TUEFSDAY; FIMP AIRYY' 26, x 929 THE ICHIGAN DAILY. t c: . TUI~DA? ?~URY t3,1~29THEMICHGANDAIY i~GP~FW .. .. AL &VA AS I;I=,M ?5 c II LITERARY SOCIETYo T ERESA L~II~nCARRENO, LATIN MUSICIAN, w rRST INDOOR MEET TO HAVETRYOUTS PROBATION WEEKINTCS COMPOSED ANTHEM OF VENEZUELAW, [- Probation week in the soror-[N Second semester tryouts for Por- ities has a campus significance Maria Teresa Carreno is remem- phosis. It was Miss Carreno's offer tia literary society will be held at from at least two points of bered as the remarkable Venezue- to substitute for the leading so- 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Portia I view. Very few of the soror- lan pianist who appeared often on prano in Les Huguenots and ~~~ - ~ room, on the fourth floor of Angell Iities realize this. For several ---- the New York concert stage dur- her consequent remarkable ver- According To Present Plans There hall, according to Nellie Becker, reasons, such a probation week Interclass basketball begins this ing pre-war days and played stir- sion of Marguerite that assured Far Will Be Rivalry In Archery, '29, president of the society. All has developed into an undesir- j afternoon with the senior I and ring Latin musical selections of her success in this new field. For refres Bowling and Riflery women students who are interest- able feature of college life. ! junior I teams playing at 4 o'clock her own composition. She is ac- a number of years after this first for th -ed in the various forms of literary It has always been an object and the senior II and junior II claimed by her native country as appearance the operatic audiences . INNERS TO 6E f CUPS activity which characterize the so- at Michigan to keep the line } meeting at 5 o'clock, instead of the composer of the Venezuelan in Europeand America were pay- i. A. ciety are urged to try out at this between sorority and non-sor- I both at the first hour as was pre- national anthem and a Festival ing homage to this talented young until time, especially freshmen and ority as indistinct as possible. viously announced. All players are hymn for the Bolivar centenary in Latin woman, the At in , sepnne sophomore women. For the try- Yet many sororities at this time requested to wear regulation mid- 1883. Her musical career has beenIwome at Michigan, is being planned by outs, two-minute speeches on any ! ask special privileges for them- dies and bloomers. Miss Carreno was born in Cara- based on a very versatile exper will b the intramural department for I topic should be prepared. selves and their initiates, which Tihroughout the tournament, the cas' and because of the limited ence in the musical field and in- Ace this month. The contestants will Portia's program for the second: makes the situation very prom- 1games will all be played at the two musical facilities to be found there cludes many instances of person- Ithat conipete in bowling, archery, and semester includes, besides the inent in league houses and dor-!I hours, the first teams at 4 o'clock in the latter half of the nineteenth ally conducting a number of fan- othy riflery, and besides earning points usual activities of the society, two mitories. Many groups subject j and the second squads at 5 o'clock. century she was sent, after very ous opera performances both here theI debates, the presentation of a one- their initiates to a great deal Instead of selecting a freshman II youthful studying under her father and abroad. Miss Carreno's ex- dria for their houses, will be rewarded act play, and the annual Portia of extra work as well as nerv- team and a sophomore II team, who was the Venezuelan minister ceptional technical virtuosity ad- exhib with cups which they will possess banquet. ous strain, and college work is a Blue team and a Yellow of finance, to Paris to the studio vanced her to great heights and will1 permanently. While debating is the most con- seriously interfered with. I team, composed of both freshmen of Mathias and later to that of ranked her as the foremost woman the f it is. especially urged that women spicuous public activity of the so- !1 In this interest of supporting Iand sophomore women have been Rubenstein. pianist of her day be p who are not already proficient in ciety, Portia also lays stress upo all-campus rules, and of keep- chosen. The chosen work of this talented - thev coe'cnen naartist was her appearance on the NOTICES refres the sports do not hesitate to come book review, discussion, and the ing sorority concerns on a dig- The squads that were selected by. rtstag erapsthoe o the g out for the tournament. There consideration of national and nified basis, I should like to ask the manager last night to play in concert stage. Perhaps those who W A. A. Executive Board will the g will be four weeks in which to campus problems. Its aim is to greater cooperation from the the tournament are as follows: have heard heracompetent pe'r- meet tonight at the Women's Field The practice before the finals which supplement formal classroom in- sororities in this matter than Senior I-Betty Smither, Marie rmane in operatic parts wonder House. Supper