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January 21, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-21

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ArPT',°R.T)AY- JAIMTTT.4RY 91. 14*, t


AUTTPjhaV T.. tvxTTADx 91t.


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial1
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
$4.$0. .'
Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
card Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor...................Ellis B. Merry
Editor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer;
Staff Editor..............Philip C. Brooks
City Editor............Courtland C. Smith I
Women's Editor...........Marian L. Welles+
Sports Editor............Herbert E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Telegraph Editor............Ross W. Ross
Assistant City Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
S .Stewart I ooker Kenneth G. Pat:ickcr.
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson Marion McDonald
Margaret Arthur Richard H. Milroy
Emmons A. ionfield Charles S. Monroe
Jean Campbell Catherine Price
essie Church larold L. Passman
Clarence N. Edelson Morris W. Quinn
Margaret Cross Rita Rosenthal
Valborg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg
Marjorie Vollmer Edward J. Ryan
James B. Freeman David Scheyer
Robert . Gessner Eleanor Scribner +
Elaine E. Gruber Corinne Schwarz
Alice Hagelshaw Robert G. Silbar
Joseph 1;. Howell Howard F. Simon
J. Wallace Ilushen Rowena Stillman
Charles R. Kaufman Syvia Stone
William F. Kerby George Tilley
Lawrence R. flein Edward L. Warner, Jr.
D)onald J. Kline Benjamin S. Wassher
Sally Knox Leo J. Yoedick.-
Jack L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdli g
John H. Maloney
relephone 21214
Assistant Manager... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising...............Richard A. Meyer
Advertising............ ,.Arthur M. Hinkley
Advertising................Edward L. Hulse
Advertising............John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts................Raymond Wachter
Circulation ........... . .George B3. Ahin, Jr.
Publication.................Harvey Talcott

cording to the same testimony it will
cost $500,000,000 in capital invest-
ment and require years of painstaking
effort to develop sufficient plantationsj
of our own to supply our needs.
The other side of the icture re-
veals immense British rubber inter-
ests, organized for the purpose of
maintaining a high level of prices,
and presenting a solid front to the
individual American buyers. The new
legislation would merely allow this
group of American tire manufacturers
to organize for the purpose of barter-
ing, with the probable result that rub-
ber prices would go considerably
lower (a drop of nine cents a pound
was previously gained by similar
means), and it seems no more than
fair that the American rubber inter-
ests should have this opportunity.
Protection of the public interest by
governmental legislation is doubtless
an excellent policy, but the common
sense viewpoint should always be
taken in a case as exceptional as this
one sems to be.
Advertising, if proposed plans of a
large number of big business firms.
throughout the nation are any indica-
tion of what is to be expected, will
continue to play a tremendous part
in the business of 1928. It is said on
authority that at least one-third of
the large firms have already definitely
decided to increase the amount they
have been accustomed to spend on
advertising in the past.
Sales beyond the wildest dreams
having resulted from this means of
encouraging the American public to
buy, big business concerns no longer
have to be informed as to the value
of this medium. Advertising has be-
come a part of the regular schedule
of reputable manufacturing houses
and progressive merchants-because
of an increase in their sales as well
as the trend in that direction.
Advertising, on the scale which it,
has fast been aproaching, is still
somewhat a new practice. The part it
is to play in the business of the fu-
ture will depend wholly upon the re-
liability and resourcefulness of those
who conduct its campaigns. Certainly,
once this is accepted as fact, it can
do much in the way of hastening
greater profits and ultimately, pros-


