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January 21, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-21

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Ar 4v






Delegates Of Michigan Clubs In Large
Cities Will Attend Annual
Meeting At Union
Holding their "Centennial Send-off
Dinner" tonight at the Union, more
than 500 alumni, representing every
section of the country, will gather to
consider the program which the Uni-
versity will pursue during the next
ten years up to the centennial in
1937. President Clarence Cook Little
and E. J. Ottoway will be among the
speakers, and it is expected that the
President will outline the program for
the Alumni University which he and a
number of prominent alumni have
worked out.
It is planned to hold a great Cen-
tennial celebration at the 100th anni-
versary of the founding ofthe Uni-
versity in 10 years, and during this
time the President is anxious to or-
ganize a program of constructive
benefit to both the alumni and the
student body.
Expect New Proposals
It is for this purpose that he will
outline tonight the idea whereby men
and women graduate into the Alumni
University rather than out of the Uni-
versity itself, and some concrete pro-
posals to this end are expected to be
made by the President.
The newly organized local alumni
club has made arrangements for the
dinner as far as the technical details
are concerned, and will be host to the
crowd which will attend the affair.
The dinner will be in a sense for all
Michigan alumni, but the number
which the Union ball room can handle
at a banquet is limited, and as a result
no more than 500 graduates of the
University will be able to attend. The
tickets for the affair have been in
the hands of officers of the Alumni
association, who have attempted to
distribute them with as much regard
for geographical scope as possible,
though by far the largest delegation
will come from Detroit for the event,
headed by Regent James Murfin of
that city.
Dr. Oscar Eberbach, '08, president
of the Ann Arbor University of Michi-
gan club, and Nathan S. Potter, din-
ner chairman, have managed the de-
tail of the work of arranging the gi-
gantic banquet, and Paul Wagner,
'16E, has served as treasurer of the
dinner committee. President Little,
while not being the sole speaker of
the program, will deliver the princi-
pal address and will divulge for the
first time the plan which he in con-
junction with prominent alumni and
members of the faculty have worked
out for the expansion of the Alumni
association into the Alumni Univer-
sity. Certain other phases of the
Alumni University program will be
taken up by other seakers, all of
whom will give only very brief out-
line of the phases which they will
Large Cities Represented
Clubs in Chicago, Cleveland, Cin-
cinnati, Milwaukee, Toledo, and a
dozen other large cities have signified
their intention of sending -delegates,

and more than 100 special invitations
to prominent alumni were sent out by
the Alumni association for the affair.
More than 200 alumni from Detroit
have signified their intention of beingC
present and small cities and remote
sections of the country will be rep-
resented by group representatives.;
The dinner tonight will be strictly anj
affair for the men who have graduat-
ed, and the program to be outlined
will be one which President Little in-
tends for the men graduates to carryI
out. A similar dinner will probably
be held in the near future for the
women, at which time a similar pro-
gram will be outlined by the Pres-
These dinners will furnish the prin-
cipal feature of the first year's pro-
gram of the Alumni University and
an attempt will be made to establish
som'e definite program which can
be carried out through the ten years
Swhich will benefit the University..
What definite action will be taken
by the alumni at this meeting, or
whether any definite action will be
taken, is not known nor included in
the plans. The principal object of
the meeting is merely to place be-
fore the alumni some of the major
problems of the University and to in-
spire their. cooperation in the solving
of these problems.
May Discuss DJorntories
It is possible that the question of
men's dormtories will be brought up
by the President at the meeting to-
night, though the definite outline of
his speech is now known. The organ-
ization of the Alumni University how-
ever, a dream of prominent alumni
and President Little for more than
two years, will be undertaken, and
the functions of this new organization


All students planning to drive
cars over the week end of the
J-Hop are required to register
them at the office of the (lean of
students. There will be no re-
strictions on the use of the cars
so registered, but students fail-
ing to comply will be dealt with
in the manner common to of-
fenders against the ban, the of-
fice 'of the dean of students has
It has been urged by both The
Daily and the Student council
that students comply promptly
with this requirement.

