,SAY, FEBRUARY _28, 192 ._.1 .-,. THE FMICHI-iCNi D~EY- - ~ . s._. , ._. , WOON . 10" $ oston Gob filasts Southland's _opes With StrongComeback) t ,-, .O [IVE ROJNI3S co TO THE WIN ER, SH&RKEY ~IS I I"WINNER OVER STRIBLING i E Two. RomapcDeclared Even Sensational, ,Hardfought, Picturesque Boult SPORT BRIEFS (Continued From Page Six) Two drills daily are on. tap for miembers of the Philadel- phlia, Athletics, especially, for the young pitchers, according to the last orders of Connie llacL. ()ssie Orwoll, who will hold down first base this year, and Mickey Cochrane, winner of the "Most. Valuable'.P11ay er" vaward it) l tom, ai~e thle latest arrivals. LOWREYMEN PREPARE FOR BADGER INVASION OF COLISEUM ICE RI~ (Continued From Page Six). endance here is probably du( they met. the Wolverines at Madi-, fast as it did in the other son two weeks ago. I games between the Wolverines In contrast to the crowds attend,. badgers. Hart; Bryant, andl Shea are pc: ing the hockey games nin nn Ar- lu'led to' see duty in, the;defei xe to two sand ,ied'- nsive in} STRI LING TAKES I HREE The fistic hopes of W..L. (Young) Strib~ling, heavyweight pride of de&orgia and th~e south, skyrocket- ed toightin ' the ,balmy tropical air --flaring high, then falling, ektin- guished in a sputtering blaze by the ramming fists of the big .Sos- oA salor, Jack Sharkey. In a slshig, ten-round fight that was tllingly close from start to fin- i'sh, Sharkey had his hand, lifted aloft, thevictor on the decision of Referee Lou Magnolia of New York. Thus leaping back along the coeb~eack road that lead toward the crown cast aside by Gene "Tun- . ney last year, Sharkey outpointed anid outboxed his southern rival in tt -fast finish before a. crowd of close to 40,000 in the most pictures- que. nd Cdlorful sports spectacle that 1the old south has ever wit- iiessed. Crowd Is Picturesque This crowd of wealth, fashion and fame, seated in a pine board arena, fringed with, palm trees and bord'ering the ocean, contributed to one of the bigge'st, yet most aston- IP41gfigh't spectacles of all. time. Inthis rich, seething, approximate- IY 3,00 of the spectators paid, $40,00,a "gate" . that meant; Fiore. than fulfillbent of the fond- est dreaims of Tex Rickard whose death passed on the completion of the task, to Jack, Dempsey and his associates of the Madison Square Garden Corporation. Sharkey Was Favorite With such a ;background, Strib- ling and Sharkey fought to decide which was to continue the upward march.. Sharkey, a top-heavy fav- orite, won but,. only after as close Scall from defeat, as he has ever ha.,Only the most desperate,I determined sort of rally enabled the Roston .sailor to overcome the big early advantage that had been piled up by Striblinig. Outweighed by teii pounds, his tecovery from rib and aim ail- ments Somewhat. doubtful, Strib.-, ling put up a spectacular~ly, cour- ageous' fight before a southern erowd, a throng. of "hiome( folks" who had come to see their fistic idol battle for high stakes. bor, over3000 spectators watchiedy each~ of the Michigan-Mtrar quette and Michigan-Wiscon sin gamnes with the temperature at zero at Milwaukee and 15 below zero at IMadison, Eight thousand attend- ed the, two games against Minne- s ota at Minneapolis on thae recent trip. One factor reducing the. at- positions, alternating. throughout the games. Hart is playing con- sistent hockey for the Wolverines and was responsible for the