THE MICHIGAN DAILY ;7'tMSDAY, r. EB UARY 26, 1921, THE MICHIGAN DAILY TtTESDAY, FEIWUARY 26, 192~I I I v . ,.-.._. t , _ .. _ ._ _. __ _.. t #. BAt] or Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, Scandinavian Explorer And Scientist, flIPI1lfl Is New Head SIN~l 1 oLead. Expedition With Hugo Eckener In Graf Zeppelin IDCT" SENW Of Railroad Company P R IN T IN G -IS P L A C E D O N ; C__ _N_ _E_ _T__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T U_ _ _E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M<>A fiIiIfllfh New" Conception s Not In Terms Of ^z " Etlizal bethan compuo~crs wrotec According To Fowler COBB ATTACKS COLLEGES I'domnes countr3 table; were 1- a~ weI EARY RITS NCUDD Formulated in terms of activities .f , r {rhaving their origin in the institu- sense Capasca, Jensen, and Koberger I, ion thought and organization of ms Were Most Eminent During Y, a e peiod Fifteenth Century modern societya new concetion .. ely 3 of modern education in the opinion I .:v: Mr;,: lecture Fifteenth century printing re h of Burton P. Fowler, head master i tel day. Gently presented to the University'. of the Tower Hill school, and an luin. library by Vergil V. McNitt, °02,' outstanding leader in the Progres- thein were recently placed on display by : . . lieEdctoncnerneben ghte Ella B. Humans, curator of 'the! 9 held at St. Louis. "h rare book. room. ____________________________ This new concept of culture is I interp Tni ipa otisa nsa ot in terms of subject," but in !what collection. of incunabula. "Incuns- tatvte, epitut h as abula," derived from the latin ',".' sreA I ~ natiiiehepinsou.Thsialsys - a ,"molaN ity, freshness, and enthusambeor 'Cunae," a cradle, is a term ap-(..2m...,.4 whic pervades the best element--fom plied to all books printed in the! ary scol une prgssv clear fifteenth century. About 20,000'mtosi led la eut~ .dci tiltaekont aebe of basing the work upon this new the a printed from the early presses. .;_ LAND..* concept. of th The first book printed from mov- '" E wORThIseonaryschol s ot t pse able type is the famous Gutten-j F 1Teseodaysholisntye Pelpor , itdb oanr-" - -- 'RG in line, however, it was stated by Who resigned the presidencyo mh begBibleStprintedob, bysieJohanne "Miss Guttenberg and Johann Fust, in i SadodCobrxdeto h the Central of Georgia. to becomefEiglis 1455. in addition to the distinc- crai! asso D m Cdciation "Ipr esetosthe cry- tion of being the first printed book,. in edctoanedoth da,'enwhad fteNwYrk peo it has also the distinction of being --_______________ the freedom of the secondary New Haven & Hartford railroads. accom terrs an motbatflPhoto at the right shows Dr.i school from the incubus of the col- ( - th ars n d m orl, aigtfuC EEEF E TI N Fridtjof Nansen, one of the world'sI lege to the point; where, as an in- __________________ bookin he wrld accrdig to. S REEN REF ECT ONSleading ;explorers, and the ship,I dependent unit it can conceive and Miss umans GrafZeppelin, in which he will? achieve those things which seemi Many eminent early printers are lead an expedition into the north-; best in the education of the modern. Cpreseatof Parth , ithp his brth - m aisr tati the m ic, heigan t and ast e n oyabe.w touth e be n M ovie-aas adetailedwth is bscientisftaticeMiexploration nj yab e ofhutheov e-'ern wa tes nexyaromke ayuth ~_heresde taser ed er a h is oilsrt ihWuerth theaters will s o on be tone. "The 'Ghost Talks," another' ealdsiniicepoaino Bound up to the needs of col-____________________ vignettes, and employed manylequipped with Vitaphone, and Ma-; all-talking feature, is the film'teaci.D.Hg cnr io lg nrne ti u notie LAST TIMES TODAY wooeut. Ehar