F)ESTABLISHED 1890 I, L~wa .4 huh MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 109. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1929 EIGHT PAGES VARSITNATATORS OVERWHELM STATE BY 58-13 MARGIN Numb-Fingered Neophytes Drain Defensive Resources Of Ypsi Police Department Freshman Initiates - Bewilder Ypsi Cops In Attempt To Gain Desired Objects The disclosure today that the Ypsilanti police force was com- pletely disarmed one night last week by pledges from three Michi- gan fraternities has set the cam- pus agog. It seems that on the night of February 19, Ypsi teemed with frozen frosh-frosh who had ar- rived by taxi, train, and truck in RESULT NEVER IN DOUBT WOLVERINES .ADD TO EARLY LEAD AS WALKER LEADS SCORERS search of divers items contained in their Hell week instructions. It Hubbell Cracks Big Ten Backstroke seems further that three of the Hubbell ainracks hign Backtrefrosh had each been instructed to Mark Ag st PMichigan State obtain a- loaded shotgun shell as Foproof of their prowling, and that By Clee Wyllie each of them looked upon the po- eWlice station as the logical place to Scoring an expected victory in obtain the desired- object. an easy fashion, Coach Matt After a short explanation on the Mann's swimming team defeated part of the first pledge the officer the Michigan State tank squad, 58 in charge granted the request and to 13, yesterday afternoon -i the settled back to await further calls for succor. An hour later another new pool at the Intramural build- freshman appeared and in a hum- ing. The State swimmers offered ble voice asked if he might borrow little competition and Michigan a shotgun shell. The shell was won both the relayevents and prduced and borne away in tri- took first and scona place in all umph. But no sooner had the sec- othekfr tans ecpheivingina ond pledge left than the third other events except the diving in frozen specimen burst into the which Cook of the Spartans an- small room and removed his toque nexed second. with numbed fingers. Hubbell drew the major share ofw attention by swimming the 150- yard backstroke event in 1:44 1-5 I breakingthe Big Ten record for a 75-foot pool. The mark will notR be counted since it was not made. in a Conference meet. Hubbell also. won his duel with Captain Dick Spindle in this event. Goldsmith Beats Thompson 1 P A 10 1 This burst of speed was all the' crowd was' treated to although Arthur Guiterman Is Also Known further excitement grew out of in- . As Journalist And Contributor dividual fights for honors among To Various Periodicals the Michigan swimmers. The vet- eran Jud Thompson lost in his WAS BORN IN AUSTRIA race with Goldsmith, the new find, in the breast stroke event, a clos- Speaking on the University lcc- ing spurt just failing to send ture series, Arthur Guiterman, Thompson across ahead of Gold- well-known American poet, will smith. The other duel came in appear at 4:15 o'clock this after- the 100-yard sprint when 'S3'ager noon in Natural Science auditor- edged out Walker. ium to deliver a lecture clled The Spartans were completely "Song and Laughter." Guiterman outclassed from the start and fall- is a journalist of some note, and ed to make a serious threat of an- is classed with the leading poets nexing a first place until the fancy of America. lie was formerly diving when Cook of the Michigan president of the Poetry Society of State team came back strong after America. a poor start to "edge out Grlmshaw As a contributor to several lead- of the Wolverines for second place. ing periodicals, including "Harper's The Spartans did notenter the Magazine" and "The 'Saturday regular 440-yrd event, seven Evening Post" Guiterman has Michigan men competing alone commanded nation-wide recogni- with Ault finishing in 5:21 35. tion. He was the creator of the Change To 220 Yard Race Feature called "Rhymed Reviews" In place of this, a 220-yard race in "Life" and has also contributed was staged. A water polo match several other features to the pub- was held after the meet between lication. He is also the author of the regulars and reserves of the several books including "Ballads of Michigan tankteam, the regulars Old New York," "Chips of Jade," winning, 4 to 1. "The Light Guitar," "A Baad The summary:.