ESTABLISHED 1890 ' Sr~l 4hr ti att MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No.. 92. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1928 TEN PAGES i 1 COMMITTEE PROMiSES[ HOP WILL BE ONE 1F MOST BRILLIANT HELD ROCKFORD PLAYERS / OPEN TONIGHTI WITH 13AYARD VEILLER'S MYSTERY UNUSUAL 1 A1IANO 1ENTS DECORATIONS ASSUR{ED BY JUNIOR CLASS FOR CONCLUDE PREPARATIONS No Expense Spared In Obtaining Bes Orchestras In Country, Believe Officers in Charge Finishing the work of more than two months, final preparations are being made for the class of 1929 J-Hop by the committte headed by John R. Gilmartin, '29E. TheJ-Hop conceded tobe the high point of the University social season, will be one of the most brilliant ever conducted at Michigan, according to those in charge, and should 'go far toward re- ducing the belief that the annual function is getting too unwieldy to be popular among the student body. Unusual provisions for entertainment and decorations have been made this year, and a record attendance is as- sured by the enthusiastic manner in which the whole number of tickets was claimed when placed on sale. No expense was spared by the members of the vomnmittee in obtain- ing the music for the 1929 J-Hop, and due to an exceedingly changea- ble season, they had the choice of most o' the finest dance bands in the country. After personal inspection of many musical organizations the Jack Chapman orchestra at present play- ing in Chicago was selected, and aft- erwards Emerson Gill's radio broad- casting band of Cleveland and Mc- Kinney's Cotton Pickers of Detroit were added to the group. Chapman From Chicago Jack Chapman and his organiza- tion is at present playing during the dinner hour at the La Salle hotel in Chicago, and afterwards furnishes dance music at the Bal Tabarin. Dur- ing the summer he plays at the Ma- rine roof at the same hotel. He records for the Victor company. The contract calls for no substitutions in the personnel of the band, and the appearance of the original group is guaranteed. Emerson Gill has one of the better- known broadcasting organizations in the country, and his choice was the result of many requests on the part of students and prospective J-Hop uests who had heard him play. He has made Columbia records, and at present plays at the Bamboo Gar- dens in Cleveland. The last band picked was McKinney's Cotton Pick- ers of Detroit, who have been built up to be th first-string organization of Gene Goldkette's m-anagement, since the disbanding of the original Gene Goldkette orchestra which play- ed at the affair last year. The Cot- ton Pickers also broadcast, and will shortly embark upon a tour of the East during which time they will make records of their ow. Presents Dutch Village e The general scheme of the decora- tions for the J-Hop carries out the ida aoof a Dutch village in a scale never before attempted. The prize- winning design was the work of J. A. Taylor, '29A, and is being planned and built by the George P. Johnson Flag and Decoration company of De- troit. Striking lighting effects may be obtained by the use of a large moon at one end of the gymnasium, the color of which will change with the progress of the night from yel- low to red, with a simllar changing effect on the blue sky overhead. A huge windmill will be erected at the end of the floor and behind this the moon will be suspended. At inter- vals around the floor will be light- houses shining beasons upon the dancers, while all of the booths will be constructed as cottages having slate and thatch roofs. The fraternity or group insignia of those inhabiting the both will be hung in front. The passage between the two gymnasi- ums will be wrought to resemble a bridge connecting two bodies of wa- ter, and under this will be moored a boat containing one of the orches-- tras Built To Fit For the first time the decorations will be built specifically to fit the gymnasiums, thus adding to the unity and completeness of the effect. The grand march will take place proipt ly at 11 o'clock, and will be led 1y the geneiral chairman, John R. Gilmardn, '29E and his partner, Eva Jo Montgomery of Cushing, Okla. It will end in the traditional forming of the block "M" and the picture will then be taken. Moving pictures of the grand march and entertainment will be' taken by Reograms service. The Hop guest must be governed in t 1 a 3 i i I } L , ,, , s Inaugurating the ten week's season of stock at the Whitney theater, the Rockford Players are opening tonight at 8 o'clock in Bayard Veiller's mys- tery melodrama, "The 13th Chair." 