?'A~rFOuTR THE MTV'; ITAN DAIL-Y SUNDAY, JA NUARY 22, I ''l Published every mornfing except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. 11ember of Western Con ference Editorial Assocation. present conference cannot help butJ prove tremendously beneficial andS EDL enlightening. I The movement, likewise, to draw p./ the Pam-American Union togethe'r for '15:Mt110 the purpose of vetoing; actions of the (tf-i Unit ed States has collapsed, and Oli +1' ,. - 4-t., 8,.,Fi.. .4.-4-- I THE TI AE' H-AS come wile" 'ill The Associated Press is exclusively en- I here seems to be nfllurthier agitation tit le~ to the uise for repiiblication of all news dipthscredited to it or not otherwise on that coutnt. The original idea, ap- creditled in this paper and the local news pub- ')prenltlyxwas to establishsoehn lisied herein. similar to an itra soa oetn EnteredI at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,; where the piolicy of the United States M ichigan, as second class matter. Special rate l cou ld b~e a iredl and vetoedl if (desired. - of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General.I This agitation has ceased.j Suhscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4-50,.I A ll in all the Pan-American i con- Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, 'May- erwesmstbearmndul card Street. Trnesest eateedul .hones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. wholesome thing. Opening in aI strained atmosphere which command- EIITTORIAJL STAFFxl Telehone499 ~ed the attention of PresidIent Coolidge,i Telehone492iand which mfove'd him to draft that1 MANAGING EDITORl O H.CHAMBRLINm asterfu itidiplomatic veteran, Charles Evans I1liges, into the service of the Editor........... ...Ellis B. 1\I cry coulntry, the conference has appar- Kditor M'ichigan Weekly. . Charles E. Behiymer StabfIEditor............. Philip C. Brooks ently straightened out many difficul- C'ity Editor ........... . our tland C. Smith 'W'omen's Editor.......... Marian L. Welles ties without even dragging them to Sports Editor....... ..... Herbert F.' VedderI the floor of the assembly. The very Theater, Books and llusic.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Telegraph Editor............ Ross WV. Ross! concrete evidence of conciliation Assistant City Editor. . .. Richard C. Kurvink. Night Editors which has (come thus far is (certainly Robert E. Finch C. Thomas McKean adequate proof of the value of the J . Stewart Hooker Kenneth G.. FPat ick Paul J.. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Pan-American Union, and the in- Milton Kirshbaum cesn nesadn hc h Reporters cesn nesadn hc h Esther Anderson Marion McDonald United States seem;; 1o be gaining Afargaret Arthur RichardlI3. Milroy ~ hissuhr egbr sa n 1Emmoxns A. Bonfield Chairles S. A ouroe ihissuhr egbr sa n 3 can ('anipbell (athierine Price c Jesie hurh [arld . Pssmn raing phase of our Latin-Ameri-- Clanrence N. Edelson Morris W. Quinn n eains. ,Margaret Gross Rita Rosenthal ________________ Valbor l" Egeland Pierce Rosenberg Marjorie i'olliner Edward 1'. Ryan F ENVA V NN James I;. Freeman David Schzeyer G 1 EAT VEN Rober-t J. Cessner Eleanor Scribner Elaine E. Gruber Corinne Schwarz I On t'he grounds that it might inter- Atlice Hlagelshaw Robert C. Silbar fere with Austrian plans for anion Joseph i . Howell Howard F. Simon J. Wallace Hiushen Rowena Stillman i with Germany, the Austrian govern- Charles R. Kaufman Sylvia Stone ment is reputed to have shown a Williaml F. Kerby G;eorge Tilley f awrence R. Klein l dward L. 1Warner, Jr. definite lack of enthusiasm regarding 0k )uald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer ;ailly Knox Leo J. Yoediek!! any scheme to move the seat of the b I}te.k L.I..Lait. Jr. Joseph Zwerdlinig John H. Maloney I League of I~atiOns to Vienna. Official-f 1. 11' 11 " J 111.0 1V11G: w1 students must liccount: for all those hours they did not use in studying"; when all the men grow lr ong-lbeardsl 1(if they arie 01ld enough).,bec-ause they have no lime to shave; when the dleep rings appear Under the eyes of all students (not because of lbeing oit on dates) ; and when the mid-night oil is burned in most of the rooming- houses (because. fine blew out). Examinat ions are upon us. t WITH. THESE EXAMINATIONS comes disaster for some, and near dis- aster for many, and fright for all. The freshmen who have never passed through one of these periods will probaly learn many interesting things. It is well for them to lake notice for many of them endi their college careers with this first exami- nation period. fFOR T14OSE; OF YOU who may leave dlear old Michigan at the end of the semester there are several ex- cuses to give. First, one could easily become tired of going to school. See- ondly, (this applies only to those who live in the northern Peninsula) one can always say that he knows enough already andI the profs can't teach him any more. THPE BEST EXCUSE +. 