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February 26, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-26

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r&er porn.


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ght Atdijotg On Bil
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board m
Control of Student Publications.


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Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news1
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
. lisped Herein.'
Entered- at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, ssecond class matter. Special rate
of postag' granted by Third Assistant Post-
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
hard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 492 ; Business; 2214.
Telephone 4925
Editor............. ...Nelson J Smith
City Editor ......J. Stewart Hooker
News Editor............Riehard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor..............dir. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor..............iyvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor..............-eorge Stauter
Music and Drama..............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor..,........Robert Silbar
tNight Editors
loseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
-Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman
Morris Alexandf, Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren M Arian McDonald
Bertram Askwi"t I Henry Merry
Louise Behyme Elizabeth (,uaifs
Arthur Bernste'e Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles Anne Schell
L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon
Helen Domnine Robert L. Sloss
Margaet Eckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg EIeland Cadwell Swanson
Robert J. Fldman Jane Thayer
Mnriorie Follmer' Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes (Guruney Williams
David B. empstead Jr. We!ter Wilds
Richard Jung George E. Wohlgemuth
Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant )4anager--RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers I
Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer
Advertising....... ..A. James Jordan
Advertising................arl XW. Hammer
Service.................. Herbert E.Varnun
Circulation...... ..George S. Bradley
Accounts.............Lawrence . Walkley
Publications ................ Ray M. Hofelich

Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words it possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, uponere-
quest. Letters publish-ed shouldnot he
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.

o 010o 0
Ab o ut B oo ks iiMusjc And Dramatrgs..Spis


To the Editor:
With growing mistrust, we have
watched conditions daily become
more dangerous and provoking, the
latter especially, as we had had im-
plicit faith in your ability to pre-
sent our case, namely, cleaner
sidewalks. We have endeavored
to assume an optimistic atti-
tude, but as you have failed to
secure for us an immediate solu-
tion, which we believe the case ne-
cessitates, we have decided to
write again. It is our purpose, in
this epistle, to suggest to you sev-
eral means by which the sidewalks
might be cleared in a very eco-
nomical and facile manner.
In common with thq majority of
Sthe students on this campus, we
have encountered many courses in
which text books are recommend-
ed, but never referred to, in the
supposed studies. It is our sugges-
tion that you, as Editor of this
paper, send out a general appeal
-for these unused volumes, stress-
ing the fact that they are to be
used in this very 'worthy cause of
cleaner sidewalks. It would, in all
probability, be advisable to explain
that these texts are to be soaked
in oil and ignited along the walks.
With such a conflagration and
consequent rise in temperature, it
is quite likely that the ice wolild
melt. If such an appeal were di-
rected, we have no doubt but that
there would be a ready and tre-
mendous response, for there are
many unused texts in the courses
mentioned above, wherein stu-
dents so often study the professor,
obtaining a complete knowledge of
his eccentricities, his children, and
the type of breakfast food that ap-
pears on his table in the morning.
As the subject matter of these
courses is but seldom referred to,
there would be no actual diminu-
tion of scholastic standards.
IDoubtlessly, some few will object
to the expense of this practical
method of cleaning the sidewalks
on the campus, but youthave only
to remind them of the current
prices that are paid by the book
stores for old texts. The element
of personal glory for you lies in the
fact that you. might be one of the
last of the editors who could use
such a method, for it is conceivable
that the University might acci-
dentally come to face its own text
book problem.
We realize that you agree with
the foregoing, but have been trou-
bled by the question of the disposal
of the water that would be ex-
pected to collect on the walks.
Now, it cannot well be left exposed
to the freezing atmosphere peculiar
to this section of the country at
this time of year. Therefore, we
wish to present the solution, which
I we have decided is the most ex-
peditious. Why could you not use
the diplomas that are to be given
to this year's graduating class?
You,.as a member, appreciate the
obvious fact that they will be
placed behind pieces of heavy fur-
niture in the attics of the recipi-
ents almost immediately after pos-
itions are secured. Is it not bet-
ter that they be used to mop up the
aforementioned excess moisture?
The Committee,
Per A. W. L. '29.