Political Accomplishments Include
Presidency Of State G. 0. P.
Convention Ini 1910

Committee To Plan
Work Of Combining
Three Departments
Announcement was made yesterday
from the office o Dean Effinger of
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, of the committee of
nine men who will work together on
the plan for coordination of the de-
partments of rhetoric, English, and
public speaking, according to the e-
cision of the Regents at their last
monthly meeting. The committee
will begin its duties immediately.
The men who will represent the




Goddard Explains Legal Steps Taken
In Making A Will; Hobbs Tells
Of Arctic Explorations
"The number of inmates addicted to
mental diseases in hospitals through-
out the country is almost as great as
the total enrollment of the studentI
body in our American colleges."
This statement, made by Dr. Rap-
pellye, Yale university specialist, was
re-asserted by Dr. Carl D. Camp, pro-
fessor of neurology in the Medical
school and specialist in the University
hospital, in speaking on the eighth
Michigan Night radio program broad-
cast from the campus studio by WWJ,
the Detroit News, last night.
Affected Increase
"In the last 40 years, the inmatesj
in institutions for mental diseases

explines. Prs have increased more than four timesI
Thisisthe first time that the Presi- as rapidly as the population," Dr.I
dent's plan for the 10 years which Camp declared, still quoting from
precede the centennial celebration Camentscae by Dr. Ra onle
have been made known, and it is ex-st Dr. Camp then went on to say that
pected that the measures proposed wh.iCle then uainth nforsytnat
will be quite novel in the field of high-While the situation, the unfortunate
er education. .nature of which has but recently been
e exemplified in the state of Michigan,
Finds would be remedied somewhat by
CommissionerFinds building more institutions for the
In care of its sufferers, that the better
bad Conditions In method would be that of prevention
m by eugenics.
LcaisRestaurantITouching upon the varied conse-
quences of not making a will, Prof.
Inspection of 26 Ann Arbor res- Edwin C. Goddard, of the Law school,
taurants on Wednesday and 'Thurs- speaking upon the subject, "How to
day by Mrs. Lizzie Kakebeeke, depu Make A Will," emphasized the im-
d bymrs.izerKfr e theMichig p portance of that procedure and the
ty commissioner from the Michn natural tendency of many persons to
department of labor and industily, evade the actual consummation of
revealed conditions in some restau- that legal step. Professor Goddard
rants of a highly unsanitary nature. said that the right to make a will is
The full reports of the unsanitary inot a natural right; that it exists only
onditons oun wil Mave oKake Iso far as, and in the way which, the
made first a asnMs ae
make sid, but sindicated the najlaw provides. He emphasized the point
I ture of sone of them. Dirty refrig that it will be of no effect unless
erators deteriorated meats use ofg legally executed.
tinware to store and prepare foods, Talks On Adult Edicatin
dirty sawdust on kitchen floors, rust- Speaking on the subject, "Adult
i e cotaiersonstem tble, ctsEducation in Michigan," Charles A.
1and other pets in eating places, and Fisher, assistant director of the Uni-
evidences of rats, roaches, and mice. versity extension division, quotedf
Five restaurants were warned to figures showing that 154,000 adults in
improve conditions at once. Michigan were enrolled last year in
Complaints by University students non-credit extension courses of vanri-
that Ann Arbor restaurant food was ous kinds. "This shows conclusively,"
inferior were responsible for the visit he said, "that there is a growing, but
of the state inspector. as yet a rather vague and poorly ex-
Mrs. Kakebeeke suggested to Jos- pressed demand for cultural courses
eph A. Bursley, dean of students, who of a meaty nature. The things of the
is also a member of the city coun- I spirit are the only permanently sat-
cil, that he recommend to the coun- isfying portions in this life. One's
cil the appointment of a full-time education is never complete and in
officer to inspect student eating hous- this day of rapid change adult educa-
es. Health officer Wessinger also tion is a vital necessity."
promised to make this recommenda- Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the
tion to the council. geology department, the fourth speak-
President Clarence Cook Little an- er on the program, in his address,
nounced his approbation of the steps "Exploring Beside the Greenland Ice-
taken, and promised the support of Gap," related the difficulties to be,
the University toward securing a full coped with in Arctic exploring. He
time officer to make the rounds of described the maintenance of weather
student-patronized restaurants. stations in the north regions and the
methods of storing food and fuel.
TEXAS-Dean Ira P. Hildebrand of Closing with reference to the next
the Law school, University of Texas, expedition, Professor Hobbs said, "Thej
has been elected to the executive promise of important scientific re-I
committee of the American Law sults from this expedition is very
Schools at its recent meeting in Clii- great and this warrants the risks
cago. which must be assumed."
" N DA 1N 7' TA N EC d IaAl T117' AN LIY7C"~'nD7#'fAF