_. _ _


FOR THOSE WHO DO not know it
we wish to announce that there is a .1
publication called "Inlander" on this;T-NIGH': "Id Boots" insthe;
campus. We present herewith, our
impression of it. jihitney theater at 8:15> o'clock.
* . . uTONIGHT: 'Seventh Heaven," in
** * *
A LOT SONGthe .Mimes theater at 5;30 o'clock.
The Wind was blowing; 'TIE THIRTEENTh ChAIR"
A large Italian family, TomorroTHIhTH CHAR
Such as Italians are wont to raise, Tomorrow night will be a hard
Marched down the street night for the local constallary if
.hothey take any interest in the Rock-
Wnihnallteirdhoueoldford Players program at the Whitney
Lagged behind the rest. -Edward Wales is scheduled for a
So gentle, so sweet was he, particularly bloody assassination.
And so heavy was the burden he bore. Pas ;Denton, pride of thi~ Winter
And soheavyhound campus, is the 'Big Smash' in
He was lagging farther behind,
When suddenly he piped out, the stabbing scene and 2s a gory vic-
Whensuddnlyhe pped uttim is without peer. In sanguine
With all the innocence of youth, supporthre:
In his childish naivete,
"Oh hell, wait for little bambino!" ill Crosbr....NI.........ranz Rothe
Oswald Q. Turnip. Helen ONeill.......elma Roynton
Mrs. Crosby ...........Kate Hollandi
THE ABOVE SONNET, although Edward Wales.......Thomas Denton
lacking something of rime and Mary Eastwood.......Frances Dade
rhythem is a decided work of art and Helen Trent.......Helen Hunneman
is a great example of modern tenden- Braddish Trent......William Bishop
cies in the writing of poetry. j Howard Standish ..Richard Woellhaf
Philip Mason ...... Robert Henderson
A Y OVM O 1A Grace Standish. .Mary Louise Murray
Elizabeth Erskine..Frances Johnson
SHE WAS YOUNG AND innocent, .
Pollock ................ ..,Roy Curtis
anyway she was fairly young. It was Madame Rosalie is Grange.
along about this time she made the ,.... M12elaG ANSFIELD
mistake of beginning to think, and I.M
rim Donahue................
being a woman she became serious'CHARLFS RB TON
and went to her family and asked--............CHARLESaeBUnTON
"What is the most important thing * .m*
in the world?" BONNIE IILL .MARE.XNO T
"Don't ask such embarrassing ques-'
titns," answered her brother.
" re The Bonstelle Playhouse which has
"To dream," replied her sisterthcrdeosomn maie
i , been the cradle of so many matinee
*anciifg 6'ut of the window
" st l t a n o idols and queens of tragedy has added
'Conistently with mankind, "Go ask
another potential star to its list.
yrmother,' said herfather.sn Er Charles Livingstone who has played
Hler mother for some reason or leads in campus shows for the last
other could not answer the question four years will transfer his art to the
to her satisfaction. urya wlta thi a o e
Then she went to coe boards of the Bonstee Playhouse
lege, or to be with the end of the semester.
more specific tota state university. Tonight he will play his last role
H~ere she began to become educatedChoin"ent Havn-d
-Chico in Seventh Ileaven'"-and
and -the process hurt. She decided .
with the last curtain this "very re-
this was not the most important thing markable fellow" will pack his make-
in them world.s up box and leave the sacred environs
SEmma, for that was her name, of the Mimes. During the past year
visited home for the summer and then
his parts have ranged from Old Chris
was foolish enough to return to -the unholy father of Anna Christie
school. 'Butshe had changed, r with -to the name role in "The Bad Man."

TYPEI TE li i s
Corona, erootl,
Reiiiugi On Royal.
We have all makes.
Some In colored dueco finishes.
17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 04315.
Velvet's Morris'
this week an assortment of
Chocolates at

..t,'3 ia' ltfi ltl tE tE11 titltE 11t ll ltEE tlltE lif ll ill llt1111tE1E11illi 1111tIEig
IYJ7/P/OV6S N011/611/ 70 VSET
- /A W/~e/E,?4fl/ iYY//"fRA9 -
iN A
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Seats Now-$1.10, $1.65, $2.20, $2.75
' .'fIlflllli! I Il1111111 l 1111111111111 I liltltE~tillltt11111111iffiti tlII EIII11111 1111111111


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Three layers of rich
Ann Arbor Dairy
Ice C e-am blended
into oxie delicious
Cherry Ice
Tutti Fruitti

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" (y yP
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t ry
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i 4

Rider w
now for exams
A pen which never balks or runs dry in the middle
of an exam. One filling will answer for 12 EXAMS.
We make and service them right here in Ann Arbor.
Ask for a demonstration of
The New Royal Portable
They are outselling all others because they outclass
all others.
A demonstration will convince you that you wish
and should have one.

