ESTABLISHED 180 Jr, Lw.;qan A~ MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 110. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1929 EIGHT PAGES NOTED JUDGES A ports Building APF10 ARESuit~ Postvoned NIIE -- .- AIM Of GLIDING Buffah . Man Not Included In New Cabinet Selections LITTLE1LAMMAIS O WEIGH ONACiTo Forfeit Dela FOR FARM AI O VANS G[ By To Retire ~5'Court action regarding the law--[V DAIl1TIV suit of the Palmer Construction' AIl In Col. William J.Donovanaround PL YPRDU Clio cmanHgantshinvrst1t-L 1 1S SSO A I 'hmmc o h r-i naugura-u company against theUn versityAth- tion cabinet speculation has waged, letie association for the recovery REnow seems to be definitely out of JONSTELLE, QUIRK, WALLACE of approximately $120,000 was def- WILIEF RAND FOR FNTFAEE S P EAT President-Elect Hoover's cabinet. WILL DECIDE MERITS OF WILL BE READY FOR NINETEENTH PROGRAM AB WIDECTIDE ERPLAYS initely postponed until another CONSIDERATION OVER WJR Donovan was first prominently L STUDE Shearing could be held on March mentioned as the new attorney- BILL RUNS MARCH 12-15 Y18. HOOVER ACCEPTS DATE GLEE CLUB FOUR S1WGS oclsaionda ionthedago ftaetgone LAU The lawsuit, which is being would receive that post. An un- "The Joiners," "Passion's Prog- heard here in Ann Arbor in Judge Vandenberg Says Reapportionment Miss Richards Discusses Women's expected wave of opposition to his Preside ress "My Man," And "Outside Sample's court and in Detroit, was Bill Will Be Taken Up During Interests At -The appointment developed both intR This Room" Surviye Test Sebrought by the Palmer Construc- Special Session University Washington and from dry forces" -nr lthroughout the country on the Three persons prominent in dra- tion company in otder to claim (By Associated Pres Outlining the progress of glid- ground that he did not believe in I"I la matics, Miss Jessie Bonstelle of the the sum of money which it was WASHINGTON, Feb. 28.-The ing as a sport and of its place prohibition, although he is a totalitain i Detroit Civic Theater; Daniel L: compelled to forfeit for not con- special session of Congress for among the activities of students abstainer and prosecuted the eigh- state a Quirk, Jr., of Ypsilanti, and Prof. pleting construction within the consideration of farm relief and of the University, Robert Evans, teenth amendment' to the fullest tion w Cheter M. Wallace, head of the contracted time. The company tariff probably will be called on member of the junior class and extent in his former post as Dis- a ledgec uramatic school at Carnegie In- alleged that it was not responsible April 10 as a result of suggestions head of the University glider sec- trict Attorney at Buffalo. -said P etItute of Technology, have been for the delays which were caused placed ,b e f o r e President-elect tion, last night addressed the radio As assistant to the attorney-gen- Dtle last procured as judges for the final by changes in the architect's plans Hoover by House Republican lead- audience, speaking on "Gliding ' eral during the present adminis- Co. William J. Donovan to thea elimlnation in the presentation of and by insufficient and Its Purpose, as the feature tration, Colonel Donovan was one hGeneral of the Philippines, but of re. one-act plays by the Division of At a hearing held today, accord- Representative Tilson of Connec- talk of the nineteenth Michigan; of the first to espouse Hoover'si he seems to have definitely turned Of Bu English, ing to a statement from the law ticut, majority floor leader, an- Night program boadcast from the'yy. ur-Day Bill gnounced today that this date, sub- ;new Morris hall studio through caddc ls er meiteydw telterofr yl office of Cavanaugh arid Burke nWRDetroitafter Coolidge's famous statement Thus it seems p.obable that tion. On Tuesay, Wednesday, Thurs- oeetceoofhCavanaugh andnBurkeoDonovan who "Thei arch who are acting as solicitors for the ject to change, had been proposed trg torun. Donovan, who gained considerable th day and riy nights, March 12, (Athletic association, it was de- to Mr. Hoover after consulation E When it became apparent that fame in the World War as a col- tio 1wl pntd 15, Play Produc- cided to postpone further action with the chairmen of the House bringinggliding to this country ithere was too much opposition to onel of New York's famous "Fight- obe ion will present at private labor-Ion the case on account of the in- agriculture and ways and meansi to fy who canno afford a cpilot urse Donovan as attorney-general, he ing Sixty-Ninth," will retire to wat hbon atory showings the fourplycomteastwhntewolmnindfrtewrr teryirst