department of English on the com-
Chester Harvey Rowell, '88, editor, mittee are, Prof. Louis A. Strauss,
publisher, and politician, has been Prof. James H. Hanford, and Prof.
chosen to give the Commencem-ent Oscar J. Campbell. Due to the fact
address next June, it was announced that Professor Campbell will be on
from the office of President Clarence leave of absence during the second
Cook Little yesterday. The date of semester of this year, Prof. Charles
Commencement has been set as June C. Fries will serve on the committee
18, it was announced at the same until his return.
time. The department of rhetoric and
Rowell at present is a resident of journalism will be represented by
California, though he was born in I Prof. Peter M. Jack, Prof. Roy W.
Bloomington, Illinois, in 1867. He Cowden, and Prof. Clarence D.
was educated at the University here, Thorpe, while the department of
from which he received his Ph. B. speech will be represented by Prof.
degree in 1888 and at which he spent James M. O'Neill, Prof. Louis M.
an additional year, 1888-89, in gradu- Eich and Prof. Robert Hannah.
ate study. Following his course here It will be the purpose of this com-
he pursued graduate work in the uni- mittee to more closely coordina(b the
lversities of Halle, Berlin, Paris, and work of their various departments,
Rome, and in 1889 returned to this and, at the same time, to remove any
country where he assumed the posi- chances for the duplication of cours-
tion of clerk of the committee on es or material. Matters of adminis-
elections in the House of Represen- tration, of curricula, and of general
tatives at Washington. He held this policy will be their chief concern,
position until 1891, when lie went to with some attention to the budgets of
IKansas to teach. Following a ca- the various departments and plans
reer in the teaching profession in for their enlargement and progress.
Wisconsin and California he went to
the University of Illinois in 1897.
IntEditls Fresiio Pap er t
In the followinUNOEdt1ng n year liee went to 1U IO RMAINS OPEN
Frosno, California, as editor and pnub-
lisher of the Fresno Republican, and
continued in this position until 1920, DURINGrEbAMINATIONS
lecturinefrequently on journaism
in the University of California aindlI
also lecturing on educational and po- Special Dance To Be Given Night After
litial and civic subjects. He was J.Hlop, Two Others Planned For
president and general manager of the Examination Period
'Fresno Republican Publishing com-
pany from 1912 to 1920, and was an PLAN TWO TOURNAMENTS
organizer and president of the Lin-
coln-Roosevelt Republican league in The Union will be kept open in all
1907, being connected with this or- departments at the same hours as at
ganization until 1911. present during the period of examina-
In 1906 he was chosen a member ; tions and between examinations, ac-
of the Republican state comrttee, cording to announcement yesterday
a position which he held until 1911, afternoon. In addition, the Pendle-
and he was president of the Republi- ton library will be held open an hour
can state convention in the year 1910. longer at night, closing at midnight -
He was a delegate to the Republican stead of 11 o'clock as at present.
National convention and the Progres- Three dances will be held during
sive National convention in 1912, tak- the period, also. The next dance will
ing a part in the nomination o Roos- be held on Friday night, Jan. 27, from
evelt and the bitter opposition to the 9 o'clock to 1 o'clock, and one will be
renomination of Taft in that conven- given the next night, Jan. 28, from
tion. He was a member of lie Pro- 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock. There will
gressive National committee from be no dance tonight on account of the
1912 to 1916, and a delegate to the Centennial-sendoff given by the
Progressive National convention in Alumni assciation.
1916, the meeting which voted to sup- A special dance for the night after
kport the regular Republican candi- the J-Hop will be held. This danc
dacy of Hughes against the second will cone on the night of Fe. 4, and
term bid of President Wilson. the tickets for this dance wil go on
)luy PlitcalA ll~o~itneu Isale on Tuesday, JIan. 31, at the main
1<nny Political Appointments saen syJi tA
Ie was appointed a "member of desk in the Union lobby. According
the Republican National committee in to he management, this will He in
1916 and was chairman of the state nw a c ntdmhh c -mp d.
f Republican committee from 1916 to{ will be aim informal campus dance.
1918.b-leasa mmer fm the Call-They especially will stress the latter
1918. He was a member of the Cali- point as many call before 'the dance
1ornia8 sate council of defense in 'and ask about what to wear, accord-
o1917-18, and a member of the board ing to the manager. While those who
tof state commissioners connected wish may wear formal attire, the
with the Panama, Philippine Islands dance is intended for an informal af-
expedition in the same year. He is fair. The number of tickets will be
a regent of the University of Cali- limited.
fornia, a member of the California The bridge tournament will begin
Development board, and vice presi- the second week of the new semester.
dent of the National Municipal lea- The Board of Directors of the Iuion
gue. lie is a director of the Call- voted at the last meeting to relax the
'ornia circuit of the Asociated Press, card rule insofar as it applies to
and a member of the American News- playing in the tournament, alone.
paper Publishers' association. Those men who are not competing in
tournament matches will be under the
RashMovi Venureban as usaial.
The bowling tournament, which was
Costly To Germany postponed soon after the Christmas
vacation until the beginning of the
second semester, will still be open
BERLIN, Jan. 20.-Costly invest- for qualifiers during the first week
meit of German government capital in of the second semester. The tourna-
movie ventures now recognized as ment proper will begin at the start