George Bradley
Marie Brumler
James O. Brown
James Carpenter
James B. Cooper
Charles K. Correll
Barbara Cromell
Miary Dively
Bessie V. Egeland
Ona Felker
Katherine Frohne
Douglass Fuller
Beatrice Greenberg
[elen G;ross
)..3.. -ammer

Hal A. Jaehn
T ames Jordan
Marion Kerr
Thales N. Lenington
Catherine McKinven
WV. A. fahalfy
Francis D. Patrick
George MT. Perrett
Alex K. Scherer
Frank Schuler
George Spater
Wilbert Stephenson
Ruth Thompson
HerberteE. Varnum
Lawrence Walkley

The recent open conflict on the


C~arl v. Yammer Hannah Wailen of the Senate between Senator Heflin ha i ecofne beautiful.
Ray Hotelichie
of Alabama and Senator Robinson of
SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1928 Aabama a tr s obison, The only possible natural result 1
Arkansas over the issue of religion,-
Night Editor-MILTON KIRSHBAUM and the prompt way in which the !f lWed. She wrote to her mother,
Democratic caucus disposed of the "I don't believe I had ever noticed
matter by refusing to remove Robin- Ted seriously until today when he
yawned and I saw into the beautiful
TilE-. SEMI}-OFF soI sforIedrsowIeea cave of his mouth, past his gleaming,
interesting things. It shows first of aeo i otps i laig
Tonight at the Union more than 500 ir teeth. If heaven had only granted
all that the Democrats face a battleI
Michigan alumni from all parts of I over the Roman Catholicism of Al me that beauty, but I -uppose it isl
the country will meet for the purpose Smith, and it shows secondly that by onlb ,for those with shining wet faces
of formulating a program to be car- Smith aity ho seondksthat b and , rown eyes and rakish hair."
offruaig aprgrfar the majority of the JacksonianF
ried out in the ten years which inter- party is anxious to submerge such A second letter followed the first,
vene between the present time and considerations of religious prejudice
the centennial of the University in for the welfare of the party. "The hill was steep, so we ran, and
1937. Their program will be of tre- N6 doubt Heflin, bigotted though he the crisp leaves rustled after us all
mendous moment, in any case to the may be, represents a wing of the h:ay down until it seemed as;
student body and to the educational Southern Democrats, and doubtless though they were bound to our feet
future of this insitution, and without when the Democratic caucus refused by long threads. And when we reach-
a doubt some concrete achievement to repudiate Robinson for his defense the bottom I fell, and he came to me
which will permanently. alter the un- of tolerance it was acting with the on fours, and his big eyes shown
dergraduate life of Michigan will de- end of party harmony in mind and not into mine and our noses toucled--
velop as a result of the banquet, the end of broad toleration. The mother, why didtt you tell me that
The most enthusiastic supporters shadow that has been cast over the the most wonderful thing in the world
of the University and 'most capable impending convention, nevertheless, was a dog.
minds of its alumn have consented to by the tirade of Heflin bids fair to )1
gather and consider our problems for furnish one of the most interesting *,*T*
Sbrief while tonight. It behooves . MODERN POLIITAL TENDENCY.
g t phases of the impending campaign;
the student body, to lend its aid and and whether or not the Democratic A (ate,
energy to any program which they party will be able to surmount the date
devise which seems destined to raisec barrier which no earty has ever su-r
still higher the educational standards mounted before-the barrier of re- Out late.
of Michigan, and it is with expectant ligious prejudice-the attempt which Acs
attitude that we can anticipate the seems sure to be made will be a A class,
accomplishment of some really sig- fascinating experiment in the annalsC
nificant piece of work in the Centen- of American party politics. No pass
nial Send-off idinner tonight. Gee whiz.
PUR__________ I~TY I Vtuz.
RUBBER The action of the United States Sen-a
It is very obvious from the recent ate in refusing Senator Frank L ONCE ACAIN WE have a 1)0em
that is somewbat unusual, but there
attitude of the Congressional commit- Smith of Illinois his seat in that bodysuae
tees that before the end of the present needs very little comment, and are none who can deny that Mr. Wuz
session some action will be taken on can arouse very little criticism. Con- has produced a tremendous work of
the question of amending the Webb- vinced that Smith had received lar art in his little eight line poem.

