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February 13, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-13

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Arm I



Tryouts for the three major Seats for the remaining per-
S HLOpublications on the campus will By Lawrence R. Klein ing of class unity, and if the week to the male student body; it was formances of the current
be held. for freshmen and all did nothing else, it proved a period modern in all details and ,replete Mimes presentation, "The Mar-
IIFothers who ay desire to entersof excellent fun. with facilities for every conceivable quise" by Noel Coward are now
publications as an extra-cur- couldn't say that the first semester After the glamour of Freshman sport suitable to a university stu- on sale at the box office of the
T cular activity. Periods have been eventful m.1928-29 wasot a Week had faded into the past, Sep- dent body. Mimes theater. Two perfor-
OF B[S NI ts ot ailin ostlgi temena t.iShorleaterwth exrman dc ationstha s ctio nous
scheduled for meeting the aspir- yearling could not wail in nostalgic tember was still replete with ex- October heralded class elections mances have already been given
ns- ohbsns adei oe ote ok ewe ee-citement.nShotlyafter the tem!adindications tarecober woud and nightly performances for
both the olks betwen semes-opened and classes had gotten harbor some interesting, if notadngtypromne o
torial staffs which are an- ters that "nothing happens at under way came the news that Sat- scandalous, moments. Looking in the rest of the week as well as
nounced in part below. school." Everything that an illus- urday night fraternity parties after retrospect, it would seem that every a special matinee on Saturday
CANADIAN HUMORIST ASSERTS Today: Editorial Staff of the ion - filled freshman ever could football games, long repressed by time an officer the Student Coun- remain. DEFEA
ONLY LOVE STORY WORTH Gargoyle at 430 o'clock in the dream of i connection with a col the opprobrium of administrative cil did not favor was elected, there The popular comedy includes B
THINKING ABOUT staff offices in the Press build- niester. He saw an inspired Mich disapproval, were once more looked would be a new election, and the a cast of nine, the members ofj
ing. gan football team come from be- ministrationt opposing political machine would which were selected last semes-
ANALYZES MYSTERY STORY Thursday: Business staff of hind and in a blaze of Michigan That Awe-ful Rum Quiz s quite f llaioBut that,ofcorn ter from a large number of try- SCH
the Daily at 4 o'clock in the spirit defeat a really superior rival. On September 25 came the first knows that the elections this past outs who were given trials by
Satirizes Current Fashion Of Speak- Press building. He witnessed his University presi news of the commencement of op- year were the cleanest in the his- E. Mortimer Shuter, director of Nygar(
ing in "Telegrams and Monday: Editorial Staff of the dent resign amidst a cloud of pub- eration of the long-proposed new tory of the University. Mimes. A special feature of the For C
Gasps" Daily at 3 o'clock in the staff of- .licity and comment. He was spec- dormitories for women, and twelve And so, after counts and re- run this week is the use of the
flaes in the Press building. tor to class elections that were hours later the indignant Ann Ar- counts, Washtenaw came into pow-
Taking the love story, the deec- e end i o es bor landladies fired their "first er in practically every office except Shuter for the Mimes players.
