SUNDA7.1), JANUA RY 22, 1!928 THF'. MTC HTCAN DATT.Y .T IW C- IT.A PAI' A AAA A%,x xxvr'AS A, v ax'S ,,..4 x PACT: / ( II %it \ , ,} l r I FuY 0 R/ ISLIBRAR cY SCIENCE AFFORDS OPEN FINGf, IFOR SPECIALIZATIONINl MANY LINES Irish Women Occupy WOMEN'S WORK IN Goxy~ornrn& ift P HOM MAKING IS Engagement i 7 1 7 t E TO L AGU["W~omne constitute at present over din knowing that the head W.'the e ;t TO [Al ( [ ~i [.DINI15 per ce'nt of the library workers,'' adn3 iiiist ('red library ini the U'nited stated Dr. W\illiam rW. Bishop, librar- Stal , ~ac( i iito theW ol)iflioil 0f D)onation Is To l1e' Useel° Especially'; ian of the University and head of the all lil~ra riants, is a- woman, Linda For Auiditorim W1'lg Of New J Department. of Library Science, in East man, ('levelaandl librarian. 'Women's Bufilding r an interview yesterday. uu "The field is far from crowded,"'lie "IIf 11(01' ais 1morc that you) would flfINATUIN continued, "In talking recently with scare to know,"' le concluded, I shoti ''I MAIJ OTHR ~the New York Director of Pl'bic Lii- be glad to tell youi. At. ;;resent we As the first gift toward the conl- braries, he made t he statement tha; has 60 smtudents hiere, and lmast of th~e tract for completion of th~e interior' >,e could find positions with no tron- libarar schools are full to) capacity. ofteauioiu ig.o h e ble for twice as many people as will You nItigiit 5stress thle importance of Women's league b~uilding the con- graduate this June from all of the lIanguages ill the work, and h:e fact struction of which has just been library schools. I think," he smiled, that professzional1 training is needed.'' startedl, a pledge of $8,000 was justt "that I would not be willing 1o make-- T_ receivedi from D. M. Ferry, Jr., of De- such a strong statement without in- ~{ J( lA--il' written in trait, president of the D. M. Ferry vsiain u 'en lutta o Spanish. Germian,. Greek, Latin, Seed company and also peieto a number of years the field will b enhad erwaebigme the Standard Accident Bonding corn- far from overcrowded." -Tiviai)l(' to tlhe students at the Uni- pany. This money which is ape- 4Not all students, naturally, a ° er~ fOlhmNraOi. sonal gift from Ferry will be turned successful, and just as naturally, all1, over to the league fund to be used students will not be recom~ymended, m tr(n~ztbt idr anug eat especially in the auditorium wing of he resumed after a p~ause, "We are the new b~uilding. making the requirements more andFerisagdutofheUvr-me Feryisagr~lat f heUnvr-moestrict. Prerequisites for en-' "To Win a Peg" is the name of the sity of Michigan, being a mem'ber of trance in the school include a work- newoperetta kxalincl will ibe produced theclas o'15 ad i alo te si~ing knowledge of b)th French and 1by the sItideit 0f the Univ:rsity of t'I) M.Fery Sr, hedonr f G erman, 90 hours, and 120 honorI ('olorado. It was written by Prof. Ferry field. points of college work. The time is Irni ol h settesme i~uingtheeary (aysof he am-coming when elementary work alonej studl'inlg shows ini the East-especiallyI paign for the Women's league, Fer- will not suffice for the obtaining of a Broad~way and Burlesque. ry gave a gift of $1.,000 and last 1 position anywhere. Languages cannot - - spring, in order to hell) the womenj be stressed too much. Few people A ruling has been put into effect over the top in their dIrive for thel realize just what the close intercom-!at Georgetown college that the men_ first $1,000,040, he turned in stadium' municatioxi of nations today is mean<- use one side atf the library and the bonds amounting to $1,400 to be plac- jig to the world and its work. And women the other. This c'hange wasj ed in the league fund. This addition- t us in the labrary work it is ini- +I cmn~ended because it was fell thai al gift of $8,000, places Ferry' in the1 possible to be efficient without them, the segregation woould create a quiet- i10.00 cass f snscriera forh books today, that previously pub- er atmosphere in the library. z. " t i i j r EE , A~t pi''reent 1he genel atus1 of the111 Irish woman is much the same ass that of the Canadian, was the ,judgment of both iMtiss JIane Skil len and Carl 1Kerr, natives at Ireland. Thero are .two or three women in the northern parliamenit and two or t hree in the "Dail" of the Free Slat~e. While every Iwoman as well as every man over the age of 21, is peormittedl to vote. Re- cently there, has been a law p~assed in the Free State. that unniaried women andI unnmarriedl men be cl assedl equal- At Y .