[ Maker's Pack" and "Wildwood Fa- 200-yard relay-Won by Michi- I bles.". gan. (Walker, Seager, Walatis, Although born in Austria, of yAult). Time:-1:37 American parents, Arthur Guiter- 200-yard breast stroke-Won by man has lived most of his life in Goldsmith, (M);; Thompson, (M the United States, having been §econd; Frecland, (M. S. C.), third. educated in New, York. Following 50-yrd--Won by Walker, (M his graduation in 1891 from the 50- ardM --Wseon d;;y a ubelk (M College of the City, of New York, eif, (M), second ;Sehau ' 'j he has devoted himself almost en- S. a C.), third. Time-24 -. by tirely to journalistic and literary 150-yard backstroke - Mn se- pursuits. He was for a time editor Hubbell,(M),Spnde,C(),ethird of two trade papers, did editorial ond;; Craig, (M. S. C., i. work oi several magazines, and Time-1:44 1- . Sae (M) was literary adviser to a publishing 100-yard-Won by eag rid, (M' house. Since 1908 he has been a Walker, (M)., second;: 56 2-5 , free-lance, devoting most of his S C.), third. Time-Walaitis (M); efforts to verse. , (MDivi.g-Won by ) s nd; Grim- His first work to attract atten-. Cook, (M. S. i., secon;G, tion was a series of poems relating 22 (yard-Won by Ault (M); to the Spanish-American conflict Watson, (M , second; Freeland, among which were "The Call to (M. S. C.), third. Time-2:31 1-5. the Colors" and "The Rush of the Medley relay-Won by Michigan Oregon," which have been rated (Hubbell, Goldsmith, Walaitis), by critics as the best poems re- Time-3:16 4-5. sulting from that struggle. Guiter- J "I suppose you want a shot gun shell too, eh?" growled the officer; and he wasn't much surprized when the freshman nodded. "Well, I've got just one left," he said with a smile as he took the gun from the rack and. flipped out a shell, "but I guess I won't need it here tonight. Not at 20 below zero:". And the pledge departed, leaving the city of Ypsilanti defenseless and unarmed. Here in Ann Arbor all contact with the police is unsolicited by the pledges; and not only is it in- voluntary but it is frequently high- ly undesirable. Only yesterday morning, according to Chief O'Brien, three erring pledges were released after several hours of meditation in a cell. They had been apprehended in Barton Hills at 3 o'clock yesterday morning carrying a huge sign destined to adorn the room of a covetous up- perclassman, and were removed to the jail house as a measure of law and order. "Outside of that," said the Chief, "no arrests have been made. The officers frequently find worried- looking students snooping around in alleys searching for one-eared cats and black truck horses and so forth, but the only thing a cop can do in that case is to wish the searcher good luck." MESOPOTAMIAN EXCAVATIONS MATURE WITH LARGER PERSONNEL FINDS GREEK INSCRIPTION Archaeologist Makes Progress Iri Work Of Uncovering Former Cultures Returning to Ann Arbor after an absence of four and a half months in Mespotamia where he has been conducting a classical archaeology expedition, Prof. Le- roy Waterman of the Semitics de- partment has returned to the Uni- versity to resume his teaching duties. Supervising the work of ex- cavating an ancient site fifteen miles from the city of Bagdad, Professor Waterman spent two and a half months of actual work, the trip over taking three weeks, and the return trip, 27 days. Professor Waterman reports that! Villard Denounces Chain Newspapers As Harmful To Political Leadership Editpr of "The Nation" Says lumaih the editorial page is fading out," Experience Is Best Training Villard stated. "Newspapers are For Journalistic Career gradually becoming mere purvey- ors of news. They take the easiest "There is no great mystery in journalism. The best training a true newspaper man can have is a wide range of human ex- perience. I have never thought much of journalism schools for that reason," said Oswald Garri- son Villard, famed liberal and editor of "The Nation," in an in- terview following his talk yester- day afternoon at the Union. Mr. Villard, whose family has been connected with the press for 110 years and who has himself been in the game for 32 years, was editor and owner of the New York Evening Post for a number of years. His activities as editor of "The Nation" have gained him world recognition as one of the leading liberal thinkers of the age. Viewing the present status of the press, he deplores the economic pressure on newspapers, the ten- dency toward consolidation and chains, and the subsequent loss of moral and political leadership which is the rightful heritage of the press. "Our great editors are gone, and way in important matters of pub- lic interest and fail to get excited as formerly. "Henry Ford had the greatest journalistic opportunity in the world, when he founded the Dear- born Independent. It is to be x e- gretted that he did not select a large, able board of editors that could have given fearless, free opinions unhampered by any out- side influences. INITIAL MOVE MADE[ BY COUN'CIL TO BACK TAX. EXMPT L AW INTERFRATERNITY C O U N C I L UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTS RESOLUTION CITY NOT REPRESENTED "It is an amazing fact," he con-" tinued, "that in England three chains control 80 per cent of the newspapers. Were any further consolidation to take place, a pow- er 'would result that could make and break governments. And no o government can afford to tolerate jl such power. How can the people f win out under