PAG!1 ~WO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 27, 1928. WILL PICK SPEAKERS FOR LECTURE SERIES Prof. O'Neill Plans New Debating Class Pi 'A J im~, M O'Neill, of the (IC- I PartflWflt of 5l)CeCh, had complete(i ar- XVith~ tt~ic selection c~ tue more rangements for a new course iii ad- prominent men end women from vanced (lebatin g, to 1)0 offered to selected students next semester, it whom the sieakers on the Oratorical was announe~'MI yesterday at the oflice~ lecture series program for next year ci the department. The course, which xviii be chosen, letters have been sent ~vi1 1 appear ~s number SI in the cata- to those chosen to find out suitable logue, will 1)e (levoted mainly to prep- date;s for their ~p pearances, according arations for intercollegiate debates. to Robert Gessner, '29, new president rfhe course will be open to 1)0th men of the Oratorical ~w;sociation. Ab~it ari:l women. All students who have one and one-hja;If dozen names have successfully completed course 34 will been selected and it is expected that be allowed to elect it .and an olen the eight most suitable of these will tryout will be held (luring the first or be scheduled for local appearance dur- second week of the fall semester for ing next year. those who h~ave not taken course 34 A group of faculty men has been but who are anxious to try out for the chosen to meet with~ the selectioni com- 1 Varsity debating team. A limited mittee of the association which in-' number of those trying out will be ad- eludes Lawrence Wjaikley, '30, Marg- mitted to the course, according to aret Lyons, '29, and Gessner. The Professor O'Neill. faculty men are Prot. Gail B. Dens- more, Prof. James M. O'Neill, and Carl Brandt, all of the speech depart- mont. Among the more prominent men and TIM McCOY women who are being considered for next yeja1r are General Jan Smuts, Boor war hero, William Beebe, world- "LAW OF THE RANGE" famous scienti'st and author, Ruth Draper, dramatists and reader, Lew (rrlle I{Id'% (lever) Starret, poet and author, Buigene rI~ILur~GRE1lA GARBo O'Neill, playwright and author of note, Graham MacNamee, famous radio an- in The Divine Woman" nouncer, E. H. Sothern, famous This Ad ivitli 1~ Cents Shakespearian actor, iand others prom- inent in the public eye Michigan Graduates Who Live in Detroit WE WANT a few college graduAtes to represent one of the largest financial institutions in the world. You would be connected with an organization made up to a great extent of college men and supervised ENTIRELY BY COLLEGE GRADUATES WE WOULD be willing to pay a small salary to start and your -future earnings and advancements would depend entirely upon your own efforts. I... I- VARSITY INN CHOP SUEY CAFE 512 East Williams Come Here for Your SUNDAY DINNER Chinese or American Dishes Special 1 0 Per Cent Discount Given to Fraternity STATE HIGHWAY AND I ANN ARD ROAD THU a S S CLOT E Ready-made And Cut to Order a S a ESTABLiSHED ENGLISH UNIVERSITY STYLES, TAILORED OVER YOUTHFUL CHARTS SOLELY FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES. I S S S S p S m t~ti~ a S p S S S p a a SuIts '40, 545, ~5O Topcoats a a S a S S I)AWSO~ BROS.' l)IWG STORE CLASSIFIED ADS PAY a- a- a a a- a- a- I a. -a ~ BY SPECIAUAPPOIIIJTMENT OUR STORE IS THE a S S S OF ANN ARBOR BEFORE ACCEPTING any communicate with us and sition to you. other position i~ Detroit, let us explain our propo- The character of the suits and topcoats tailored by Charter House will earn your most sincere liking J. F. Wuertli Co: S U a 4*~ a a -S a- a- a Edwards & Baker General Agents Aetna Life Ins. Co. p S S a a a a - A. FIEGEL, Prop. Manhattan Shirts and Knox Flats 221 7 First National Bank Bldg. Detroit Subscribe For the Weekly .r A~ ~4:4~ 'S. Picture Have The You Waited Fur STA Il/fl NG TOi)AY 7 V W~ V V W'1~ ~ V V V ~V 'V 'V \~"''V "q andiEdwin C&ewe presen* elealitgitKlacksotrs }'roiii OUt the pages ~ American Love Classic rojuajice-Ilia iiiollai, I lie lox it Iple : ~ !ess;iitsl i'o, lies' husband ; niid Felipe, her brother! ~YOa thact Z..~ ~ * etter ~ not~0hati 'ne~'. ~ Si ka4 e~ 1?~tOdO4, ak h ~ Put ~~bai~Ozi8e ~iI aT~ '4 .~ and t1~at i~ ~ c~Oiata ..~. . .. ~, Sef1or~~ta A' ~eje~iI~ ~ iz~ ? ~he w0~'1Cd co Yj~fl .~> I ~ ...*~ .9. K . ~ v.... A ~ . . . ..... ~.. // ~. ............ ..*.*.. ~.. l~')arncr B~I-et' 4 I{olan4 Iircw * '] and Wiclzael Visaroff ~ ~ - T~1 ~1O N ____ k ~. k' ~ __ ~.. ~Zx. ~a...' ZN.. ~tZ~N. .~ ~ N 4~tb ~. 4'. Millions have read the book! Millions will live the romance on the screen! See "Ramona"! Dream with her! Thrill with her! Love with her! It's adorable Dolores at her best! A UNITED ARTISTS PICTURE A MICIIIGA N THEATRE STAGE PI~ESENTATION-- Geo. Choos offers CARRIE & EDDY "A PETITE REVUE" liii *i1 ii Ii 11IL'DQmK'D mAVT (~D I'll I I