ESTABLISHED 1890 'KV Lwl .. ;. ,, , MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 108 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1929 FIREAZEDoch Reported TH I TCELNWnoRk PT Cueists Exhibit Their Wizardry RRER CADEFSlowly SikCIn Yesterday'sBilliard Matches TTw Ill Two kings of the billiard worldI brilliant exhibition. Piay in the WILLPBE-REPLACED s.WULIKELY 10 GETAN O URalph Greenleaf, pocket billiards night event was also slow taking - Uace, and Willie Hoppe, 18.1 balk 29 innings but found Hoppe emerg- line master, met yesterday after- ing a close winner, 20-19. noon and last night at the Union Following the pocket billiards ex- BY N W__T EATE ' -ATTO NEY OSTTO S EAK ERE in a pair of exhibition matches. hibition, Greenleaf gave a series of~O Honors for the day were even. demonstrations of trick and fancy In the afternoon matches, Green- shots. In a similar fashion, Hoppe leaf was the winner of two of the demonstrated a number of the CONTEST FOR THEATERGOERS!- CAPITOL DOPESTERS SWITCh "SONG AND LAUGHTER" WILL three contests and in the evening fancy shots possible on thebalk LAUDS PLANNED TO SELECT PROPHECIES FROM DONOVAN E SUBJECT OF ARTHUR contests, Hoppe took two of the line table. Greenleaf's repertoire fy POPULAR NAME TO SOLICITOR GENERAL GUITERMAN three exhibitions. was especially well received by the1 ~ ~~~SM~-Greenleaf who has been national audience. Included in his exhibi- LEASED TO BUTTERFIELD LISTED AS A DEMCRAT CONTRIBUTES TO "LIFE" pocket billiard champion since 1919 tion were a number of unusual THD s_ ___gained victories in -both pocket bil- hops and masse shots. While not Novel Construction Will Permit But Is Close Friend Of Hoover Was Prominent Athlete And Poet ;ard exhibitions. His margin nearly so spectacular, Hoppe play- Says H Ready Inst allation Of IwAnd Supported Him In While In College, Later Made I amounted to a score of 125-77 in ed a number of difficult tricks and To S "Talkie" Equipment Last Election Member Of Phi Beta Kappa the afternoon and 125-112 in the gained considerable applause for A --_night display. . his long masse shots. Final negotiations have been (By ssociated Pres) "Song and Laughter" will be the Hoppe likewise had little difti- "I w completed for the erection of a WASHINGTON, Feb. 26.-A new subject of a University lecture to culty in sweeping his specialty, the Start Union Bridge to acki coplte fr namectonofaWASHI add, e.todA tntebe given by Arthur Guiterman, 18.2 exhibitions. He gained a Bidetude o new $250,000 theater on the site of'name was dfdmhuNewYort the Arcade on North University ever-growing list of Hoover cab- o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Na-i ernoon and took -the night event - g for th avenue. The new theater is to be inet likelihoods. It is that of Wil-Itural Science auditorium. Mr. 100-33. His best runs of the day First round play in the Union iextend named by local theatergoers and o? .,,".,:ham D. Mitchell, of St. Paul, Guiterman was formerly president I were a 78 in the afternoon and a bridge tournament will begin to- Profes will open shortly after the begin- .Minn., solicitor general of the of the Poetry Society of America, 61 in the night contests. Hoppe night instead of Monday after- the U ing of classes in September.Mad United States, who came to theand has long been recognized as has dominated the balk line bil- noon according to plans of the bons," ng spmbr.arshalFerdinandFoh. Und ttsone of America's leading poets and ;iard players of the country for Union house committee announced tor of Selby A. Moran, owner of the generalissimo of the combined front as a probable selection for authors. more than 20 years. yesterday by William E. Nissen, '29, flight, property and of the old theater dt the post of attorney general Guiterman is also a journalist of More spirited competition de- Union president. The change from noon building which was razed by fire j allied frces in the Great War, whothpotfatrnygeal ounday afternoon, Dec. 16, will is fighting what appears to be his At the same time there was a wide experience, having entered | veloped in the three cushion ex- afternoon to evening play has been torium onl ndayhefter nndeh.s6, will last battle. Physicians give him ! tendency in some usually well in- into journalistic work shortly after hibitions of both performances. made because of the difficulty in of the budthe tetradhsleased teb bitd fo a thong erod fhyears to d only a week or ten days before formed quarters to discard an- his graduation from college in 1891. Greenleaf easily took the after- getting teams together for play in the bu Wt f. Butterid Thears corn-esuccumbing to 'his illness. other name from the list of pos- He was editor of two trade papers, noon contest 20-12 in a none too the afternoon.hool W.