Radol beanletone apparatus for talking pic- comedy at the Fox this week, and of the ship, 1s shown at the left, to the college chariot," Mr. Cobb wodus radRadl ea while the pooe route of the 'explained. He maintained thatSeVTaStr dfo Lo to print in 1476 in Italy, and re-trs hs epieisltnswilas ev oproeorpointexpedition is shown at the bottom.I eastern colleges dominate the sec- turned to Augsburg ten year will, in our opinion, mark a decided perfectly. yea.H wsoeoftefrs oipoeeti h msmn However .Dr. Nansen has been secured to ondary schools of the entire United at.Hewsoeoftefrtthoso w houpsem win lamen et.~talk on the Oratorical Association States. j-then a over of introduce wood engraving, and I hs hwhue ilhneot Damn. clever, these Chinese" eayxLngTakbamonth Mch lecture series as the seventh at-' Heavily ridden by tradition the East offered publshedboos onastonom an say Lon Tak Sa onthe ich traction, March 20, in place ofj rather than by reason," is Mr. allied subjects.I Regardless of the argumentsI igan stage, and we're inclined to HmrSitGues.Fwe' omn."Ltugeri her the romance Niclou Jeson bon i Frnce ovr tlkig pictures, every impor- ,agree with him. And not only is, Can_____ofthmnaticcncptinf__u she m i ss ed in was the most dioted Venetian, atmoin picture producer is his stage act good, but Norma ofatheon astie cneti ionofge du-an printer. His fine Roman font ofI now turning out his best pictures Shearer on the screen also pro- LEW~IS TO SPEAK geometry still constitute the coremarge type, a generously rounded open with either dialogue or sound1 vides an interesting hour. ITPC o h urclm hr eia type, was constantly imitated but effects. And so clearly have both; At the Majestic today is Greta ON CHUR H O i ofs the curiuluma, whreeitao- GeaGro otfsi never surpassed. He also used the filming and mechanical aspects Garbo in. "Wild Orchids," a loe3aetetikn ftecesadln fsre tisamaings Gti tye exesvl.Adsof this new type of motion pic- melodrama with a punch. But The Reverend Henry Lewis, rc- pupils." d 6ramau gf thTicsm ike Manutius was famous for his ture improved that the general :you can't go'wron g on Victor M- tor of the St. Andrews Epicopal ' agminfate Ttigsofie- srtomkthclsisaalbegetftr fothsfimnttm Lscocrigastbker the Church," as the second speak-es o us e t to all. He printed many Greek one that will drive the legitimate :and' his loves. er of a series offered by the Insti j-___tr_______e works on a large scale and intro- play off the boards, but as a new,' "Simrba," the African adventures tute of Religious Education and I duced italics so that important outstanding development in cinema of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson, teSuetCrsinascainChi e ncopne wok ol epitdPbi pno a engosya l neetdi http fthe IStute offris threeasciorses CAlSdTHnATREccottani. -woiensizule pinedIn a con- production.,.Js at the Wuerth all week. If you're at 7 o'clock tonight in Lane hall., Cby adults will not be ad- Anthony Koberger. about 1472,1 intolerant and harsh in judging film, it certainly merits your atten-j after the lecture: "How to read and later, was a prolific printer, the first talking films which werei. tion. The photography and camera:1 th BilinteT nithCn Beginning Sun. Eve., Feb. 2.4 issuing about 250 incunabula. He obviously crude.' The newest ofE work is especially well done and! tury." by Thomas I. Iden; "Teach- Matinee Wednesday & SaturdayI published the "Nuremberg Chron- these however, are so highly im-I the picture is replete with striking ling in the Church Schools," by the HELEN HAYES Jlce," a summary of history, geog- proved that they provide extreme-; scenes.I Reverend Howard R. Chapman, in the Unforgettable Drama raphy, and wonders of the world ly interesting entertainment. Worth. watching for is Herman land "Character Education Through' He sed180 wodcus ad se- For instance, at the Fox in De-ITimberg and his famed Varieties.' Camps," by~.Prof. Ernst V Jotter, "CO QUETTE" cial types, but often repeated his-'riafwwesao h etr which are due at the Michigan for' of the school of forestry. ___________________ -illutratins. 