Law, Which Was Defeated, Demands
Life Imprisonment After
Fourth Felony
Upholding the negative of the prop-
osition "Resolved, that the principles
of the Baumes law of New York
be enacted into law in the other
states" because first they are not a
solution to the crime problem, sec-
ond they have not solved the crime
situation into New York state, and
third because they will not prove a
remedy for the needs of the other
states, Northwestern's debate team
defeated the Michigan affirmative in
a Central league debate last night in
Hill auditorium.
Samuel Givens, Julian Lambert and
John Doesburg composed the North-
western team which was awarded the
decision by Prof. L. H. Norvelle, of
the department of speech of the Uni-
versity of Indiana. Jar A. Andeer,
'29, Orm'and J. Drake, Spec. Ed. and
William C. Bishop, '28, were the
Michigan representatives.
Traces Crime History'
Andeer opened the debate by trac-
ing the history of crime and describ-
ing the steps taken by New York to
meet the situation. He then spoke
of the Baumes laws which were the
result of the appointment of a New
York State Crime commission.

This section of the laws provides
that the penalty for conviction for
a fourth felony shall be life impris-
onment and m-akes the sentence
mandatory upon the judge. It was
his belief that there must be some-
thing wrong with the man who will
willfully commit a fourth felony
when the penalty for that offense is
life imprisonment.
Drake devoted his speech to the
statement of statistics to prove that
the Baumes laws has actually worked
in practice and for that reason should
be adopted.
Opposes Principle
The second negative speaker. Lam-
bert, objected to the Baumes laws be-
cause they were based upon the "fal-
lacious principle," that severity is a
deterrent to crime. He further de-
clared that the Baumes laws were too
In concluding the affirmative case,
Biship declared, "It isn't the degree{
or the amount of the crime; it is the
will to commit crime that is im-
The construction speeches were
brought to a close by Doesburg, the
Northwestern third speaker, who of-
fered another group of statistics to
prove that the Baumes laws had not
succeeded in the accomplishment of
a marked- lessening of crime in New
A luncheon in honor of the North-
western team was served at the Union
immediately after the debate.
Prof. Robert T. Crane, of the polit-
ical science department, left yesterday
for New York city where he will at-
tend a meeting of the Social Science
Research council today. He will re-.
turn to Ann Arbor early next week.
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, also of the
political science department, will at-
tend a meeting of the American Coun-
cil of Learned Societies in Washington,
D.C., ]lext Friday, Jan. 27. He will
also attend the general meeting of the'
Social Science council in Washington
on Saturday, Jan. 28.

The debate was very closely con-
tested with the Michigan team gain-
ing the advantage in a group of very
exceptional refutation speeches. The
fact that the Michigan negative con-
fined their case to but one of the:
Baumes laws also was a determining
factor in the decision.
The Ohio State team opened the de-
bate by supporting the entire group of
Baumes laws. The negative team
agreed with them in all except one
instance which was that of the habit-
ual criminal provision. Upon this
single provision they built their en-
tire case in objection.
Thomas, in opening the case for
Ohio State declared the Baumes laws
had been designed to alleviate the
slowness of procedure and that they
had succeeded in quickly bringing
the criminal to the bar of justice.
Savage Open Case
Savage, in opening the case for
Michigan, agreed to all of the affirma-
tive case with the exception of the
fourth offense clause. He declared
that the negative was in opposition
to this section because it was too
rigid and based on principles that
are intrinsically wrong.
Moyer devoted his speech to show-
ing that the Baumes laws were made
unworkable by this particular sec-
tion which is the principle of the
entire code. "It can't, be enforced
because juries refuse to convict and
because attorneys and judges evade
the law by getting the defendant to
plead guilty to some misdemeanor.
A new system of handhing crim-
inals which would avoid all of the
evils that the negative had pointed
out in Baunres laws was explained
by Franseth in the third negative
speech. He suggested a flexible sys
tem where in thme judge could pro-
vide a penalty to fit the crime.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-The ad-
ministration's policy toward Nicar-
agua was vigorously defended today
in the Senate by a Democratic stal-
wart, Bruce of Maryland.
Repling to a demand of Senator
Dill, of Washington, also a Democrat,
that American marines be withdrawn
from the Central American republic
the Marylander declared that the only
people in this country who oppose the
administration's course were "ex-
treme pacificsts and radicals."
This aroused Senator Dill who ac-
cused Bruce of classifying him as a
radical, but the latter entered a dis-
claimer explaining what he had said
was that as far as he knew "every
radical in this country" was opposed
to the government policy.
(By Associated Press)