___ . tre Tht-msibilities, that of Williarh J. Dono- did editorial work on the Woman's Cran pany, former operators of the van, now assistant to the attor- Home Companion and the Literary that fl Arcade and now operating the ney general who was represented Digest, wrote short stories and spe- estedi Michigan, Majestic, Wuerth, and by some of his friends as beingI cial articles, and was literaryad-band gr Orpheu i heaters in this city. N-ll IYIRlH I11 oacp h en'i~ rils n a ieay a-p ILH1 I 111equipir tsdisinclined to accept the post of viser to a publishing house until e so To Bp Modern Throughout secretary of war 1908. Since that time he has de- are so Every modern device and the aid nlhoover Silent As Usual voted his time to free-lance writing Iflying of all requirements necessary to 11wiNeither President-elect Hoover h has been almost entirely Th present day theater construction nor Mr. Donovan, who returned versf or will be included in the building of here yesterday, and has since had A B. M. O. C. In His Day ford fl the new play house, according to two conferences with the next Arthur Guiterman was born on .astated. the announcement made by, the Generalissimo Of Combined Allied president, had anything to say November 20, 171, in Vienna, Aus- Comedy Club Will Present "Take Chamber Of Commerce Is Opposed the Vi local Butterfield management. Forces Suffering From Lung, residentfhaing tor s a v ere 20 1871, i Vianily. My Advice" This Week End To Exempting Fraternities dreds< Maurice Finkel, of the Book; Heart, Kidney Troubles was a widespread belief in poli- In 1873 his family returned to New _BY Popular Demand From Taxation ieves Tower building, in Detroit, has tical circles that Mr. Mitchell York where he was educated, ex- -- Europe been chosen as the architect after IS 78 YEARS OF AGE would be attorney general. cept for two years which he spent STORY HAS MANY PLOTS C3UNCIL PLANS MEETING practi consideration by th builders of Although listed as a Democrat, in Bridgeport, Conn. He received most plans submiied by several well o ati Prcs the present solicitor general was his degree of Bachelor of Arts from Because of the popular demand Following the announcement of sndsr I n o n theateresn PARIS, Feb. 26.-Marshal Fer- appointed to office by President the College of the City ofhNe for tickets for last week's per-na meeting of the Interfraternity tional Finkel's work is already known ' in dinand. Foch tonight was said toi Coolidge on June 4, 1925. He wasj York in 1891. While in school he frtcesfrls ekspr etn fteItrrtriytoa Ann Arbor as he is the designer a f admitted to theMinnesota bar was prominent in athletics, espe- formances of the Elliott Lester council to be held at 7:30 o'clock establi of -the Michigan theater. be" slowly sinking from an illness aditdtIh inst a nxa rmnn naheis se tral A -f The Mew thate r. wilbeothe sithlung, heart and kidne co 1896, was secretary of the first cially lacrosse, tennis, rowing and comedy "Take My Advice," Comedy; tonight in room 302 of the Union o a ' The lie r ata ; n ild be"Of the with Tlung,heart and kidney com- charter commission of St. Paul cycling, took a leading female role Club has announced a revival. of for the purpose of discussing and oed G intimate type I plications. The old warrior who, and was regional counsel for the in the campus dramatic club, and the play to be presented at 8:15 possibly taking some action rel- of Eu seats for 1200. The smaller size on a desperate day in 1914 de- railroad administration in 1919 was class secretary and poet. He o'clock Friday and Saturday nights ative to the tax exemption bill now theater -has been chosen becaused ghmnP dtdesmbrhrekFd d ur it ith x mideG the theater is being built primar- lared "my right is crushed, my left soduring the term of President Wi- was also a member the trc at the Mimes theater. Mail orders before the. Michigan State egis-a ily for the use oftalking and syn- is in retreat, I am attacking with Friends of Mr. Hoover said the legiate games in 1891, entering the for these performances are already latue, . . McLeish, secretary of which chronized photoplay presentation-.I my center," is at last apparently on solicitor general had supported dashes. being received, and the box office the Ann Arbor Chamber of Com- planni: Unique In Design a defense on all fronts with little 'the next chief executive in the last At his graduation he was award- will be open Thursday. merce, sent out