, Wellesley College, and the excellent equipment for athletics. tivities, the problem 'of where to rorities and six by dormitories. The shoe-s ketball contest at 4 oclock yester- State University of Iowa. Here at Miss Halsey says: "The campus such ta ctest at 4 Bcrbck y - Michigan she is acting in the seems to offer a variety of extra live, part-time employment, stu- t~o There dnasium. During the last few min- capacity of lecturer in physical curricular activities, some of which dent loan funds and emergency i rivends utes of play, the count wavered education, while spending part of are undoubtedly valuable educa- funds, and student government, Voted B A A UT serve her time in study. tional experiences. The interest- declared Miss Grace Richardsy of the other. At one moment it At the University of Chicago ing lectures and concerts are en-' candy Miss Halsey received her Bach- joyable. I find the atmosphere chairman of the Advisers of WorM-Man y s0hfs arehedseindys l g ca no ealA s f. point on. the freshman margin, elor's degree and, it is teresting very friendly and stimulatig" en, when speaking last ght on shipsare open to both men and Perh but immediately .after the sopho-- the Michigan Night radio program, women but there are ver few for 5ound mores dropped in another basket Theta Sima Phi To Teachin Discussedbroadcast through WJR. rate, i and took the lead. Dorothy Bird- amecHousing facilities for women at women alone. The American Asso- osity zell retalliated by scoring for thei Elect New Members B ducation Grol Michigan include, according to ciated of University Women voted Tsys freshman, making the count 23 to E Miss Richards, five dormitories, 22 at their fifth national convention ly"- 22 in their favor, and no more i sorority houses, and 72 Leag n 1927 to condtict a $1,000,000 drive The n baskets were made after that be- At a meeting held last Tuesday, At a meeting of the Women's houses. During the past semester to remedy this condition. Tau A fore the final-whistle. Theta Sigma Phi, national jour- Educational Club yesterday after- she stated, 367 women lived i The interest of this fund," says and w The excellent work of Esther La nalistic sorority, decided to start noon in the Play Room of the Bet- dormitories, 408 in sororities, 672 Dr. Martha Guernsey, of the psy- We w Rowe and Dorothy Felske as fresh- its elections for new members. The i chology department, and chairmanwi man guards, and the speed that requirements for election ,include E sy Barbour dormitory, the ques- in League houses, 98 with relatives, of the local chapter of the million will b the sophomores acquired probab- at least one course in journal- tion of the opportunities present- and 75 earned room and board in dollar drive committee, "will be trait ly kept the red team from piling ism, an interest in newspaperj ed for teaching in foreign coun- With regard to p . used for fellowships for foreign and sfp larger score. work, and if possible 'experience tries was discussed pyt for wo part-time em- domestic work in any field." The of P The line-up for the game was as on The Dy.e pwayms rs R -A. A. U. W. awards 24 scholarships havin followsieAn acquaintance with the pro- Helen a. Westphal, pec. Ed., ards observed that the most su- hyear. These are for $1,000 Sophomore I Freshman I fessors in the journalism depart- swho has been in southeastern stantial help lies in working for each on the average. This small Ata J. Quarry R..e.l..... B. Healy slight influence laska, told of the opportunities room and board. Odd jobs are also amount makes it almost necessary I ! RF B. Balyon the elections. Membershifle re. Some elementary schools filled. Last year the report, which for the beneficiary to study in her E. Wood.. ...JC E. Batesng el- are one teacher schools and some included summer work, showed afrwn country. Of all these awards, HMor...C.. M.SihioswlcotnetruhSVare two teacher schools. The two total of 275 jobs, by which Univer - 1wni. H. Wilson.....RC M. Hershe era meetings this spring. s ss only one is given by the A. A. U. W. eral eetigs ths spingteacher schools often employ man sity women earned over $35,000. itefThohrsaednedb R. Crooks....RG... D. Felske { and wife. There are 13 full four Stdn on eeue atyait.e ohriati ons. teebwere R. Reed.......LG E. LaRowe Women Needed For year high schools. Of the students by 90 women, Miss Richards stated private organizations. There were Subsitutionrs. n S omBore- d Tr Ie that graduate from these, 50 per Thetcollective borrowings amount- 2 a or