& A Af Al n.. . . A ,f. 1.. 1 t1,-. L. AU...DED BY D1"" E~S Annolinmit'i I x'a 5 1 'CuEIt ly 11 at the Clh(i0111mega sorority at' In a latter sent to Mrs. John D. the Ctemu f(lns Fagan, '2S~ Sherman, president of the General IEd, 0ire('11 a cnga v, New York, to Federation uof'Women's clubs Vice- ah(si nAla ineinl''of'F el a ci ),ia- President Dawe's made an appeal to ternity. Violets, Waiting to Be Picked! itt le bunchlesi,,uand fluff;yit()pp2 S )rganfdy flowers awaitillg lhei lebut at a FoGrmral Danwa. JACOBSON'S ly in any civil servi(ce positiofs-s'i(hI Sas teaching, the p~ost al service or customs. Salaries are the same and there is no preference given in thec making of appointments. "The separation of Ireland into the 'two, entirely different gov~ernments, was originally due to political ques- tions," stated Kerr, bu:4 two facts stand in the way' of any reconcilia- ti01n, religion andl ra(cial differences. tThe Northe~rn state, still governed by England is Scottish and protestant, while the Southern cer Free State is ';chiefly Irish catholic. ''A number of p~eculliar condcitious havve arisen due to this new division of the country," continued l, err. "Passports are needed to travel from ithe one section into the other. Ther e are a number cf small rivers forming the boundary lines, which no automo- bile can cross without having either made previous arrangenients or pay- ing down, one third of the value of the car. Eventually I believe the two sections will reunite, lbut I am afraid that because of the intenae feelingf that it will be nearly a century. There is a large republican opposition in the Free State, as it is, that desires a complete independence. Perhaps you have heard of Die Valera, the headj of it." ",Many Irish women enter the pro-I fessions," said Miss Skillen, "and Ij believe that many more women _en- ter medlicine there than they (10 here. in our nation, state, county. and city elections." Mlr. Dawes believes that the Fed- eration in' the year just passed has been committed to two policies (4 autstandiiig service' to' the coun'rj, that: of raising the standard of I lie American home and of bringing orltI the vote. Of these two policies Mr. Dawes be- lieves the former to be the more val- J uable. Tie says the following aboutI 'raising the standard of the home: "I would( not detract from the valued contribution of women in their new spheres of activity but the fact re- mains that women alone can make a homne. There her' greatest is exerted; there, her greatest contributions to society, are made, andy therd, 'her greatest' success-if success be mea- sured in terms of service, is achieved." The Cosmopolitan Club of the Uni- versity of Colorado will 'put on a Rus- sian pr'ogram with'which native Rus-j Sian' artists will be obtained from Denver. UTAI.--Undergraduate publications are forbidd~en by the university board of regents to run advertisements in their columns. fI don't know why. And the supply is very much greater than the de- mandI. As many as two thirds of the dloctors that leave the *colleges there, take up their practice in England or in the colonies. Perhaps it is the same here, but no doctor who takes his (degree in any country outside the j unit ed Kingdom can practice in Ire- land without retaking the examina- tions." THE C CAGO OPERA CO. n~ i Ihe ~d~' h lss advaages (of tile bealutifll MJASONIC AUDITORIUM I"~i' 1c ~S;"'I'1trormlal(es iin three gal, a. hys, iii dttictl, het u'eah' artist s in thme greatest opetras. Ru ka~ n r haitloriiiI, N icolicli, Sandrin i, Tain (Gurdlvim, lsi, Balhl~Itli ih~ea'am ceof CHASE 11ARO3IE0, Iroit aii'iu F RI',II. , "MME. BUT""TERFLY" FEB. 17, at 8:00 ; ason,1 Ri min i, M1aio, I )efrere, :Hackett, d'lleruimaoy, 11lojicen anid ot hers. Garidenu, h~i'g'all frr~ rio, A aISOn, Rhuin bi, 3Moiien, N icolich, i'llernm aoy. SvrT . : vY1, "IL TROVATOREYY Tea gue. During the