letters yesterday same It will be one of the first thea- hope of another victory. election and the two are known to ' ed the Ward Medal for the highest The story which has been well' urging members of that body to be mer.7 terns erected anywhere in the - His five will consult - be friends of long standing. standing in English composition, received by the Ann Arbor audien- present at the meeting of the ita seai country with this viewpoint in agin tomorr aernoon Toof "Surprise" Appointment and later was elected to member- ces, deals with the efforts of a psy- fraternity group to combat any at- Greenl agai toorro afernon. wo f ! hrpPh'AppBntmnt chology rofessor to save the for- tempts to further the purpose of' iin mind, and will be made as nearly them regard the case as virtually Those who insisted that the ship thep Phi Beta appa o- h gy pthe council.dition perfect as is possible in this re- hopeless. The three others, remem- Minnesota man would get the ciety in recognition of his literary tunes of a family from the clutches The letter states that the board the p spect. Instead of the alteration bering the marshal's favorite ap- post, for which Donovan long waswork of an oil stock swindler type sales-of directors of the Chamber of suppli and wiring necessary to theaters k horism, "a battle lost is a battle mentioned after the election, said His first work to attract atten- man. Other interwoven plots and Commerce has one on rrdCram that install -the "talkies" after which one believes to have been this would be one of the "sur- tion was a series of poems relat- romances add to the action of the eopposcngogonesonrondthe lides erection, the new house will have lost, for battles are not lost ma- prise" cabinet appointments which ing to the Spanish-American war, production. strength of the fact that fraternity the ro all equipment built in. terially" said the spirit of the game some of those close to Mr. Hoover such as "The Call to the Colors,"I Although the play itself is not and sorority property in Ann Arbor thea A contest is to be held among old fighter might carry the battle have predicted. and "The Rush of the Oregon," especially distinctive, it was very has an assessment value of $1,- ples a local theatergoers as a means of along for some time. It has been reported that the which have been rated by critics as popular during its run last week 800 000 and that the loss of this ae t selecting a name for the theater' Tm invited Mr Dono the best poems resulting from that and it is only by popular request! 0 'patyatmthe lossduplicaed the Thiscnetwlbesaragd Tis last. campaign of the former president-elect ivtdM. Donfitftoexh eeual oscr property from the tax duplicate;(scee This contest will be so arrang eneralissimo of the Allied armies van to become secretary of warconflict of those who were unable to securecenes to the person submitting the name ;began on January 14. The 78- after strong opposition had de- Since 1909 he has been the prin- seats for performances then, thaton the remaining taxable property. the U choseny ear-old veteran made several ad- ; veloped to placing him at the head cipal contributor of verse to Life, Comedy Club has consented t The bill to which the Ann Arbor 14 U he vances against the inroads of di- of the law enforcement depart- in which magazine he originated present the revival, residents object is one which has: Cray announced, hopes in this ay to sease but none carried him to a ment of the government. Much the widely imitated 'Rhymed Re- In spite of the mediocre nature been before Gov. Green, and was wreck asecure the name est suited and point, of safety. of this opposition came from dry views" and other features. He is of the play, the performances given introduced in the lower house with- with msesiredh bm thes loa d ov His phys leaders, who regard him as tech- also a frequent contributor to last week by Comedy Club turned! in the last few days providing for th st auost desired by the local moviel His physicians do not are to say nicaly wet "Harper's Magazine," "The Satur- it into a rolicking - farce which the exemption from taxation of all the wt audiences. The contest will be all n their foral bulletins, for the Thick With o day Evening Post," "The .Youth's 'might almost be called a burlesque fraternity and sorority property. A In a men to both students and towns- I marshal, still in his role of com- Thick With Hoover 'Companion," "The Ladies' Home of the play itself. The work of an n bill In a people. Details will be announced mander-in-chief, reads these com- Immediately upon the return of Journal," and many other