PTJNDAY, MAY 27, 1928 i l HE MICHIGAN DAILY WWI mom SUNDAY, MAY 27, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY YEARLINB THINfCLADS TAKE TH1RD PLACE IN ANNuIAl Al I .fONFFPfNIfTIRAUK MFFT (Mich l;elir 4Wi ) , Second1; Sol- taflec, 1"S feet, 6 iNces aya ([11), third; Kinith (Wis), Mile relay- wonll1,vlh'nois, ifourth;i MiIJ)1and~t. (Wis) , fifth, JDis- n ett, Andrews, I I 3!IsmiII Ohlio SatSecond, Mainnesota, third; kL7ASSIFIE diana, fifth, Time 'M-AVERISp BUICK 1927 twordoor s e(an, perfect. condition, $800. Dial 5061. 180 E~SSEX coach, 1926, just overhauled, F everything good. Dial 5661. 180 1.41 Ilt1V~lIL" IM..1. V$.iJIB L11L 11110 i And Buager Yearling's fiiisli T~o Aheaid (W Ioyt in in Big .elt (Tdo Telegrapi e rngageluent, ((n) %00K WINS QUARTER MILE Spear ;After going' through their dual tele- Peristy graphic meet schedule without a sin- (Min gle defeat, Michigan's freshman track Iluggef team was forced to saccept a third in ti20fo the all-Conference held Thursday Burkh: when Illinois and Wisconsin finished Sentm first and second with 68 3-5 and 46# fourth; 1-5 paints respectively, whil1e the fo)urth; Hloytment collected 41 13-30 points. (Minn) Indiana was fourth with 36 14-30, Broa, Ohio State fifth 'with 27 5-6, Minne- (Wig); sota sixth with 18, and Purdue seventh Broclr with one. The three remaining Con- mafth ference schools, Iowa, Northwestern, ig and Chicago did not enter teams in Cooh the meet. tiedp. Cook of Michigan took the quarter tid f in :49.6, a fraction of a second ahead tied to of Fazakes and' Shaw. of Ohio State 1teo who tied fort second. In addition' to Pole Cook's first in the quarter, Michigan Fiie won the discus, tied for first in the LMun OO0, took seconds in broad jump, high, Jump,' pole vault; third in the 220; feet fourth in the 100, 880, two mile, lowvBre hurdles, shot, hammer, and relay;' fifth j ale in the 880, low hurdles, n aei. Ithird;I ~flh~r ~and javelin. T.L Uiytrr .raa ines.l' 3,.I JL gfu ! i I Ed\G9.. . (Wis), fifth. Time 4:32.2. mile run - Won by Steele4 Leas (Ind), second; Wickson third; Groehn (Mic'h), fourth; (Minn), fifth. Time 9:51.3. yard high hurdles- Won by in (Ill); Gage (Ill), second; y (111), third; Henderson, fourth; McClure (Ohio) At (Mich), and Hatfield (Ind), )r fifth. Time :15.5. yard low hurdles-Won by~ tart (Ill); Cave (1ll), second; tan (Ill), third; Potter, (Mich), i;Hatfield. (Ind), Sewlk '\Minn), i;Hatfield (I), S ea r Is, ), tied for fifth. Time :24.6. d jump- Won by Babington Harrell (Mich), second; :neyer, (Minn), third; Bertle-C (III) fourth; Kisling (Ohio) Distance-22 feet, 5 1-2 inches.1 1jump-Won by Beecher, (Ind) ; (Mich) ; and Meyers (Min), or second; Kemp, (Wis) fourth; on and Martenez (Purdue), r fifth. Heigt-6 feet, 1-2 inch. (Mich), second; Mounce, (Ill) ; vault-Won by Mantz (Ohio) ; (Wis), and Brockmeyer, ), tied for third. Height- 12 45-3 inches. put- Won by Behr (Wis) ; ti. (Ohio), second; Smith (Wis),1 Marshall (Mich), fourth; Fal- 111), fifth.. Distance, 46 feet,4I 11 LET'S (GO CANOEING~ N O4111IE TYPING-Thelses a specialty, Rea- sonable rates. M. V. IHartsuff. Dial .9337. C--77-1,50 l IT'S NOT TO.,-,AT c c I I I I TO7LED[O :MEN-A general iusura'ace agencey of your vity h ,.ts two permia- IIC~lt positions iin sales department. $125.00 to start. Box 53. 