theA A.U. Whitey; reshen-. Bicidal, Teachers I Speech cen go on to Universities and; ed to $12190. "Michigan h~as -shoasipaatner E.R Louden.,n, olge.a The Ann Arbor quota of the With only five players on eacho eseven greater beneficence in its $1 000,000 is $30,000, of which $1,000 team, the Blue and Yellow squads Teaching, Prof. Gail Densmore fLeona M;. ough, '29Ed, treated Emergency fuids," she continued. has already been donated anony- met at 5 o'clock, the former win- believes, is the main field of speech with the teaching possibilities in "Since 1926, when two small funds masly The local chapter is aon- ning 11 to 9. At the end of the work for women at the present Porto Rico and Judith Jiminenz, were entrusted to the Advisers for templating giving $500. first half, the Yellow team was time. There is a great opportun- who has gone to school there, told use in emergencies, the University The additional scholarships will leading, 9 to .2, but shortly after ity along that line, as an increase of the climate and living con- has made 24 gifts, varying in allow many more worthy women to the. Blue team picked up and held in the amount of speech instruc- ditions. Married teachers are not amounts from $10 to $200, and each tn thr rh k in their Opponents to no baskets tion in secondary schools makes wanted in Porta Rico and teachers time has warded off disaster." an feld of academi interest while they 'scored nine points. for a greater demand for good must be under 21 or over 40 years Student government at Michigan, i _____________speech instructors. ( of age. as it operates through the Womer?'s she called "the pride of last year", == 1 1However, in' his opinion, speech The opportunities for teaching 4 League, was then described by Mss 1and of the new Women's League I T 11 T Lu lis not necessary only to those in the Hawaiian Islands were Richards. She concluded her re- building, "the pride of this year", who intend to teach it. A certain given by Marjorie A. Barber, '29Ed, marks with a brief mention of the which is to be opened jn May and Po amount of speech training is and Martha Choy, who has taught Women's Athletic building, which dedicated at Commencement time. necessary for any business wom- in the Islands, told of her ex- M nuniSm TO an, no matter in what line of bus- periences. She stated that it is Ch imess she is. Professor Densmore necessary for anyone desiring to OSCAR O. M. VOGEL MARTIN I. VOGEL Ro conducts two classes in Public teach in the Hawaiian Islands to MRN MISS IONE JOHNSON WILL Speaking for Detroit business men have quite a bit of experience. F1 SUPERVISE COACHING OF and women at the Detroit Public Teachers are not immediately IPa THE CLASSES Library, each one meeting once a placed" in a school at Honolulu, V m week. The need of being able to but are started in schools in the P6 NEW PROGRAM PLANNED talk well in all kinds of business smaller islands. Phone 6656 339 South Main Street is shown by the kind of people First try-outs for Orchesis will that attend. Among the women, Woman Graduate be held during a special class in there are music teachers, gym We are having some Fancy Capons, Roasting ~2natural dancing which will beI teachers, librarians, stenographers' anages I pltr aau odniog1 lc u nd secretlarias tngrpes 1gs 0pt Chickens Fowl, Broilers, and Ducks. S held from '10 to 12 o'clock Satur- an3ertr.' .zsiea, r,~c us day, March 2, in Barbour gym- Achy Iype, Indian woman who nasium. SPORT NOTICES graduated from the Michigan med- - SPECIALSin In this class and those that will ical school in 1928, has been doing ufT continue to be held on following Come out and bowl at the field interne work at a women's hospi- White House Coffee Large Gold Dust Saturdays, the try-outs will be in- house. It is open every day from tal in Philadelphia. 47c lb. 25c package mc structed and coached on the dif- 4 to 6 o'clock. Practice for the She sails for India next month, irpr ferent fundamentals of natural coming tournament. according to a letter received from n can fo 25c Ho cay 2ec dancing, by Miss Ione Johnson, her by Mrs. Scott, former patron- faculty advisor for Orchesis. Their The beginning class in rifle meets ess of the Cosmopolitan Club. Miss - performance in these different today from 4 to 6 o'clock on the Iype has accepted an offer from the iiiii1iriig1 1ilutulillininilirililturnitiliir . c riteria will be graded and their range of the field house. Captain igovernment of the Indian province: .. progress noted. Secoid semester I Bricker will be there to give in- of Tranvancore to take charge of'; freshmen are now eligible to at-; tructions one of the hosnitals there arrival Will w rum cm irnivl Wil Who? All women 'on campus Originality In Plans i hattW.