Anyone familiar with the theatre Sunday afternoon the University I
i familiar with the name and the Symphony Orchestra appeared in
accomplishments of the brilliant the fourth of its Faculty concerts,
young Eva Le Gallienne, actress, I and in doing so it presented a
manager, director, owner, and, in series of numbers surprisingly -well
fine, a sort of maiden df all that done to create what was on the
has to do with the sock and the bus- whole a very pleasant hour and a
kin. They will recall her triumphs half of music.
as an actress, her interesting tour The War March of the Priestswha
with a repertoire of the plays of from "Athalia" was most strangely
Ibsen-and they are watching at and consequently most badly done.
present her interesting efforts It emerged from under Conductor
with a civic repertory theatre, at Samuel P. Lockwood's baton as a
which select plays are given at a piece written in the most barbaric
price slightly less than the cost of rhythms and yet rendered with a
a new suit or a quart of Three Star graceful lilt that would suggest;
Hennessey. war was a matter of tea and roses.
And now she has published "Eva Sherman's epigram, coined during1
Le Gallienne's Civic Repertory his famous march to the sea, seem-I
Plays"*-a volume which contains Ied to have been ignored.I
the acting version of four of the The Clarinet Concerto that fol-I
more significant plays produced by lowed was unfortunately no less
her in her new theatre. The plays unsuccessful, but for a different
that are contained are as represen- reason. Mr. Falcone showed him-'
tative of the efforts of a progres- self a skillful artist on the wood-;
sive theatre as anything imagin- I wind and in command of a rich
able. There is Ibsen's "Hedda tone of considerable flexibility
Gabler"; Goldoni's, "La Locandi- which he used to great effect, bud
era"; the interesting "2x2=5" by the orchestral background was not
Wied; and "Three Sisters" from modulated to the not too powerful
the inimitable Chekhov. These piping of the solo instrument so
four plays are a great testimonial, that the result was a dispropor-
not only to the worth of the the- tion of uninteresting background
atre she has established, but also drowning out a beautiful solo in-
to thel value of this volume to stu- strument.
dents of the theatre. The remaining number of theI
But, even more important, this program, with Mr. Albert Lockwood
book contains an introduction and solo at the piano were considerably
complete -direction notes from the more effective. The Saint-Saens
pen of Miss Le Gallienne. The Rhapsodie emerged with consider-
notes are so brilliantly written, able fire, which shifted effectively
and the conceptions are so clear into the de Falla tone picture suite!
and new that this book becomes al- of gardens in Spain, and ended
most indispensible to the student brilliantly with the Liszt Fantasia
who is interested in the viewpoint on motifs from Beethoven's "RuinsI
of an actress on the producing of Athens." Pianist Lockwood is
"game." For here is an actress in control of a rich tone which
that not only has views-but she 'does not suffer quenching from his
has made them work! And she has manual flourishes which recall
at her command a theatre which Rachmaninoff.
is every day becoming more impor- An interesting feature of the
tant to the future of the American program was the German Fairy
theatre. Miss Le Gallienne and Tales collection by Bendel, the or-
the peerless Ethel Barrymore stand chestration for which Conductor S.I
at the head of the actresses today, P. Lockwood was responsible. Great
and this record of the development originality was shown in instru-
of productions is an invaluable ad- mental combination to convey the
dition to the too-small store of mystic sense so fundamental in

for all Musical Instruments
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in new shapes and colors.
The dark brown Scotch
grain is proving, v e r y
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shoes are famous or
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Mary Chase
J,"eanette Dale
Vernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halverson
George Hamilton
ack Horwich
Dix Humphrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Berpard Larson
Hollister Mabley
1. A. Newman
jack Rose
Carl F. Schemm
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead

The financial and political crisis
which at present is confronting the
German Republic with sinister!
foreboding brings a cry from the
reactionary German middle-class
for a dictator} to lead them from
the chaos and impending doom
which threatens them on every
side. And now, when the rnation is
unable to meet payment on the
billion dollar reparation fee which
is due, the Reichstag lies perilously
on the brink of dissolution. If the
time is not ripe for a dictatorship,
parliamentary government, at
least, seems about to become an
. institution of the past in Germany.
Political leaders in the Reich-
stag have expended more energy
in political squabbles than in the
process of honest efforts to solve
the financial dilemma that is so
omnipresent. The people, there-
fore, have lost confidence in their
parliament, and what is worse,
that body has lost confidence in
itself. *
With the apparent collapse of the
Reichstag has been formulated a
nation wide zeal for a dictatorship
of a rigid and positive sort. Sundry
groups have selected their cham-
pions for the post, many of whom
declare they will win their way
with . machine guns if necessary.
The people seem eager for the
change and many of the leaders of
the various factions are preparing
for the kill.1
That Germany needs .the guid-
ance of a 'firm and resolute hand
which will move free from the re-
striction and hindrances of po-
litical jealousies and petty party
peccancies is certain. Drastic
change is imminent, but the
change must not be won at the
gory cost of civil war. The blind-
ing scintillation of the Mussolini
ascension to power .must not stig-
matise the calm foresight of the
German people. Economic, po-
litical, and financial freedom can
be won for the nation, but it must
be won with sure; steps of cautious1
preparation, unhurried by the flush1
of excitement so characteristic of
th Ltin hlnA int- mAtivated- T