such monopoly ofof the press?"e Asked about the possibility of m war with England, Mr. Villard re- c plied that there are constant in- u fluences in this country working r toward war. "Such a war would b mean the end of England's colonial a empire. A strong pacifist element o in England realizes that and it is very unlikely that Britain will evera wage an aggressive war."p P i l p, STHUENTSPLAN a tE pi NVELPROGRAM Presentation Is Result Of Work Of f Cosmopolitan Club; Mrs. Rufus Isi II i I s r 4 T i I I f k r a 1 T a cf } Y r .1 x s - Editor Discusses Conditions In Universities And Predicts Combining Of Newspapers LAUDS PRESIDENT LITTLE "The problem of freedom of ex-! pression is a very great one in the universities, both state and en- dowed," said Oswald Garrison Vil- lard, editor .of "The Nation" in an informal talk yesterday at the Union, before the Round Table # club. "Many of the state univer- sities are mixed up in politics, which obviously does not lend it- self to free speech. The privately endowed institutions, notably Prin- ceton, are governed by richf alumni." Villard, who is one of the most outspoken liberals in the country, spoke about conditions ' in the South. "The only half-way liberal, university in the South is the Uni- versity of North Carolina. In the' other institutions the professors are not even allowed to think aloud." He deplored the resigna- tion of President Little, who, he said, was one of the most liberal university heads. "Journalism,"hewent'O. to say,"isbeing affected by the nlew economic aid industrial currents, -just as is everything else. It used t o be a profession, but is now a i business. Men now go into jour- nalism, and buy a newspaper to make money, not to spread ideas. Our papers are rapidly combining and are taking part in the general movement towards monopoly. This is probably due partly to the in- creasing cost of publishing. It costs $200,000 an issue to publish a small weekly like 'The Nation', and most of our writers are underpaid. I 1 wouldn't undertake to publish a Ilarge daily newspaper in a big city he was able to make considerable progress on the project which in- volves excavation of a 1,000 acre area containing three very ancient cities, one on top of another. The4 excavators have already succeed- ed in uncovering six levels, five of which are Hellenistic and the sixth probably therbeginning of the Babylonian period. Set Cane Day For May 5; Conduct Class Games on To I'May 10 Ad 11 Is Named Director The staff for the work, on which - t Professor Waterman has been oc- APPtINT nfIMITTEEC I U---.---- cupied for several seasons, was -jArrONT .u UN ISCHAIRMA augmented considerably; With Tentative dates, subject to the the archaeologist was Dr. Clarence bStudentsfrom more than 43 p Fisher, an American archaeologist approval of the Senate committee countries will participate in Inter- t from Palestine, an architect, and on Student -Affairs, were picked national Night this year when it s over 100 native excavators. After 'last night by the Student Council will be presented next Thursday,I Prof essor Waterman's departure for the traditional class events March 7. Contrary to the events the work was supervised through next spring. f of similar nature in the past five I] February by another archaeologist. Cane day, wIen graduating sen- years, the 1929 production will 1 The Michigan man hopes to return i lors break in their class canes, will onai a definite story, bringig early in the fall to resume active be held Sunday, May ,5. otncil~he entire program together. f, operations again. man Ernest B. McCoy, '29, chair- The entire affair culhinates the One of the, unique specimens man of the class canes committee, ot throughout th scooliyar i which Dr. Waterman was success- was appointed to take charge of of the memberstofnCosmopolitan c ful in obtaining on this latest trip Cane day arrangements. .club, the foreign students organd is a piece of an ancient Greek in- The annual spring games, which many details in connection with scription of limestone about four will conclude class rivalry between 1he production have been directed inches thick. Professor Waterman this year's sophomore and fresh- tnduirrang yi..c edfs and arranged by Mrs. W. C. Rufuso hopes to recover the whole inscrip- man classes, will be held Friday of Ann Arbor. Maximo G. Bueno, tion, which was originally inscrib- and Saturday, May 10 and 11. The Grad is the ed in Babylonian and written over traditional tug-of-war across the h p general chairman. d in Greek capitals. Huron river will be contested Fri- The producers have adopted as " The establishing of Newberry day afternoon, followed by the of "theupward trend ofhumanity hall as a museum of classical ar- obstacle race, cane spree, and rope- from the prehistoric age toward chaeology, during the absense of tying contest