THE It TCHTC sAN MA I N 5.iArTTPnAV sTa " 1Ma\.T-is t!-CAN rSL wft11tYYCYSrv3 I ____________________________________________________**~,a~. A ....L'SJ A*~C~ I I Li DAILY OFFICIA.L BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received< by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p.m. (11:30 ajm., Saturdaty.) iteglstratioii-Field Courses In Geology and G~eographiy Students, who'have received permission to enroll in the courses given at the Geological and Geographical Field Station in southern Kentucky, should register at the Recorder's Office or Graduate School, in the ease of gradulate students, and pay their fees at once. Other students planning to attend the Station should consult with. the instructors in charge cif the courses before registering and paying fees. (G. II. Ehlers, Director. Final Eximini oll inlRhetoric It: I Stuidents will report to their instr-uct ors Saturday, June 2, at 2pm, , cording to IjI3 followirngschedules: Mre. iir ideirRoora 102-1 A.H. !Jr. _Alc1ahon, Room 102:1 All. 1Ir. Proctor, Room. 25 A.11. Mrt. Schenk, Room 231 A.H. AIr. Solve, Roon#f 231 A.H. M r. Stevens, Room 2235 A. :fr. Vander Lugt, Room 35 A.IJ. M r. Wells, Room 1035 A. 1I. Mr. Abbot, Rom 22 _25 Ai.1.1 Mr. Bader, Re-om 25 A. M1r. Binkley, Room 103wA)l Mlr. Bo)uwsmai, Room 200'3 A.Tl. _l1r. Conran,. Roomn) 25A. AIr. Dornnelly, Room 25 A.. Mlr. Gaitcs,R~o 20231 A.H1. arC:- ,;. May iNumbier 179.1 . I (Commencemnent Hoinor Guiard: Seniors who have been appointed to act as honor guard and color lwarers Tor Gomm'encement are reque'sted to meet Dr. May at Watermain Gymnasium t atesare laviked. The pvincipa u -dress will be deliveredI ley Prof. .. Brutmn. Please lmke reservationls phonling 74164. R1. N. Alici avI. I teolog'y 12:): -Field C mrse in Swit, eim iK-elt uicy: All students who have elected hae lanned to elect Geology 12 should be presen!t forIlan importai n i ~ Cth e c l s n RoU n"5t , ' li v e r s i t y M u i s e u m s B u i l d i ng1: 0 p m . c T e d v C~. 3r.,fllers. a4 -rinlty Inspiection R ep ort: Reports on faeitinscti~isare now ready in the Off'ice of the Dean Students, and may becai-lld4fr 1by .in officer of each house. / VF. B. Walir, Assistant Dean. rinrs Of the Smmer S, ;sioln FrI-illies: f3;' nks for the Faclty Dirreakfas. t. will urged to be present at this meeting. be helId Monday, May 24, in Newberry Hall, at 4 o'clock, All Senifor n onuiA are uirgedl to come. Educai ion Seniors: ElN(,11gh-1,N; -t. Announcements and Invitations wi~1he (distributed Saturday June 2. SDistribution will- be made in Tappan Hall. After these dlates the commiitte. Il u1,lieraiti Students: wil] not be respo. -sible for their delivery. Earl A. kelly, President..The Lutheran Student clurb banquet Women"4 Research Viub: for- seniors and graduates will, be held 0 Will meet Monday, May 28, at oo 216NtrlcinetsSudyvnng Mi 7,:3 p~m. inRoo. 21.6NatralScinceo'clock, at. Zion Parish Hall; 309 F..k Buildicg. Dr. Margaret Armstrong wvi~il'speak on "Recent Development in eseial enoan rda Faith P. Hladley, Secretary. I$knts, f His ll iL acuity 3'Schlool of Education: A regular meeting of the Faculty of 1the School of Education will be held n Mlonday, June 4, at 4:15 o'cloeck in Room 101) Tappan Hall. C. 0. D)aik, Secrete try. 7nEie Sess v,1DIon hours of19Rgi4Estraftion: 1or the College of iteratulre, Science, anml the Arts, in the Recorder':i lhe Univ :.rsiitylh a ll, .Lutiie 21 and 22, 9 to1 12 a.m., and 2 to 4 p.m,; June 23 id25 9 to> 12 :i. in., and 2 to 5 p. mn. Thereafter 10 to 12 a.m., dlaily. 1"crthu cC olleg es of Eng;ineerinig andt Architectur-e, in 'West Engineering, wdgJune 21, 22, 23, and 25,'S to 12 o'clock and 2 to 5 p.'im. For the MFe-dical School, in the West Medical Buil1ding, June 21, 22, 23, id 25-, 9 to 12, and .2 to 4 pa. P, 'r t ho College of Phliarmnaey, in the Chemistry and Pharmacy Building, din(, 21, 22, 2:1, an~d 2 5, 9 to 12 o'clock and 2 to 5 p.m. For the, Schoiol of Education, including Hygiene and Public Health, Physi- .0 Ediucatior, Public Health Nursing, andl Athletic Coaching And. Admini's- ation], in Thppa1n Ha, June 21, 22, 23, and 25, 9 to 12 a.m., and,2 to 4 p.m. For the Law School, in the Law Building, June' 15, 16, and 18,. 