gseeterdas then bestsufficiency of the grounds The .b readyttoreport the fa d in piloting motor planes. He point- was mentioned for the war port- private life on March 5 and re-th the firsttsemestero as the best case was deferred until Marchh tariff bills. The president elect, he ed out the growth of the sport in ,n i rasGernr-smhs w practice. ident L among a number that had pre- added, had previously informed Germany, where it has expanded particu viously been chosen for produc- the leaders that he would be will- tremendously since its inception ANFool'sc tion from the group of plays sub- ing to abide by their judgement. on a large scale in 1918. linefo mitted 'in the play contest. The The date of April 15 previously Economical And Practical ;III iAN EITNL Yslaw. plays and their authors are "My had been mentioned for the start "In addition to being economica Man" by Jerome McCarthy, '29, rlof the session. and within the means of any"ItV "Passion's Progress" by R. Leslie jamRle is young man, g idigi ohsf o't Askren,' '29, "Outside This Room" Tilson said the farm bill would and of practical value," he said.H admini "Pasin' Prgrss byR.LelielsoEITINS;sarmd Ree farFislyun mnwgidngisbthsaepAR _ IR AG INAD R SS AL MNiI by Dorothy Ackerman, '29, and be given precedence over the tariff "The practical value of gliding is senset "The Joiners" by Arthur Hinkley. .mrieasure. Thefoerthe said, emphasized by the opportunity it to take Admission Details Later ! Russian Lecturer Is A Well Known would be ready for House consid- gives the student of aviation to Exhibits No Awkwardness Piloting Has Been Chosen As Main Speaker aon,1 Full details regarding the ad- Artist And Traveller As Well eration around April 10 and could experiment with the technical side Plane Using Only For Troy-Albany Club's mission mission of persons to the four As Scientist be disposed of in about a week of flight problems that extend to Left Arm Annual Banquet study 1 presentations have" not yet been Chairman Hawley had informed the whole field of aviation, bothforea announced by Valentine B. Windt I HAS H E CLETare!{igan adrzd.Lkwie1- . director of Play Production,. but OLLECTION him, he said, that the tariff bill lidigv an mactotoriedx rikewine HIS RIGHT IS IN SLING CLUB ANNOUNCES GIFTa haa _____would be complete by April 20.' ie rcia xerec n SI LN it is understood that the judging constructing planes because of the ._state t wilake pace gt the Friday night Scientist, artist, traveller, and iTequire thought this measure wou d simplicity of the glider and the (y As sociara P r) Prof. Claude Van Tyne, of the admin showing for which formal invi- lecturer, Dr. Andrey Avinoff, direc- month to pass. Inrspeaicheapness of the material. MEXICO CITY, Feb., 28.-Col. ties;P tations 'will be issued and to which tor of the Carnegie Museum in The House agriculture committee In speaking of the progress made Charles A. Lindbergh today dem- chosen as the. principle speaker wer dn those reoeiying. such invita- { tbrh wl eka :5wll m et._ ro o osg here at Michgar, -Wan-roted the onstrated with one hand his con-!wllr i t cePittsburgh, ill speak at 415will meet tomorrow to consider fact that approximately 30 men fidence in flying even while his for the annual banquet of the Uni derlie1 Miss Jessie Bonstelle, the first oclock this afternoon in Natural panps f r m in witesseson and one woman have already right arm remained in a sling as versity of Michigan club of Albany- arises. of the judges, is well known -for Science auditorium on "Entomol- embers of the ways and means {flown. the result of his "mishap" of yes- Troy, which will be held within tempts her connection with the Detroit ogical Explorations in Central committee have been called to Discusses Tooth Troubles terday. Miss Anne S. Morrow, his the next few weeks, it was an- a kno theater which formerly bore her Asia, "under the auspices of the meet Saturday to map out a course "Dental Infections as Related to promised wife, bravely followed his nounced yesterday. This year the volved, name. She has.always been men- Museum of zoology of procedure for the sub-commit-Systematic Diseases" was the topic lead with undiminished faith in banquet is to be a "Jubilee Dinner" G wtoned prominently in connection A w . o tees which will draft the rate of the talk delivered by U. Gar- the ability of the colonel and the in celebration of the remarkable "I d 'changes to be incorporated in the field Rickert, professor of physiol- safety of the work which has been progress the club has made in its the g ment. . tions which he has made in Asianm ogical chemistry and hygiene