'his opening bill was listed as the outstanding success of the company's season last year in Rockford, and presents Mrs. Richard Mansfield, wife and leading lady of RichardaMansfield, in the featured role of Madame La- Grange, supported by Charles War- burton of the Old Vic theater in Lon- don. The Rockford Players are complet- ing their third season under the di- rection of Robert Henderson, '26, and have just completed a 20 weeks run in the Rockford theater at Rockford, Ill., preceeded by a 30 weeks season la'st year. The Ann Arbor season is pre- sented under the management of Don McIntyre, and will be the first regular stock engagement ever presented in Ithis city. The company is already well known in Ann Arbor, both because many of d the players are former Michigan stu- -_ I dents and because of the popular spring and summer 'seasons on the campus. Each summer the Rockford Players are presented under the aus- pices of the Summer Session, the only Yprofessional company in the country to be sponsored by a university. Mrs. Mansfield, who retried from the stage during the war following the er Hour tragic death of her son, returned to om this country in December especially to play with the company. The fn- gagement was completed this summer DROP by Robert Henderson while Mrs."Mans- 'NEW YORK SYMPHONY O0RCHESTRA TO PLAY AT HILL A UDITORBIUM JOHN ERSKINE, NOVELIST, WILL APPEAR ON PROGRAMI AS SOLOIST ONE OF CONCERT SERIES Year Miarks Fiftieth Anniversary Since Organization By Dr. Damrosh In Steinway Hall Now entering upon its fiftieth or- ganized year, the New York symphony orchestra, conducted by Walter Dam- rosch, will make its appearance on Feb. 1 in Hill auditorium, as an at- traction of the regular concert series.. As a special feature of the concert, John Erskine, professor of English literature at Columbia and popular novelist, will appear as soloist with the orchestra. It was just 50 years ago that Dr. Leopold Damrosch organized a group of players for a concert in Old Stein- 'way hall, New York, and this led to; the establishment of the present or- ganization, as well as to the founding of all other 'symphony groups in the country. It was the first symphony orchestra to undertake nation-wide tours or road concerts of any kind, and in this work it visited many towns and cities which had never heard a symphonic program. It is estimated that during its existence the orchestra has played to more than Mrs. Richard Mansfiel ViOLENT STORM ARCTIC OBSERVWI Wind Velocity Of 120 Miles P Ts Reported By Radio Fr 1t. Evans Station BAROMETIR TAKEQS field was in London. Reports of a terrific storm which Mrs. Mansfield, who on the stage I aTh rosclr Will Conduct supported her famous husband in all T[he present tour wil be under came down off the Greenland ice-capp of his roles under theaname of the direction of Walter Damrosch, al- and hit the Mt. Evans weather ob- Beatrice Cameron, will appear in four though he retired as regular conduc- servatory of the University treen-productions with the Rockford Play- tor at the close of last year's season. land Expedition on Monday, Jan. 16 rs; including Madame La Grange, He is a son of the founder, and has a ntaiedin an mortan ' the little Irish spiritualistic medium held the post of conductor for 42 years. are contained in an important radio- in "The 13th Chair," Lady Frinton in After the present tour, Damrosch will gram received here by the University Frederick Lonsdale's "Aren't We appear as guest conductor for one short-wave wireless station. All?" which is scheduled for produc- month in New York. The message reads: "MO NTtion during J-Hop week, the Allisn The appearance of the well-known TSkipworth role in "Elizabeth's" dra- author, John Erskine, will add a novel EVANS, GREENLAND. Storm Jan- I matization of her novel "The En- touch to the local musical history.! uary sixteenth as follows: maximum chanted April," and the title role in Erskine combines the talents of a wind one hundred and twenty miles James M. Barrie's "The Old Lady musician and teacher with those of pei hour from southeast, temperature Shows Her Medals." writing. It is thought unique in artis rose to thirty-three