well- exceptionally fine cast caused allicntioduced ,hasalready been i Crame later. Imuniques. Thus today's bulletin Mr. Donovan from Santa Fe, N. known periodicals. the cleverness of the lines to give i od ing in _-did -not mention that his temper- M., he was invited to the house whlthecrnss of terlinest give According to the letter mailed byto practic atui'e had risen above 101 degrees. home on "S" street, where he had their utmost of merriment wieMcLeish, the city is renderingtopint. Legislators HereTh-e AssoiadtrisendPre gainfrm-.lomgonf"e'reewthrthe had- Four Talks Feature the light vein in which the plot the fraternities and sororities serv- epiv The Associated Press was inform- a long conference with the presi- treated caused the audiences p ices such as fire and police protec ptiv Inspect University I ed authortativitatively that the condi- dent-elect. Their discussions were Next Radio Program to accept the play's incongruits cre su h a s eanertee atpoi tion f Marshal Ferdiand Foch is renewed this morning over the and laugh at them with the actors, pense of which, in his opinion, rainin University problems from the considered hopeless and that his breakfast table at which time Mr. Broadcasting from the new Mor- to the additional success of the i"should be shared by this group of taunt staidpoint of the state legislature !death appears only a question of Donovan was said to have ex- ris hall studio, located at State"traine d tofhA e toat v e islv i days-one week or 10 days at the pressed his unwillingness to hold and Jefferson streets, the nine- production. ___prperty._ d- d1 b1fv EIGHT PAGES kMER DESCRIBES LASTSMME COOPERATION GIVEN HOBBS' GREENLAND EXPEDITION MKS ROUTE FEASIBLE e And Hassell Will Attenpt pan Ocean Via Mt. Evans tgain Next Summer ish to take this opportunity nowledge publicly the grati- f myself and Bert Hassell e cooperation and courtesy ed to us last summer by or Hobbs and his staff of niversity Greenland expedi- said Parker Cramer, naviga- the "Greater Rockford" in a talk yesterday after- in Natural Science audi- given under the auspices Greenland expeditions and reau of aeronautics of the of Engineering. -er expressed "the opinion iers today are more inter- in routes, aerological data, ound facilities than in flying lent, because those things necessary for successful An Old Route route outlined for our Rock- light is, very old," Cramer "It is the route by which kings sailed to America hun- of years ago." Cramer be- that the northern route to over Greenland is the most al and is destined to be the successful, because of the ity of makingshort hops, fueling and getting addi- supplies frequently. "By shed flying routes from Cen- merica through Canada and reenland, mail could be ear- ithree days to the capitals rpe," he stated. eenland Ideal Mid-way er mentioned the flight he and Bert Hassell are ng for next summer over the route attempted last sum- The flight will be made with plane, he stated, because in and there are ideal con- for water landing, beaching ne and taking on additional Is. ner, with the aid of colored and moving pictures, showed ute of last summer's flight, nding field prepared at Mt. for the fliers, and the sup- nd preparations that awa m there. He also showed taken after he and Hassel) en picked up by members 'of niversity expedition, after a trek on the ice. ner also described the ship- which the entire party met oing down the fjord from ation. Moving pictures of reck were also shown. n interview after his address r said, "Aeronautical train- i universities has a very al value,, from every view- The students are at a re- e age, and universities are in ition to provide adequate g. In the near future the 'y will need many more d men in flying work." . Plans Materializing were considereu yesr ay y the war portfolio members of the University com-thewarportfoteenth Michigan Night radio pro- Urged AcquireCra mittee from that body who were in gram of the current series will be Tryouts AreUTo Valuablearrang conference with University .offl'lWenley Pursues Hobby 400,000 Miles put on the air between 7 and 8' Experience By Newspaper Wonk On Daily°made cials here yesterday. The commit- In Effort To Understand American People o'clocknext Thursdaynight,Feb.28, but t tee also made an inspection of through WJR, the"God Will Sta- "As between the newspaper and Michigan: Franklin P. Adams, '14, ing." those structures which are listed 'TOR'S NOTE-With this article 'alone Prof. Wenley has 200 anti- tion" of the Richards Oakland i~r~r- D . ln Po.Wely a 00at- fiction, on the novel, there is no Willis J. Abbot, '84L, Arthur C. derful