will be at 5:45 and oart will be run off during the week of struction w i t h the discussions ihas obtained in the past. Much Hartwig, Cynthia Hawkins, Flo- -t___rghi sg-themeeting will follow imme-__oclo tha gos o insorrit prba- ~ ~yer Jenete Subondiately. ,meml March 25. All three sports will which make for an informal type1 that goes on in sorority proba- rence Neyer, JeanetteSauborn,_ditey mem hold tournaments on the same of education. tion weeks is a continuation of t Ann Zauer, Janet Jones, Frances I uIIIIi,,tiiiiiii i 11Ultlliillllliii night. The winner of each will A number of debates are held high school stunts and is not Miller, Velma Johnson. -!I liAit Il win points for her house. each semester. Some of these are fitting as a part of the activ- jSenior II-Esther Middlewood, Y The bowling tournament will be with Athena, the sister literary so-- ities of University students, nor Thelma Lavine, Ethel Klander-I conducted as follows: There will ciety, and a silver cup is awarded jIis it a dignified introduction ma,.RvmryToetriNli be opportunity for practice every to the society winning two of the or preparation for the real in- Becker, Dorothy Lyons. [DII FP ITN S day from 4 to 6 o'clock in the three annual Portia-Athena de- itiation which follows. Junior I-Mary Crawford, Mar- - Women's Athletic building. Scores bates. There are also freshmen Alice G. Lloyd, , Junio MaroCrGfor, Mar- A d- mutbeotd nth creset eats dvsrfo anHlenc gaet Ohlson, Marion Geib, Gene-, An exhibition of Michigan land- ? must be, posted on the score sheet debates. Adviser for Pan Hellenic vieve Caon, Margaret Stahl, Fran- scapes at the Helen Hackett G 4 for every string bowled. A total Meetings of the society are held Feb. 25, 1929. ces Sackett, Da Berkovitz, Fran- ley in New York City i the unique score of the ten best strings of on Tuesday evenings in the Portia ;o ces Bielby, Mildred Cassidy, Dor- work of Maud Miller Hoffmaster reach woman will determine the room. Tryouts are held at the work.of T audsilyrwHo mste- veght who will enter the finals of opening of each semester for the J noth Marshick. of Ti averse City who is self- 1,hetounamnt.Allwomn wo prpoe o chosig nw mmbe ~ ~iiP~i ~ Jnior II-Grace Leonard, My-taught in the art of painting. hhe tournament. All women who! purpose of choosing new members. tle Kutchinski, Helen Campbell M enter the tournament apd who Mary Wilson, Eleanor Delo, Gladys s. Hoffmaster drew her first 1practiceenough to bowl at least Greard Established M WsETtseFTSY RfOfl Merlin, Lenore Kingston, Helen tbonthe small squreddo den strngs will earn points for j ru r~ lhfflIIf Collins.Hen cardboard which come in shredded their houses and those who enter Schools F rW me Sophomore IRuthCros, Al wheat packages. Her knowledge the final will win additional:F rVJ11LZ___ ma Janhuski, Helen Moore, Flora'f art and technique was taken_ points. The winner will receive a In one of the fastest and best Schaffer, Helen Wilson, Elizabeth from the books and magazines f cup to be her permanent posses-' The present system of publicdy which came to her attention. I sion. school education for the women of played games of the intramural Wood, Elizabeth Whitney, Joseph- devoured Solomon's text books ° f The same system of points will France .owes its existence to the basketball tournament, the Kappa Fe Quarry, R ortyeed. and Sir Alfred East on land' be used in the archery tourna- tactful and untiring efforts of Oc- Kappa Gamma team entered the Freshman I-Dorothy Felskei scape painting," says Mrs. Hoff New season, new costume styles, new iment. Practices will be from 4 to tave Grard. A leading spirit of; semifinal round by defeating a Betty Healy Dorothy Birdsal, eimaster. Friendly advice or criti- hose to match. The convenience of 'b o'clock on Monday and Wednes- the University of Paris, and an 1 hard playing and extremely fast Mary Louise Hershey, Emily Bates, cism was gratefully accepted, how Spring hose wear is to come direct to day in the Women's Athletic build- educator who foresaw, 20 years be- Betsy Barbour team by a 25 to 12 Maryoie h, iy ver, and her style is distinctive collection of all that is new and favor ding. Scores must be posted on the i fore the opening of our century, score. -kYellow team--Dorothy Ellsworth, and peculiarly her own. information. :score sheet of the total for 24 con- the coming economic independence. During the entire first half the Doris Millar, Maude Sargent, Louise Among the sponsors of the exhi- secutive arrows. A final score will of women, Greard exerted his in- score was very close, neither team Breaky, Marion Locke, Clara Park- bition are Governor and Mrs.$ i fbe made of each entrant's ten bestI fluence for the improvement of being able to get more than a two rinson, Ruby Young, Clara Jeanne Fred W. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- arrow score to determine the 1 women's educational opportuni- point lead at any time. At the Leith. liam S. Kies, Mrs. Frank H. Dam- eight women who will enter the ties. The attitude of the people half the score stood 7 to 5 in favor Blue team-Katherine McMur rosch, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Strauss, r finals. All women entered in the 'hardly approved of extensive ad- of the dormitory team. However, ray. Marjorie Ellsworth Frances M. and Mrs. Frank Merrill Sea- 'tournament who shoot enough vantages for women, and economic I during the last period, by hard Rayburn, Elizabeth McDowell, Mar- mans and Dr. Hazlitt Alva Cuppy1y farrows to qualify for the tourna- necessity for vocational training fighting the Kappas gained a lead jorie Millar, Clara Lough. ment regardless of score will win was not yet evident. which the Betsy Barbour team oints for their houses. The legislation of 1880 and 1881,ewBraids The riflery tournament which providing for the creation of sec-! It is impossible to mention an Notice and Felts I> c X.omdu td at the same time tondary schoolg and colleges for outstanding player on the winning t~ JI benfemininedethe SneCoo kg s team, as the responsibility for the for models made s being planned by Irene Cook, femininestudents, gave Greard victory rests upon the team as a Final try-outs for Athena liter- on the head. "29. Any woman who is interested the opportunity which he desired. whole, which was ver$6.50 in entering this tournament should While conciliating the interests of all departments and lay very onginryth society wfloor of l be hAngell ht on up The get in touch with her, Dial 3318. women with the necessities of so- aell together. The fast and accur- teourth MKINSEHAT SHP Persona -The plans for the entire indoor I ciety, he strove to create in those'wltoehrTefatndcu- Try-outs come prepared with a two MwISYHTSO esn Thurnpment arhntre beingcariedonhor cae unr his guance aate passes from the guards and minute speech on any subject. 227 So. State tournament are being carried on who came under his guidance, a centers were almost always con- Lr- _-..-l. -t---1 11111iltliuililliiu iinionitig through the athletic managers of I saner judgment, habits of discip- verted into scores by the elusive Lois Webb. President. the houses. They will encourage line and will, the love of a useful forwards."Y O U R ST the women in their houses to enter life, and a taste for profitable W ATCHKYPORTABLEE the tournament and will turn the activity. KAPPA KAPPA BETSY TYPEWRITERS names of the entrant in to the _ GAMMA: BARBOUR: intramural board. ,Those manag- JUNIOR GIRLS' PLAY M. Eaman .....RF......F. .Miller rona, Underwood- }Remington, Royals. ers will meet today at 5 o'clock at: Junior women who are taking K. Brook.... ..LF. ......E. Bates We have all makes. Barbour gym. All managers who parts in the Junior Play are ask . Swift .......JC..... H. Wilson C are unable to be present are re- ed to look at bulletin board in Bar- M. Stuart .....SC... D. MarshickCoc nsP $ quested to send a reliable substi- bour Gym for the makeup schedule D. Sample .....RG.... B. Loudon O. D. MORRILL tute to the meeting. sometime before noon today. . Badger .....LG..:. B. Smither j17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 ;fltlilutiitlllltII 11ltl @lltltl l t l ll l lllllllllllllllllllllllllliltl1111 1111111 II llilltlllii'|| -* Never such El mont hend Spring Clothes Clearance Year by year nature . oylyaupli at rer ° AA. PLANS FANCY, TING AND RACES icy skating, plain skating and hments are being planned ie skating party sponsored by A. that will be held from 3 5 o'clock Friday afternoon in Coliseum for all University n. An admission of 25 cents e charged. ording to the present plans are being arranged by Dor- Marshick, '30Ed, chairman of program committee, Alexan- Jankusky, '31, will give an ition of fancy skating, there be a stunt for every one in orm of a race, and there will lenty of balloons to keep in air as long as possible. The shments will be distributed to ;uests by clowns. committee in charge of the will hold a meeting at 12 k today at Crippen'. All bers are urged to be present. Smartet of - New Colors. -a for Srpring 4 colors and, of course, newv knowing "what's what" in the store, where a splendid ed assures you of authentic P2o95 4 'hop of : Service .= iii, 11111 IIIil llillllt 11111 ii Ilei J. ' only duplicates her d --{r lr- colorful Spring mir. TUES. w acles . . . . . . . . the snowdrops, cro- _1SHOES cuses, daffodils and -- violets. WED. lEx: "Has Goofus any modern ideas?" $+But each year, and Tx: "ope; he still wears HARD heels. this year above all,_________ our Spring clothes EVER notice that the men who horn and detract fromf into the annuals as "the bestdressed ing personality. are m o r e bewilder- men in college" don't clatter about Goodyear Heels mgly beautiful than the campus with their heels making of walking. Goo ever. a noise like a loose fender? and lift and help. PATENTS Smart dressers acknowledge the tend- Bound into th Stunning Printed SATINS ency toward the easy dignity of today. Say KIDSKINS rubber heels. Doyouwear' cifl foot Heel Sil Frocks SUEDES Watch your step. your pipe jNoisy heels may raise hob ing, the .75 $1 .75 - an otherwise pleas- withsxand-the jolts d rubber, they give e college cobbler's "Goodyear Wing- Is.'' By the time 's filled-and burn- dy're on!