THE MICHIGAN THIURSDAY, FE~BRUARhY 28, 1929 DAILY ------------- -- o0 dionEnjoys Winter Vacation With His I TI4 R COLLEGES I Wf t hi w Wf ,lo°d UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS- Fraternities here are faced with the question of the abolition ofv hell week. University officials sug-1 gest the substitution of a period of education in the history, ideals,z and purposes of the fraternities' for the present probation week, inXI which several serious accidents.::<><<= have occurred recently. An Inter- fraternity Council is to consider ..F <:::"> <:<::;:;:::. the adoption ofthe idea. : :t." ::::. ::>: CORNELLr UNIVERSITY-To give students of the university ,more time to prepare for their finals, the week before semester. examinations is to be set aside for reviews with-^= out classes in several courses on " the': campus. This is in accordance with "a plan set forth. by Dean R. M. Ogden. Hdome 41LOWERS I-- "Flowrs byWire RedthPeasClassifidPas YALE-By a' vote of the audi- en-ie, the decision in a debate be- tween Vassar and Yale was given to the feminine orators. The topic debated was, "Resolved: that the nations should adopt a system of compulsory arbitration of inter- national disputes." YALE- To stimulate interest in aviation the Yale Aeronautical So- ciety has inaugurated a contest among. its members, a' prize to be awarded. to the person who has flown,;;either dual or solo, the most number of hours. Miss Heleni Hicks, .-year-old golfing star recently won the an- uuai MViami women's: championship. golf tournamnt when she took the honors from Mrs. John Arends, of Chicago. Mitss Nicks, to do this, bloke a course record at the Miami country club. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Edison home at Fort Myers, Florida. on the veranda of the inventor's .1 i , 25 .s . 'I1 25c TODAY and THURSDAY CLAA W~kg in "6THE FLEETS IN" M I Ithil,111,11+1 [ILI I'll 11111 Ill If I 111! 11141111111111 fill 11014111 hil I M 1111111,11 [11111111, li11111lll I1IIIHIllIHI!11ffliffM _tI'tl ftllilfllitltf11ai111'it111ttilltll-It I1Ii I19f(11lfMli flll1'11I11 nnnnr( (BW((UI((( I'- ' irrrLnnnirirrrrnrrLtl trrrrrtrrrnrririrnrrrf"rrirtrrrirrni, ,r itilirLLinrinrrrrintrrrrrrrrrr AI,-w 'd .. . , , r, a TODAY AND FRIDAY . TObAY Three aces of peppy enter- tain-ment . * in the comedy hit of the sear- son ... a pic- ture you'll vote the best laugh' - matker ~.~**;- you've ever J rseen: 4jW VO) S 5WEETi PAPAY AND3 69 GIRL FRIEND5 f~ .C :YOUR QOYFRIENIDS 4'r~ *z a ~HI~ALE.~ NGHT VfliflRi 1N M An alluring tale of the briny seas and the wildt. night, life of Singapore. A battle of the sexes be- tween a man of strong body but 'weak heart and a woman with no con- science. ,t i f *~'~* - :-:: -. 1.4... 1' QRHW' Sol&, Wig t . I TWOACTSAGE BILL CHASE &LA TOUR COMPANY "AROUND, THE CORNER"' VENITA GOULD "ItlMPRE SSIONS" Read the Classified Ads' I irol icy: 2:00-3.35 1:00-8:40 3 ic=-Oe 500=iQe Musical Synopsis by the IAIREWINDSOIR ARTHUR STOKE VI[COO Miajestic Oireistra METJ OPOLTTA1N OPENING SATURDAY JOHN "DESERT GILERTNIGHT eirlh Theatre AL TIS EEK l2u'iltrnq Q!ctio &er 311rrd