ive novel, and the linguistic abor-i thaned ith ed investint shot, that was heard around Wash- that of the chairmanship of the n a c mInvig
tive foovelnandgthenlinguisticnabor-
tions of this "attaboy era" ii the u of drinkin s An if bdit tenaw county." This actual break- J-Hop, which was eked out by the "nery
decline of our mother tongue for of these occurrences he was left yate Street organization
what he made appear a well-earned ynedltedi st wh e s, h was later to have grave significance The 'Varsity Trips Up men N
ride, Stephen Leacock, Montreal yawned tediously when an honor and to cause a serious rift between The football schedule opened Oc- '"".Wolver
ride, made Hill auditorium society was banished from exist- the townspeople and the University tober 7 against Ohio Wesleyan, and versal
wardsofhorandhalnlastrf wihhirinntiastiion-d h bmbselIf heetieth['asiy ot h oennagm
ripple, rumble, and roar for up- ence for a con- administration. for the first time in many a moon 1'the se
r fnhanectiowh esi nty o nt n ire the Varsity lost the opening Beck
night. Hwhni the presdtd ofthSue month exploded when President of the season, and by a rather one- Ontari
Admitting that he frequently Council was ousted for violation of Little gave information through the sided score at that. It indicated a Ioliseu
shelled out two dollars himself for All this and more happened be- press that he would, at the instiga- rather disastrous season, and for, passing
a mystery story, he added an im- Charles A. Lindbergh's Betrothal fore he had been in school six tion of student itiative,or as a the next two games, after two more at the M
portant stipulation: "I always make To Anne S. Morrow Announced months. personal action if necessary, ask defeats at the hands of Indiana Leaves Houseboat And Motors To much
sure that some one is killed in By Mexico Ambassador the aid of the treasury department and Ohio State, student spirit and His Pre-Inaugural Base who n
chapter one." There are, accord-Freshman Week Proves Fun to hold an investigation of the liq- optimism were at a shamefully low At Miami Beach suprem
ing to Leacock, certain infallible PLANE ARRIVES LATE Freshman week this year received uor situation on the Michigan cam- level. With
hich to find imediatel all the success usually acclaimed it. pus. The announcement raised an After the game with Wisconsin Oith
the oharacter cast for the part of All entering freshmen came to Ann uproar, resounding in the press lo- and especially after the sensational SURPRISES OFFICE FORCE Michig
the "body" He is discovered in ; erg' "C'ajed Pr" Arbor a week early to engage in a cally and nationally, and inciting three point victory over Illinois, left w
the opening sentence almost alonei HAVANA, Feb. 12.-Col. Charles week of orientating activity, a pol- much speculation among students when the Wolverines cut loose and y 'ae eas) )n the
in a deserted office building (in A. Lindbergh landed at Camp Co- icy inaugurated by President Little and the people of the state and na- attacked with a savageness that MIAMA BEACH, Fla., Feb. 12.- leadin
England a deserted abbey, priory, .lumia Field here at 7:48 p. m two years ago. In the proceedings tion generally. The threat seemed will long be remembered by those President-elect Hoover was back at contri
chase, or other Briticism) in the of this week freshman are made to die a death of suffocation, who witnessed it, confidence was success
act of falling asleep. That is suf The colonel brought his Sikorsky familiar with the campus, its re- whether due to pressure or not is once more restored to the lagging his pre-inaugural base tonight ha- honors
ing bandned is fshin tri on art
ficient to provide a '"body," for the amphibian plane down on the field maining traditions, and its institu- indeterminable, or at least un- student body. .ig bandoed his fishing trip on Hart,
murderer automatically appears where officials of the Pan-Ameri- tions. This year the new-comers known. But most of the fraterni- The Union Tries To Amend the west coast of Florida which counte
from behind a door (in England a can Airways had been anxiously 1 listened to lectures by the Presi-.ties mopped up their cellars for a The Union Amendment compaign, under his original plans would have and M
d plush tain) deals the fatal dent, various deans, and student month or two, at any rate. which was to be railroaded through kebrillia
red dls a in , al the ftal awaiting since early afternoon. A leaders. There were group divis- The Council Runs Elections at a pep meeting before a big foot- 'kept him there until Thursday. oal a
ias, survey which he had made of the 1ions and activity and inter-group On nearly the last day of the ball game, will long be remembered Leaving the house boat Saunterer
The "Body" Discovered British Honduras a n d Yucatan I competition. All in all, the week month the long-awaited new intra- as the Waterloo of its supporters. suddenly at Punta Rassa immedi- Penv
Chapter two discovers the "body" coasts had delayed him nearly six I gave the first year students a feel-, mural sports building was opened (Continued on Page Two) ately after an early breakfast, the leading
-invariably that of an elderly gen- hours, after the time when he had next president surprised t h o s e ,tes, o
tleman, well-dressed .but upside been expected to reach Havana. ' _RGOYLE TO APPEAR AS members of his office staff who had howin
down. If a woman turned "body" Lindbergh left Belliz at 6:12 a. m., * IS Iset up temporary headquarters at ryingt
the story would be a tragedy, if a ;in company with another plane, CAMPUS HALL OF FAME !_____Fort Myers, and others of the party, toy.