i his life. work for the Unversity Ten Year would Quirk has, attained national for -the purpose of collecting en- new tariff measure. the School of Dentistry. Dr. Rick- Miss Morrow aarentl f odorr o prominence in connection with his tomological data, one in the Panirs ncer Facto 'ert denounced to some degree the tonic in the medicine prescribed As its share in the Ten Year princip work some time ago as head of in 1908, and one from India to. Declaring there were too many seemingly popular notion that in the tLainingmcp rescribed A the Anbthy Ten Yar pnis uncetai facorsenteingint theI i thegaiingcorps of the United 'Program, the Albany Troy-club has univers one of the better known organiza- Turkestan in 1912. He is consider- uctain factors e io t most diseases of the system are dStates Army by which a fier is decided to present a gift to the red. ' tions composed of those connected ed a world authority on the subjectd situation, Tilson said he would not directly related to the condition sent back into the air to renew University, the interest on which operati with the theater. At present he is of entomology, having gathered to- ake a prediction as to how long of the teeth. his confidence as soon as possible will be used to purchase copies or state, in charge of a group of players gether a collection of the butter- A slar esson o t. "From a study of many patients after a crack-up. She seemed a originals of manuscripts relating their h in Ypsilanti. flies of Europe which is considered large maid oflthe Hs who have been admitted to our trifle nervous as she entered the to the history of that part of the just h For 10 Years An Actor one of the most complete of its members, he said, believe that- dental clinics," he said, "it is evi- airplane but after three short country, to be added to the col- sity fu The last of the judges, Professor kind in the world. much could be gained if the ses- dent that while some clinicians, aighlanerbunafe deshortconteCdemeol-ryAun Walac, asanenvabe eptasion was confined to farm relief:eseial those who have observ: flights over Vabuena field she was f ection in the Clements L~brary, I A un Wallace, has an enviable reputa- Dr. Avinoff will also devote a and the tariff.nThe House would espitalzed aseshaveoe as gayly confident as her compan- here TheCampaign committeeto, h tion as head of the Carnegie dra- part of his address to an explana- be ready and willing however, he ion. 'under the chairmanship of Ford comes ma school. Previous to his affilia- pbe reatheandrkillingherowevdrnghe ' estimated the significance of den-,t n maon sch. Preis t ha ia- tooof the work of other leading said, to take action on a reappor- tal infections, we have, opposingI Lehman has been securing pledges to ent tion with Cari'egie he had been (eComedyt wo ae ad fran connected with several other edu- 'et is o avtionment bill and any measure this, a deplorable lack of publicComedy Club's Play froh the member of the club and be his cational institutions and had peditions to Asia. 'dealing with the fifteenth decen- consciousness of the real serious- 1. has already far exceeded its orig-bi spent ten years on the stage as The scientist has had a varied nial census should the Senate leg- ness of these involvements. Has Second Showig inal goal. guage tn actor. He will be in Ann Arbor career. He was born in Russia, islate on these subjects. "The four abnormal dental con- --When the plans was first con- eears during the coming summer ses- his father having been an impor- Constitutional Duty ditions which may and do involve "Take My Advice" which is hav- ceived, the club set its goal at ayears sion as the director of summer tant general in the army of the It was the constitutional duty of other organs of the body are: i ing its second run at the Mimes $2,000 and a short time later the I career dramatics here. Professor Wal- Czar. He atended Russian schools Congress to take care of ,these "First, the pulpness or devital theater, will play again tonight. sum was indreased to $34000. mthean do lace acted in a similar capacity at and holds a law degree from the matters, he said, and any consid tooth; second, the diseased but The production will be repeated' Through the remarkable work of himsel Iowa University for four consec- Moscow law school. During the eration of them during the special vital tooth; third, pyorrhea; and tonight as the result of its success- the soliciting committee, more and ix utive years. war the Russian was a member of session would not be regarded as fourth, the impacted tooth, which ful run at the Mimes theater last then $4,600 