degrees, humidity Other members of the company list tic experience in America for an below thirty-five per cent, lowest Charles Warburton, who was recently amateur to give performances of such pressure twenty-eight to twenty-nine the director of the Memorial theater works as the Schumann, McDowell, inches sea level, Winds of huricane at Stratford-on-Avon, and leading man and Mozart concertos. Erskine has force continued several hours.rOb- with Henry Jewett's company in Bos- not made it a practice to appear thus servdtory withstood wind force nicely. ton; Robert Henderson, director and in public, and it has been due chiefly Many foeihn clouds seen on fourteenth leading juvenille; Velma Royton, also to the efforts of Guy Maier, local ar- and fifteeh. Ituen a work- of Henry Jewett's Boston company; tist and teacher, that he has consented ed nieth.goorerdsntainewd- Frances Dade of Hollywood, Cali- to play here. He will also appear in ed nicely so good records obtained.-- fornia; Kate Holland Patton; Helen Buffalo in the same capacity. Erskine Kaliquist." Hunneman of Boston; and Holman is the author of the "Private Life of Interpreting this message yester- Faust and Franz Rothe, who became Helen of Troy," "Galahad," and "Adam day, Prof. William H. Hobbs of the ( popular with the company this sum- and Eve."I geology department, director of the mer on the campus. Known In Musical Circles expedition, said, 'These terse tele- Dr. Walter Damrosch is a conspic- graphic sentences set forth in tech- VARSITY TANKMEN uous figure in musical circles. He nical language almost startling scien- was but 19 when selected conductor of tific facts. The storm reported is one ESTABLISH MARKS the New York symphony, and officials of very great violence, as is clearly iN TOLEDO /EE of the School of Music and University shown by the wind velocity of 120 Choral Union consider it fortunate that miles per hour. What is even more Ann Arbor will observe the playing of remarkable is the extremely low pres-EsOLdtO(wpppaal sure of the barometer-28.29 inches. TOLEDO, Jan. 21.-Record-break- the veteran conductor at the same This approaches the extreme minima Iing performances by Capt. Bob Dar time. It was Damrosch who originally for the greatest storms of the world. nall and Garnet Ault, members of the conceived the idea of performing the At the center of the great Miami hur- 1928 Michigan tank team, featured the works of Wagner on the concert ricane, a minimum of 29 inches was swimming meet at the Toledo Ath- stage, while under his leadership the recorded. These world minima meas- letic club here tonight, when .the Symphony society introduced the im- ured in connection with the great Wolverine stars established new na- portant works of Brahms, Tschaik- storms are always found in the center tional intercollegiate records in the owsky, Sibelius, Stravinsky, and Rim- I of a vast whirl of air which is rising 100 meter and 500-yard free style sky-Korsakoff, and sponsored the ap- and becoming colder as it rises. On events. pearance of such artists as Padere- the contrary, the extreme minimum The outstanding event of the meet wski, Saint-Saens, Kreisler, vontBu-r of pressure recorded in connection was the performance of Ault, sopho- low, and Tschaikowsky in their I with this storm on the margin of the more star of this year's Varsity, who American premieres. Greenland ice-cap is close to the won the 500-yard free style event in The New York symphom y made in margin of a great whirl of air which the exceedingly fast time of 6:051-5. governments of Belgium, England, is sinking and becoming warmer as it This is 3 2-5 seconds faster than the 1920, y special invitation of thet b ins former national intercollegiate mark France, Holland, and Italy the first sinks.omrnainlinec!egaemr and only tour of an American orches- "In all this there is something out- which was set last year by Lagner a There are at present one hun- side the usual experience of meteor- of Yale. dred musicians in its personnel, in- ologists, and it is giving us new in- Capt. Bob Darnall, sprint star of cluding many who have made names formation concerning one of the two the Michigan team, added to his list for themselves through compositions great glacial anti-cyclones that any- of records by setting the second na- and performances. where exist, the other being over the tional intercollegiate mark