9 to 12 nin., and 2 to 4 p.m. FWor thle Sch1ool of B3usiness Admtiistration, in Tappan Htall, Junie 21, 22, and 25, 9 to 12 a.m., land 2 to 4 p.m. For they GraduatOe Schoo], in Angell H all, June 21, 22, 23, and 25, 9, to 12r n., and 2 to 4 p.m.., Edward It. Krans. Mrl. C. W. L -omis, representing the Bemis Tiro. Bag, Co., will be in Roomt 2' M1ichliga:' U'nion, on Monday, May 28 from 10 to 12 a.m., and 1:30 to u n., to interview students wh1o are interested in a permanent position with S Com1panyIV. J. A. Dursley. M1j1:r ;zll;a.n:.Ai. E. S. Braimble, MTanager of the'E. S. Bramble Agency of. Michigiao.,1 ]1 be in D~oom 403 Michigan Unln', on Saturday, Mtay,26, to interview ucdents who ax; e residents of Mica igan in regard t6°' summer em-t oyment. Cail RIoom 403 for .appointment. J. A. Bursicy. t F'rench and Spat~isiiExams: General exams, in French and Span- ish of the first two years will be held June 7, a.m., as follow's: Spanish 1, Room 25 A.H., Bartley..I Spanish 2 N.S. And., Lincoln, Higgins, Farrell,. Eddy, Lcp4a n. Spanish 311 hnrd Spanish. 32, Physics W. Lect.1 rocim,' del Toro, Graham, Mercado. 1 French 1 and :French 31, 231 A.H., Be- ment, Napoli, Evans. French 2, 8 o'clock sections,' 2003 A.H., Pinean. French 2 all other sections Alum. M. Hall, W. Gallery, Pargment,; Sewell, Resweber~, DesMarais. French .12, 205 M.H., Cloppet, Finney. French 3,, 8 o'clock and all p.m. sections, 1025 A.H., Dow, Patterson). French 32, all other sections, Newberry Hall, Bnirs- ley, Michaud. French 111, 216A.H., i. IJ Hootkins, French 112, 2225 A.H., Her-- mlan, Koella. Students having conflicts between their French and Spanish exams tak~e their Spanish exams at the regular time, according to the exam 'schedule, and come for special exams in French Monlday, June1 4, p.m., 2-5 o'clock, Room 200 S.W. 1 The Print and Book Shop Books - the most personal and' per- manent gifts. Their suitability as gifts. for all occasions is unequaled. Special display of books f or gradu- ation gifts. T * . , I ) 11 j " LAST TIME S TODAY FRED 0%& m ll wlmv- IUMOlim 521 EAST JEFFERSON STREET PtONEUSI I)The famous western star as ature a fearless scout who braves )OWBOY d'anger to pilots pioneers over trackless wastes that they ovelties may build great common- News wealths in the' paradise be- yond the Rockies. l.l..~ll./I1./ll1.~~~..~lO~l. ..A. . 1J11.. .1. J1 .J.'lJaJ A1EJ Laugh Fey HOLD 'EM, C tA SHOES. £ Philip F. Bursley. For Decoration Day UIT.versity of Michigan 'Varsity- Band: -Formation this afternoon at 1:4i o'clock at Morris Hall. Full uniform. Gorden ii'. Packer, Drum Major. ..__ 1 IIIIII11liIIHIl hIIIIIIIIE~lf III ) TAHIEI SUIT OF STYLE ckers to Match if Jle ii'ed t rout $15 u1 139South I,1iversllty Cleed Iand Pressed, $1.00 1tetOnyAll Work Glmrante _I XA rrr. rir. rrrrrrrrrr. rrrrerrr,.r rrit. .r, rrrrrrrrrrrr. .rr ., fA,, j! Q Good Food Prompt Service i I I i ! ' 'I I 1 I i i i t //4 Y t #[E k i 1* I 1* Have Your Sunday Dinner. at the Chubb House Dinner Served from, 12 Noon to 8 in the Evening 1 WOMEN'S Patent Leather Front-strap with Fashionette Bu ck le; trimmed with Brocada Kid. Cut - out design on Vamp and Quarter. Patent covered C u ba u 1heel. jyidilis ioi' Womnen AA. 1o EE MN1Ih'S Smoke Elk Sport Oxford. Black or Tan. Calf- skin Tip and Quarter. Gro- Cord Sport Sole and Heel. Blrown Eyelets., You need smart, good looking shoes to wear on the holiday. The new, Kinney Shoes for men and women are just what you want for every purpose- dress, travel, sports- for work or play. All Next, Week-Starting Sunday Piercing! Pntaig Poignant! AVOLPH ZUKOR The answer to r_"BEAu ESTE" WITH ,. GARY COOPER EVELYN DRE14T NOAN BEERY 4 WILLAM POLL £7Qramount (iicture 5 i I'L Call for Reservations Earl y M Lunch'l State Street Subscribe to THE MICHIGAN WEEKLY IVidlis for Men A-B3-C-1) CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS CHUBB HOUSE jr q cc ll- ---mw al k. fdMt yT Rfl (T""If. A G L c AWAi mr 209 SOUTH STATE STREET' 117 SOUTHI MAIN J",,. .rr"~s",l~4".d..ell.,i"1..I~.I.1,l./. "Jl.,O1./,l..I" l..I,/;l../. ",./".1.. ..I/,/.l./1.l A SQUARE DEAL ALWAYS AT a