has already been of mo Further information regarding the Red Cross organization, and in violation of any plan to con- has failed to erupt because of ob- week. pldeged and as a result, the group art sc the. admission of outsiders to the did important work in that field. fine it to special legislation. struction of bone or other teeth.' Next week, Comedy Club will is now setting its campaign to Wednesday, Thursday, and Satur- He was appointed several years ago, The House early this session "Midnight Sons" Sing take the company to Ypsilanti reach a peak of $5,000. With the "Th Te day performances will be made to his present position. passed a bill to reapportion its The third talk of last night's where "Take My Advice" will play accured interest which will ac- Th public within the near future, ac- Dr. Avinoff is also an artist of membership on the basis of the program was delivered by Miss the high school auditorium on cumulate during the next eight ivsty 51 cording to Windt.1 some note, having had many of 1930 census, but the Senate yes- I Grace Richards, chairman of the Wednesday and Thursday nights years, a formidable sum will be sprivat -his paintings exhibited in famous terday laid it aside for the re- advisers of women, who had as under the auspices of the Ypsi- presented to the University at the x it by Peterson Lectures galleries both in the United States mainder of the session. Senator her topic "Women's Interests at lanti alumni of the Normal school. culmination of the Ten Year Pro- Pre d and in Europe. He has done both jVandenberg, Republican, Michi- the University." In her talk Miss Tickets for tonight's and tomor- gram in 1937. This will allow for citizen To Crowds In West portrait work, and paintings of gan, in charge of the bill in that Richards told of many of the row night's showing may be pro- extensive purchases for the Clem- should animal life. body, however, said he had aban- things which women students at cured by calling the box-office or ents Library manuscript collection state Obstetrician Returns From Alumni The lecture this afternoon is of doned his efforts to get a vote the University do in their spare by going there in person at any of the history of the district sur- citizen And Medical Society Meetings general interest and is open to the now on the assumption that it time, and the facilities which are time during the-day. rounding Albany and Troy. mite w EN'S TAX PLAN OR[ REALTORS AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE ?UT UNIVE SITY AIMS OW IN GOVERNORS DS JUNIOR COLLEGES ant Little Explains Theory egarding Private Gifts And State Aids ugh heartily when I see cer- ndividuals throughout the ttempting to discuss taxa- ithout the slightest know. of the principles involved," resident Clarence Cook Lit- night,' addressing delegates fourth annual conference estate between the School siness Administration and chigan Real Estate associa- ir attempt to decide what i of taxation should be d-theater tax, income tax, d issue-is as amusing as ng people trying to pickout ;t dog at a dog show," Pres-. ittle continued. "I think it larly significant that April day has been set as a dead- r the selection of a new tax An Enlightened Day will be an enlightened day e state when an intelligent stration s h o w s common enough, before it attempts money from people by. tax- to appoint a taxation com- 1 of recognized experts to the problem thoroughly be- ny hokus-pokus measures opted," he asserted. tapplies inthisregard to axation applies also to the stration of state universi- resident Little said further. are a few clearly defined, 'oven principles whm the" both problems, and trouble when some ignoramus at. to discuss methods without wledge of the principles in- he declared. overnors Vs. Education are say that not 10 oft of overnors of our 48 states be able to creditably pass a able examination on aims, les, and objectives of state ities," President Little aver- A. university, to obtain co- on from the citizens of a must succeed in getting into iearts and making them see iow and why the univer- nctions as it does." iversity must fit its genera- e declared. When a student to college he must be able ;er a partnership with it, ust find professors who can partners and talk his lan- The idea of ajunior col- snit covering the first two of a- student's collegiate is thus justified because of fficulty a 17-year-old young )r woman has' in adjusting f socially in a strange town n the complex organization dern professional and liberal pools, he said. Airs Ideas About Gifts idea that a state univer ould not accept gifts from e citizens but should subsist vely on the stipend granted the state is utterly false" ent Little asserted. "Rich s properly feel that they do more to support their university than the poorer who can afford only his which is covered by the state He1d On Pacific Coast general public. There will be no would be taken up at the special provided to make their life here tax. admission charge. session. enjoyable. Ruthyen Declares A Museum Is Needed ejyTo Overflow crowds of physicians - - h uia oto ftepo and Michigan alumni listened to Edmonson, Dean Of School of Education, gram was provided by the Mid- talks by Dr. Reuben Peterson, Pro- . . 