1 7 3 i 3 lDue to thte nit tuber anl inaportane (if the ot her d ranlai ic andI musi-al events t-i bil will tale, pka -e da i - the' sads intevin) of set ( xainil lions, it w itl1 b"best to li, .t hem in chron ologicalote r: Theit . 01.1tlal l1nllertll (Choir, F. 'l elms Ch rist iasen, conduti tor, in H-Iill a ttdil orilmn , Thlursda y evening,F j antuarv 2t;, as the fourth numnber of the E xtra Coner t. series. Walker Wiite" e in (Cordon K~ean's "'t'ie Hindu" iIinte Whitney theater onr Fviday evoning, .January- THE ATE BOOK ftON IGFf' Il l e ltelaord PMayers present, Bayarid XeiI icy's f"aTeThir- teenthi Cha~irs as the first bill .of iteir sCel soal of .,lock in thle 1AItii ney Theate1 r. (Th ' Plaayers -wiIIllI i lte x i "Th- 'T'h Tirtieenth C4 ha ir" ev ery evettilig dhis week xeeptX%'lt ridtay -ivi la add iionalI perf~ormlanlce"',at1WedneIsdaty Dressmaking Hemstitching Jewelry New Brooches Just Received. The Quality Hemstitching Shop I. V41GI VV /V% q I } Artistic Waves Special Pricesj Monday and Tuesday Open Evenings by Appointment BLANCHE E. ALDRICH, Manager 1110 S. Unver.'dty Dial Th61 BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager... George II. Annable, Jr. Advertising......,. Richard A. Meyer Advertising............. \rtflur AL Hinkley. Advertising.............dward L. Hulse Advertising ............. Jlhn \V. Ruswinckel Accounts ................. Raymond Wachter Circulation..............George, B. Ahn, Jr. Publication.................I lHarvey Talcott Assistants George Bradley Marie Brumler James 0. Brown James Carpenter James B. Cooper Charles K. Correll Barbara Cromell Mary Dively Bessie V. Egeland Ona Felker Katherine Frohne Diouglass Fuller Beatrice Greenberg IHlelen Cross l?. J. hatmmer C'arl XV.Hammer Ray Hotelich Hal A. Jaehn James Jordan Marion Kerr Thales N. Lenington Catherine M\cKinven WV. A. falial'fy Francis D. Patrick George M. Perrett Alex K. Scherer Frank Schuler George Seater Wilbert Stephenson Ruth Thompson H erbert E. Varnumi Lawrence 'Walley Hannah Wallen SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1928 Night Editor-K. G. PATRICK j A INEW RINI) OF COLLEGE Something new in the way of .tol- leges, one which equally ben~efits the student and the institution, has been invented and put into effect by a con- cern in a nearbJy city. The Toledo Scale company has undertaken to train a few selected college grad- uates, chosen for the most part from the Universities of Michigan and Ohio State, by having the chosen few each "term" start work from the ground up. In this way they are expected to learn every detail of the work before they are even allowed to take office training. When the indivdual shows knowl- edge of the fundamentals of the busi- ness which cannot be learned from textbooks, the system decrees that he shall advance a notch higher. When lie has completed his training, the company believes that he is equipped to earn a living that is far above the average, and at the same time thaat his services mean a great deal more to the company. Another point to be emphasized is that if the company finds youths who have enough perseverance to continue a course which is certain to be dis- couraging at times, it assures itself, of a staff of aggressive representa- tives, something that in some cases, colleges cannot do. While thte idea is not wholly orig- inal, it is seldom that a btusiness con- ly, this has been given as the reason for this stand in the matter. While the league personnel and cer- tain others whose influence is not to be (disregarded have started action to move the permanent seat of the league from Geneva to Vienna, Aums- trian spokesman have voiced their ( disapproval and disinterestedness in j any such plans. They say, and en- tirely with justification, that any } change which would shift the league seat to the midst of unsettled Central Europe, would not be likely in the long run to prove acceptable to Eng- land or other major powers con- cerned. Underlying the whole idea of re- jecting any such plan, however, is the fact that Austria feels, and rightly so, that it would prove to be a great obstacle in their plans for union with Germany. In this event, it would seem that Austrian diplomats have spoken wifely. As a strictly neutral countryr and a sincere friend of the, league, it has obviously acted to the i nest interest of that body as well. as it self. MORE LOCAL DRAMA S The return of the Rockford