of the The St. Olaf Lutheran Choir of Antarctic continent. meet in the 100 meter event. Darnall's Northfield, Minn., will appear here in "When the message was received,'' time for the race was :60 1-5, which (( Hill auditorium Thursday night as the said Professor Hobbs, "there did not is a full second faster than the for- fourth number of the Extra series. F. appeal to be any indication of any mer record held by Breyer of North- Melius Christiansen will direct the storma on the Atlantic, but already on pestern, which has stood since 1924. chorus of 60 voices in classicial re- January 18 a depression had formed, ligious music. the greater part of the western hafj --~ of which was represented on the With this issue The Daily T he W eather chart issued at Washington, and this ceases publication until after the showed a minimum pressure of 29.1 semester examination period.(t :aches. We may expect that incom- The next issue wilf be that of (1;y Assocated Pess) ing ships will report very rough1 Tuesday, Feb. 7. Mos)Aly fair today; risg tempera- weather for Jan. 18 and later." _ _ __ Lure, partly clou(Iy to morrow. PURDUE RETAINS LEAD IN CONFERENCE BASKETBALL RACE AS CHICAGO AND INDIANA FIVES GAIN VICTORIES I y A sA s s o c i a teP tP r e s s)(B y A s os oat d P r e s s ) Iy A s s c i a te d P r e s s ) (OAsOan. 2ss) esu- COLUMBUS, Jan. 21-Chicago took IOWA CITY, Jan. 21.-Purdue perior pass work of Indiana cut -advantage of a momentary letup in maintained its undefeated status in the wllioik fensdina te jOhio State's defense tonight and an- tmhe Western Conference basketball through the Illinois defense in the nexed its first Western Con etnce race tonight by downing Iowa, 46 to second half of a Big Ten basketball basketball victory by a score of 25 28. It was purdue's second Big Ten game here tongiht to give Indiana vic- to 21. With both teams guarding game. The Boilermakers scored asI I tory, 44 to 29. The Crimson attack closely, most of the scoring was done many points in the first half as did sunmed windstorm nronortions as on long shots. Ten times during the Iowa in the entire game and led 28 BATES SAYS OIL COMMITTEE HAS MAJORPROBLEM (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. - Plans were completed today for the hearing Monday by the federal oil conserva- tion committee of nine of suggestions for the contrl of prduction and elimin- atin of waste in the petroelum in- dustry. About 40 written suggestions, few of which are applicable except in restricted territories, have been re- ceived, but there were a few appli- cations to appear before the commit- tee. Chairman Henry M. Bates, of the University of Michigan, said the com- mittee was faced by one of the major I problems of the industry, some oil companies, he said, do not seem) eager for legislation to curb produc- tin but appear inclined to prevent tion but appear inclined to want, permissive legislation to prevent waste." They desire, he said, legisla- tion that would prevent "uncontrolled action of unwise operators." In devising the plan, the commit- tee must seek not only 'to eliminate the wasteful use of gas as pressure to force oil into the wells, he said, but if possible to reach an equiable control of production without violating the Sherman and various state anti- trust laws. MICHIGAN MAT TEAM BGEATS WEST VIRINIA' Wolverines Gain Three Decisions, Fall, an Draw To Annex Second 1928 Victory 115 POUND BOUT IS DRAW' By Morris Quinii For the second time'in three days West Virginia's wrestling team suf- fered a reverse at- the hands of a Big Ten opponent, when it went down to defeat before thme well-balanced Mich- igan aggregation last night in the field house by a 18 1-2 to 4 1-2 score before a crowd of nearly a thousand spectators, the largest that ever wit- nessed a home meet. Warren com-, peting as a 175-pounder for the first time, surprised the spectators by defeating his heavier opponent with a time adv'antage of 4:21. Hewitt and Girden, West Virginia star, wrestled to a draw in two over- time periods in the 115-pound match, which proved to be the feature bout of the evening. Neither man gained any advantage in the regular 10- minute bout, and the advantages gain- ed by each in the overtime periods were equal, each team receiving one and a half points. Ed George, Wolverine heavyweight, gained the only fall of the meet in easy fashion, pinning