THE MIICn'HTG V T '-)AIL i~rP%1-TI t AY: J. }N ITAi i1.m21.. '123 TI4F. iJTCI JICAN Y)AIJ Y I MxC IIGAN TO MEET d/ 1.J A a16 'V M-A T TEAM TONIGHT WOVRIEGRAPPLERS TO COMPETE WITH 'SIX BIG TEN PURDUE]OWA BASKET BALL GAME TONIGHT iACK DELANEY t.fl ETRNAGNTOATEL'O S WIM TEAMS sto BOX I, r VE[AAOEGTDA IEDHUEHLD MEETS FEATURES [ISTERN CONFERENCE PRORM2he1 ti> ,r7 ET~ Wet irginia ja ill ( Oppose hf~(en ' ILLOPPOSE (0XAlthough some of the Big Ten -- ( ® , . iw lsb~i'poduce ahchalenger tro'(Snt; 'Cum- .. 1111 WILL 'O4. Dfea fNo- thwstoiu RV ,,. -ce IRISH TOC dA M41 i eondqujContest; FOf OLAJT 4IA .EE I s wimlming teams will not get into ac- Adds Fi er mfrene Tur :JI's tont~l iiiixi month the natal or's Big at Chicago, North western, Michigan, "'BROTHE[R ACT" FATUTREF W~ia'onsin, P'urdue. andl Indiana hal e Ill'. 111e]. C 111 olllll o COURT7 QU ( INT E Ti@ -'iplzS~j 1d 51T~ 2 Tell tCampa ign de( t lii e uria gain today with the matching of .Ja ck DIelaney andml Ton PLAYS INDIANA, I ;HCeefor 01' 1 5-round struggle in -A~...A..-11)-A -. ii r',t ergi u. uni iigti~i i~uii"o ~ictui'y (~VCl' NOtI'Q I)tiuite lii Jaist Xeas Meetiiig HERMANS~N IN SPRINTS already participated inl (dua1l nio~4 Fo h is im nteV (tcolel ition. The Wolverines have For heo ma sprt t: Mchian, ovt~ J he edge over' the ot her teams in duel thema sor at:\icigill aWove- .,:-..~.y.: : - eet's, as t hey have part iciptat ed iln ine wrestling teamn will oppose an ag- - six this -eason. :regation 1repr1eseniting West Virginia Ini the only Conference ne'eet; of university at 7 :00 o'cleck tonight ill !the year held to date, Wsconsin Xwan the fieldl house. This will, he theo sec--fromt Chicago 40-29, at Mad ison. The ond practice meet of the season or Maroons capttured 'our firt lplaces, te M ci a ~a1 st e u ic ni h w dissrnt h Ohio university on .Ian. It by a score wxinnintg hoth relay eveints antd sc"3°-t o2-0. ' ing hteavi ly ill seconds antd thirds. It will also 1)0 the second1 engageo- RiPttenhouse starred for, the M ment of the season for the WVesit Vir- i oonks. capt uring the 40 amd I00 yar1d ginia team as it openedl the 1928 fr-ee style taces, the latteor in :58.5 sceueb ulretwt n~eod, rtNtoa olgrtann. university rrhuirsday night at Inreast stroke champion, allow ed his ' s Bloomington. Although tihe eastern- I teammate, McGoverni, t0 take firsit; ers are new opponents for the Wol-; in the 200 ya rd b~rea st stroke, being's vernes, they are by no mneans new C (content wilt second place.a to Conference competition as they (ilego 1oses 61ate i' Polo t have faced both Indiana and .Illinois .icnins ae iol ea «co' Sauer, and Donahoe, Michigan's 135, GantAlllsuesinheU- ing ware the individual winners for i l 145, and 158 pound Conference chain- versity, will comlpete in a 500-yard freej pions will wrestle in their respective style race at the Toledo Athletic club tipeoPure.stherst twle obiinmed aep divisions. Warren will represent the tonight. All have been coached byvesotniersta'sthWilclath is ~ a P WleieintelgtI Matt Mann, Michigan aquatic mentor. vtrn(ie.Bt ida ea Wveieintelgtheavyweight Al samme fteVriyteams, lost. The C. A. A. water polo vc class, while George will again con-tamuhtina meme ftedineat a oerhledtePupes im r pete in the unlimited division,.emhviI cIptelinsvea eam vewhlme-te1urpeswo- . Kailes Shows Imp3rovenenit Idual meets for the Wolverines. PHe mers, 9-1. leesfets ii Although the team will be somre- was a