And although these two parts rejre-1
sent some of his best work, he has

created the leads in somu five or six
other shows-"To the Ladies," "R. U.
R," "On Approval," and other vehicles
of Mimes and Comedy Club.
His first role with Miss BonstelleI
will be in "The Devil and the Cheese,"
and is a guild performance of the pro-
logue to "Faust." He is scheduled
for regular appearances thereafter in
a series of parts of varying import-
ance. Mindful of the success of Phyl-
lis Povah, Robert Henderson who now
has his own company of players, and
other of the immortelles of other
years, we can do no more than wish
for equal success in following the
scarlet paths of the profession.
. 41 *
Proiessor 1). .. .Parker. London:
Humphrey Milford. New Haven:
fale Unli ersily Press 4. 14.k
((ourdsey of the Print amd Book
The book is, as the author states in
the Preface, the outcome of a series
of lectures given at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art during January, 192.
In suite of the philosophical and tech--
nical nature of the sub ect matter, it;
is delightful reading and presents
some basic problemns of the philo--
ophy of art in non-technical language.
Furthermore the book contains over-
seventy well-chosen illusirations from
the fields of painting, sculpture, and
In the first chapter Professor Park-
er offers a definition of art: "Art,
like the dream and many forms of
play, is a mode of imaginative re-
alization of desire." The value of art
is to provide a satisfaction frourO .-


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' - soenaaemeso-y, _





Pomerene act to allow the pooling of

IV U *tkUJge I
sums of money toward his campaign I

* *


American rubber buying interests in from Samuel instill, public utilities sires. Art, however, has another
order to combat the English monop- magnate, while Smith was in a posi- 1i phase: the impulse to expresa
oly. From the very nature of the tion to supervise Insull's properties A persons who are not - communicate, and for this reason it
matter it is quite apparently a worth- from his state position, the Senate terested in creative writing are
while measure which has been pro- took the course which it inevitably not requested to send anything Ixpeinrde lana Is amepes
posed, for certainly the framers of had to take if it was to retain its to Rolls. We want it understood I or th sake.of expres
the original Webb-Pomerene bill had standing and self respect-expulsion. ( that we print only the best of cause i the processof expression, a
no intention of crippling an American The disposal of the case, moreover, the literature produced on the dream is embodied, a wish satisfled',
industry, in the face of foreign com- removes from the immediate consid- campus, with thetexception of In this definition, the author com-
petition. eration of the Senate the two most IC the publicity for the Roquefort h InsCcestor ofatsi-
1 players.biesCoester ofatsin
The automobile industry, responsi- serious corruption cases which have tuition with the Freudian concepion
ble for a $10,000,000,000 annual in- been brought to their attention--with jof wish fulfillment, and so constructs'
crease in wealth in this country ac- both principals sitting on the outside. a sounder view of art. Indeed art not
cording to the figures presented to the The manner of disposing of the cases EDITORIAL only provides insight into desire, but
Congressional committee, is entirely of Smith and Vare, moreover,' is one OUR POLICY is decidedly against it also appeases desire.
dependent upon the production of which cannot help but command the the abuse of firemen as in the follow- I With this foundation Professor
rubber for its successful perpeuation. respect and receive the credit of the ing picture: IParker proceeds to analyse aesthetic
Up to this time, moreover, the British entire nation--for in these two cases ! ... -.Ck Iform and desire. "When expreasion
have held a virtual monopoly on the there is a clear stand taken against )),,comes an end in itself, it tends to
world's supply, and a combination of - a type of politicians which..would un- 4 assume a harmonious, delightful form
the producers has caused rubber dermine our system of democratic and design." The work of art is
prices to reach new high levels in the government if allowed untrammelled then a wish expressed in a sensuous
past few years. freedom. form, and this form is the most de-
Thus far only one company, the sirable and satisfactory one. Even
V'n,+ --_. The firther a white lie traels. th-


We, all of us, complain of the shortness of time and yet,
have much more than we know what to do with. Our lives
are spent either in doing nothing at all or in doing nothing
to the purpose. We are always complaining our days are few,
and acting as though there would be no end of them. Though
we seemed grieved at the shortness of life in general, we are
wishing every period of it at an end-the minor longs to
be a business man and the business man longs to retire.
The lors of a wise man are lengthened by his ideas, as
those of a fool are by his passions: the time of the one is
long because he does not know what to do with it; so that of
the other is, because he distinguishes every moment of it with
useful or amusing thoughts. How different is the view of
past life in the man who is grown old in knowledge and
wisdom, from that of him who is grown old in ignorance and
folly. The latte' is like the owner of a barren country, pro-
ducing nothing either profitable or ornamental; the other
.beholds a beautiful landscape, divided in delightful gardens,
green meadows, fruitful fields, and can scarce cast his eye
on a single spot of his possessions that is not covered with
some evidence of a life well spent.

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