largest individual score during the last five games. G-race. Is the, only man, capable of holdiihghe post at goal. against a team of' the calibre of the .visitors. WILDCATS CLIP TWO I {Two Northwestern athletes have i had the satisfaction of breaking[ world's records in the interval of one week. On Saturday, february I 1,Tomi Warne vaulted 13 feet 4 inches to set an unofficial. world's mark in the indoor pole vault. Three days later, Tuesday, Al Schwartz swam the 40 yard racel against Utah in 17.4 seconds, beat- inig Johnny Weissinuller's record1 by nearly half a second. K _-_____ l SWIMMING STANDINGS H W. L. Pct.1 Illinois ..., 4 0 1.000 1 I MIOIAN 2 0 1.000 , Ioa2 0 .0 orthwes ern ,., 1 0 1,000 Wiseonsi....... 2 2 .500 iChicago.....1 2 .333 1 jMinnesota....0 2 .0001 rIndiana.......0 3 .0001 i P rd e ' . . ..0 3 .0001i 0-- 0 NOW IS TH1E TIME To Have Your Tcoats and Spring Suits Cleanes and Pressed Specdial price on Cash and Carry work at TheC OLLEGE CL EANERS & PRESSERS All Word Guaranteed C ADV7RTISIG NOTICE..--We have .a large .selec- tion of Greetinag Card~s and Mot- toes. Piancisco-Boyce, 719 N. Uni. To, Thut N 0 T IC E - Dome Laundry--Soft Iwater used exclusively; called for and delivered. Superior Home Laundry. Phone .3190. Tu,Th,S, c NOTICE WE BUY USED -CLOTTI1TGI ,H. BENJAMIN 215 E. Washington. Phone 4310 T,Thi,P, c MACK TUTORING AGIENCY 310 S. State. Phone 7927 NOTIC~E -Home Laundry -- Soft water used exclusively;" called for and delivered.- Superior Home Laundry. Phone_ 8190. W.Th.F, o PIANO TUNING-The Concert Art- ist Piano Tuner, phone 6776, Vic- tor Allmendinger. Not with any music house. Exclusive piano' tuner for the University School of Music. Office at residence, 1608 Morton Ave. Wed., Thu., Fri., c NOTICE-Dial 3916, Moe Laundry 204 N. Main St., for laundry serv- ice with real personal- attention~ like received at home. . c TYPING--Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hfartsuff, Dial 9387. c TYPE WRITER SERVICE, - Newt Coro n~a, .Royal, Underwood'pot be, as , s em r- and portable typewriters .,of all ma~kes bought. and _sold,, rented, excha.nged, cleaned, repaired. Large stock, best service, consid- erate prices. Phioie 665. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. NOTICE-Beautiful spring line of t Axminister ..and Wilton rues. Koch .& XIfenne. c FOR RENT FOR > ENT-F oint suite. $2.50 each. Two blocks from campus. 555 S. Dlivision. Dial 8072. 108,9 FOR. .RENT-Singh, roomr, private family,_Men or .business women. 1109 White St. Phone 7309. . . 1018,9,10 Jack Sharkcy Who defeated W. L. "'Young" Stribling by a referee's decision in a sensational ten round bout last night at Flamingo Park, Miami Beach, Florida. He came back in the fifth round 426 Thlompson We call and deliver ails®. Phone 6898 t WWWANNUM L11 go to. Soviet Russia S TUDErNTS are wel- comed m o s t cor- dially in Soviet Russia. *...where the world's most gigantic social ex- j periment is being made- S amidst a galaxy of pic- I turesque n a ti o n alities, wondrous scenery, splen- did architecture, and ex- otic civilizations. Sendl for Booklet C which cex- plains hov it can biedone ? withlitte imonep Amalgamated Bankx TRAVEL. DEPARTMENT 11-15 Union Square, New York {City "I"A l l YOU~ 9 ._. _ Flolvers- are absolutely under no obligation to come in and see one of the-;most complete sele( ioiis of fabrics ever shown in Ann Arbor; 2,000'patterns in all. Imported and Domestic woolens