authentic stage lore in America to- , fairy tales * while still keeping a
day. N j strong sense of reality in the de-
'By Eva Le CaMenne; W. W. Norton & Co., scriptive passages.
.New York.
. * * The unity which the orchestra
RUSSIAN THROUGH RUSSIA has achieved thus far in their sea-
The American mania for com- son guarantees that succeeding
programs will be fully worthy of
pression, which received its intro- consideration.
duction to literature via that IR. Leslie Askren.
catalogue called a five foot shelf * *
of books, and to journalism via the MORE ABOUT "THE VIKINGS"
tabloid, seems to intimidate every Critics everywhere have agreed
one who puts anything into print. that Thomas Wilfred's extraordi-
It does not seem to encourage nary production of Henrik Isben's
writers to be concise except in the "The Vikings" to be presented here
physical bulk of their output. The on March 14 and 15 in Hill audi-
limitation of size has apparently torium, is- one of the things at the
had no other effect than to chop present time which holds most
off chapters. possibilities for revolutionizing
The author of "An American I theatre technique.
Tragedy", of all people, ought never During its production last spring
to have tried describing a civiliza- in Chicago, where it broke all rec-
tion in anything more confined ords at the Goodman Theatre,
than an encyclopedia. Possibly the "The Chicagoan," said in part,
sort of person that he is never "One thing has happened during
should have tried to describe a the past fortnight which may be
civilization at all. But since he has classed as significant. It means
done it without as much as a self something. In the terms of after-
conscious query whether he was dinner oratory, 'it marks an epoch,'
suited for the job, the point is al- and maybe even 'makes history.' It
most nothing but an item for swas the use of Thomas Wilfred's
gentle curiosity.-s color organ in the staging of Ib-
Almost nothing; however it does sen's "The Vikings!"
explain the prime deficiency of the "The Clavilux," the "Chicagoan,"
book." Dreiser has obviously seen continues, "itself is not a novelty-
too much and written not enough. Thomas Wilfred, its inventor, has
It is somewhat more debateable, been exhibiting it in 'color organ'
but still fairly clear, that he saw programs for the past ten years. It
too many things and not enough of has been copiously praised and
any one. ecstatically marvelled at by search-
Dreiser is always something of a ers for aesthetic thrills. But its
journalist, and here he is more of a value as a practical instrument in
one than might be desired. He has stage lighting, one which enlarges
done what Ivy Lee and the other the visual..technique of the thea-
professional publicists have done: tre, has never before been tested.
divided Russia into so many Topics, "So far as the theatre is con-
devoted so many pages to each, at- cerned, there is nothing high-brow
tached a certificate of truth and or hyper-aesthetic about Mr. Wil-
probity, and handed it forth as an fred's invention. Its use for 'color
authentic description of the real organ' programs and as a light ac-
thing. Without the vision, or the companiment to symphonic music
capacity to discover Russia as have apparently obscured the fact
I Dewey has caught it for the New that it is something of concrete
Republic, he has been content to value in the production of plays.
turn out a good newspaper feature It is as simple in theory as a magic
all about New Women and Eco- lantern, but as supple in its pos-
nomic Reforms and the Russian sibilities as an artist's imagina-
Temperament a n d Agriculture tion."
Problems. Wilfred's unwillingness to permit
Well, no use to carp, however his invention of the Clavilux to be
much we may have expected of used by outside producing groups,
Dreiser. After all, his point of except when subject to his own
view is worth something, and his absolute control has kept the color I
honesty still more. He is rather organ still a novelty and an un-!
more careful, less gullible, and known factor in the dramatic arts.:
less smug than most people who Essentially a mechanical thing inI
have compiled books about Russia. its operation, Mr. Wilfred has
He is certainly out of his 1-nM'i- i P 1.-.,-'.,.,n4 Inn .r ,.anh



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Editorial Comment

The Chicago Tribune
The new football rule is intended
to minimize the advantage of get-
ting the ball after a fumble. Under
the old rule a man on the defen-
sive side who picked up the fum-I
bled ball was permitted to run with
it. Under the new rule the ball is
down at the point where it is re-
This is not a spectator's rule; it
deprives the game of one of its ex-
citing elements. It is- not a rule
which players, as a class, have de-
sired or suggested. Fundamental-
ly, it is a coach's rule. It is intend-'
ed to take some of the hazards out
of football. When a coach has a
powerful team, as all coaches have
at one time or another, he wants
to be certain of being rewarded
with victory and he doesn't want
the bungling of some youngster on
the field to deprive him of what he
is entitled to.
SNA ot l t he heh' foxnr tht

One way to trap a beaver

Not everybody in the Hudson's Bay Com-
pany was a trapper, any more than everybody
in the Bell System is a telephone engineer.
The Hudson's Bay people trapped a good
many beavers in the company offices, where
the skilful financing and careful business man-
agement served to back up the men actually

on the front Pines. Organized activity suc-
ceeded then just as it does today. The men
who put up telephone lines can work the better
because back of them are other men who pains-
takingly design and make their equipment, and
still other men who correlate all these activities-
into a smoothly meshing plan.

' T--% Y Y f1 N ' *' ,r i 1 -m Ar

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