Team Ignores All Phases Of Law But
Criminal Clause; Refutation
Outstanding Feature
(Special To The Daily)
COLUMBUS, Jan. 20.-Michigan de-
feated Ohio State in a very evenly
matched intercollegiate debate here
tonight, featured by outstanding refu-
tation speeches.
Richard T. Savage, '30L, Elliott H
Moyer, '30L, and Paul Franseth, '29,
composed the Michigan team. They
were opposed by John R. Thomas,
George Marshall and Brooks McCaf-
fey 'for Ohio State. Prof. Adelbert
Lean of Wooster college, Wooster,
Ohio, judged the contest.
One Argument Used

(By Associated Press)
HAVANA, Jan. 20- The United
States delegation to the Pan-Ameri-
can congress will interpose no diffi-
culties to an open and frank dis-
cussion of American policy in the
Caribbean and in Latin-America gen-
It was said authoritatively today
that should other participating coun-
tries urge such a review the United
States mission is quite ready to say
to the assembled representatives of
the 20 Latin-American republics that
Washington feels there is nothing to
hide, nothing to regret in this gov-
ernment's stand in that connection.
In the absence of request for such
a debate, however-and so far no
actual indication exists that any dele-
gation will bring the matter up-
American representatives will main-
tain their present policy of going to
the limit in accommodating proposals
and wishes emanating from other
missions while avoiding any appear-
ance of desiring to exert preponder-
ant influence in conferences and de-
It was pointed out, however, by the



Exposing James' I culpability in the James sent a man who was known
death of his mother, Mary, Queen of to be a murder of his father, Lord
Scots, in the light of recent researches Darnley, to plead for his mother's'
in original manuscripts, Dr. Robert life. He did nothing to stop the trial
S. Rait, professor of Scottish history of Mary and admitted that he wanted
and royal histriographer of Scotland, the world to know how badly his
reviewed the finds which he has made mother had acted. A second ambass-
in the Warrender papers before a ador, Keith, was sent with the first,
large audience yesterday afternoon in Douglas, with instructions to plead
the Natural Science auditorium. for Mary's life, but if she was to be
Dr. Rait began his lecture with a executed, to arrange that there should
brief account of the early relations be nothing in her accusation whichj
between Queen Mary and her son, would jeopardize James' chance of

failures was revealed today when
Chancellor Marx had to gobefore the
Reichstag and explain just how and
where several million marks, repre-
senting unauthorized expenditures of
subordinate official funds were ex-
pend ed.
Te chancellor admitted the reck-
less ventures were conducted without
his authority orknowledge by Dr.
Otto Gessler, minister of defense, with
an eye to bolstering German patriot-j
ism. le said he had discovered theI
hopelessness of the enterprise only
after huge amounts of the ministry's
emergency fund had been devoted to
financing the "Phoebus" film concern
which is now merged with the
"Amelka" in an effort to create a
second large German film group.
eN x- a T" A 1"I""IA TT A !"Y

Citing as an example of nt e s~ rngn g 1 , g --- ----
of public opinion, the 48 hour split of having no newspapers they had no WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-Illinois
the Austrio-Hungarian empire which knowledge of what was happening. seems destined to have only one-half
-tAmong the men with whom he was of its constitutional representation in
had existed eight centuries as a uion, travelling were a body of soldiers and the United States Senate during the
Prof. Francis S. Onderdonk of the sailors released with the capture of present Congress unless Frank L.
iarchitecturial school last night ad- the Austrian navy who were now on set Cogs uness Frnked-
dressed the January Paren't-Teachers their way back to their own little ,Smith resigns or mandamus proceed-
meeting at Platt and told of his many countries to form armies and govern- ings are brought to compel the secre-
experiences in Austria during the late ments there. tary of state to provide for the elec-
war. "Since the war there have grown tion of a senator.
Professor Onderdonk had the unique up in Austria and throughout Europe Governor Len Small's announce-
experience of being selected though two religious and politicial parties," ment today that he would refuse to
a citizen of an enemy country to aid Dr. Onderdonk pointed out. One recognize the action of the Senate
one of the professors under whom he group is the Inter-nationalists. They yesterday in declaring Smith's seat
was studying at the University of favor a United States of the World, vacant means that Illinois will have
Vienna in the rebuilding of the city indorse the League of Nations, and only one senator at least until 'De-
.--- ----..t. -, - - , 4,-nm,,n 1929 . unls an election is

of the second week.

hf+; r > ] t th l.strnle flags being displayed but j



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