180 - F1OR RENT D)ESIRABLEO single room in Girls' League House. Olen-half block from campus. 725 h~aven Ave. .177-S-9 FOR RENT--Large double room, one single, and garage. Girls or young couple preferred. Dial 95i44 or 9714. 422 E. Washington. 178-9-0 FORH RENT-Apartmeint, 4 rooms with p~rivate bathI; heat and water fur- nished. C all (ai'ly mornings or evenings. D)ial 7339. 179 80 o have your dress or s it E ERGINE leaned and pressed for £ e orial Day WA NTED) WANTED-Telegr'aphl editor for nig;ht work on Summer Daily. 177-S-J-0 WANTED-Couple want a job in fra- ternity beginning first semester. Fraternity best reference's or city references. Daily, Box 48. 174-5-6-7-8-9 WANTED-Students to know that our home laundry methods give your clothes personal attention. Aloe Laundry, 204 N. Main. Dial 3916. C WANTED--Cook in sorority house be- ginning next fall. Apply Michigan Daily, Box No. 49. 176-7-8-9-0 WANTED-Good canoe by June 9. Write Clare Kafer, Palmyra, Michl., giving full description. 177-8-9 COLORED couple want work a~s cook and porter in (non-Jewish) frater- nity house four next September. Ex- perienced and clean. Refierences., Write box No. 51. 178-t1-0 WANTED-Student wva nted for board job now, and through summer school. Call, Mac, 21405. 1st SUMMER work; adIvaced student: valuable business experience; spleni- did opportunity. Educators' A'sso- ciation, 2111 Wooidward Ave., De- troit, Miclli. 180 WANTED A 1928 MICHIGANSEAN Call Amter, 6581. 140 LOST One Day Service onSut Any Time You '",shi We Specialize in Silky Pleatedl nd .P lain Dresses Energine' Cleanin is what we c-If. i Odor less cleaning is what we do. Service and sa.tis"act in i our foremost aim. Mten's Suits' Energine 'Cleansed and Prlessed by us means inside seams and cuffs thctroughly brushed and buttons and minor repairs done. SUITlE o o ms~Oi5; lprivat ehomy,; no other roomers; mL'riie(I coupli pre-' ferred. Garage. Phone 7303~, 11011 White St. 179-80 FOR RENT-One 4-room iurnished a pIratment. Electric ref; igerator, heat andl hot water furnished. Phone 3403. 180 FOR RENTP--Extra fine suzite of rooms, 819 South State. Phone 8837 or 7943. 180 FURNISHED) four-rooln apartment, shower and electric refrigeration. Avaf lable June 1. Diail 3869 or <3403. -180 FOR SALE 100 yard dash-Tie for first, Jones, Jvlntrw o y Hoe (Wis.); Miller, (Ind.); Tolani, (Mich); (Javin tDhbrry-(Mnn), Hoerd tie fo fort, Cve Il); urryToole (Ohio), and Weaver, (Wis), (Mich); Davidson, Altschul, (Wis), tiedl for third; Andrea (Mich) fifth. 220 yard "dash- Won by Krause' Distance, 170 feet, 11 inches. (1ll); Dickinson (Ill), second; Tolan, Hammer throw- Won by Williams' (Mich), third; Leffler (Ill), 'Cave (Wis) ; Grace (Ohio), second; Jans- foIll) Fazakimes (O2hio2'8 State), 'tied for dlen (Ill), third; Patton (Mich), fourh. Tme :1.8.fourth; Hills (Ill), fifth. Distance - 440 yard dash -- Won by Cook 1"7 feet, 1 inch. (Mich); Kazakes and Shaw (Ohio Discus throw -i Won by Brooks State) tied for secon ; Kelly (Ill), fouirth; Bertlesman 11l), firth. Trime ZURICH, Swit.-Walter H-agen es- #49.6. tablished a new record for the Zurich 880 yard run - Won by Starrett, 9-hole course when he went around (Ill); Andrews (1ll), second; Fruin in 30 and 29 in an exhibition match (1ll),£ third; Benson (Mich), fourth; recently. Mueller (Mich), fifth. Time 1:58.