child the story' would be a horroLland had been expected to reach !by entering a waiting motor car The
but old men, especially well-dressed Miami, Fla., the starting point of A fter variously successful exposes and starting across state to Miami not, h
ones, have lived and can be killed his airmail tour late today. It was' ADHEREuna e g t roirtyI o1 el amndcamp.h
with impunity. Next the local po- not until nearly evening that word'Ms ovradtehueba hm
li c e a re summoned, pronounce was received that he had landedl politics, Gargoyle campus humor EgIaMst. H r and trhs ase boiatd igh
themselves "baffled," and make way at La Fe, an isolated port 100 miles magazine, will place its February of New York, remained behind, and with t
for the famous detective with his west of Havana. He refueled there Philosophy Professor Will Speak As issue on sale tomorrow morning shortly before noon the Sauntere ine
biographical and dull-witted com- before continuing to this city. Fourth Lecturer In as a series of nominations to the Rachmaninoff To Appear Tonight weighed anchor to start the rathei rine
anion who marvels at the clues.'Series In Choral Union Concert In slow cruise back across the ti o a
But here enters the inevitable hero- MEXICO CITY, Feb. 12.-United Hall of Fame and an expose of Hill Auditorium Florida through the southern Keys Pti
ine, utterly useless to the plot, and States Ambassador Dwight W. Mor- TICKETS TO BE SOLD famous men about the campus. The sudden departure of the . pon
drags the story down to a senti- 'row today announced the engage- No definite information concern- president-elect constituted some- :esc
mental conclusion in sad contrast ment of his daughter, Anne, too .n ifWILLaPLAYo nWN WORKS what of aetn to tht om . gan c
to the high plane on which it Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh. Prof. Charles B. Vibbert, of the ing the individuals who will attain ty yasc(
opened. When Lindbergh took off from philosophy department, will lec- this distinction is available as yet, Appearing in Ann Arbor for the pending eir slightly be a tMyhe cc
"Telegrams and Gasps" Valveuna Field here last November tune on "La Vie de l'etudiant Amer- according to the Gargoyle editors, second time, Sergei Rachmaninoff, rival here. They found waiting the ast p
Passing to Part two of his lecture, ! for the United States, he gave a ican en France" at 4:15 this after- although it is understood that the noted pianist and composer, will 'following statement: issued at thc turn b
Leacock pointed with mixed horror beautiful aerial salute to Anne. She noon in Room 1025, Angell Hall, ap- t verne
and alarums at the current fashion was at the field with her family to pearing as the fourth lecturer on positions of the president of the give a concert at 815 o'clock to- instance of Mr. Hoover.ne
of speaking in telegrams and gasps watch him start. the Cercle Francais series, it was Student Council and of 3-Hop com- night in Hill auditorium as the sea prevented Mr. Hoover's hous ran,
where 25 years ago nothing was As soon as he had climbed to a announced yesterday by 'Prof. Rene mitteemen have been carefully eighth number of the Choral Union boat leaving for Miami last eve. redit
heard but rounded periods and little height he circled over the Talamon, of the department of Ro- scrutinized and faithfully reported, series. ning and again this morning thur Gr:
completed sentences. "The time will field and then dipped low over the mance languages. if not distorted, in the coming is- Rachmaninoff's world-wide repu- threatening to delay his return for On1
come," he predicted, "when the head of Anne. Professor Vibbert was the first sue. tation extends not only to his rec- Miami Beach for another day, Mr. had b
classc wil hav to b tranlate i ationexteds no onlyto'Hoover Mi iea rkedor rotheoat.'a
classics will have to be translated Persons who witnessed this re- director of the American University In these instances, it is believed ognized ability as a pianist but also Hoover disembarked from the boat Wolve
into gasps to become intelligible to called it today as a significant fare- Union in Paris during the War, and that a certain alleged scoundrel on as a composer of high standing. He below Fort Myers and motored to games
the masses." Pointing the way to: Iwell message from the aviator to was director again last year, ac- the cet J-H e couel o as a er inm andng.e Miami Beach. Mrs. Hoover and thejas
was 193 J-Hop ommittMiami 'Beach.aeMrs.i Hooveruntandsthe ,ob as
the translators, Leacock made a his fiancee, although only the prin- cording to Professor Hugo P. made money on the Hop is due balance of the party remained on hande
stab at rendering the opening pass- m edected it at the time Thieme, of the Romance languages has been acclaimed highly by ar- the boat and will come back by
age of Gibbon's "Decline and Fall cipals resp . demet. th Ron, lnus for an expose. At any rate no mercy tists .and critics all over the water if the sea moderates." camel
aof hebRon'smpiDecline tn - al Anne is describeu by her friends'; department. This Union, housed in jisbee "hownbythe ditor n vinidict
of the Roman Empire in the twen- A i s e e r a fine building, helps American stu- a been sown y e eiors in world. Late in the afternoon, a telegramd
as a quite, sweet and attractive girl, dents who are unfamiliar wit exposing the character and public'ndene
A dissertation on the love story, hstei s a to be ited- French institutions and furnishes morals of men of note about the onsistent with his policy of en- Saunterer had headed out for "open numb
"me inysaid toibeninthrestic. Ued them with club quarters and read-U versity campus. deavoring to present programs the ea
"the only aspect of fiction worth'inmdr atsic ndleay'qsa.