Ted Nixon with a bar and arm and half nelson after 2:20 of the final bout had elapsed, in spite of determined resistance on 'the part of his smaller opponent. The 125-pound match also went into overtime periods before Cox, West Virginia star, was able to gain enough advantage over Kailes to win by a 2:30 margin. Sauer experienced little difficulty in defeating Currence of the invading team in te 145-pound bout, but his opponent's unusual size ren- dered his efforts to gain a fall un- successful. Captain Watson encountered an in- experienced but stubborn opponent in Brill in the 135-pound bout, and al- though he had no difficulty in hold-) ing his early advantage, he was un- able to gain a fall. Twice near the end of the match, Watson came close to pinning his rival, but he had to content himself with a decision on a time advantage of 9:04. In the 158-pound bout, which brought Captain Sudor of the invad- e ing team and Ex-Captain Donahoe to- gether, the latter won Michigan's , fourth victory of the meet, being! awarded a decision after piling up a time advantage of 7:50. Must Register Cars Fr i-Hop Week End All students planning to operate} cars over the week-end of the J-Hlop are required to register them at the office of the Dean of Students, room 2, University hall. Registration of the license number and the driver's license number, as well as the model and make of the car is required. The student does not have to own the car' but permission will be granted only for the operation of a specific auto- mobile. More than one student may operate a particular car. There will be no restriction on the SENIOR AND FACULTY1 ELECTIONS: TO HONOR GRO 0U PAREPUBLISHED FORTY-THREE SENIORS FROM VARIOUS CLASSES MAKE PHI KAPPA PHI CHOOSE 16 OF FACULTY Selection Based On Marks For First Three Years; Will Take More Than 60 In Spring Phi Kappa Phi, senior honary so- ciety last night announced the Ielec- tion of 16 members of the faculty and 43 members of the senior classes of the various schools. At this election Phi. Kappa Phi chose about 40 per cent of the group that are usually taken from each graduating class. The remainder will be chosen in the spring. In view of the fact that these elections are based almost entirely on the students' grades for the first three years, choice at time beginning of the year is con- sidered a special honor. Qualifications considered in choice of membership are high scholarship, campus activities, and service to the ! University. The final date for the initiation banuet has not been deter- mined although it will be sometime during the week of Feb. 20. Those chosen from the faculty were: Prof. H. C. Anderson, Prof. J. R. Nelson, Prof. O. J. Campbell, Prof. h. H. Higbie, Prof. J. S. Worley, ' Prof. Clifford Woody, Prof. A. S. Ai- ton, Prof. H. B. Lewis, Dr. J. D. Bruce, Prof. W. A. Paton, Prof. L. M. Gram, Prof. Peter Field, Prof. W. J. Colby, Prof. J. E. Emswiler, Prof. I. L. Sharfman, Prof. J. B. Ednmun- son, and Dean S. T. Dana. The list of the seniors chosen from ADULT EDUCATION DIVISION BE ONE PHASE OF NEW PROJECT L TO PANS DISCLOSED FOR ALUMNI UNIVERSITY AT UNION BANQUET BURKE IS TOASTMASTER Little Explains Plans To Add Support Of 70,000 Former Students To That Of State Taxpayers Meeting in a gigantic banquet at the Union last night, more than 450 alumni of the University heard Pres- ident Clarence Cook Little, and El- mer J. Ottoway, president of the Alumni association, outline the plans of the new Alum-ni universty. "Our presence here," Ottoway de- clared in sounding the keynote of the meeting, "is nothing more, and cer- tainly nothing less than a manifesta- tion of our interest in our Univer- pity." The alumni president went on to sketch the growth of the Univer- sity in the past, her traditions, ideals, and in a brief manner what it is hoped to accomplish in the future. He described the alumni organiza- tion of the University as the best and the strongest of any'university in the country, declaring that when he took over the office of president there were between 150 and 200 alumni clubs throughout the coun- try, ready organized amnd awaiting only a program upon which to work. It is to furnish this program' that the administration; is at present plan- ning the development of the Alum- ni university, Ottoway stated, sug- gesting that one phase of this new university will be the adult