tentatively on the appropriation The Daily presents the secod o a ri of Iles. Of all the books which he company, Detroit. Pound, '07, Stuart Perry, '94, stop," list for improvement and construe- " in5nc5+Atn n ;l- has written expounding his philo- Featured on this program are question but that the newspaper Samuel Moore, Jr., '25, and Junius the b tion funds this year. stories which iw1 3appear ralrte the sph theories the best known, four talks by members of the Uni- is the most important. It is neces- B. Wood, '0.0. it ha Fiverversity faculty and student body sary to civilization" is the state- He also lists such magazine writ- foggy of River Rouge; Len Feighne, sess his "Socrates And Christ", "Aspects Miss Grace Richards, chairman of ment which Mark Foote, '03, corre- ers as the following: Stewart Ed- ed at ashville; James ;. Frey, of Bat- "my only hobby is trying to of Pessimism" "Kant And His the advisers of women students, spondent for the Booth Newspaper ward White, '95, James Oliver Cur- tle Creek; L. J. Budge, of Beaverton understand the American people," Philospohical Revolution", and will discuss "The Interests of Uni- synidcate, attributes to Prof. Fred wood, '98-'00, Ray Stannard Baker, , ar and G. S. Barnard, of Jackson, are said Professor Robert 'M. Wenley, "Preparation for Christianity i versity Women." William W. Bish- Newton Scott, for many years head '91-'92L, Karl Edwin Harriman, on the committee. ' - -head of the Philosophy department the Ancient World." These arc op, librarian of the University and 'of the rhetoric department, in an '98, George Horton, '78, Br. Woods C James G. Frey, the Battle Creek since 1896. in a recent interview, only a few of the volumes which head o the department of library article entitled "Michigan Journal- Hutchinson, '84M, Iarry A. Frank, representative on the committee, "I have travelled 400,000 miles try- number approximately 12. science, will speak on American ists Who Have Made Good" which '03, Arthur H. Vandenberg, '0l-'02L Ope graduated from the University with ing to do so and I do not yet know It i eas to see from the tit Co-operation in Reorganizing The appeared in the current issue of James Avery Hopwood, '05, Harold ris Gi class of 1922, and is the young- them." s o ee ilesVatican Library. the Michigan Alumnus. Titus, '07-'11, Stanley Waterloo, '98, is "Ti the clborfniheon- tem.' of these Prof. Wenleys aims in U. Garfield Rickert, professor of "Not more than a generation Rob Wagner, '91-'94, and Webb mode est member of the Michigan -Estate rfssrW' -h asbr enrto Professor Wenley, who was reading. He tries to trace, in Eng- physiological chemistry and hygi- ago," Mr. Foote writes, "about one Waldron, '05. - probal legislature. While in school Frey - in Scotland, is a graduate- of the fish literature especially, the na- ene in the School of Dentistry, will journalist in a hundred was a col- In a manner not unrelated to to be was a member of t bef Universities of Edinburgh and tional and racial movements discuss "Dental Nostrums" in lege graduate. Today a recent sur- the present Michigan Daily, Mr. organ. Chinatinal honorary J rnalisti Glasgow and includes among the thought which he will consider those ad- vey of the Wharton School of Fi- Foote's article serves to call atten- year. hit I names of other institutions in I With regard to present-day con- vertised dental aids for which nance and Commerce of the Uni- tion to the fact that many grad- der o fraternity, was managingdior of vhich he has studied those .- of ditions and education in general great claims are made, and their versity of Pennsylvania shows that uates of Michigan and incidenally The the Michiganensan, and a Paris, Rome, and- Germany. Prac- Prof. Wenley has very definite value. mark inclu membe of severa ass an ion tically all his life has been spent ideas.' Chief among these is the In the final talk on this program, paper managing editors, seventy- in the newspaper world as well as iviewpc ner also stated that definite ;ements had not yet been for ' the flight next summer, Lat the plans are materializ- 'Mt. Evans station is a won- point for an intermediate he stated. "It is located on est fjord in Greenland, and not the great amount of weather which is encounter- other points." ris Guild Opens- medy This Evening ning this evening at the Har- uild Theatre in Harris Hall, he Chief Thing," Evreinoff's 'nistic drama. The play is bly one of the most ambitious attempted by any amateur ization on the campus this It will run for the remain- f this week. cast for "The Chief Thing" es 27 persons, and from this pint as well as from the sub-