thinking about," concluded the le-nmoenartisinrdaffarsry ingroomsp In portraying the lives' and pasts which will have a particular appeal; of har
ture. Leacock traced it from the but at the same time to be the' As director of this Union, Pro- iof these gentlemen, a sneering Gar-for. the audience in the city in Cinto a
mild Victorian plot of a nobleman home-loving type. These persons fessor Vibbert,, according to Pro- goyle artist has succeeded in pre- !which he is playing, Rachmaninoff ENTERING STUDENTS Sum
in love with a commoner, a threat regard her as the perfect type to fessor Thieme, acquired an inti- paring a number of excellent cari- has prepared a special program for Mich
of disinheritance, and a happy end- round out the somewhat one-sided I mate knowledge of the change re-_ catures, the editors report, and the the local audience. It includes one, Registration for Union mem- I Grace
ing-through the powerful, danger- (life of the colonel.,; cently realized in the educational weakness of the individuals have of Mozart's sonatas, Rachmanin- bership will take from 3 to 5 Hart
ors, "God's sky," open-air, unchap- system of France and of other been portrayed in "Cold black off's own. "Moment Musical," three o'clock this afternoon in the Bryan

. 8To0
d, Mason, and Shea Return
ompetition And Add New
Life To Team -
By Adsit Stewart
orated by an injection of
in the form of three new
ygard, Mason, and Shea, the
ine puckmen displayed a re-
of the form shown earlier in
ason and defeated the sturdy
Collegiate team of London
o, by an 8 to 0 score at the
m last night. The improved
g, team work, and speed of
lichigan sextet proved too
for the younger Canadians
ever seriously threatered the
racy of the Lowreymen
out scoring a point for
an, Schlanderer, playing at
ng, was an outstanding man
ice during the first frame
g the Wolverine attack and
iting largely to the scoring
of his teammates. Scoring
were shared by Nygart,
and Joseph each sending a
r into the net twice. Mason
aney both showed flashes of
at skating and slipped in a
nwarden Stars For Beck
garden at left wing was the
g performer for the Collegi-
utskating his teammates and
g marked superiority in car-
the puck into scoring terri-
brilliance of this star did
owever, dim the sparkle of
st of the visitors, non'-a
are over eighteen years of
This fact had much to do
he large score which the Wol-
sextet was able to run up,
he University men had more
ia than their opponents.
erson, Beck goalie, is largely
sible for limiting the Mich-
ore to eight points. His play
onsistently good throughout
antest, but late during the
eriod he was called upon to
)ack a rapid volley of Wol-
shots. He rose to this emer-
with all the skill of a vet-
and his preformance was a
to the team.
ace Shows Improvement
the other hand Grace, who
een assigned to guard the
rine goal during the last few
did not have as tough a
Patterson. Nevertheless he
d all of the shots which
his way in such. a. manner as
ated Coach Lowrey's confi-
in him. Grace' . allowed a
r of shots to slip by during
rlier matches, but with lots
d work has developed himself
first rate goalie.