Saturday. Council-~I the cosmopolitan ideal of world Professor Waterman, will add new man Ernest Reif, '30, is in charge unity and peace." The entire story impetus for the work, because of spring games details., is, of course, woven around thisk there is now insured a place in Swing out, the cap and gown theme.a which to exhibit the results of the parade of graduating seniors, will Seats for "Humanity" are onE excavations. be held Tuesday, May 14, details sale through various students andI being charge of Councilman Eu- at all the book-stores. gene Easterly, '29E. Freshmen will burn their pots '. Iand "M" blankets will be present- Bishop Cancels Talkc ed, as per custom, at a Cap Night Because Of Illnesst ceremony Friday night, May 17, in Sleepy Hollow. Councilman Jen-I Due to the illness of. Dr. W. W. t nings McBride, '30, has been ap- Bishop, librariai of the University,E pointed to secure speakers, super- who was to give a talk on the, vise the building of a bonfire, and Michigan night radio program to{ a-b arrange other details. be broadcast between 7 and 8 tensive displays and an enlarged Registration for the all-campus o'clock tonight, the program will prograshe tsiray-fourtd annlelection will be held May 8 and 9, consist of only three talks with program, the thirty-fourth annual and ballots will be cast the fol- "a series of musical numbers, con- meeting of the Michigan Academy.lowing Wednesday, May 15. A siting of well-known songs, to fill ( of Scine rs ndLteswlededy a . 1 be held here tsMarc 14, 15, and non-partisan committee headed by the interim. The program will bet 16 h ,n M Councilman David Wheeler, '29, put on the air through WJR, De-] 16 with headquarters in 2116 Na- assisted by councilman Richard I troit, from the new Morris hall; aural Science building, it was an- Kurvink, '29, Durwin Algyer, '29, studio, nounced yesterday by Dow V. and Richard Spindle, '29E, was Miss Grace Richards, chairman Baxter, of the School of Forestry appointed to conduct the election of the advisers of women students, and Conservation, who is the ca- 'and devise a system of registration, will discuss "The Interests of Uni- demy secretary.'I balloting, and tabulation to elim- versity Women"; Prof. U. Garfield The convention will open Thurs- inate grounds for complaint by Rickert, of the School of Dentistry,, day with a council meeting follow- campus political party leaders. will tell of "Dental Nostrums"; ed by the main address of the con- Amotion by Councilman Eugene while Robert Evans, a senior stu- vention, given by Prof. Edward Easterly, '29E, was supported and dent in the University who is head Sapir, of the University of Chicago, passed that the chairmanship of of the glider club, will discuss Iwho will talk on "The Aboi-iginal the Senior ball alternate annually "Gliders." 'Languages of America." All asso- between the literary and engineer-I The Midnight Sons Quartet of -ciation members are invited to any ing colleges. Heretofore it has al-I the University Glee club, consist- of the sessions of the convention. ways been a literary college office, ing of Rolland Catchpole, first It is also announced that the gen- while the Frosh frolic, Sophomore tenor; Sidney Straight, second eral public is invited to attend the ,prom, and J-Hop have alternated tenor; Otto Brown, first bass; Vin- meetings; students interested in annually. cent Peterson, second bass, and any certain departments are cs- The council also went on record Homer Cornel as accompanist, will f pecially invited. as being opposed to the colitinu- present a group of Negro songs, ' Other special addresses of the amice of the tradition that seniors ig (,onetinwill begie on Fi should wear cp and nols ech Moonlight", "M edele" and "Mas- day. Prof. W. "I.Hobbs, of the Wednesday from Swing out to!anotherGro ldGond." geology department, will deliver an Commencement. In support of this i Another group will consist of ' illustrated address on "The Green- resolution it was pointed out that and "Queen of e ts" from the land Expeditions of the University the tradition has been neglected last Michigan Union opera, andI of Michigan with Some Account of for the past few years because of conclude with "Marjorie" and p the Rescue of the Rockford Fly- the discomfort caused by the R'A'n " -COUNCI SELECTS CLASS EVENT DAYS' William Farrell, '30, Is Appointed Treasurer Of Council To Succeed Paul Kern Preliminary measures in support f the bill now before the state egislature which would provide or the exemption from taxation f all fraternity and sorority prop- rty were adopted at a special meeting of the Interfraternity ouncil held last night in the Union. Contrary to earlier reports, epresentatives from the Ann Ar- or Chamber of Commerce did not ppear before the group to present )pposition to the proposal. Following the reading of a petition