'night Sons Quartet of the Univer-+ fexpect fessor of Obstetrics and- Gynecology| Delights In Pullman Cars And Picnics sity Glee club. The quartet, con-' "We really do not appreciate the meht, for with the objects them- epety and Bates Professor of Diseases of Isisting of Rolland Catchpole, first value of history," said Dr. Alexan- selves we may utilize a very valu- I same Women and Children at several Strange as it may seem to those not only his best listener, but his tenor; Sidney Straight, second der GRuthven Director of the able method of instruction,-the igan i meetings on the West Coast from who heartily dislike removing severest critic, especially when the 'tenor; Ottoe Brown, first bass, and visual. There is no method of only which he returned yesterday. cinders from their eyes, the chief story seems to be just a bit too Vincent Peterson, second bass; University Museums and Dean of teaching so valuable. Not only bothb Dr. Peterson was travelling for a hobby of Dr. J. B. Edmonson, dean lofty in the realms of fancy and with Homer Cornel as accompan- Administration, in an interview: can we more fully understand while month during which time he de- of the School of Education, is rid- imagination. But Don, it is said, ist, presented a number of selec- concerning the need of a history something when we see it, but see- rely o voted himself principally to ad- ing on Pullman cars. Dean Ed- really feels that his dad did most tions ranging from popular Negro museum for the city of Ann Arbor. ing and handling an object- makes 'lBut dresses at meetings of medical so- monson finds that the regular click of the things about which .he tells songs to numbers from the last "Only through a knowledge of a lasting impression not usually vate c cieties in Los Angeles, San Francis- of the wheels as they roll over the in his tales. edition of the Michigan Union the story of the reactions between provided by written or oral de- Presid co, Portland, and Seattle. In addi- tracks is soothing and even con- And Don is his father's chief opera. the race and its enviroment may scription." the d tion he acted as a traveling agent ducive to thought, for he often assistant in another enterprise, .we achieve practical immorality, Dr. Ruthven believes that in Ann the t of the Alumni association, speaking does a great deal of writing, which I also. He is a great help in what Salesmanship To Be for, as has been said, history gives Arbor, especially, there is a need which to large gatherings of Michigan he sends back to Ann Arbor upon Dean Edmonson calls "snaking the not only a knowledge of the past for a museum of history, because the m alumni in Los Angeles on Feb. 1, arriving at his destination. basement." This is an art which Discussed At Union but prophetic insight into the fu- of the fact that the records are "It wi and in Portland on Feb. 15. But traveling is by no means has been lost for many years, and ture,and certainly only in this kind scattered, the old people who know igan He spent much time explaining Dean Edmonson's only weakness. which, but for the two Edmon- A round table discussion will be of knowledge may we find a basis the history are dying out,specimens giftsr +i~~n . n.-. n .. .-. n~lin o a - W .tr -a-.hms.-. t.. .,,.'s',nrnl' l ers, nrc. ,via ves n,,. i,~n.w-l rnmit. .1 .j ;...2(19 a~. +ha Ifnrrlp'. rmiYlnj1O'the nrrnr .e.rp h.ormivo' 1Act ,md i-nr1 1 :41 expect all citizens to give same amount to the support ir university Is as foolish as ing all professors of a uni- faculty to do exactly the amount of teaching. Mich s beating her rival Harvard iecause she has been availed state ,and private support, Harvard has been forced to n the latter alone." the utility of gitts from pri- itizens is seriously impaired, ent Little continued, unless onor acts in cognizance of rue aims and principles by the university should utilize noney thus made available. 11 be a happy day for Mich- when those who give hey realize this truth,' he said.