iigan Beck
......... G .......Patterson
....... ..LD.......... Keen
t ........ RD..........Mayo

*emonedi but restrainedi story invent- ,'*chngs _____t___."__
changes contemplated. In his lec- ype- numbers by Chopin, a special ar- student offices on the third Joseph
ed by Kipling and preserved by STUDENT COUNCIL ture this afternoon, he will explain rangement of some of Schumann's: floor of 'the Union building. All 1Mane
Zane Grey-to the racy, sketchy,
triangular modern theme of "the There will be what changes have been effected in BASKETBALL SCORES compositions, two sonatas by Scar- entering students who apply at Nygar
Thee illbean important1 French universitlies tq meet the lhsuenficsduighs
man," "the woman," and "the oth- meeting of the Student Council Fned ofiAerian stdet The latti, and "Liebesfreud," which was the student offices during those Spa
en man" (or "other woman") with at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the ned of American students. These isconsin, 48; Bradley Tech, 22 composed by Kreisler and Rach- hours will be allowed to register land,P
"brains full of fumes, surging veins, council offices in the Union. d eit angfrmen frI Pennsylvania, 39; Columbia, 33. maninoff. and will receive their .Union bott;
and breath coming in quick, short. Robert Warren. pi creditandfortakArCerdm
pants." *_________________ special courses. Charles A. Sink, president of the Borne;shp ars
pce ma b p rh s athEI ENEntA D N INR CV_______A I Nnv stS.oM s hai________rTickets may be purchased at the MUSICAL RGANIZATION University School of Music has is- Iarne
season tickets for the entire course attending the concert tonight give
BIS TO SIGMA -DELTA CHI'S GRIDIRON BANQUET may be brought at the headquar- -special attention to the matter of CONSERVATIVE THAN THO
ters of the Romance languages de- First semester initiates of Alpha being seated on time. The concert
onto the United States Post Of-' invitation has been sent to ex- partnment, Room 112 of the Ro- Epsilon Mu, honorary musical or- management has asked that this "American universities and Ca-iclothe
fice department will be dumped an Governor Al Smith, of New York, mance Languages building, from M. ganization, were entertained at a request be observed to eliminate nadian universities in the main said M
extra heavy consignment within to be present at the affair, and Ottilie Davis, secretary of the de- bancuet last night at theiHaunted n cost a
seveal oher otedpolticins ae : artmnt.Tavern following the initiation,, possible confusion arising from the; are very much alike," commented
the next few weeks when, aft being considered by the invitation which was held at 4 o'clock yester- seating of late-comers. Stephen Leacock in an interview ost a
careful consideration by the ticket committee which has already de-' PREHISTORIC VILLAGES day afternoon. Palmer Christian Most of the seats for the concert on a comparison between Ameri- as.
committee, a large bundle of the cided upon about half of the num- and E. Mortimer Shuter were ad- 'are held by the regular season pat-'pants
bulky invitations to the 1929 Grid- ewho are to be favored with an DISCOVERED mitted as honorary members and rons who occupy the same seats' can and Cadanian schools. "We "An
iron Banquet will be distributed beon iy sNtALASKAthirteen .upperclassmen active in r give the same degrees, the same two s
among the chosen 400 who are ex- ;opportunity to see the worthy sus i I musical activities such as the band, for each concert. However, theregivresthsaendegreesthese t wos
pected tohe gus 4at the an l x cessor to Dean Hugh Cabot, pres- a are a few tickets available whih courses, but when we examine them tinuec
ecte to be guests at the annual ent holder of the title of "Loquaci- NEW HAVEN, CONN., Feb. 12.- d glee club, the Opera, and the may be obtained by applying at ch in detail we find quite a striking things
rThe Gridiron Banquet which is tous Lubericator," presented with The discovery in Alaska of buried S hncership. office of the School of Music difference." McGil
sponsored annually by Sigma Delta the traditional oil-can, which has prehistoric village whch yi s New officers of the organization i Maynard street where any seats "Our universities cover less lati- ly co
Chi,.national honorary professional Ibeen held at various times by some ihundreds of archeological relics- NewofficrshoathelrganzatioeMayard trfeswherdanyneats
journalistic fraternity, will be held of the foremost members of the new to science was described here elected at the banquet are: Vincent ' that remain will be on sale today. thde, have erein A i s nudy n
joraitcfaentwl ehl I.h oeotmmeso htonight by Edward Moffat Weyer L. Peterson, '29Ed, president; Otto' than you have here in America. In for m
on .April 3, in the assembly hall of i University faeulty and administra- tnt by dad Mar t eyr. tron, 'peEd, president;to GU CIVIL 'my own school, McGill university, "Bu
the Union. As usual, invitations tion. < anthropologist and archeologist for H. Brown, SpecEdE,vice-president; LAUDS all of the lectures are compulsory. petua

. .. ......RW ........ Maule
d ........ LW... Penwarden
es: Michigan-Shea, Cope-
Mason, Schlanderer, and Ab-
Beck Collegiates-Harrison,
ore, Rider, Dundas, and
s to classes. In my day,"
4r. Leacock, "a gap and gown
bout $1.25, but now that they
bout $12, the students might
11 buy a coat and a pair of
other difference between the
ystems of schools," he con-
1, "is that we don't carry
as far as you do down here.
1 university is not complete-
ducational. The law school
Miedical school are still kept
en only.
t we have, like you, the per-
. temptation to put in prac-


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