Players? to Ann Arbor offers a pretentioums season of stock company plays, pre- sented by actors who have attained considerable recognition for their ability, and a number of whom de- serve special attention as alumni andI students of the University. The selection of plays indicates the employment of decidedly meritorious principles, stressing not only enjoy- able entertainment but a sincere ef- fort to give expression to the most significant and worthy contemporary dramatic works. Although there is every reason forj supporting the company on grounds ofduty or loyalty, it is not necessary tappeal to such motives, since the intrinsic interest of the enterprise should guarantee ample suppoprt. ONOR AMION COLLEGIAN1S While it is rather unfortunate that Perhaps the best excuse to give for leaving the University is that matri- mony has called. It is often neces- sary to find another party to make this plan work, but since this is leap year there should be little diffictulty in this scheme. The gentleman pic- tured above is telling his father in no uncertain words the reason lie left school. One has to be careful in such matters, however, because these fathers were young once. Note father's quisical smile, OF COURSE MOST of the students will return for the second semester. To these we wish a short examination schedule and hope that they have time to go home between semesters. * * s IF WE HAD OUR way we would warn all parents not to allow their children to drive automobiles while at Thle iRockford Ila iere open at the- Satturday inatitie,. ,antaarv -)9,with J ei":~d "~ i . /Isd"I Norma Mlitclbell 's "Cradle Snatchers PTCA for fivo suacceeding p~erfornmances. fJ! y- T['le itocIhforcl Players will give EP ARTM ENi Frederick Lotisdale's "Areii'1 Ie All" i Lenses and Frames made ; beginning with Itheo \'tdnesday 1matiOde nee [February 1 , I roug;h Suday, Peb- T re rmiN air , with thte exception of the Optical Prescriptions Satuirday matinee. I Filled fr'He New Turk Si lttpliouiV orchtestra, Walteri' Iamrosch, condutctor Jolt' HALLERS Erskine, soloist, in IPill auditoriutm State St. Jewelers Wednesday evening, February 7., asf, ,,.dA,~."~/; 01 .'.i"~J.r9 t he fifth number in time Choral Union _____________________________ rfite Jeanl Grog .Marioneettes will TheAD P Y presentced by the Play Ptroduct ion CILASSIFILED classes in Hill auidit oriumin Tlmumsdacy, FFebruary 2. for a- matinee of "Mark: Twain's "llucklejierry Finn" antd aim S t A dr w' evening pierformance of ?Maui-ice Mae - (r * \ huc terlink's 1"Tile Blebir d. " (ELpscopal)Ch rc "The Saide to You1," the twent y- ( Bl iini oi n(Id('aaflerie Str'eets second annual Union oper'a, will be l UNDAY, JAN. 22 ! presented for a single performance 80 .M- oyCm ISaturday after-noon, February 4t, in 8:0a .Hl on the Whitney theater. mufllofl * * *9:00 a. m.-Service for " 1APPLESAUCE FOR~l THE GANDER" Students in Harris Hail. Among those wiho will be0 preseintj 11 :00 a. m. - Morrnng' at a delightfully inf'ormnal murder of"I rar and Sermon b the Edward Wales this evening ithn eb Whitney theater will be none otir RttV. Henry Lewis tan Robert I entlorsoin-atorit, critic.! 7:30 p. m. - Evening columnist, producer and ve'stal visrgin'-"Pryer and Sermon by the of campus dramatics in tIhos far'off T-) -rev. T. L. Harris- days when l'aioinkin's dirunken shout DANCING wm (r W, joyable means of entertainment for those whose finals are so scheduled that they have those nights off. There will be the same good music, the same pleasant atmosphere, and the at GRANGER'S throughout the Examination Period ~RANGER'S will have their 7regular mid-week, and week- nd dances during the next two reeks. This provides a most en- same enjoyable time. home. We illustrate the reason. STOP, LOOK, LISTEN i i I 1 t-prp Dance at Granger's Dancing Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday G.Dtue to the lack of practice at the wheel this car was driven off the .roald and into the tree. No, this really didn't happen, our expert photograph- I er took a picture of a tree and a pie- Itore of an automobile and pasted one inn the other, but it might happen. A. sec'retary, with a University edw !a51t ion is assutred VanIexcellent JMwsitioit. Of course tile kiionvledge of shor1thanid 1and(1type-writing tire peron~ltly tt5C41lI, too. Commitence ill February. 3f ~'~ yu tUh Granger's Academy-- .