freshman numeral winner last 1eiguWnsFI Met In year an is egaded s oe ofthe Purdue, like Indiana, has a victory what weaker than the one which fac- best sophomore natatory on the 1928 over DePauw to its c'redlit. Tphe Boil- j ed the Ohio university matmen, due ta.Smo atie h hi-ermaikers won 54-16,cap~turing every a toth os o hoa, aie hspionship M~ichigan team last year. event except the fancy (living.; o shown remarkable im'provement overHewlcoptfrthIlnisAC With five victories in six meets,! his last year's form and should prove toiight. Michigan's team has hlad the advan- ' a worthy opponent for Cox, the West Although Hawkins h~ad three years tage :o pletnty of competition this to Virginia veteran. Kailes has been an of Varsity competition at Princeton, seasoni. Tile only loss was sustainled e. AMA winner for the past two years, lhe il be able to represent Michigan at the hlands of New York A. C. 38-1 t and, his work this year stamps hiniu tonight, as tile meet is nlot a colleg- 31. Tile Wolverines hlave scored vie-1 as one of the most capable 125 fate affair. Tpherefore tile three- year tories over Syracuse 49-20, Erie V. pounders -on the Wolverine squad, rule dloes not apply in this case. M. C, A. 33-27, Penn A. C. 39-29, ;vew th Coach Harrick, mentor of the West H-awkins starred in tile 440-yard free 1York luniversity 45-15, andl Washing- ec Virginia team, will send an aggrega- style while at Princeton. 'ton Sw inmming clutb 50-19. ea tion composed for the main part of I-fd'ever, the Michigan teaml will (1 veteran material against the Y>Jolver- LOS ANGELLES.---George Von Elm undergo its greatest test whlen it C( Ines, in spite of the fact that a knee1 has turned down an offer from Jack meets the Illinois Athlletic club, hold- injury prevents Millender, 135 pound Ferns to sign a professional golf ers of theO National A. A. UJ. title, oi11w: (Continued On Page Seven) tour. Jatn. 28 in the Ulnio-n nr.-i_ ILLV9 ')14J Illinois at hItdituita. Cicano at Oitio. Ptn1-dtte at Iotwa. Tlhroee Big-Tea blask~ tbai ticontest s ai'e se~lleduled for I (in i : 1>I1, l Il Ilt ird 11-lo wa tilt., ill wh i(t> tlue- leated Tli lermI7aK('s Citeoutc i':f1 11e 1'! wl\V e 1iV who .tt i 111(1 l'Cithu V ' voll ed hemlIIIlloot It etod , of the hIi it-alid- hotie series lawY \tcar, i : ttw 's tile C('ch 1'd La Imbeo't hi I 1It'o! 1e stair,\with ia= victoryv over IIosstwo Zx ekS ag.o ill1 their ontly (0111 esT tifthe season I.Ist.t idown th11I-awns, who also ptossess at siX-l)oiit tIriIin pitover he Illhii, this Year', or dro'Ot ronl 1.lie I oosier baisketbtall star Whose bril- lialt!lay has b'en the 111(151 inilport-' anit factor inth le (1-tile ott the India team 1fo' conference honoi's. ~ A P~3~"'~.~ ,~rv. 1( i4'laiisoii Square'(Garidien, ltarchn1. ~ter'conidier'abltiechkei'ing et'mls EVANS'TON, Jan. 20).-:Northltesei i w~tC tittee 11111yeteda',wi tteaiid NotrmeIDanme will igll teti ('ttntt'i'5 at upo yeiterdy, whent('sin Ii ccotratsnegotihateod Jay Joh111Al. (Chalp- tlet ic rivalry Stra oc iman ithex Ricks t'd's nitew :.:;an F;ranki llitakes his track iSt to whlo li(etofotiahts iteca idleitil iSouthIilBend for 'a (11thilit. wi h e chiefly 01s Ipryimmt('t ofIsix'-diay li((I clu rsh . Itwill be. te first track Itteel races. lof te season 1fo' hotit t t ci- . lenuder Rickard'site w heavywevightt Last year the P urple speed rtl 'ists elimintat ion planithtle winnter (o1 thle t trouniced. Notre c Iaone bl