1film was "In Old Arizona," an out- Ia week soon, presenting two dif- 4door all-talker, starring Edmund ferent shows. The act is reputed~ __________________________________ MOVIE TnO SHOWj Lowe. Not" only was the soundl to be one of vueile the three, . highestAid version free from any mechanical invueil.BJA S TORYX OF' LEAD defects, but it is hard to see how .,,niglnhulIunIIl1UtUIIIiIl~nl11 .t __ EBERBACH & SON CO. sitdb Lead, from lead mine to lead NEW PROFESSOR - OPTICAL oiy EI TN pencil, will be the subject of five W L ESTABLISHED 1843Poiy LEISTN r-eels of motion pictures to be pres- WVELL, U LFE DEPARTMENT 29 :5(stehsad 'ented at 4:05 o'clock Wednesday=13c-1e NL SI t afternoon in Natural Science audi - Charles Knudson, who was ap- Toss adOrdmesC EN II mc-aderic e a Corium , it was announced yesterday pointed assist ntsprofessor o by Prof. Carl N. Schmalz, assistant French by the Regents at their Optical Prescriptions c' director of the Bureau of Business Thursday night meeting has hadl2 'Filled 7 SUPPLIES Musical Syiopsis-Majestic Combia- Rtesearch. abundat peparation. for taking 2! LABOR~1(AORY( LLJ~ ion-presenting a most unusual ar- This week's program is the elev up his professorship here, it was rakL~Inmesth andtwroughtrais zfo enth of a series sponsored by the indicated yesterday, afternoon by - SaL. eers -Inever ro School of Business Administration. Prof. Hugo P. Thieme, of the Ro- 'Sae t ewlr = veyadine It will consist of a three-reel film, fiance languages department. ;IIouII1111N11111111tHmoiIuItUIII 200-202 E. LIBERTY ST. WEDNESDAY {Th Stry f Lad Mnin an - !!VICTOR McLAGLEN in M filing." and a two-reeler, "The 111111!11 fil1-11111!111411114M11M111 M" A T I A H Story of Lead Smelting." ________________________________________ ICATNLSH designed particularly to give busi- 1AUI U ness students background material, _______________________________________________ all interested are invited to at- -______ tenri wchaszaHeoured bstudes- NW m hII n. r4L khi r tend ithasz.announced bytudes-o jNOWEll____________r______________ stic' music to be suntg in ry houses around the dinner the products of their genius never played in concerts such" have today, and so they were )thered with the 'audience- which is a factor in even the introspective music of every t.since," declared 'Cuthbert of the English Singers in his eon Elizabethan music yes in Natural Science auditor- "Thence comes the Single- ,d inwardness of their art, rtimate infectiousness of their: r works, :e most important principle in weting music is to find out the music means, what it and then to let that meaning rpletely expressed in the pci! once. Only by subordinating enunciation, pure tone-pro- in, a-d other shibboleths of rnateur to an understanding e real meaning of the corn- can a lifelike proportion and asis be secured." ,Nellie Carson, also of the sh Singers, sang four exam- )f the Elizabethan lute-songs, ipanied by Kelly. The- Art of the, Films vet / . . / ;. 1 , - .., P .etd _ .. l Ef (. . .. . . d", e 1 (1irec:ted by S IDNEay FRANKLIN SATURDAY JOHN GILBERT ire "4DESERT MADNESS"O i - On the Stage- -China's M aster Wonder Worker - LNGTACK SAM _ and His Gorgeous' Revue Supported by I I