^A. ^. Cheap Skate : f gi t n a When? This afternoon, from 3 to 5 o'clock! ning two are being taken U;Where? The Coliseum. I if by Hillel Foundation and - . Woman's League. Sororities T ormitories have turned out Sigma Atvha IotaT r cent, and to say that the: sound intriguing is putting Initiate New Members dly! Gamma Mu is offering games - ir stand, and other sororities Sigma Alpha Iota, musical so- ffer amusement of a similar ority, will hold its initiation of new . Kappa Alpha Theta is members at 2:30 tomorrow. The ex- g a fish-pond, while Alpha gain this year is to run the ercises will take place i the hining parlor which made Church of Christ, at the corner of a hit at last year's Carnival. Tappan and Hill streets. Members will be plenty of food of all to be initiated are Doris Standish, offered. Pi Beta Phi yill Dorothy King, Frances Peck, Juan- sandwiches, Sorosis will have ita Cahill, Mrs. Marguerite Wittith, eam, and other eats such as and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Dalby, all and Eskimo pies will be on of the School of Music, and Bertha Slo, '31, and Betty Sutherland, '30. aps Helen Newberry's idea. The initiation will be followed by s the most intriguing. At any a banquet, to be held at 6:30 in the t will arouse the most curi- Haunted Tavern, and at this func- among the feminine sex! tion Miss Rousseau Criswell will are to have a booth "for -Men preside as toastmistress. Decora- -and all that for a penny tions for the banquet will be in red ight club sponsored by Zetaand white, the sorority colors, and lpha also has its attractions, will consist of red roses and white will no doubt prove popular. sweet peas, and red and white )nder if Kappa Delta's booth tapers. e decorated with a large por- awarded, one to the most original of Ken Patrick-or do you booth, and the other to the booth se they will have an obituary taking in the most pennies. There aul Kern instead?-they're will probably be five judges, all g the State Street booth, you members of the Department of Physical Education, headed by Dr. any rate, two prizes will be Margaret Bell. hey're Here -New Spring, HRIFT FROCKS Ika Dot Prints odern Prints eck Prints man Prints ower Prints stel Colorings vy, Black 1 You c 9 styles he newer odels-ai ce woulc [he an't begin $9.95 will st styles ! 4,. -9 .4-', it e .'Sit: S t: ..q. ", , tend these classes. I -sL4-Lis i 1Vk Initiation of try-outs, according - 6 -.J1S1i1L I e\ . r to Jeannette Saurborn, W. A. A.: __m representative in Orchesis, will be-T -__ held Wedrnesday, March 6, but;-Li eat these classes for the initiates will - continue until they have mastered:= no gh fi i IprnKileof naur enough of the principles of natur- al dancing to be able to under- ;^--=- stand and work with the group on different ':problems. At present, the society is plan- Use Soft Sheer ning another program, somewhat 1 similar to the dance drama "The Little Princess" which they re-, Crepes cently gave so successfully. It is expected that this program will be divided, and both the initiates Chiffons and georgettes and the. old' memnbers will give I various original problems which ifashion these charming ithey will begin -work on imme- new models. With ruf- Although the exact date for this -les and drapings in the program has not been announced'g as yet, plans are discussed as to a correct manner, accent-, joint production of Orchesis and the University girl's Glee Club. =ming the uneven hem er fr -ae e u d $. This would allow both societies_ line - the jabot - the H eead to give individual numbers, lamndld ilineaour e popular priced hat range- woul also have an added feature- molded hip line. Stress- rI= srurprce rng - of natural dancing numbers t ing the newest colors. s season we have established a ne the voice music.'is na e ii 1 4' , __d - -t popular pricee-- Long Island Girl To -- Be Foremost Golfer: and up - $5 Miss Helen Hicks, the 18-year= II -_50 old girl from Hewlett, Long Is- land, seems destined to be one of Americas foremost women golfers if she maintains the pace that she l - has already set. I=Smart New Spring Shapes of the Eyebrow9T p The youngster from Long IslandS started off the winter season by - -rU winning the Bermuda women's1 Hats-Second Floor championship and followed this I Ilk 1lp .lp 7 ! Y Ilqmmw- I.'il/- Sri - ;",, " -' ; .