entire campaign af the league there were only three persons who have given gifts of $10,000 each and with the exception of the pledges taken by undergraduate wo-! men and a. few of the alumnae groups there have beein only two gifts larg- er' than that at' Ferry and his two associates. Undergo Operationi Amy Loomis, '23, until recently the leading lady with the Rockford Play- ers who are opening their ;popular stock season at the Whitney theater tonight is in the University Hospital under the care of Dr. Frederick A." Collar, pending a serious thyroid op- eration on her throat. Miss Loom'is was plrominent in col- lege (dramatics during her undergrad- uate days, and for two years was the director of the Junior Girls' play. For the past three seasons she has been leaing lady with the Rockford Play- ers and one of its most popular mem- bers. Her operation will occur sometime next week and it is hoped that her recovery will be swift enough to al- low her to return with the company at the Whitney theater; especially c0 plermit her appearing in her old role of Catherine II in Bernard Shaw's "Great Catherine" which has always leen the company's greatest success.1 "Great Catherine" will be coupled with James M'T. Barrie's "The 01(1 Lady Shows Her Medals," featuring Airs. Richard Mansfield in a, double bill to be presented at the Whitney theater the week of Feb. 22. lished in English only, are publishedI in any number of languages." "There is another fact that it mayf be well to mention," he said thought- fully. "That is, that pleople trained n ftepoesosaemc needed by this work. Just this month we have had calls for librarians whio Announcement was made Wednesday) night. at the Alpha (Chi Omega sorority of the engragement of Cletus Fagen, '28EI., of Chateaugay, Nevw York, toj John "M'athes, '28E, oif Toledo,O0. l Maihes is a m..ember of Theta Xi fra- tern itv. _l li C, L'mu' idyLuY. ~azari,!i 'i'rlnjay, (Curtis, Bonllfl, .Moplea,;1 31of-lijuto, Ballot. At V'ahrs Door Ml ore. Bviietiit ii~cmg~ur~etieLa'e have specialized history and for tricity, and in happens, we had able, and were those already work. I"Perhaps you I in chemistr'y, ill specialists in ee- - engineering. As itj SYRACUSE.-Scholarship ratingsj fno such ones avail- !of the University of Syracuse showI forced to refer to that sorority women have a higher established in theI average than non-sorority women and that women have a higher average would be interested than men. -- ,i ' r{ :f i 'i 6RING" Sil~k Hosier~y of Surpassing Loveliness 11 pr i ~ , ; , j 4 . { .. . r H (" c ,.. u ,' f { 1t ''X^. 4! 3 ...,. 'Bewitching- Is tbi's -felt model in varied tones of the same color-Another proof of the ensemble idea for spring. $5.00 f Distinctive Is this felt and s1traw combination. Fashioned so intricately to give the chid', simple effect-Ini shades of leigec. $7.5 K, k ........ 14 91 tecxt r ~ lie a, t'15s r ' b r ll O ('X s7 l , Thlese niew silk hose! M1ow exquisite in timi e. hone lovely in sheen, full fash- (z11 and silk: from top to toe. You'll love themn(lie minute you see zii adl weai' them 1happily and ii ioiiahy en the street, at lurncheonm, id(, (huler and the dance. They are ti~itcI Hsel intedl in all the alluring; ales5. { bra' '4'f C rGI J~ti ,a FV K. ik- 0matter how vish the fash. ions, how lux. 4arious the fabrics, nor how new the creations, they may aitways b~e found here at prices well within: the limits of moderatce incomes. JO0E PARKER'S GI L Slpecial Suiiday Dinner :~IMsic .and D, iming every evening. PORTABLE M. TYPEWRITERS - Corona, Underwood, Remington, iRoyal. We have all makes. Some in colored duco finishes. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615. Th~e Most Complimented Stocking in America Sophisticated To the Nth' degree is thin creation. It might be felt and velvet, or silk and straw. But in either' case its charm lies in it's "tip in the center $12.50 $1.65-$2.50 222 S. 11a in o: 'I i .ddmlmw AlMe Al, } %IA' l -adlum a p Personal Service" Main at Liberty -IL 11 -l it I ......:..... ....... -.. .._ ryi'J:".Z-'1$Ff'C :'.. ,. ..-::13. J'ii:;._*,T._9r-L :SL J w,7 _.... . a..._. _ .: ti8y' 0 EXCHANGE FO YOUR F, : : S 'ING THEM - - L AS A SQUAR I)EL W I