educa- tion division, with a faculty and courses wthout credit for those of the alumni who desire to contnue their education after they leave school. T. IF President Little's Address The full text of President Little's remarks leading up to the explanation of the Alumni university will be found on page three. I I E I the College of Iiterature, Science, "There is no idea of any campaign and the Arts follows: Ruthe Ban- for funds or drive," Ottoway declar- field, Tom Mack, Kathryn Bennett, ed, "and the project is something William Bishop, Moses Frohlich, entirely different from any offered Louis Braitman, Roy Curtis, Richard the alumni body of any university Fuller, William Klein, Karl Leibrand, before." David Monroe, Augusta Niethammer, Following the speech by Ottoway, Albert Zoss, ( President Little explained in detail Vincent Wall, Mary Louise wede- the plans for the Alumni university, meyer, Leone Schneirla, Chesley describing the work that the Uni- Pack, Esther Kerrick, Milton Kirsh- versity will do for the alunni and baum, Lester Kauffmann, Ellen Groff, also the work which the alumni can Charles Behym-er, Norman Gabel, do for the University. "We plan to Phyllis toughton, and Robert Car- add to the generous support of the son. taxpayers of the state the support of Vivian LaJeunesse, Adele Ewell, the 70,000 Michigan alumni and for- and Lois Parks were chosen from the mer students throughout the coun- senior class of the school of educa- try," he said. tion. G. J. Robertson and I. M. Sal- The President explained the mani- mond were named from the senior fold tasks which can be accomplished civil engineers and F. F. King and for the University, stressing with J. E. Starrett from the senior me- especial forcefulness the need for chanical engineers. men's dormitories, which he said C. E. A.aEbendick and J. C. Hastie would "combine the social and living were selected from the electrical en- advantages of the small school with gineering seniors. E. A. Ravenscroft the educational advantages of a large was selected from the chemical engin- one." He urged the alumni to read eering seniors and E. H. Lane from carefully the more detailed explana- the marine engineers. O. J. Weinkauff tion of the Alumni university given in was chosen from the seniors of the the current .issue of the Michigan college of pharmacy and W. C. Howe Alumnus which was distributed at the from the School of Business Admin- meeting. istration. George Burke, '07L, presided as C. P. Huber, Woodard Neithammer, toastmaster at the meeting, mention- and Paul C. Samson were those hon- ing in his introductory remarks .the ored from the seniors medics. Phillpfact that the dinner last night was Winchell and Donald Winans were the third national alumni dinner held Schosen from the seniors dental stu- by alumni of the University. Oscar ts. Eberbachi, '06, president of the local University of Michigan club which OPERA CREW WILL acted as hosts at the banquet, intro- SHOW ONCE MORE duced the toastmaster. The Men's Glee club, under the di- Scenery for the last of the Opears rection of Theodore Harrison, sang will be put away after Saturday, Feb. several selections during the course 4, and another one of Mimes' creations of the program. of muscle, bone, and lyric beauty will have passed. But not before the time- 'ENSIAN TO TAKE honored J-Hop performance, when songs and dances relegated to the ORDERS BY MAIL linmbo siince tme Christmas holidays, will be again hauled before an amused Although no office hours are to be audience. "The Same To You" in all held during the weeks of examina- its glory is slated to take the stage tions, cards have been sent out to at the Whitney theater for its last many who are thought to be interest- fling. ed in the new Michiganensian and The passing of the 1927 production money sent by mail will be accepted of the Union will mark the completion in payment of the -subscription price. of 22 musicial comedies sponsored by This remains at $4 until Feb. 1, when that organization during the last the price wiTn increase to $4.50 and quarter-cenutry. The latter half of subscriptions sent in by mail before these has been directed by E. Mortim- that time will receive the special rate er Shuter. of $4. Mail order applications for the The cards were sent out as the final snecial nerformance are being re- 1 drive for subscrintions to the 'Ensian. 9