**......;.......... ..: ...... ...j I storties collge_ originating from Ka college campus should 'relate to the newspaper-reading public tales of how German mark notes, street cat' tokens, buttons andI telephone slugs have become legal tender on the campus, it partly serves to explain thte conception some members of that public have of the campus. This is piarticularly true of the recent story r } i I i i i r , C , j I cern has so sincerely and soundly ' in that respect originating at North- given itself over to a highly sig~nifi- western university. cant cause. It is said that since school op~ened _____________________in September, the university athletic THE (CONFERENCE association at Northwestern has lost The most recent reports from thej no less than $600 at its "honor" candy Pan-American conference now beingj stands scattered about the camputs be- held in Havana, Cuba, indicate that ceuse students dropped slugs, buttons tentative opposition to the policy oi' and the like into the slot instead of the United States has collapsed, and the proper coins.! that in its stead has developed a real F It' the story is correct, as it has feeling of cooperative unity and real every appearance of being, it cannot coalition. Mexico and Nicaragua, ex- help but impair' the feeling of pride pected to be the ring-leaders in any those students responsible for the such movement, have denied such in- illegitimate practice must have, at tentions, and the delegations of both least in part, for their university. The nalons have issued disclaimers of {s5ooner~ they come to realize this, and any such plan. that they are practicing something Argentine alone still seems to re-j outside the law, the better off they main somewhat. sceptical as to the will be and the better will be the. con- motives of iJie U.nited States in po- ception of the worltd away fmrom the licing the Caribbean, and even the campus of' the type of individual W AE MUST 'ALSO WARN students driving during the J-Hop per'iodl to Rlobert; IielIdersotl beep their eyes on the road no mat temr I )irect (i of the Rockford Playeirs. how great may be time temptationi to I coutld be heard onil limes theater tturn around, for look how hard at i stage, and the aesthetes wailed in Iwould be to get an automobile down I t1heir ivory towetrs contcerning thbe on- out of a tree. warr'ant ed carpintg of dramatic crit i-s. * * * 'Mr. lHenderson's other priotldctisit- AND THEN ('AME THE news fronm cludle Norma Mtihtccl' s (comnedy mt C Columbus that the Michigan negative American infidelity-"Cradle Snatch- r team had won a debate. It -was the ers , and :Frederick Lonsdale's E'ng- 'negative team despite IDaily headlines Iish dlitto, "Aren't We All." to the contrary. We almost wept, foa'r there that negative team had gone ,I, iX hF HflSI'ION and rined Michigan's perfect record ot h Detroit is now facd with a sad sit- never winning. Of course the football tuatiotiof if aatist P' poverty. Omit-c en- teami lost a game or two this year so i oying time flushi of criic hal eul huts-I the debaters probably though they iasili and piopular' adulation, anti now would build up support in attlet jcs a repro bate, lpariah in t he artisti(c again by winning their event. IHoly-Land, "The Fitrst Snow" is suft- * * * fer'in-, the chill povertt of Illaliat'- *AGAIN THE THOUGHT of exantina- i sin.t Its title of "tiovety an" a tions comes to us and with it the re- been str'ipped fron tIts''t"upretent- F alization that tomor'row they begint. tious" back and now it is a fugitive MPersonally, we offer a reward of sev- fromt the cr-,itical wolves-branded as o ral thousand of any European curt- a 'copy., rency except the Pound Sterling to In literary tenters a simnilatr im- any reader' of this column who will 'psews nrolyaetd ty a for- b~ring in, dead or alive, the man who itint uatte coinidenl'tce' of simttltaneous invented examinations. A boniv; of aj publication. - MaLIgaret Kennedy, 'outple of thotusandl more will be given .fainots for her "''tstant. Nyniph~' if he is dead. and still riding the tidle with her' Tat- Je. est, ''RIed Sky at Mor-nimng," has had lte' claim tothle mst' o1'inixed twins the U7niversity and state authorities Fpr-otestetd by Hielena Simpson, other- at-c determined to safeguartI tte wise unriowat. The only difxerence htealth of the student body. bet weetn the two plots is te diffeir- ® Hirloom Chinese SAlso Importations from all oover Europe and Asia atE ® l 0c discount from prices -already at one-half or two-= thirds what you would be asked elsewhere. REMEMBER E=) IMERRICK stands for three things, QUALITY at- A' L OWER PRICES and ISOMETHING DIFFER- -l FOR EXAMS You need a Rider iim se n now for exams - A pen which never balks or runs dry in the middle We make and service them right here in Ann Arbor. I I No Delay Ask for a demonstration of The New Royal Portable Typewriter 'They are outselling all others because, they outclass all others. A demonstration will convince you that you wish and should have one.a m