- One mile run - Won by Leas (Ind) ; PARIS.Norman E.-Broks Austral- Steele (lad), second; Wicksonl ian lawn tennis player, has been a- (Wis), thisd; Cassady (Wis), fourth; warded the Legion of Honor by the -f, sFrench republic for his work in pro- Frneand Australia in Athlctios. FORMPRES T PRESSING FRATERNITY and rooming d~. T.. Albro, 106 East M~hono 5800. liou'ses. Huron, LOST-Blrack Duofold fouintain pen on State between Williams and Cath- erine. Leave at this offlce. 178-9 c Como a ny 4 PHONE 4191 I !A9 S. 4th Ave. FOR SALE-Double dleck bed and mlattresses, single bed, double bed, sanitary couch and double desk. Dial 8544 or 9714. 422 L~. Washing- ton. 178-9-0~ FOR SALE-Slightly used portable Columbia, for $20. Catll 6764. Ed- wvin E. Matthews, 334 E. Jefferson street. 180 FOR SALE-Dental equipment. and supplies of the late Dr. C. S. Chad- wick, Jackson, Mich. For sale cheap. For information, write or call Mrs. C. S. Chadwick, R. F. D. No. 6, or Mr. Dennis Berry, dmin- istrator, 300 Otsego Ave. Tel. 4297-A. 180 LOST-Heavy sterling fraternity ring. Crest set in rectangular black onyx. Reward offered. Call 4718, or ad- dress b~ox 50: 178-9 LOST-Zeta Psi piny Gall 5717. 178-9 LOST-A gold pin, dragon shraped. with tiny ruby eyes.. Finder kindly return to Elizabeth Estes, 1127 E. Ann or phone 4800. Reward offered. 179-80 LOST-Mexican-silver bracelet. Finder please call 8817. 179-80 LOST-Pair of glasses hr brown letath- er case. Corner of Williams and Division Sts. Reward. Return to, Michigan Daily, ;Box 52. 180 "The Home of n e r t r .ea C. H. SCHROEN _ . . . R~ereshing Grape Flavor, U ( . f 1 ' spring . are, c w r r r -er-. i Openings for a few more members in the STAR TOUR have occurred. This is a Personally Con- ducted Tour where second class rail, gtood ' hotels, auto and carriage trips, admissions to gal1~ies and museums, services of guides and transportation of baggage is included. 60 DAYS - ONLY $;635 Nine countries visited. Leave June 9 or 23. Local people already booked. Sightseeing, Automobile Tours and Meals w begin the first day at Montreal, where three meals are included.. The nett day, five hours at Quebec, then Liverpool, Chester, London ftre days, , russels, Vague, Amsterdam, Ssteaiaer AoJ wn the Rhine, Wiesbaden, ileidel- berg, Lucerne, Interlakeli, 1Montreux, Zurich, Munich, Salzburg, Vienna, Nuremberg, Leipzig, Dresden, Berlin, Cologne, Paris five days, then to Montreal or Ncw York. Italy ' may be included if desired. This is an ideal tour, being ably conducted, affording comfortable accommnodations and especially congenial surroundings at a nin- imum cost/ Better, hotels and more private rides than usual. In this Escorted1 Group, travel is accomplished without responsibility. -List of hotels and folders by applying to a ~Phone 6412 r. Agent for All Steamship Lines to Europe, .Orient,' Up the Lakes, Tours to Yellowstone, New York, etc. "Over 1,000 Tours to Choose J.'orn" 0 E. G. KUEBLER STEAMSHIP AGENCY 601 E. Huron St..- Ann Arbor On MondaL .1, May 28th and Tu~mesday, 1 /Iy a 29th, Only r /O 11 Drink more Ann Arbor Dairy, Pasteurized 11 11 Mil k- fits a health- building delicious beverage and 6 real food! On All Haberdashery and Furnishings III A STORE WIDE SALE i iv I T I J 'IC & ANN ARBOR I II U W U - U W