from the best mills of America and abroad,. Fedtur~n them from $32.00 to $1O00.0 Call and see them. A.C.A viE 61917. William THI;1ME IOM ," F INL TAIILORING *ForPyreci ous Mnories An anniversary-a bir~bday. To you just the passing of another day. To someone else a day of poignant, precious memories. What could be more fitting than for you to remem- [)er that (lay with thec loveliest gif a person can give. l"'Io)Wers. "Sap I! TVA Ih Flo'ir. Ann Arbort Floral Co. Phone 62 15 * 1 22 E..Liberfty St. 1 .' ,. Q. " Yo- 1 r \- fff' J^... . { f l , r a ,_ -- - r r j _ I r r (1f 1 r_ r I I1 4 i t wi l _. -- - - L: "If the.'e.ougoherin thethrw eol 0Me (o-th6 t a cd oo r hP thee' i Car on,'l.of Od od~ wln o i~i! FOR RENT--Large double room for men, single or double. 425 S. Di- vision. Close to campus. Tel 22352. _ ~107,08,09 FOR .RENT-Doauble front; room private Family, steam heat, will Iiightedi, reasonable rates. 1108. Forest. C WANTED WANTED---Experienced cook de- sires. a -position in fratern~ity house or cafe. Call R. Cu-n'by. X1806. 103,9,l10 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Highest offer takYesi Vega banjo, ex elent condition, LOST LOS1T--Lad (1y's Wrist w atc.t, pro)b- ably hi NeAwberry Auditorium, or infront of Angell Hall, Reward.t Tel. 6641.10 tOST~.Thor trcnubrpn set withold rnber. Lo st, also, Several weeks aego, broach tof carved amber with back of hanid- vvrougfll t silve~r, Please call. Iniv. faQSfTA-Va 4 k f papers in mianila folder rrld. Carr:.SocdologY,_ Probably left in campus building SUBSCRIBE f. 4: i / _q "0(i s we, I've tlevCI sA id the asove! fbwycI bo Pie e teuiipied to, when a Iheavy baswhool 4Wor I -ihW s op ao- Mark has tlrox°ied on~t i y best xwjseer - k Bu it i ntgod"ikttopir7y mars aeuhr lIe irnst lkrkiig Oi 1-pose. le needs 1i >iet, fri enly c- si 1.el. AlgouIld, in cilidetnee h e told to smoke4 eyou llI enjoy the show better r z . and So will f. . if we eal just get t'hi,, tip over try hin, Itor, from my own experi- e ce rwith this smloothI and tliroat-easy cigarette, I don t belie vas there's Ut e4,o It.~ in a eapileifezy lit-mse=-fl o tf themM," "Nunc est bibendaum, nuns pede libero PuISlsa da tellus" .-II RACE GENTLEMEN: This is Latin. Latin is an Ancient Lan- waige. It is no longer studied in colleges. You are not' expected to know what this quotation means. Literal Translation--Strike up the band ! Now is the time to drink. Now is the rime to shake a mean pair of dogs. Free Translat ion--When,' in' the course of human events, it becomes necessary for two or more undergrad- uates toy gather together in friendly communion, there is only one drink, Gentlemen, for the occasin'-"Canada Dry," The Champagne of Ginger .f/es. Treasons-" Canada Dvry" has a deligh,,ltful flavor be- cause it is made from pure Jamaica ginger.. "Canada Dry"' has no false bite, no unpleasant after-taste and is really good for you because it contains no capsicum (red pepper). ,.tAnd, Gerntlemen, it mixes v; with' other bevrages. Class dismissed!i . 1". 1P~ 0 "T e .1?ampag-ne of (i-nger A[/es" i a 3i f . S ( I i i7 tf jJl r t YY S 7 4-t TO THEI MICHIGAN in a Carlo)ad? ot~rr c .igareitrei are b~cled dfrom AL~ANl l AF 14,- Ii:f~cf, the ftlii't t'e gi s... ccIed for sliirrs atIjl i'it f t k4' fro14m the l' xarto itc t he 4letc4:1E1.iu Aged tI1I( iillowed ext ' tt~~ I ty tt traloiin aFteerattre of'mid- jelily Sui ait: to ingfi'e ithati lotney -11 L e s mO"tiite ". 1 :1