ddressed to Gov. Fred Green, resented by Shelby Schurtz, '08, a rominent lawyer of Grand Rap- ds, which included the proposed egislation and arguments in sup- ort of it, a resolution was un- nimously passed by the represen- atives of the majority of the member fraternities which were resent. The resolution follows: Council Goes On Record "Be it resolved that the Inter- fraternity council of the Univer- ity of Michigan go on record as laving declared itself in favor of he bill recently introduced into he Michigan state legislature by Representative Barin, which would rovide that all fraternity and sorority property be exempt from axation under the laws of the tate of Michigan, and that said council and its members pledge hemselves to assist in any way possible to call the attention 4f legislators to the advantages of such a bill and to the justification- for such action." Severalareports were heard rela- ive to the tax question as it exists in Ann Arbor at present, and a ommittee was appointed by Ed- ward -H. Wachs, '29, president of the council, to take any further steps necessary In the promotion of the bill. The committee is com- posed of Harold Andreae, '29, chairman; Kenneth G. Patrick, '29, Richard Kurvink, '29, John Tar- bill, '29, Edward L. Hulse, '29, James Bayne, '29, Robert Holmes, '30, and George E. Simons, '30. Opposition Is Roused Considerable opposition to the bill in Ann Arbor has already been aroused on the grounds that frat- ernity and sorority property in Ann 4rbor has an assessment value of approximately $1,800,000, and that the loss of this property from the tax duplicate would have a serious effect on the remaining taxable property In Ann Arbor. The opposing forces also contend that the city is rendering to frat- ernities and sororities service such as fire and police protection, streets and sewage, the expense of which should be shared by this group of property owners. The bill has been sent to Gov. Green, and within the next few days will probably be referred to the proper committee in the lower house. In the meantime, the com- mittee is expected to work out a plan by which fair arguments in favor of the bill may be brought before the members of the legis- lattire. Following the discussion of the tax question, William R. Farrell, '30, was appointed to the office of treasurer of the council to succeed Paul J. Kern, recently resigned from the University. The final business of the evening was the discussion of plans for the annual bridge-tournament to be sponsor- ed in the near future by the council. French Enthusiasts Invited To Meeting All students who feel themselves sufficiently rapid in conversational French to take part in plays are Cercle Francais to be heldETAQI invited to attend the meeting of Cercle Francais to be held at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the society's with less than twelve million dol- lars .on hand." d Villard deplored thp lack of a - good conservative weekly. "I wish there was a weekly worthy of the l ..., ,t - -- M - l rn rn c 1 hn n"r Explorer To Speak On Asiatic Travels Speaking on "Entomological Ex plorations in Central Asia," Dr. Andrey Avinoff, director of the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh, and internationally known as sci- entist, artist, traveller and lectur- er, will deliver an address at 4:15 o'clock Friday afternoon in Na- ral Sclince auditorium under the auspices of the Museum of zoology, one of the group of Uni- versity Museums. + Dr. Avinoff is especially known for his work in entomology. He has made several expeditions, in the Panirs in 1908, and from India +n mr_.--an in191 man has been characterized as the steel of our liberal papers, ne saId . "most American of modern poets." "The newspaper situation in the South is a great deal better than UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE- ! here in the North. There are sev- Students of the University are eral liberal publication in Georgia having special attractions at their and South Carolina, but not many dances. Joan Crawford is expect- in the North. We have a few good ed to attend the next dance as editors up here, but not many. And their guest of honor. journalism is no longer a free out- let for expression of opinion. Why, LindberghSufferin Michigan, there isn't even a Lg Su ers Democratic paper of any impor Injuries In Mishap tance. If the country is a two par- nation, as presumably it is, (By Ass~ociated Press) there should be many papers to MEXICO CITY, Feb. 27.-Col. express both sidesn'ofthe problem. Charles A. Lindbergh suffered a---- dislocation of his right shoulder, _a Beta O ers while his fiancee, Miss Ann Mor- row escaped unhurt except forThe olrh s slight bruises, today in a spectacu- Three Scholarship lar upset of his plane as he landed ._-.L . ...01- L... .... -- .. ' 7-frin- nnnl ~nrittio